The cost of xyz was "reasonable"

avatar for rickdugan
From now on, I am automatically going to vote NO on any review that includes a statement like this. It makes the whole review suspect as the cost of dances/drinks/etc. is one of the few things that is tough to fake without actually being there. Also, anyone who cannot provide basic intel on things like cover and drink prices is going to have a much higher hurdle to clear before I vote yes.

I agree with founder and others that the review quality is improving, but I also wonder if the sophistication of some of the fakes is also improving. Fwiw I intend to try to make it just a little harder for the better fakes to make it in.


last comment
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Totally agree. These days I scroll through the review before even reading. If it's a short review and I don't see any numbers then I already know they haven't listed any kind of prices and reject it.

I'm upset that shitty reviews are still getting through. Like this one:…

Folks, reviews like that one should be getting down voted every single time.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
But if each of the previous 10 reviews tell you the cover charge, drink prices, and dance prices, what is the value added to just repeating it again?

Demanding that all reviews have this objective info will drive reviewers to just copy/paste.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
^Agreed. Even if review lacks price/setup info, if it provides decent intel on girls and what's available it's getting a yes vote from me.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I don’t blame founder for putting the reviews on us but the whole thing has been a downer. I used to breeze past the lazy reviews when I was just reading reviews. Now, as I’m trying to decide whether approve, I’m often thinking “Put some fucking effort into your review. You’re getting a month free, you lazy bastard”.

I’m going more in TFP’s direction of scanning for prices. Not that price info makes a review good or bad by itself but if they can’t bother to say anything about cover or the cost of lap dances, I’m thinking either they weren’t in the club or they are too lazy to deserve a free month. But I also see Flag’s point. If they don’t mention any pricing, the review might still have useful info. I’m ok without price info but tell me something else about the club that is useful.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Flag posted: --->"But if each of the previous 10 reviews tell you the cover charge, drink prices, and dance prices, what is the value added to just repeating it again?"

I hear what you're saying, but very few clubs are reviewed so frequently that a confirmation isn't useful. In many of these clubs, prices can be a moving target based upon time of day, whims of management, discretion of the dancers, etc.,etc.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Is it ok if I include the price of of whiskey or whatever interests me? For my last visit I forget to check on the price of beer or bottled water. Is that going to ding me?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
IMO our votes shouldn't determine if the review gets posted, it should only determine if the reviewer gets VIP for a month.

All reviews should get posted, and those that get the thumbs up should be highlighted as member approved.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Flagooner that's true but really, how long does it take to put: paid the x amount cover and entered. Got a dance which was x amount. Dancer tried to upsell me to VIP for x amount but I declined? Like Rick said, it's hard to fake prices and that lets me know you've actually been there.

I've had trips to the club where I didn't buy a single dance, despite wanting one. I'd imagine that at the least, you're gonna find out what the prices are before deciding if it's worth it or not. That was exactly the case with my review of Roaring 20s in SF. Only bought one drink and didnt get a single dance. Yet I was able to give decent intel on prices (insane!) and VIP room sizes and dance prices.

You don't have to go down the entire list of prices. But of all things, there should be at least a mention of paying a cover price, since everyone has to enter the club. Or mention using a coupon or printed coupon from the website for a discount.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Flag posted: --->"IMO our votes shouldn't determine if the review gets posted, it should only determine if the reviewer gets VIP for a month. "

Opinions will differ. I disagree. If all of the reviews that we have collectively rejected made it on there anyway, it wouldn't solve the problem of the board being loaded with shit from people just trying to score VIP. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who will gladly keep shoveling shit against the wall just to see what sticks for VIP. Reading what is still making it through, I think it's fair to say that the bar is not being set so high that we have to worry about a lot of legit reviews being rejected.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ true, but they wouldn't get VIP (which would encourage them to write better reviews if that is their goal) and the bad reviews would be easy to bypass if they aren't flagged as member approved. Hell, that could be a VIP perk. You could have a setting that would allow those to be hidden.

I see this as an improvement with no downside.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
^Except that more shill ads would make it through because club management writes their crap to promote their clubs, not for VIP credit.

We would also lose the ability to filter out explicit discussions of dancer p4p services. I voted "no" on two this morning that read like TER reviews, with no details regarding the club, costs, etc., yet each provided explicit information about one particular dancer anf the services that she provided. I haven't seen them posted, so I'm guessing that 2 other people also voted no on each. Now that TER and BP are closed, do you really want the refugees from those sites to start pumping this place full of the same stuff?
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
The prices alone aren't important but it is easy to confirm. Also "prices were "average". " is bs too. I do think a review can still be worthwhile w/o mentioning prices though. As long as enough reviews confirm every so often.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I choose not to vote either way when extras and explicit language are mentioned.
avatar for founder
7 years ago
I love this thread
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ "Now that TER and BP are closed, do you really want the refugees from those sites to start pumping this place full of the same stuff?"

Good point. I wouldn't want that.

But I'm opposed to censorship, so I'm not a fan of being a censor either. I would feel hypocritical.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
I voted no on a review earlier today because, as Dugan stated, it was nothing but explicit details and it even went as far as mentioning the dancer’s name. It was almost like the dancer herself may have written that review.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
"but really, how long does it take to put: paid the x amount cover and entered. Got a dance which was x amount. Dancer tried to upsell me to VIP for x amount but I declined? Like Rick said, it's hard to fake prices and that lets me know you've actually been there."

I'm all for people speaking up about what they find valuable in reviews, but would stop short of saying there is right and wrong information to include in a review for all reviews. If a review is a bad review, usually a lack of price structure is not its biggest problem. I was recently in a town that gave receipts for just about everything, including the drinks in the strip clubs, so had the unusual chance to look over a bunch of receipts club by club and see what I spent on drinks.

Off the top of my head, the only drink price I remember clearly is a $16 red bull and vodka because it way way more expensive than other drinks I'd gotten at the clubs in the area. But they brought the whole can of red bull and used non-cheap vodka, so it made sense once I saw what the bartender had done. On the other hand, there are clubs that are obvious duds and I'm only there long enough to figure out I don't want to be there. I'm not going to take the time to get all the details on a club I wouldn't recommend to anyone. That's time I could be spending at a better club.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
^ Wall, I think the "higher hurdle" I mentioned above would include a description of something so bad that it drove you out before you could learn more. That's useful intel all on its own.

But on the flip side, in most cases a pop-in review is about as useful as no review at all. I don't like to stay too long at a bad place either, but I try to give it enough time to be fair. Now I can understand it a little more with reviews of clubs in foreign countries, where safety and language barrier issues are heightened, but her in the good ol' US of A I struggle to wrap my arms around a generic review based upon a 10 minute visit.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Dugan I disagree with most of your bullshit, but on this point I agree if a reviewer can’t be bothered to add a few details that would prove they actually clubbed at the place the are reviewing I have been down voting them also.
I a.m. opposed to censorship but maybe it isn’t a bad idea to allow those that aren’t obviously shill posts to access VIP in an effort to help improve their skills, what should be done is maybe allow a probationary approval vote with the requirement that the next review by the same poster require 6 as opposed to 3 yes votes and be submitted in 21 days as opposed to the four weeks free VIP, that shouldn’t be difficult to implement. And might encourage some future members to up their game.
I think more posters makes the site better.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Wallanon good points. When I skim reviews for prices it's usually because the first paragraph starts off vague and boring and I don't want to read the whole review at that point.

My finding is that when not a single price is mentioned, the review is usually mostly worthless. Not always, but a lot of the time. The few meaningful reviews without prices talk about everything else I want in reviews and these keep my attention. They mention the nationalities of the women. Are they mostly thin, thick, enhanced? What kind of contact is allowed. Do they have a communal VIP section or private one on one rooms.....yada yada yada.

And in your case Wallanon if the club sucks just say why. Your reviews are excellent. But some guys just say something like: the girls were lame so I bailed. What good is that? How hard is it to say, the dances were all air dances. Or the girls weren't attractive. Something, anything.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I just down-voted 2 completely useless, garbage reviews. Almost like some people are trolling the new review publishing process. Overall though i think the average review quality is slightly better.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^^^ Excellent points @flagooner. In fact, they are brilliant.

It is amusing how big headed some people are getting now that @founder has bestowed on them a little power.

It's like:
" If you don't write everything that I require in a review to be deemed adequate I will not only vote no but do my best to influence everyone else to have the same demands that I have."
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
It’s silly to reject a review because it doesn’t have price information. In the first place, that information is probably already available in dozens of other reviews. Second, I usually forget the exact prices a few days later when I do a review. So I tend to provide generalities like the prices seemed reasonable because that’s all I remember. Third, I’m just not particularly price sensitive and it doesn’t really matter to me unless the prices are particularly insane. Fourth, other factors (like the quality of the women, and the mileage available) are far more important.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@flagooner I agree wholeheartedly about the review nazis, even though I agree with der Fehrer RickiBoi, about showing some proof that they actually went to the club, I’d never trust that fucker with any responsibility, good thing he can’t 86 a review on his own.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
19 times out of 20, a review that lacks pricing details also provides generic information about the dancers on duty. Except of course for the reviews that are designed to shill for one specific dancer, but then that is the only dancer that gets much coverage.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Strip clubs are a lot more choose-your-own-adventure than I think a lot of people give them credit for. If I have been tipping the door girl for the past 6 months and she lets me in free, I just won't know the admission fee, and it would be awkward to ask her how much other guys are paying.

On the other hand, I might have info that could be a lot more helpful than a random dude's thorough report of all dollar amounts and I could be able to drop a few words to the wise that may be difficult to obtain otherwise.

When I'm looking for a club, it doesn't matter all that much if a beer is $2.50 or $5.75, but I would like to know if I can walk in, make eye contact with a dancer, put my arm around her waist at the bar and put my hand on her stomach to claim her without being shot when some dumbass walks up and tries to talk to her before I'm done. Likewise, whether it's a make-it-rain club.

If some guy with bad breath got the upsell talk, hearing about that is less useful than the basic setup info, imo.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25, haven't you been embarrassed enough for one day? I would have thought that you'd be licking your wounds after that shameful performance in the other thread. It doesn't matter how many screen names you troll me with, you're never going to be able to replace the Dougster character. Say what we might about his Asperger's issues, whoever was doing that obviously had an IQ several points above yours. Some of his stuff came off as clever, but your stuff just lacks any snap and just comes off as ankle biting and small. ;)

As far as your comment though, I actually agree that no one person should have the power to veto a review as we each have our own biases. IMHO requiring 3 votes to turn a review away is a good balance.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
You are really a glutton for punishment after being fully repudiated by me and many members of the board, as well as founder, you constantly troll me because I gobsmacked you soundly every time you took a swipe at me, just because I chose not to reply to an idiot that thinks he knows everything about every subject under the sun,doesn't mean anything you want to debate subjects that are above your level of intelligence, and I really don't have the patience to argue with such a low IQ inbred moron, such as your self.
Why don't you slither back under the rock you were hiding under for the past few days, and lie in the mud and muck below, with the rest of the lower life forms.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I like it that your balls are washed, Rick!

I have had a fetish about that since the first time I went to a golf course.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Classic. When 25 is overmatched, which happens to him quite often as he's not terribly bright, he clutches for his "I'm part of the herd, they all love me and not you, really they do..." port in the storm position. I'm just waiting for his follow-up clutch for group acceptance, which will be something like "And has anyone met this guy anyway?" ;)

I can only imagine sitting next this this d-bag in a club, cigar smoke driving away the strippers and, when that fails, his whiny nasally voice and creepy attitude no doubt finish the job.

Wait a I starting to troll a troll now? LOLOLOL (oops - sorry 25, I stole your ending with that one) :)
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Wah Wah RickiBoi I gobsmacked you again I guess it’s really not your fault, the syphillis has affected your brain bigly. That’s the real LOL motherfucker !
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Classic. When 25 is overmatched

Dammit, passed over again. What does a guy have to do to get some ghey on this website?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Flagooner ia being a contrarian on purpose b/c he likes to stir the pot for amusement sake
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ That sounds awfully juvenile.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Many of us on the board are seasoned TUSCLers and for the most part info may be repetitive for *us* but we're probably a small % of all the eyes on TUSCL - i.e. IMO a review should be written from the POV of.someone that does not know anything about the club.

If emphasis is not placed on prices then half the reviewers will kick the can diwn the road "because it's been covered in previous reviews" so a reader may have to read 5 or 10 reviews to get basic imfo (price, etc).
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ anybody that wants an accurate representation would need to read several reviews anyway.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
A review can have worthwhile info w/o giving prices and I'd most-likely approve it but I still think prices should be given for those totally unfamiliar with the club - but as has been posted, often times reviews lacking price info also lack anything good
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
But that info is already available in the club profile. What is the value add to regurgitating it?

This is taken from the Diamond Dolls profile:

11:30am-2am Mon-Sat, 1pm-2am Sun
Bottle Service
Cigar Bar
Topless Lap Dances
Nude Lap Dances
Private Lap Dance Rooms
Couple Friendly
VIP Room
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I guess my point is that a person can only provide a review based on what he/she experiences.

I don't see why we wouldn't want a story about their experience. To me, that usually paints a better picture of what the club is like.

If you think the review is fake, vote it down.
If you think it provides no value, vote it down.

I'm just saying my idea of what constitutes value obviously differs from yours. Fine. Just don't try to tell me what criteria I should use when evaluating the reviews.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
VIP was $$$. Huh?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Lap dances at Diamond Dolls are $25 not $10
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Then have that part of the profile edited. Duh
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Why would you expect reviews to be more accurate especially when you are screening a review for a club you aren't familiar with.

That or remove the club profile altogether if it isn't useful.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
I don’t have any set criteria judging a review. I would like price info (cause the profile info can often be out of date, it would be good to include in every review), but if not included I will still vote yes if it appears to be an honest and accurate report. For instance, I voted yes on the below review of Diamond Dolls Pompano because it is, based on my experience, an accurate snapshot (though some might think it’s a club ad):

APRIL 29, 2018
I’m just a wide eyed country boy, but wow, this place is something else. Banging hotties everywhere, most were modified to some extent. Most were Cuban. The dances are expensive but every one was worth it. I’d probably pass on the table dances next time. If this place were in my hometown I’d be in trouble. This club is more about the action in the booths than the stage show, but I’m not complaining. Awesome time, and I will be back....
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
If the reviewer doesn’t provide the basic info - so that a reader can get a basic feel for the club - then I don’t approve the review.

In my view - reviews are for the reader - and not the reviewer.

So, I don’t care if you think Trixie’s tits are too fake looking - or that Bubbles acted bitchy towards you. I want to see if there’s parking nearby, if there’s a cover, if it’s a gentleman’s club or if it’s a brothel that serves beer.

I don’t care that you think you are the F. Scott Fitzgerald of club reviews - I want facts (and filth)...
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
@Flagooner - You seem to be confused on the purpose of a review. Someone else's experience will always be subjective, but a meaningful review presents objective observations as well as personal opinions.

Think about movie reviews: Siskel & Ebert didn't spend 100% of their time talking/writing about a scene they liked without describing the basics: plot, characters, is the film a drama or comedy, etc. That's what makes a review meaningful to other readers. You can disagree, it's a free country and you're entitled to be wrong.

Going back to the OP, Ihave to disagree with @RickDugan about details for drink prices, since I consider that a secondary (at best) factor in considering clubs. At most, I'll sometimes note if drink prices are abnormally high (e.g. most Detroit clubs) or if there's a drink hustle/premium for dancer drinks.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Nude Lap Dances

What fagboner said. I'm in!

> Most were Cuban. The dances are expensive but every one was worth it.

Oh man, if I could tell you about this one Cubana... I will never forget her.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
@WillMunny - you seem to be a moron.

If a club is reviewed only a couple times a year there may be value in providing this objective data. What would be better would be to just update the profile with accurate data. That is visible with every review.

For clubs that are reviewed every couple of days, there is no value added to just providing the same info that was provided in the previous review.

I'm entitled to be wrong, but I am not in this case.

You are entitled to be an idiot, and if your post is any indication, you are one.

Please answer this question:

If dance prices, cover charge, club layout, drink prices, parking, hours of operation, ... don't change over time what is the benefit of requiring a reviewer to include them in every review instead of just updating the profile with that info?

Nobody has provided a counter to that.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
@Flagooner: I'm not going ro be goaded inro a flame war by someone who apparently doesn't read or comprehend reasoned arguments from others.

The primary and most current information on clubs on this site is provided by reviews, not the profiles. Updating the profile information is cumbersome, at best. Amongst other shortcomings, the profile info doesn't account for variations in time of day/day of week or specials (e.g. half-price Mondays @Bogarts, discount Thursdays @ COI clubs). It's far more efficient to describe these sorts of things in a narrative review.

I'll give a concrete example:
A certain club has topless dances for one price point, full nude for another. The price structure would be in the profile info, but it would not be clear without a review explaining it that the topless dances occur on open benches in a semi-private area, whereas the nude dances happen in a fully private room (which for whatever reason isn't referred to as "VIP" by the club so may not show in the profile accordingly).

More to the point, I did not ever say *every* review has to include *every* detail, what I and others have been advocating (and you seem inexplicably opposed to) is providing at least the basic information as part of a review in a way that is meaningful for others.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> I'm not going ro be goaded inro a flame war by someone who apparently doesn't read or comprehend reasoned arguments from others.

You're both pretty, boys!

> Updating the profile information is cumbersome, at best.

It's almost as bad as treading the minefield of cattiness to get a review approved!

> is providing at least the basic information as part of a review in a way that is meaningful for others.

The basic information is "is she hot/kind/other, and will she sit by me"

The rest is just details. Maybe we could make up a name for it and call it Club Details.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Here's a compromise...

How about starting every review with the redundant shit that doesn't change?

That way the next reviewer, if they are already VIP can save time/effort and just copy that for their review before adding info of value.

That or revamp the profile section to make it useful.
Or scrap the profile altogether if it is inaccurate and cumbersome.
avatar for Asor619
7 years ago
Everything in reviews is fictional anyways. It’s up to the readers to decipher to be enticed to go check out the club reviews. It will take a sampling of reviews for me to go visit a club. Not one. So with no pricing in a review don’t bother me by any means. If I can get a read on the club vibe, gal vibe, lap dance vibe is all I care about. There’s enough pricing with the sampling to figure it out.
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I don't reject reviews purely on the basis that they don't cover costs. But, I like to see costs in there. It's not only about price sensitivity, its about knowing what I'm walking into. If I'm at a club where dances are $20 and the dancer says $30, I may be more than willing to pay $30, but I'd be a fuck of a lot happier if I knew they were $20 and I was dealing with a ROB. I could move on quickly.

The point that costs are included in other reviews is silly to me. As others said, they often change in a lot of clubs. A lot of clubs have happy hour, or specials on days of the week, etc. Some clubs have girls who charge more. Often times the info in the club profile is wrong, or misleading/incomplete. As in the Diamond Dolls example, they do have $10 dances, but they aren't "Lap" dances. They also have the 3-4-$100 room and $25 individual dances, and even a champagne room who's pricing apparently varies depending on the manager on duty, time of day, alignment of mercury, etc.

That said, if a review covers other things with reasonable detail I'll still vote yes. My thinking is the reviewer has to provide something detailed. Maybe he rambles on about the parking situation for 2 paragraphs, or details the cover situation where they scan ID's, or details the paperwork required to pay for a room with a credit card. I may not care about that particular item, but I want to see something that someone might find useful for me to vote yes. I often just abstain from voting for middling reviews about clubs I don't know about.
avatar for dancewdcpa
7 years ago
Well said saved me from typing virtually the same thought.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
A local SoFlo club (Showgirls) that I hit from time to time, up to recently had 2-for-1 all day every Tuesday - not common for SoFlo and I probably would have never known if it was not mentioned in *one* review (and most dancers probably won't tell you and I would've paid $25/song as it is the SoFlo M.O.) - and I probably would have not known if I would have missed that *particular* review.

Also - my last-time in ATL - I hit Strokers in Clarkston - club is $10 dances but $5 all day/night on Mondays - only remember one review mentioning that o/w I would have not known and would have been paying $10/song instead of $5 on that Mo eve visit.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
Reviewing SCs should be similar to an Amazon Vine Program review. Most of the information you provide should be objective. Sprinkle some subjective information and your final thoughts and call it a day. Don't give me those one paragraph comments about the place
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
^Actually lolruned, some of what you call objective others might call subjective, like dancer ratings, the bouncer attitudes and other elements requiring judgment.

More important though, I disagree wholeheartedly with the notion that reviews should contain primarily objective data points, especially when the review is brimming with a lot of useless "objective" minutiae, like whether there were paper towels in the dispenser in the bathroom, while painfully lacking in anything experiential about the visit.

I voted no on 2 of your reviews recently, which I only realized today were yours. The first because it was so identical to another one that I thought it was a duplicate. The second was one posted yesterday, which made it through anyway, because I was tired of reading the same template comments over and over, which you have obviously saved for continued re-use, subject to tweaking of course.

I could have written those reviews with a five minute walkthrough of the club, or maybe less if previous reviewers had provided good information, which is why I asked you if you actually interacted with any dancers. Were there attitudes good? Were any of them ROBs? Did some give better LDs than others? Was one so charming that you couldn't tear away? Did anything unusual (good or bad) happen while you were there? Etc., etc., etc. That is the good stuff.

I started this thread using the lack of cost information as the stalking horse, but as I said before, 19 out of 20 that include a generic statement about cost are also generic about specific experiences. At least you manage to make it into the doorway and buy a drink, which is something, but honestly I find that template format to be only marginally more helpful than the generic crap reviews I was railing about to begin with.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
IMO a review should cover the club basics/details, and also one's personal experience - both provide useful info
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Rick, thanks for the additional recommendations as to what constitutes good intel for a review. These threads are great.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
"The second was one posted yesterday, which made it through anyway, because I was tired of reading the same template comments over and over, which you have obviously saved for continued re-use, subject to tweaking of course."

I follow a template and from my own experience in the professional world of reviewing things, that's how it's usually done. Some things change and some things don't. I think it's important to be able to track these things for an audience to get an understanding how consistent a SC is.

"I could have written those reviews with a five minute walkthrough of the club, or maybe less if previous reviewers had provided good information, which is why I asked you if you actually interacted with any dancers.Were there attitudes good? Were any of them ROBs? Did some give better LDs than others? Was one so charming that you couldn't tear away? Did anything unusual (good or bad) happen while you were there? Etc., etc., etc. That is the good stuff."

I take way more than 5 minutes to write a review. I note dancer's attitudes so perhaps you should read a bit more carefully.

"I started this thread using the lack of cost information as the stalking horse, but as I said before, 19 out of 20 that include a generic statement about cost are also generic about specific experiences. At least you manage to make it into the doorway and buy a drink, which is something, but honestly I find that template format to be only marginally more helpful than the generic crap reviews I was railing about to begin with."

Then perhaps you aren't the audience someone such as myself would be looking for. I am glad that you called yourself out, essentially
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
Looks like you're trying to find yourself another whipping boy so I'll let what you said slide this time. I did give you the benefit of the doubt in the past because I did find some of what you had to say a bit insightful
avatar for 623
7 years ago
If having numbers in a review is a primary criteria then that filtering could be done programatically by founder in minutes. The length of a review - ditto, along with dozens of other “criteria”,

For me, a short review with even one important and factual detail is useful. Sometimes ultra useful, as in “I was in the club only a couple minutes when a bouncer type walked up to me and growled that I buy something or get the fuck out, of course I complied and won’t be back”. That review would and should get posted everytime, I’ll use the reviewers history as a guage of truthfulness.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
@623- The one flaw in your last sentence is that unpublished reviews are "de-identified" , meaning that you don't see authors name, profile, or any other background. So VIP member makes yea or nay without regard to author's background.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
Yes I know, and irritates me. Why does founder keep reducing the amount of info avail on the site?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
That is an interesting idea - regarding the anonymous view we see (of unpublished reviews). I think it’s good that we aren’t swayed by the users name.

It might be helpful to know who’s posting we are reading. But I think Founder is trying to keep us from any preconceived bias we might have.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
Cashman- but if we had more generic info about the reviewer like date first signed up and/or number of reviews we could gauge the reviewers experience level and maybe even target the comment more to the point. Maybe even suggest to a brand new reviewer how to write better reviews, etc.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
623 - I understand the premise - and I agree with your point. You aren’t saying to put user names on reviews - but a few items to provide a view of the user’s tenure, number of reviews, etc. That’s a good idea.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
The lack of info in the unpublished reviews has been discussed b/f and we're all in agreement there should be some basic info for context like day and time of visit, # of dancers, and maybe the reviewer's TUSCL history, w/o giving the reviewer's name as to not bias the publishing
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@Papi, aren’t the visit date/time and number of dancers part of the review that isn’t visible when being reviewed by others?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ that's what i was saying - that it's not currently visible in the unpublished reviews but should be to tive the review better-context
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I down voted a review this morning that seemed to be written by a female for a club in Georgia, the main reason I down voted it she said the club was AMAZE-BALLS, that is a phrase I never want to hear in connection with a strip club.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
Sounds pretty intolerant to down vote a review for one word (or does amaze-balls count as two words?).
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@Papi: I agree. It would be very useful information to know.
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