Flight Attendants
Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
I pretty much only fly through Delta, AA, or JetBlue.
But can I just say that out of the three preferred airlines, I swear Delta has the most attractive attendants working for them? Guys and girls.
I don't encounter them on every single flight I take, but I swear I see them more often than on AA or Jetblue. I could picture some of the female attendants being dancers on their off time.
Is this on purpose? Does Delta purposely select MILFs/DILFs/Girl-Next-Doors/Long-Tan-Handsome/etc etc for the image of their business or is it all just coincedence?
But can I just say that out of the three preferred airlines, I swear Delta has the most attractive attendants working for them? Guys and girls.
I don't encounter them on every single flight I take, but I swear I see them more often than on AA or Jetblue. I could picture some of the female attendants being dancers on their off time.
Is this on purpose? Does Delta purposely select MILFs/DILFs/Girl-Next-Doors/Long-Tan-Handsome/etc etc for the image of their business or is it all just coincedence?
Now if we are talking global scale Emirates has the hottest !
I don’t know where they even fly to but I might just get on a flight just to jerk off to one of them !
Times have changed. When I started in 1967 being a stewardess was a glamorous job and was filled by a lot of young good looking women. Back then I would say that PSA was the top contender for best looking stewardesses.
Now the emphasis is on safety, diversity, "me too" and seniority. No mores shacking up with rich pilots on layovers.
Of the domestic carriers, Virgin America had the hottest ones, but a bunch were let go after the acquisition by Alaska a few years ago.
Nice collection of vintage photos in that link. But very modest outfits by today's standards.
I'm hoping for an airline that features spandex yoga pants for its female flight attendants.
In the past, it was more young women, and good looking women at that. I think they worked the job for a few years, and moved on. Now, it has become a career, and that seems to be why there are many older women working. It seems like an unpleasant job at best.
However, recent studies are showing very serious long-term health risks associated with flying careers, including increased solar radiation and inhalation of recycled air contaminted with oils and other toxins.
With that said, if you are looking for the better looking flight attendants in the United States, try the routes served by the smaller jets (Embraers, CRJ's). Lower seniority flight attendants typically get stuck on these flights, while the higher seniority attendants are on the mainline routes and international flights. A guy at work's 70 year old aunt still works as a flight attendant for American Airlines. She is so high up the seniority list that she only has to do one trip to Japan per week.
She was really pleasant to talk to and we were chatting for a while. She starts telling me how she used to be a flight attendant. I found it hard to believe - couldn't imagine her pushing a cart up and down the aisle with an ass that big, but she showed me pictures in her uniform and even one in the cockpit of what was obviously a commercial airliner.
I've been to this bar a few times before and know it as a serious extras place. The more I looked at her, my mind began to focus less on the conversation and more on taking her upstairs to the very private lap dance area. It was literally the first time I ever felt seriously turned on by a "large" woman.
She was going on about her stripper career since leaving the airline business, while I'm busy trying to figure out the logistics of being with a woman of that size. I knew it would have to be in a way that I could see her pretty face the whole time. She says something about being from NYC and clubs are still closed there and she's trying New Jersey for the first time this week, blah, blah...
Then she said something that snapped me back to reality. She had recently tried working at an "underground" place in New York that began operating while the shut-down was still in effect, but she left after only two nights. "Oh yeah, why's that?" I asked. She says, "Well, the girls there were all blowing and fucking customers, and I don't do that stuff."
WTF? I'm sitting there processing what she just said when she excuses herself to go to the ladies room. "I'll be right back, sweetie," she says. So I smile and say "Great, I'll order more drinks for us." As soon as she was out of sight, I bolted straight out the door. I'm pretty sure by the time she returned I was in my car and half a mile away.
Fortunately they haven’t assembled a strippers union! That would suck! Imagine that? 60 year olds - barely able to hoist themselves up on stage - asking to be tipped with cans of Ensure or Geritol...
I actually know a couple places like that, even without a stripper-union. Lol
Positions with many International Airlines are highly competitive and desirable. Most do screen by looks but often the flight attendants must also be multi-lingual, well educated and unmarried. The best airlines have strict policies on age for hiring and for aging out of a job.
As stated by others, US domestic airlines have to subject themselves to EEO government regulations and worse still the Unions. I don’t really care if the flight attendants are attractive or not but I have a real problem with age, weight and physical condition. The number one job of a flight attendant is “safety” and the reality is that a 70 year old woman is not appropriate for that responsibility. And the same goes for the obese. I once flew a domestic flight with a male flight attendant who was so obese that he had to squeeze himself down the aisle. That is not who I want in charge of evacuating the aircraft in the event of an emergency.
I will say that I have seen a few very attractive women working for Delta but one thing I have noticed that kind of perturbs me is another safety issue. When boarding and until after takeoff the attendants are wearing high heeled shoes. They then change to flats during flight and then back again to high heels before landing. This seems to be ass-backwards. The most critical phases of a flight are takeoff and landing, and that’s when an emergency evacuation is most likely. I wouldn’t think high heeled shoes would be better than wearing flats at such a time but what the fuck do I know, I’ve never been a cross dresser. So for all you passengers out there, stop taking off your shoes until after you’re safely airborne, you may thank me some day.
Thanks for the link, sc. I doubt that any airline could match the 1 time Modern Air charter flight from West Berlin to Paris on Father's Day 1970. As a special addition to the regulatory required cabin crew, some topless showgirls were added to go about the cabin serving drinks. Sorry, no link, but I have pic in a certain airliner history book.
Correction to above post- the hostesses (actually showgirls) on charter flights weren't topless, but wore transparent bodices.