10 Amazing Lap Dance Etiquette Tips for Maximum Fun

avatar for Jetblack
When you’re getting a strip club lap dance and you’re not sure what to do, you’ve probably got a lot of ideas and thoughts going through your head.
“What should I do with my hands?”
“Am I allowed to touch her?”
“Can you touch strippers? Should I ask her if I can touch her?”
This article will help you better understand lap dance etiquette.
What is Appropriate During a Strip Club Lap Dance?
Lap dance etiquette and touching policy are hotly debated issues among not only strip club enthusiasts, but even gentlemen’s club owners and staff.
It’s important to know that every club will have its own general policy with regard to how much you can touch the girls. Also its important to know that each girl will have her own policy, and that is the most important policy there is.
You can know what to expect coming into a strip club, and from there you’ll be able to sense the specific rules regarding lap dances from the girls and the hosts.
Can I Touch Strippers Freely?
The short answer is no. The longer answer is that strippers will allow you to do more with them depending on several factors, which you may or may not know.
This includes how friendly you are to them, how much money you have to spend, how respectful you are, and how presentable you are. This last point refers mostly to hygiene and grooming, and not to how attractive you are.
In short, you can touch strippers during a private dance if you have a general understanding of lap dance etiquette. And if you’re truly smooth, you can do a bit more than just touch. Your experience will ultimately depend on you.

Should I Ask Permission?
It’s always a good idea to ask permission before you begin touching your lap dance provider. This opens up the girl to be friendly and feel comfortable around you. She’ll respect your candor. Also its just the best way to do business now.
If for some reason asking upfront just seems like doing too much, make a small move and begin touching a safe area (hips, waist, thigh) and ask, “Is this okay?”
Go slowly if you choose to pursue this strategy. I still prefer asking permission before advancing, as it’s the lap dance etiquette standard.
The Gentlemen’s Guide to Lap Dance Etiquette
Lap Dances should be a blast, but without knowledge of lap dance etiquette you won’t know what rules you can bend, and which never to break.
I’ve had over 150 conversations with strippers in 15 states including some of the most famous clubs in the country. I’ve boiled down their comments, complaints, and suggestions to give you the ten of the most important pieces of etiquette.
Here are my lap dance etiquette essentials.
 The No-Brainers: These rules always, always apply. They should be obvious, but just in case…
1.) No Kissing
Do not ever try to kiss a girl for whatever reason, anywhere. While reading through interviews of things strippers have been through, a shocking number of them have stated that a lot of guys during lap dances will try to kiss them.
Why would you ever do this? Would you ever want strangers randomly kissing on you? Touching is a maybe if you get the girl’s permission, and she will let you know, but for the love of God don’t kiss the dancers. This comes in as the #1 lap dance etiquette rule, and basically is here to prevent you from getting kicked out.
2.) Tip Don’t Take
I can’t believe I have to mention this one, but never try to steal money from the girl. Some guys whether it’s through pure stupidity or having too many alcoholic beverages, think they can steal from the girls and get away with it. It’s more common than you might think, especially during lap dances when things are up front and close.
Guys will try to sneakily take back some of the money they’ve put in a girl’s waistband, bra or money that fell on the floor. Most of the time, the girls will notice and if they do, you’re in for a rough night. You’re stealing from her and she works hard for that money. Don’t think a stripper won’t chase you down in high heels. Also girls talk. You’ll be branded a thief before the end of the night. If it’s a nice club they’ll just ignore you. If it isn’t they’ll plot revenge (I’ve heard stories, its not pretty).
3.) Don’t Haggle Over Prices
You should know what you want and know the price of dances at the strip club before you approach a girl. If you don’t know then you should respectfully ask, and then either accept the price or move on.
Dancers said repeatedly that on a slow night guys are more likely to try to talk them down on prices. Most said they would never do it, some said they would, but would be slow to start, quick to finish, and be less likely to tolerate any touching whatsoever.
Just so you know, an average lap dance is $20 per song across America. A standard tip for a single song length dance is $5-10. More generosity than that is always appreciated.
It’s best if you have money in hand when you’re approaching a girl and asking her for a lap dance. If she says no, move on to another girl or wait for a girl to come to you. As long as you look presentable, the dancers will usually approach you and ask if you’d like a lap dance.

The More Subtle Arts: These aren’t hard and fast rules, but these are great suggestions, and they work much more than they don’t.
4.) Check your Scent
This is so simple, it almost belongs in the first category. Make sure you’re wearing deodorant and cologne.
Just because you can’t typically smell your own stench doesn’t mean people around you can’t. Your smell carries a lot further than you think it does and if you stink, the dancer’s definitely going to smell it. Even worse, they’re going to tell the rest of the dancers about the smelly guy and make sure they avoid doing a dance for him.
Give her something amazing to smell. She will be all the more inclined to lean in or make mention of it. You may even get a tasteful lick.

5.) More Charm = More Touching
Don’t insult the dancers if they deny you or tell you something you don’t want to hear. It’s very common for dancers to deny a male’s request and then the male can become irate and angry. Booze never helps this problem either.
Guys have been known to hurl obscene insults at the dancers for things refused during a lap dance: calling them unattractive, insulting their weight, ethnicity, or anything else they can think of. You should never be the guy doing this.
No one likes a conservative lap dance, but if you feel a girl is being too tight to you, then simply move on to the next. Every dancer has their own set of rules as do the clubs. If you ask permission for something and get denied, there’s never a reason to get visibly upset.
Much of what strippers initially say before a lap dance is shtick, but a little bit of charm and interest in her backstory can go a long way when things get down to business. Work your magic not your meanness.
6.) Less Attitude, More Gratitude
Drop the cocky attitude. Girls see two main kinds of guys in strip clubs. The first guy they see are the average every day guys who are terrified of talking to half-naked beautiful girls. They’re there to comfort them and put them at ease so they’re more comfortable during a lap dance. Strippers help these guys enjoy the experience, and not have a panic attack.
The second type of guy that strippers see are the showboat guys filled with raging testosterone. They come in throwing money around acting like they’re the hottest things in the room. This behavior will usually be accompanied by extravagant lies about their lineage and status (and also bad lap dance etiquette).
It’s not attractive and it won’t make the girl want to sleep with you or do anything else with you. A stripper can see through the act faster than most girls, and can identify a real baller from a fake one quite easily. It’s her job to do so. She’ll always prefer to stick to her customers that don’t act like idiots.
7.) Forge a Connection
Remember that these girls aren’t just sexual objects. Some are insanely attractive, yes. They’re beautiful and they make money by grinding on you, dry humping you, and putting their hands on you.
It could surprise you that a lot of strippers in interviews have said that men look at them like they’re nothing, especially during a lap dance. Remember that these girls are mothers and daughters. They have family, they have a life outside of the club, and this is simply a job for them. Try to treat them with the same respect that you want them to treat you with.
You can also take advantage of this when you want to get closer to a particular dancer. Get to know her a bit more, and be sincere about it. Ask her about where she’s from, what her hobbies are, and other light questions. Don’t be too prying or ask anything personal. And never say anything to insinuate that you look down on her or her profession.

8.) But Don’t Catch Feelings
Don’t confess your love for a random girl giving you a lap dance. This happens a lot and it’s embarrassing for everyone involved.
You have to realize and understand, you’re simply a customer. You’re nothing more and nothing less at the outset. You’re just another customer and a tip at the end of the night. These dancers will treat you with respect, but if you worship them and fall in love with them, you’re setting yourself up for major disappointment.
Most of these girls are also usually taken or in committed relationships, so you shouldn’t ever feel entitled to a relationship with one of these girls.

Cash Rules (Everything Around Me): Finally a few tips about, well tipping… and money.
9.) Don’t Flash Cash
Be a gentleman, not a wannabe player during your lap dance. Some guys try to pretend like they’re players during a lap dance and it’s actually a turn off. These guys think it increases their chance to get some extra action from the girl if they flash they’re wad of hundreds like a piece of meat.
Ever heard the expression “all bark and no bite”? Usually this means they have no intention of spending a fortune. But still, they often do.
When dancers identify a guy like that, they try to suck every single penny out of him that they can until he’s scrambling around the club trying to max out his credit cards because he ran out of cash. They’ll tease him without giving him the type of play a real man deserves.
10.) But Stash Cash
Speaking of cash, have a lot of cash handy. If you don’t have a lot of cash handy, you’ll end up having to go to the ATM. In case you’ve never had to visit one (god bless), you should know that ATMs in strip clubs charge an absurd amount in fees. Some strip club ATMs charge as high as $20-30 per withdrawal.
Simply make sure you come with plenty of cash and know what you want beforehand.
 Enjoy and keep it classy, my friends.


last comment
avatar for chattguy123
5 years ago
This is literally the dumbest thing ive ever read. Nice copy and paste for vip credit.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago

Copying/Pasting the majority of an article while making some small edits to make it sound more original does not make it original.
avatar for VanessaM
5 years ago
Wrong place 😂😂😂🤸🏾‍♂️
avatar for BitCoinHodler
5 years ago
Missing is to make sure to hold their hair back so it doesn't get in the way.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
The first thing I think of when I see "10 Tips" (or similar in title) is CUT & PASTE. Thanks for legwork, Eve.
@chatguy- Have you written founder about this plagiarism ?
avatar for chattguy123
5 years ago
@minnow - I feel like that will be handled by some of the other more senior members lol. I just wanted to point out that its clearly cut and paste - and here of all places - to post that utter bullshit. Weak
avatar for Electronman
5 years ago
Plagiarism sucks. Can Founder pull the membership credit for the OP? On top of the unacceptable plagiarism, the original article was terrible. Was it written by a dancer or by a strip club manager? Additionally, the web site that Eve identified as the source of this post, www.stripclubconcierge.com, is a shill web site for Las Vegas strip clubs.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
I don't understand the point of muting the comments that call out the illegitimacy behind this. Like, does someone (more than likely OP) not want to accept that copying doesn't fly here or what?
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
I would suggest that Eve and E-man PM founder with your concerns. I did so yesterday. I know founder has at least opened my PM, but not if he's read it or acted on it.
Fyi, I can read all the comments, maybe OP muted Eve.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
I am aware that this article is copied, but we don't have a rule against that. The members that approved this article could have rejected it with the reason "not an original article"

Hope that clears things up.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
The only clear thing is more evidence that founder wishes to be "hands off" wrt site standards. So, would club reviews still be constrained by "no plagiarism tolerated" ?
Yes, not original is grounds for rejecting both articles and reviews. Yet in order to cite that as rejection reason, one would have to be familiar with original article by having read it before (I have no prior experience with site listed in link), or else wade through a google search by typing in title. If Eve or E-man did google search, how many results did you wade through to get copied article ?
If nothing else, OP has lost cred with at least 3 Tuscl members.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
One more "gap"- Claims in article to have conversed with 150 dancers in 15 different states, yet he has only reviewed clubs in 10 different states. His only other article published in 2015 smacks of plagiarism.
avatar for Sgrayeff
5 years ago
Feeling good about choosing to reject this submission when I reviewed it. Though I didn't know it had been plagiarized at the time, I did know it wasn't good, wasn't worthy and didn't deserve anywhere near the attention it's been getting.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
So what exactly does it take for an article to be removed after it's already been published? Because I could have sworn 1 or 2 articles in the past have been removed for this very reason.

OP lost cred AND gained access to exclusive content where members otherwise would have to contribute an insightful review or an (original) article to gain it - which nowadays hasn't been easy for a lot of active members because of this whole pandemic situation.

Sure, people can make shit up in their head and have it published to be a VIP (I guess that's what we're all doing at the end of the day because of the 'work of fiction' fineprint.), but to just find someone else's writing and use that as your own submission is just a slap in the face to those that take the time to write their own content for the members here to be entertained or educated by.

And I guess if there's no penalty for this, anyone that follows Jetblack's example will get called out and dragged instead, and rightfully so.

@minnow. I didn't wade through many results at all. That link was probably in the top 5.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
sometimes it's valuable to find out who the impostors are.
avatar for loganshard
4 years ago
Do you tip her when grinding, and expect more?
avatar for latinalover69
4 years ago
Why would he post this on this site? This is basic newbie 101 stuff. Most of us PLs know all of this shit already. And what's all this bullshit about touching strippers? Most strippers will put your hands on their body to encourage touching 99 out of 100 times. If she won't let you touch her get up say thank you and toss her a twenty.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
It doesn't need to be said that people copying and pasting stuff like they wrote it isn't good. But here's another "booo" to pile on.

"This is basic newbie 101 stuff. Most of us PLs know all of this shit already."

I write reviews and whatnot with noobs in mind. To me that's my main TUSCL audience. If hardcore clubgoers get something out of it, too, then bonus.
avatar for aleccorbett
4 years ago
I've kissed strippers but they kiss me. It is very rare and only happens when we have a good good connection.

btw. Don't wear a belt. Also be mindful of how rough your pants are. I am still trying to find a good material that is soft on her skin but gives good feel for me.
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Not an Original Article
Not an Article. Should be posted on Discussion Board

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