Best way to ask for anal?

avatar for Muddy
Is there any consensus on this?

I've actually asked girls through text who I haven't even met yet if they were into the backdoor with answers ranging from shock and horror to yes please. I'll do this to thin the herd sometimes.

Might be a dick move no pun intended but would one just place it in there all non shalant like and observe for reaction?

I usually ask "can I fuck your ass" and usually it's a no. Some are really curious about, I've gotten a few "what if I shit on your dick?" I respond it's totally cool (it's not but I say this)

I would say less than 30% of women are into this. I personally love fucking a girl there just cause it's so tight on my dick and feels so god damn good. How are y'all going about asking for it, genuinely curious.


last comment
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
"Do you like anal?"
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Look overcomplicate things here and I'd like to take stay that way thank you very much
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
*look we

And for the record I'm all for freedom of speech, but anybody that responds with get your tongue in there first is getting blocked.
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
Do you do Greek?
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Interesting. If they respond in horror I could just say yogurt or gyro I'll be good to go.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
I'm not into anal. I only did it once with a model that suggested to me that she was game but we didn't have/use any lube so it felt too dry to me.
I might try it again another time with some lube.

Back to your question, it seems to me that your "can I fuck your ass" approach would work with chicks that are into that. No reason to beat around the bush, Lol.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Not really into that, but any woman's ass that can take a cock nonchalant-like is probably not one I'd be looking to poke anyway.
avatar for SuperDude
4 years ago
Had a girlfriend (six months short term) who wanted anal and kept asking for it. She refused lube. Going dry was tough and didn't always work. Other issues (control of the relationship)got in the way and I walked. She was 17 years younger and that may have been a problem.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Ive never had a problem asking girls for things. If they likr you most will.

If youre refering to hookers just ask if they do anal. Don't be creepy
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Well look, I look at anal as like the opposite king Arthur’s sword in the stone. It’s all about finding a a butthole that my dick can fit in. A lot of girls are willing to try it but it usually ends with “oweee ouch ok ok too much stop stop ✋ ✋ “
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
I’ve never fucked a “loose” pussy, if they even exist. Every pussy that I have fucked has been tight, so why the fuck would I ever want anal?
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
@Muddy remember the old adage
"It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Ask the experts like Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper!
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
When I’m DATY, I just go a bit lower, you can tell immediately if they’re possibly open to it by their reaction.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Hmmmm our residential know it all Icey Loco says he doesn’t pay women to have sex with him, but above states to ask hookers if they do anal. Lack of credibility? I think so.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
When Icey wants anal, he just gets down on all fours and whistles for his boyfriend.
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
@lotsoffun. Not necessarily. It's one thing to tease or stimulate the outside with a fuck ton of nerve endings with your tongue.

It's a whole nother thing to take a hard dick and squeeze it into an anatomically tight 'exit only' hole.

For me, rimming feels phenomenal. Anal, however, feels like ass.
No pun intended.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Idk, if asked for anal in a text, that would be a hard hell no from me. That’s something that requires a bit more of an, erm, comfort period and would not just want shoved in during a quickie encounter. Especially if drinking was involved.

But that being said, in the right circumstances anal can be pleasant imo. Especially when angled correctly.

I’d probably just ask for anal by giving a massage, especially on the butt. Do a legit good one and get the knots out so the other individual is very relaxed. Then ask. And ask in a
way that it sounds more about trying out something that you think she might like. Go slow and have patience.

avatar for DenimChicken
4 years ago
Let me stick my peepee where you poopoo.

Bitches get wet when you know how to talk to them.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Nicespice said, "I’d probably just ask for anal by giving a massage, especially on the butt. Do a legit good one and get the knots out so the other individual is very relaxed. Then ask. And ask in a
way that it sounds more about trying out something that you think she might like. Go slow and have patience."

^ this is very effective.. RickDugan was completely a top guy when I met him. Now he is a bottom guy. I used this technique and now he begs me to tear his ass up! 😜😉

@ muddy, try some teasing first, like this…
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
@ Tetradon, I will be adding that song to my my date play list. Lmao!
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
How about during sex you just go “oops wrong hole, want me to keep it there?” Lol

“I’ve never fucked a pussy that wasn’t tight” - you my friend have never fucked a stripper who has had 5 kids and no c-sections!
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Anal is something more intimate. You need some trust and comfort. I think the best way to ask is to just have anal foreplay and let it happen naturally or just ask if ahe wants to try it. With any sexual act women get more into it when its or seems like it's their idea.

If youre asking a hooker which i suspect is the case ask if she does it or just make a decent financial offer
avatar for minnow
4 years ago
Does anyone else see the irony of a thread about anal sex being started by someone with s/n "Muddy" ?
avatar for sinclair
4 years ago
I would say just go to Brasil. When you have sex with a Brazilian, it is a normal thing for sex to include oral, vaginal, and anal (os três pratos). I am not sure why anal sex is so popular in Luso culture, but women tend to have very pronounced asses, so perhaps sex doesn't seem like sex unless it includes the ass (bunda). In countries bordering Brasil, anal sex also tends to be fairly popular: Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay. Some people say anal sex became popular because it allowed people to still bang while skirting Catholic prohibition of contraceptives.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Never asked for it, but have done it with 5 different women and they are the ones who requested. In my experience I’d rather not do anal, because if she has a sweet ass it feels better in her vagina and I can stick a thumb in her ass hole if she likes the sensation. I find it better to play with 2 holes at once.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
English for English speakers.

Prob French if in France.

Greek if in Greece.

Something along that pattern.

Probably not on 1st 'date' if civilian.

Polightly if commercial.
avatar for Lanechange
4 years ago
I was never into it and either was the wife, but one day while going down on her my finger went there and she practicly crushed my head when she came 10 seconds later. It was a process but now anal is a regular item in the menu.

It isnt something where you can just oops wrong hole and expect a good outcome. Anal virgins will react, and it may involve unexpected physicallity. And her holr will probably be slammed shut. But for the woman that can takr it in the ass, her ass will have the muscle memory toet your dick in and she probably knows how to enjoy it.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
@Eve. I was implying that it is a possibility she’d be open for it. Maybe in the future perhaps. I had one GF who swore she’d never want it. But with a little practice and going very slow, she practically begged for it. Lots of lube, and prep for it is the key IMHO.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Important questions like this is why we can't have an unbalanced Supreme Court
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
An Icey-Mitch McConnell pairing would be just about right.....

Oops, wrong forum.....🌝
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
I was in VIP with a girl once and she said she was really into anal and wanted to try it with me. I said OK and she said to bend over while she lubed up her fist.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Goldmonger - based on the results, I think that is the WORST way to ask for anal.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
This thread reminds me of a dancer I ran into a few years ago. I saw her on stage, she looked good (curvey, green eyes, curly blond hair, pretty face) so I tipped her. She joined me at the the bar when she got off stage and we chatted for a bit. This club did not have floor dances, only VIP room lap dances, and the club was pretty well known for extras.

We chatted for a while. She didn't bring up dances. When I eventually did, she looked me in the eyes, and said "You want to be able to tell your buddies you fucked a stripper in the ass, don't you?" Well, that's not really a thing for me and not at all what I was thinking.

I told here what I was thinking, which was a BJ, and we went back for a few dances. The dances were very nice. I suggested she meet me at my hotel after her shift for an extended session. She looked at me, smiled, and said it again: "You want to be able to tell your buddies you fucked a stripper in the ass, don't you?" I just laughed, and we made arrangements to meet.

She met me at the hotel as agreed. We went to my room and got busy with the usual (for me) activities. We were both having a good time (or at least I was, maybe she was just a good actor), and after a while she looks me straight in the eyes and says passionately: "Fuck me in the ass!" Well, again, it's not really my thing, but what is a gentlemen to do when a lady makes a specific request that you can easily fulfill with no trouble to you?
avatar for martygraham
4 years ago
""can I fuck your ass" well that's one way to ask LOL

maybe try going the mysterious route and try something like...

"if you could experience a totally new kind of orgasm, would you?" the educate them on having an anal orgasm (see notes here:…)

goodluck and may the ass be ever in your favor! ;)
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Go to the 6:40 timestamp. This is a sure thing (as long as you're already getting a blow job).…
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
Being a female I get annoyed when men I dont know well or havent been with ask about anal.

To me it's not a simple yes you can or cant do it with/to me. I've done it and rather enjoyed it and I've also hated it and had to stop it immediately.

Alot goes into this, comfort level, how I'm feeling in general and the guys technique and the mood. I dont do alot, however it's been only a few men who have gotten to and they relaized even though theyve done it with me it wasnt always on the table, they learned they didnt need to ask that if it was available at that time they could read by my body language and reactions.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
May I check yo see if your bowels are empty?
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Jayne you prove my point I stated earlier. Never once have I had to ask for anal. It has always been suggested by the woman, for whatever reason was in the mood. As far as the majority of my friends will tell you, men prefer vaginal over anal in most situations, so we men too need to be in the right mood.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
In my experience the best way to ask for anal is with tequila. I've been with a couple of women that liked occasional anal and would ask for it when they were a little drunk. It's not really my thing. Too slow to initiate and then I feel like I have maintain a lot of restraint, but I have known women that would cum gangbusters from it, so who am I to say no.
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
I can barely get them to let me try and fit in the normal way. Anal simply ain’t happening!
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