In the theme of bringing people back from the past in shailynn’s thread. I think we could get some interesting answers
The history buff in me has the urge to spit out names like Napoleon, Charlemagne, Alexander The Great. Don’t get me wrong it would be cool as hell. But in today’s climate I would love to just hear more contemporary guys that come to mind that were ballsy as all hell. I would go 4 in particular, George Carlin, Patrice O’Neal, Bill Hicks, and Christopher Hitchens. With all the craziness going on now a days I would kill to hear what these guys would have to say about it all.
One more, John Candy would probably fun as hell to go drinking with at a strip club or anywhere.
Would the dead celebs be like zombies walking around going “brains, braaaains!”? If so, I don’t think it matter who you bring, as long as they don’t eat your brain.
Or would they be vampires. Vampires might be cool, as long as they aren’t douche nozzle Twilight vampires. I could hang with a Nosferatu as long as he doesn’t drink any blood during the visit.
Also, Charlie Sheen and Bill Clinton are alive. Though Sheen may be a vampire.
Now that I’ve clarified things all I have to say is “you’re welcome”.
Each time I go to a strip club I bring my friends -George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson. The girls love them and think I have great friends.
Alan Shepard: Anyone who would hit a golf ball on the moon has to be cool. Plus other stuff chronicled in Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff".
Wally Schirra: Besides off duty practical jokes, his "Turtle Club". ( "Are you a turtle"?/ "You bet your sweet ass I am.") Turtle Club originated as a drinking club among then Army Air Forces pilots in WW2. One philosophy of Turtle Club is that you don't get anywhere in life unless you stick your neck out.
last commentLemmy
Chris Farley
Hunter S Thompson
Norm Macdonald
Wilt Chamberlain
John Candy
Chris Farley
John Candy
John Belushi
Ernest fucking Hemingway
Ben Franklin
Ernest Hemingway
George Carlin
John Belushi
Ben Franklin
Possibly Charlie Sheen and Bill Clinton too!
A lesser known comedian Gregg Giraldo would be a good one.
I’d like to bring Thomas Jefferson to Vic’s in Irvington…
Or would they be vampires. Vampires might be cool, as long as they aren’t douche nozzle Twilight vampires. I could hang with a Nosferatu as long as he doesn’t drink any blood during the visit.
Also, Charlie Sheen and Bill Clinton are alive. Though Sheen may be a vampire.
Now that I’ve clarified things all I have to say is “you’re welcome”.
Rat Pack damn you wouldn't have to pay for anything. Talk about feeling like a star.
Robin Williams is another that would be a riot. Rodney Dangerfield too.
I’m wondering what it would be like to hit a few NJ clubs with James Gandolfini?
Alan Shepard: Anyone who would hit a golf ball on the moon has to be cool. Plus other stuff chronicled in Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff".
Wally Schirra: Besides off duty practical jokes, his "Turtle Club". ( "Are you a turtle"?/ "You bet your sweet ass I am.") Turtle Club originated as a drinking club among then Army Air Forces pilots in WW2. One philosophy of Turtle Club is that you don't get anywhere in life unless you stick your neck out.