
The Future of Adult Entertainment After Covid

Sweaty stripper feet are my weakness
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 11:08 AM
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the adult entertainment industry, forcing tens of thousands of adult performers to go online to make money. The result has been a shift in control from the porn producers and club ownderts to the individual performers and models. EIt's clear the industry is moving to more individual engagement as a result of the pandemic. As y ou are no doubt well aware, a virual experience does not compare to the in person interactive intimacy and engagement. But it does lend itself to more personalized experience. To make money and beat the competition, online entertainers have become more specialized. This move to specialization will carry forward to the in person club experience now since patrons are 'getting spoiled' no longer having the generci experience. In the week after Americans started receiving their stimulus checks, many sites 15% to 25% increases in traffic to their live streaming sites and tips to models increased by 40%. That is incredibly significant. Some sites have seen > 500% increase. If this continues, top of the line models and dancer will not need to leave the comfort of their bedrooms to make money and not have to deal directly in person with customers. Just look at the phenom success of the site OnlyFans - enabling adult performers and sex workers to create and monetize content OnlyFans lets content creators keep 80% of the revenue. They pay no fees like some clubs charge performers. They only make money when the content creator generates revenue. OnlyFans has more than 30 million registered users, has paid out $725 million in revenue to its more than 450,000 content creators. The biggest hurdle for creators of adult online content and products usually comes from the payments processors and credit card networks that make it hard for most web services to allow such content. Those that do charge significantly higher fees. OnlyFans, even though it is a child of the social media and influencer age, doesn’t have a mobile app right now. That undoubtedly limits its growth and makes it harder to use for both creators and subscribers. Moreover, critics worry that the rise of OnlyFans and other adult fan sites is a sign that the pandemic's economic woes are driving more people to sell their nude images for an income. T Even after the pandemic is over, it's unlikely that creators will go back fully to in-person performances and services when they can prosper online. Online camera models are going to earn a lot more than a model who goes to her local strip club. They make 10x more money than leaving their house. The phenomenon has already entered the lexicon of pop culture. The bottom line: This is the new normal. It’s never going to go back to where we were before. New innovations and disruptions will be on the backs of strip club owners - if not, the days of the local in person strip club we've all come to know may be drawing to a close


  • OldWhiteGuy
    4 years ago
    A friend owns a club in RI. He told me 2 years ago that the Stripclub had 6 or 8 more years of prosperity and then it would gradually disappear. The "Boomers" that grew up with the stripclub are the main source of revenue. The new techno world of swipe left/swipe right, on line interaction and private scheduling would kill the industry. I think the pandemic has hastened that decline.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I spent 1 week on only fans - it is beyond fucking retarded. If strip clubs don't go back to the way they were before I can find other things on which to spend my money. On line nudity will get a portion of my money commensurate with how exciting I find it: zero.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Just as I thought, a newb zero - zero comes on here to shill for a website.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    There are plenty of women doing OF who would rather be dancing 🤷🏼‍♀️ But also, a lot of men i talk to who think OF is stupid also think it’s diff when it’s someone who they know and have a connection with. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    I don't need to pay someone to look at while masturbating. You might as well flush your money down the toilet. Have people completely lost their minds?
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    28% of young men age 18 to 30 haven't had sex in over a year. I suspect the main reason they don't go to strip clubs is simply because they don't have the money. There is a huge potential market for live "pay to play" adult entertainment. Perhaps the prices in strip clubs need to become more affordable?
  • OldWhiteGuy
    4 years ago
    It's not the online "viewing" that's going to kill stripclubs. It's the online "connections" that will make sexual interaction free and easy. Fling, Fuckbook, Tinder, Adult Friend Finder et cetera
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    While OnlyFans (and similar website) has a place in the Adult Entertainment Industry, I do not think it will ever be a significant part of the industry. For the PLs who prefer in person contact, OnlyFans is a niche market at best, for example if a PL spend $500 per month on OTC and ITC providers, o highly doubt he would pay that type of money on OnlyFans content creators, my guess would be rarely more than $50 per month. During the quarantine, subsequent club closings and lame reopening, PLs realized they can live without mongering (though they prefer to club/Monger) and can use they money saved on other project, not just send it to OF content creators. The problem with website based Adult Entertainment is the infinite amount of free Adult entertainment available really makes it difficult to justify spending large sums of money, even if the product is customized and personal. Also, assuming your numbers are correct, it appears that only the owners/operators of the website are making money, if they take 20% (their equivelent to a house fee or tip out) they made $145 million, because $725 million distributed to 450,000 content creators is an average payout of $1600, hardly life changing money. OF will continue to appeal to a niche market but I do not see it as the future of the Adult Entertainment Industry, you just can not replace the real thing.
  • Daybreaker
    4 years ago
    I respectfully disagree that strip clubs will become obsolete. Yeah I'm an entertainer but I also LOVE going to clubs. There's a certain experience there that can't be replicated, imo. Onlyfans CAN be great... but strip clubs are my first love.
  • AlanaBlue
    4 years ago
    I think people will be rushing to live clubs after this is over! There will be a huge comeback! The roaring 20’s! Come on people!
  • Cruiser417
    4 years ago
    I think the article cites a demographic that has been misinterpreted. I don't think it's Baby Boomers that are the the bread and butter of the strip clubs so much as it's the age group currently represented by the Baby Boom generation. And I think that even for the generations to follow (X, Y, Millennial, whatever), there will still be a demand for in-person interaction.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    On the dancer retention side, many like the performance aspect. And there’s still plenty of a market for supplying the dancers. As far as millennials vs boomers, I’ll just say I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I’ve danced for plenty of millennial. And when a dancer is working in a club where it’s the norm to do more in “dances” than one feels comfortable with, then not only is the younger crowd okay then they are the best customer group. Cause they care more about the party. I think the biggest blow to the strip club industry, judging from what I’ve heard, was sometime (2006-2008?) when tax write offs for strip club visits was done away with. But a little after a decade, plenty of clubs are still standing. Even if that amazing money train that I imagine existed back then isn’t still around. As far as what places for clubs are truly devastated post-covid IMO it’s too soon to tell. Maybe in a year or two it would be easier to say with more confidence.
  • BAngus
    4 years ago
    Damn, you used to be able to write off strip club visits? How the hell did I miss out on that? I need to call my accountant and giver her an earful for keeping me in the dark on that one 🤑
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    in person contact is what i need.
  • latinalover69
    4 years ago
    only fans will never replace the strip club experience
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    My take is that stripclubs will be a niche or remain being a nice. I doubt the average guy who is addicted to video games and porn is ever going to go to a stripclubs, that seems slightly to cool. Maybe he will sign up for a OF account. I think that guys who do Sugar dating might be more inclined to meet girl directly from online. Some friends have been telling me that's what they do.
  • Locutusbrg
    4 years ago
    I think the articles underlying message.... that the younger generation won't have strip club experiences and therefore will be happy with online over club experience. Really is not proven out by human behavior. The face to face touch and feel of women is not replaced by video experience. It's like saying pizza delivery is great for covid, fine dining is not happening, therefore fine dining will die out because pizza is easier and just as good. Pizza is not a aged steak done to perfection. Apples and oranges. Now if they invent star trek like holodeck experiences for sex. That would kill strip clubs... Otherwise the online experience, as good as it is getting, is a far cry from the strip club experience. Visual tactile and interactive nature of the lap dance is unique. Plus the perceived chance, real or not, of some strange cannot be replaced by a cam.
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