65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient i

avatar for FTS
This is depressing if it’s true. Apparently Detroit is particularly abysmal.



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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
People have been saying stuff like this for decades.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Thank goodness the honeys have the pole to fall back on
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
...and luckily men in the lower half always have a place at Ohio State.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
It is true. They waste tax payer money on raiding strip clubs, among other bullshit, and meanwhile the school system fucking sucks. We definitely got our priorities straight.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Ricky Dugan and Juice went to public school and they both turned out okay.

San Jose Guy was home schooled.

Need I say more.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
What are the percentages for strippers at 8th grade reading and math levels?
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
If majority of students aren't proficient in something, that would seem to imply that majority of students would flunk 8th grade, or at least repeat 8th grade English and Math. Then again, "proficient" may be performance at a C level, whereas D is minimum required to pass.
Another possibility would be that a certain number of students cheat on tests, and thus pass without really knowing what they're doing. When faced with a test with no "crib notes" is when the wheels start coming off. The nearly ~ 2/3 not proficient in English and/or Math wouldn't surprise me in inner city schools, or certain "backward" states, but I find that nationwide percentage to be an alarming statistic.
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
The percentage of proficient students in Detroit is only 5%. I think that’s a good indication that the strip club business in Detroit ain’t goin’ nowheres.
avatar for Spillthebeans
7 years ago
So teachers are striking for more money, yet look at what their work is producing. Another impact is "smart devices make for dumb people".
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
^^ maybe if teachers made a living wage, the profession would attract competent teachers.

BTW, what does abysmal mean?
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
>Ricky Dugan and Juice went to public school and they both turned out okay.<

@shailynn as per your post earlier in this thread define okay .
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Why would you expect inner city students to be less proficient?
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Half of Michigan students are below average.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Progressive teachers, who care moire about raping the taxpayer, are the cause of this. More important to the left to use schools for social engineering. If there were no failures who would form the base of the Democratic party?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Sadly - the teachers are protected by unions - so even the worst ones have protection. Older teachers can become huge cogs - as many are fearful of computers and they view calculators as new technology.

The system is built to maintain middle of the road students.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
Did flagooner even bother to read the article ? Second paragraph states "The results are far worse for students enrolled in some urban districts." Flag, do you not understand the difference between urban, suburban, and rural ? Check out the differences between schools in downtown "DC" and Baltimore vs suburban schools in Fairfax County VA and Montgomery County MD, then get back with me.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
No I didn't bother to read the article.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
In any event, why do you think there is such a discrepancy?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ disparity not discrepancy

Not autocorrect, that was my fuckup.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
And I didn't grow up in the inner city
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Even though our public high school is ranked in the top 10% in Massachusetts, the larger, private, Catholic High School that charges 18k a year has a waiting list; a tough entrance exam and 10% jewish students; because its simply better than the public schools.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Direct result of the break down in the family unit. Generations of kids having kids being raised by women. Holy shit! Now the teachers have to compete with social media and an ever shortening attention span.

Laws and government welfare programs encourage the breakup of families. Why should a mother stay with her grumpy exhausted husband when she can divorce, take half his shit, get child support and latch on the government teet?

Plus, guess what, young dudes are picking up on what a con job getting married is. Fewer and fewer are getting married.
avatar for woodstock
7 years ago
Wow. So, according to the article title, that's 4 out of 5 who are not proficient in math!
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Not taking that bait. It's too obvious.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^Ill take the bait and ask the question.
@woodstock just out of curiosity what math discipline shows 67% as 4 out of five. Did you go to school in Detroit?
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
^^ haha! I guess it’s the math discipline that omitted 2 / 3 from their number line! Cuz they are scared of 666....!
avatar for woodstock
7 years ago
Hey @25, just trying to add some levity to a sad topic -- the current state of education in America.

Of course, that also helps explain why dancers in Detroit miscount dances...
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
If you know someone who teaches in the public schools, you should thank them. They are doing a hard job, and they get few thanks.

School is a tough environment and it never has worked well for that many people.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Hey, I agree with something SJG wrote. I'm marking it in my calendar.

Teachers do have a very difficult job and get very little support from most administrations and parents.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
And the charter school system is a hoax, narrowing the curriculum down to test preparation, under paying teachers and relying on computer drilling machines.

San Jose's Mayor Sam Liccardo supports Rocketship Schools, because they promise to close the "Achievement Gap", and you can know that no child of his would ever be sent to such a school.

avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
"...and luckily men in the lower half always have a place at Ohio State."

@ wow you have lots of accounts Realrandumbdougstermember AKA Josh43, still stinging that I busted you huh pussy?
It must really sting that someone with an "inferior education" *according to you* outed your "superior genius" *again according to you* plan to troll Dougster and TUSCL.

You had quit posting as randumb and posted only as realdougster until I pointed it out and now you've stopped posting as rd and back to your randumb moniker. Great work Einstein, you have us all fooled. Lol
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