
Rules (reversed)

I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
The reverse of drewcareypnw's thread here (https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=7772…), this is what I'd tell a dancer trying to make money. All this is slanted towards my usual environment, i.e. low to mid range, high mileage clubs, occasional extras but no OTC, and keeping my personal life separate from the club.

1. Think of yourself as an entrepreneur. You will eat what you kill, and only what you kill. If you want a steady, meager wage, become a receptionist. If you want to hustle, and be sexy and charming, be a dancer.

2. Credit to @rickdugan, you are not selling tits and ass, you are selling entertainment and sex appeal. I would add fantasy. 10 looks and 6 charm gets you one-off business, 6 looks and 10 charm gets loyal paying clientele.

3. Be pleasant. That doesn't mean be a pushover or let men take advantage of you, but don't be a bitch. If you don't like men or unfiltered straight male sexuality, find a new line of work. Learn how to deal with minor infractions (like being asked on a date or your real name) with class.

4. Stripping is transgressive. Your customers will speak truths they can't speak elsewhere: what kind of women they are attracted to, what desires their wife can't/won't fulfill, how they wish women would see them. It's a change from the world of workplace HR regulations. A smart dancer can get rich indulging the forbidden.

5. We know this is work for you, but it's obvious and un-sexy if you see us as a wallet with legs. Outside the club, it's like a man that sees you only as a trifecta of warm holes.

6. Men are customers, but feelings can come into play both ways. Know how to deal with this and develop a thicker skin.

7. Hell, develop a thick skin in general. If a guy doesn't want a dance, don't take it personally, any more than you'd reject a civvie approach that didn't interest you. Move on to the next guy.

8. Men like variety. You might not be his preferred taste that day, but just what he wants next visit.

9. Find a look and move set that fits you. If you landed a dancing gig, someone thinks you can make the club money.

10. Be social. You can't make money staying in the dressing room, or with your nose in your phone. Linger alone in the bar area. Approach and sit down with guys. Don't just say "hi, want a dance?" And if a guy says no, cut bait and move on.

11. No one is under any obligation to tip you, and you are under no obligation to spend time with them. Learn how to spot the generous gentleman, and it isn't always the best-dressed man in the club.

12. You won't make your daily keep on stage dances. The stage is a way for you to advertise your private dance/VIP skills.

13. You aren't entitled to anything beyond posted or pre-agreed fees. Nagging or scheming afterwards alienates customers. And yes, reputations spread.

14. Beyond posted fees, everything is negotiable, especially if you do extras. Don't get insulted when we negotiate too.

15. Know your boundaries, and when in doubt, speak them. It's easier to do so before a dance than during. If yours are at substantial variance to the rest of the club (e.g. a non-extras girl in an extras club or vice versa), consider switching clubs.

16. Your body produces odors just like a man's, and you're the one getting a stage workout. Wash off the sweat and re-perfume after you exert yourself.

I ought to expand this into an article.

Dancers, I especially welcome your input.


  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Go away, Cacaplop
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    If I were to make some rules for stripper hoes to follow they'd be...

    1- don't be impressed by money. Whether it's other girls or tricks flexing. The only money that exists for you is the money you have in your hand.

    2- do the least work possible for the most money you can.

    3- try to make your bag as early in your shift as possible. Take advantage of last call. Work the whole room before it with your wanna dance and a tip for the titties game.

    4- you're selling a fantasy. Try to stick out from other girls. And be the kind of girl customers could never get in person. Unattainability is your biggest selling point. Be what they want and lead them on the best you can but be illusive. You're selling glasses of milk not the whole cow.

    5- try to stay as sober as you can while working

    6- pretend to be into whatever the trick says. Increase the attention you give him from time to time then saybyou gave to go make some money. If he wants you to stay he'll tip. Your time isn't free.

    7- get more physical towards the end of dances to get him to buy more. Then go back to as little contact as possible during the start of the dance. It'll frustrate him and keep him buying dances.

    8- don't be afraid to tell management or a bouncer if a customer is too creepy or out of line or you feel uncomfortable/unsafe.

    9- be friendly with other girls but don't trust anyone.

    10- get on a winning. For no reason other than for yourself. And recruit for the team. Team work makes the dream work
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    It's been my observation that the list above is closer to what girls in a regulars heavy club follow than the list provided by the dancer in the previous thread. Those rules might work in an environment where little of your income comes from repeat customers. I've known a couple of dancers who tried working in Vegas but weren't successful because the habits they had developed from years of working here in Indianapolis worked against them there. You can't teach an old stripper new tricks and they couldn't adapt to their new environment. Most of my regulars have had long term careers because what worked with me worked with other customers too. Here are some things I would list as things I look for in picking girls.

    1- You should think more in terms of treating a customer in a way to make him want to come back than extracting the maximum amount of money from him on the first visit.

    2- Look around the club. Do you see a lot of empty tables? If so, all those tables had guys sitting at them at one time but they never came back after they had a bad experience. That's why all those tables are empty now. If you want a full club, learn not to be like the girls who drove all those customers off.

    2- High pressure tactics are a turn off. Don't spend the whole first lap dance you do with me trying to talk me into doing a private room with you. I paid for the dance and want to enjoy it. If I can't then I'm going to cut you off after one dance and avoid you on my return trips.

    3- When you start at a club, learn what is standard for your club. If every girl in the club allows breast touching, then don't angrily yell at a guy if he touches your breast during a lap dance. Be polite when informing him your rules are different.

    4- Let the customer know up front about what your rules are if they differ from most of the other girls.

    5- Be honest. Don't say lap dances are $30 in the club when they are $20. Except in tourist cities, most customers know what the price is and won't like you lying. Also, don't miscount dances.

    6- Work with the other girls. If a customer wants to spend time with another girl don't block him. If you sit down with a customer and he obviously isn't interested in you get up and give another girl a chance with him. The other girls should be doing the same thing. You will have more customers coming in if they can get with the girls they want.

    7- Be a little bit of a friend with the customers. Some of them come into buy lap dances but also come in to see the girls selling them the lap dances. Be one of the girls they want to come in to see.

    8- You are not his girlfriend. Don't act annoyed if he hasn't been around for awhile and then comes in to see you. Even the most ardent regulars will want some variety and will take breaks from seeing you. Be friendly when he shows up.

    9- Ask, don't tell. Ask him to buy you a drink instead of ordering one and then telling him to pay for it. Ask him if he wants company before sitting down. Ask for a tip, don't tell him to give you another twenty dollars because you need the money. You would think girls would never order customers to give them tips but it has happened to me more than once.

    10- Pay attention to potential problems with your clothing. Be aware your fishnet stockings might catch on a customer's shirt button or swinging around your sharp toed boots up on stage might hit him in the face. Also, don't have clothes that take half of the lap dance to get off before you get on his lap.

    11- Don't get really drunk or high on drugs in the club. A few guys looking for extras will like a drunk girl they can take advantage of but most guys shy away from that. They want a girl who is mentally focused enough to hold a conversation and able to get through a lap dance without passing out.

  • minnow
    3 years ago
    Good post, T-don, I'd smash the like icon if founder would put that in OP. IMHO, you should post this on the "Pink Site". Getting my popcorn supply up if you do.
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    "Do you see a lot of empty tables?"

    When a guy comes into a bar and IT'S EMPTY, first response it to LEAVE!!!!

    How the fuck do strippers not understand this?

    If it's empty enough she knows a guys not tipping / getting dances from anyone, it's because she's got nothing better to so than watch them because it's dead.

    Kick them all out and it's empty, and the first thing the guy with $200 to spend is going to do when he walks in is leave.

    It's fucking awkward being the only guy in a strip club. I'm sure many of us have been there, done that, gotten over it. How often did it not suck? Most guys, especially in groups, are going to turn around and leave.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    "It's fucking awkward being the only guy in a strip club. I'm sure many of us have been there, done that, gotten over it. How often did it not suck? Most guys, especially in groups, are going to turn around and leave."

    bkk, What you wrote is probably correct for 99% of people. But just as an interesting contrary discussion -- I fucking love walking into an empty club (empty of customers, not strippers), and in fact go through machinations to try to ensure this happens as much as possible. My sense is that among tuscl-style PLs, this isn't totally rare. I love walking into an empty club, having no competition for the hottest girl there, not having any pressure that there's other guys waiting for her (since I'm planning to hog her for the next 4 hours). Some fun results: getting the royal treatment in the VIP since most girls are making almost nothing and she's doing VIPs. And some of my absolute favorite SC trips involve: an empty club, me, my CF, and one or more of her stripper friends (since they have nothing else to do) all sitting at my table, me pumping everyone full of tequila. I've had pretty outrageous fun times.

    But I do agree that beyond very confident regulars, most other guys will feel awkward and dislike the low energy of an empty club, and will walk.
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    @Subraman, yes, I'll agree that sometimes an empty club works.

    But, the point is, ever been to one of those nearly dead almost empty clubs where all the dancers are bored and pissed off it's nearly dead and almost empty...

    And decided to take out there frustration on the few guys who are there, because they aren't tipping enough?

    counterproductive and doesn't solve anything for them if the guys just leave.

    I realize it's probably more of a ploy to get them to start tipping rather than leave, I guess, from the times I've been there I wasn't too sure the dancer was really thinking anything more than she's angry she's not getting paid...

    Flipping it around, being the only guy just because it's early, or a new club or something, and the dancers are all ornery about there being only one guy, and they are engaging and I do feel like spending money on them, it can be a great time.

    But this is all about THEM.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    But, the point is, ever been to one of those nearly dead almost empty clubs where all the dancers are bored and pissed off it's nearly dead and almost empty...

    And decided to take out there frustration on the few guys who are there, because they aren't tipping enough?"

    Absolutely positively. The girls get angry when it's slow like that, and can start driving away the few customers who come in. It's definitely a thing. It's best to either have a CF there who knows you're coming (so she's not angry and frustrated like the rest), and/or get there early in the shift before they're all pissed off
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    @bkkruined: "It's fucking awkward being the only guy in a strip club."

    For you, maybe. Not for me.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    #17 sometimes there is a disconnect between what men say and what they actually want. For example, most men out there says he likes natural titties, but the reality is that fake boobs helps the money. Men might trash on older dancers, but then spend all of what they have on them that day on somebody older. They also have this weird way of seeking out high mileage and or extras areas, but wanting to be the only man they do that with. So if you go above and beyond in dances, even if it sounds ridiculous, tell them that: “I only do this with your mom” just to pump up his ego.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Most men are very effected by women in high heels and makeup, but they don't consciously understand this.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    If you want dances an empty club is better. Its just more chill. A full club is better if you just want to party though.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    The PL and the dancer try to negotiate a deal governing what interaction they will have. I am only interested in a win-win deal. I am only interested in dancers interested in a win-win deal. In a negotiation, trying to tell the other side what the "rules" are for them is a jackass move. Unlikely you can't make a win-win deal with a jackass.

    My advice (not rules) to dancers is, approach every customer who's not with a dancer. Say hello if the PL accepts eye contact. If the PL hasn't interacted with a dancer in 20 minutes or so, may be shy, say hello anyway. On the first contact, don't talk to the PL for more than 3 minutes before you ask for a dance, if there are other PLs in the club you haven't rolled up on yet. If a PL only gives you short answers, and doesn't ask you anything, let them be, except to wanna dance them a time or two later if you have no better prospects. If any PL gets irritated by you doing your job, the PL should just take that jackhole attitude over to Olive Garden for unlimited breadsticks. Don't drink more than one (alcoholic) drink per hour. You owe the PLs nothing but honesty and basic courtesy. The PLs owe you nothing but the same, which implies respecting it's 100% up to you what does and doesn't happen to your body. Regardless of what any other dancer in the club is doing. With PL's you don't recognize, tell them what you contact limits are. If your contact limits are stricter that what's typical for the club, remind PLs of your stricter limits each time you see them, unless they are high-frequency regulars.

    If the manager isn't a slackjaw, you can do PL rescues. If you can see a PL wants a dancer wants a dancer gone from his table, but she's not taking the hint, roll up on him even though she's there. You'll probably have some drama with her over it. But into every stripper's life some dancer-on-dancer drama must fall. Which is why, if the manager's main priority is getting his dick sucked, you gotta amscray from that club.
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