
Strip Club Prices and where they are going; Where's your line in the sand?

To sort piggyback off of mark94's thread. I'm starting to really get back into the strip clubs cause I'm burning with the SB stuff, and I'm definitely noticing it. LD prices up, cover up, drinks up, but it's not like my income dramatically went up to catch up. It's just harder to go out to these clubs now, and pulling a trigger on a dance that's more than $20 is something I have to really think hard about now. But there's certain line's I'm just not doing.

For cover I'm not paying $30 to get into a strip club. I will go to next club. I just can't do $30 at the door. Sometimes I'll even see $40. It's not happening. Half the time while I walk away they will say alright fine $20. Your talking about just to get into the club is a steak dinner. Just to walk in.

For lap dances and nothing has altered my behavior in strip clubs more than when clubs that normally do $20 a dance have now went to $30. I might do one dance if your really hot, but the days of stacking dances at $30 are over. It adds up big time. That 5 dances with one hot girl and a LDK was $100 not bad at all. Now that's $150. I can you meet in you in the middle at $25 but again that $30 number your losing me. You go past $30 as some clubs do you have completely lost me and I'm already thinking about OTC if I already walked out. It's not rare for me now just to go into a club and not do any dances at all.


  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    The point is I don't think I'm alone. It's not like my income has dramatically rose to meet all this price increases inside and outside of the strip club. And I think some customers have a point where enough is enough and they just stay home and jerk off. After bashing and making fun of the sex doll brothels I'm doubling back now and thinking how much are one those rubber girls gonna run me? Hell it can't be a worse deal than what I've been seeing.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I have never paid more than $20 for a lap dance and don't think I ever will. Dances prices in Atlanta have stayed pretty much the same. $10 at most clubs, 2 or 3 asking a little more and 4 or 5 still have $5 dances.

    I think parking fees, door fees and drink costs are about the same.

    But the prices for VIP have really shot up. Gone are the $150 all in for 30 minutes. House fees have stayed pretty close to $50 but the girls are asking 25-50% more than pre Covid. The most I have paid is $260 all in but have been quoted up to $500 plus house fee. I blew her off since then.

    I don't think my 5.9% Social Security raise next year is going to cover that. Thank goodness I have other pension, etc income.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    I'm gonna go slightly contrarian on this. My regular club, Fantasies, has just increased their prices for the first time in at least ten years! That's just how long I have been going to this club. Clearly, this has been overdue, even though I don't like the new prices, I understand them. Also, how many of these clubs have been closed down for COVID, some for more than a year. Somehow, owners have to make up this list income. Just my $0.02.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    *if I already haven't walked out
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    And not for nothing feel for some of these girls that got to sell this stuff. If prices go up 50% then I become 50% stingier. Those dances your on the fence about, suddenly I fall off that fence and these girls start looking like Wilson from Home Improvement.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Sunday i spent more on one dancer than I have at any point ever in my life. It was worth it to the extent I am beginningto think i am done for awhile, since the experience cannot be bettered.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Something I’ve noticed over the years is that strip club economics are often the reverse of reality. If the economy tanks, and there are fewer customers, dancers will raise their fees. They figure there are half as many customers so they need to double what they charge to keep their lifestyle.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    🥱 I'm used to $60 covers and $30 drinks. The prices youbquote are low
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    Haven't been much at all lately because I've been swamped with work, but totally understand the price increase, and have zero problem with it. Clubs lost millions. Girls lost tens of thousands... meanwhile, "we" kept collecting paychecks. Have our prices gone up on everything else? Of course. But so have theirs. No money or significantly reduced money for an extended period, plus rising costs...they're doing what they have to do. Can't blame them a bit for that.

    The place five mins from my house used to do 20/song VIP, after a 10 (day) or 20 (night) entry fee for the girl, and a one-time 20 entry for you.

    They had been open, albeit not fully. Once they fully reopened in May, they got rid of the entry fees but went to 25/song. In July it got raised to 30/song. Don't think that went well for them, so they dropped it back to 25, bit brought back the entry fee. No fee for the girl, but the guy's one-time fee became 10, day or night. No big deal.

    Cover is still 5 or 10 at night, drink specials are still awesome (whiskey Wednesdays!). But where they jacked it way up is the super private upstairs VIP area...which I think was something like 600/hour and now pushes 800 if I overheard correctly.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    For better or worse, that’s class inequality for you. If somebody can afford $20, then they can afford $40-$50. The ones who can’t afford it most likely just can’t afford being in the club in general.

    I’d prefer it if there was more volume and bodies in the door, but since it’s not 1995…
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    In South Dakota, I was selling dances for $100/song. Just be grateful most clubs it’s not that much 😁
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Buying dances is always a Chump's Game.

    But there is nothing wrong with the women and they just want to pay their bills, as our currency is collapsing and prices are rising.

    Select the one you want and demonstrate charm and generosity and get a FRMOS going. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room and pay the house fee and be generous with her.

    After that take her home with you ASAP and continue to see her regularly and continue to be generous.

  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    A hundred bucks / song?!? Hayzoos creestos. Must be a bunch of millionaires...or everybody tripping on peyote...or you're like Salma Hayek in From Dusk Til Dawn.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Certain industries in the Dakotas skew very male and it kind of messes up the ratio. A lot of those guys come from out of state to work and it makes good looking women sort of hot commodity. I hear those dudes make some good money working up there though. Probably explains some of those wacky prices but even still that's insane.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I had read about the Dakotas that there are lots of men out there, getting good money in natural gas work, and very few women to go around.

    DV Centerfolds S.F. is reported as pricing 1 hour VIP time at $1200, and with the front room interaction extremely restricted. CHUMP's ONLY!

  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Probably Pheasant hunters that flew in just for the hunt. big bucks.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    Here in Indianapolis lap dance prices have only gone up about five dollars in most clubs. This is not a tourist city and the local market won't support high prices. PT's here tried to let the girls set their own prices a few years back. A lot of them started charging forty or fifty dollars per lap dance and customers stopped coming in until the club changed its policy to a twenty five dollar set price for each lap dance. Fifty dollars for a lap dance is too much here. I think about going less but it has more to do with the decline of the quality of the girls in the local clubs rather than price increases.
  • Ulrik79
    3 years ago
    Mildly annoyed at VIP tax in my favorite club. It just went to $25 and it annoys me. Needing to have 2 bills ready for that just annoyed me. When I first started at the club it was no VIP tax, then $5, then $10, then it jumped to $20. I wasn't even mad at the jump from $10 to $20 with no $15 in between.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    The Dakota oil boom is over. Biden hated American energy independence and gave control over our vital oil and gas back to OPEC and Russia. All those workers have been laid off and the drills are shut down.

    If your local proces haven't shot up, they will soon. All of the clubs' operating costs are rising, and they will have no choice but to pass the increases on to their contractors and customers.

    But hey, at least the president isn't sending 5am tweetstorms anymore.
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    "If somebody can afford $20, then they can afford $40 - $50." Another way of looking at this would be to scale your proportional expenses to your income: major corporation income. I suspect for many tuscl members, $1 in expenses or income would be equivalent to lower quartile F500 corporations earning/paying $10K - $50K. A person averaging 3 lap dances per week: $20 increase per dance price would be like a major corporation incurring $600K - $3M. Nicespice, do you think that a major corporation felt it's labor costs, (or any other business expense) was $3M per week ($156 M/ year) too much that they wouldn't seek ways to cut such an expense ? Hmm, lessee, average total employee compensation ~ $100K per year, lets cut our workforce by 1560 people. Or put another way, if labor union bargaining position costs was $156M more than company "wants" to pay (they could afford it, but execs gotta have their annual big bonus) that company won't dig in their heels ? So it goes with Muddy, et al.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    "... For better or worse, that’s class inequality for you. If somebody can afford $20, then they can afford $40-$50. The ones who can’t afford it most likely just can’t afford being in the club in general ..."

    LOL - b/c one can afford to pay $50k for a car does not mean you'll pay that for a Toyota Corolla - it comes down to perceived value and paying $50 for an often meh-mileage dance that these days it's often barely 3-minutes (in some clubs less) does not feel like good-value even if one can afford it - as @Muddy put-it, one is spending the equivalent of a decent to good steak-dinner for 3-minutes of entertainment which is not much at all and if one just wants a bit more entertainment buy getting multiple dances one is ends-up paying significantly more while just getting a few more-minutes of entertainment.

    At the end of the day dancers and custies will usually see things completely different when it comes to dance-prices.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I can understand clubs having to increase prices b/c their costs have gone up given all the inflation going on; but I don’t necessarily buy the idea that prices need to go up b/c they haven’t gone up in a long time (which has been stated in the past pre-Covid and pre-inflation) – as far as I’m concerned paying $20 for a 3-minute dance is fair-payment (that’s the cost of a decent meal just for 3-minutes of entertainment); add to that custies often getting multiple dances and spending let's say $100 for ~15-minutes which is the equivalent of ~5-dances is good $$$ - not many jobs can a girl w/ little to no education can make that kinda $$$ especially if she can sell dances in volume - IMO I think having an attractive price makes custies more willing to buy dances and often the dancers will make out better - in general custies are gonna hold onto their wallets more if they feel they are paying an eye for a 3-minute-dance vs if he feels he's getting good-value.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    If a dance is $20 or less a song, I dont' even think about how many I get. If I like the girl, then I want her to keep going. When the price goes to $30 or above for a single song, then I start to think about the cost per song. I start thinking about if I am getting my money's worth. I forget about just enjoying the company of a naked girl. The sheer enjoyment of it goes out the window. I am much more likely to end up spending more money if the dances are cheaper.
  • Array
    3 years ago
    Frankly, I’m surprised that dance prices stayed as stable as they did for so long. I started serious clubbing in 1989 in Houston, and I paid $20 per dance. The last time I was in Houston, March 2019 just before the lockdowns started, I was still paying $20 per dance. I don’t think Houston is at all atypical.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I mean agree with it. And in shadows case I did used to be a regular at one club that at $10 dances and I would be stacking dances, trying the girl, that girl, I wouldn’t give a fuck I was buying. Now I’m on the sidelines most of the time, and I’ve turned into reject city.

    Market forces have turned me into a different type of customer. Look at a guy like Subraman and I don’t mean to speak for him but I’ll do it anyway After clubbing in a place like San Francisco with standard $40 dances (a place I still love clubbing you just have to adjust fire when your there) he likely doesn’t get dances because it’s just an awful value. I’m sure he would love to do dances if it was cheaper. The best value is stick to drinks and food and take a home run swing by shooting for OTC.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Hey just explaining how strip club economics is and why it’s not completely illogical. I’ll come out and say it that I average more where I’m at than when I lived in Texas—so I disagree that it’s a money hurting thing to do. Admittedly a lot of that is customer personalities too—I think I just get along with the people here more.

    But I’m not a complete high dance price advocating snob. I willingly went to a $10/song club a couple of months ago and had no problems with that. 🙂
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I went on Lubys ig. It doesn't look bad. Just regular American food. I know plenty if girls who like food like that.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    It's not just necessarily that operating costs have gone up (for the girls and the clubs); it's that throughout the country, for the better part of two years, their revenue / income wasn't just decreased, it was in the shitter...and in some places it was non-existent. Yes, there were a couple thousand bucks in stimulus (if the girls filed taxes the prior year), but that amounted to what, less than one month's living expenses? PPP loans went out to all kinds of small businesses, but how many actual employees does a club have? And how many strip clubs would be approved? The investment bank I work for won't even allow them to bank w/us. Those PPP loans were limited to a small portion of the salary costs (25% or something), due to lost revenue from business closures, limitations, etc., so a bartender, DJ, bouncer, cook, manager, etc. all got fucked there.

    There were moratoriums on foreclosures and fed student loan collections. But what about heat and A/C bills? Gas? Oil changes? Food? Birth control (especially for the ones who resorted to hooking so that old guys could still get laid)? Cell phone bills to take calls from the johns? What did they do to make ends meet? Some hooked. Some flooded only fans and camgirl sites; I knew a couple of those, and sheer supply and demand meant they didn't make squat. Another I knew freaked out because her day job closed for several months, and when it finally opened back up, she was limited to something like 15-20 hours/week. Bars and restaurants had no use for bartenders and waitstaff. Office jobs in some industries stopped hiring because it was too hard to hire and train a new employee over friggin Zoom calls (we had just done layoffs right before everything went shit, got crazy busy March 2020, got crazier every month since, and FINALLY are hiring two people...after losing four others to quitting and retirement over the last 11 months).

    First time I went to a strip club was in 1999, and dances were $10 and $20. 20+ years later, it was the same. Every consumer good and service on the planet (except for big screen TVs) have had their costs increase exponentially over the decades. Got my license in 1997; gas in Phoenix was like 80 cents, and today it's that plus another $3. You could get a truck back then for $25k. Now they're double and triple that amount. But now that lap dances have gone up by $5 or $10, at the end of a crazy two-ish year period where the businesses and individuals providing your 'hobby' opportunities had their incomes plummet (some to zero), while (for many of you) your net worth substantially increased with the stock market...you're going to bitch and moan about it?!?

    After the new year, I'm kicking the job replacement search into high-gear because the 'raises' my company gives don't keep up with inflation, and the annual bonus has decreased three straight years despite annually breaking revenue and profit records. In fact, with inflation, I've basically taken a pay cut the last couple years, ESPECIALLY this last year. So when I go get drunk in a strip club, maybe I spend a little bit less. Or maybe I cut back elsewhere (I did cut movie channels down to just HBO...and I don't even watch that). But whether they cost $20 or $25 or $30, or there's a $10 entry fee or a $5 cover, or what the fuck ever...I'm still going to spend the same X # of $. It just doesn't go as far as it did a year ago. And you know what? It doesn't go as far as it did at the gas pump, or the grocery store, or the liquor store. I'm more pissed off that a bottle of The Dalmore - King Alexander III now costs $310 + tax instead of $250 + tax, than I am about an extra $5 per lap dance at the fucking titty bar.

    (aaaaaaaaaaaaand exhale)
  • 8TM
    3 years ago
    “I think about going less but it has more to do with the decline of the quality of the girls in the local clubs rather than price increases.”

    That’s where I’m at. I’ve been doing this since 2010 and I’ve realized the experience now is almost unrecognizable compared to back then.

    I’m not about to sell my house and move just for better strip clubs (or am I?). I’m thinking in 2022 I’ll just cut back to a few times a year and travel to the very best clubs.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    This thread smells like boomers and dirry diapers. All i read was waaaaah, waaaaah, waaaaah! I need my baba and I shit my depends! Waaaaah waaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Over 30, for a std dance, is when my eyebrows go up and Im like 'huh?' Sometimes it depends on the format. If std dances are 40 but held in a private area, I might deal.

    Where i really draw the line and get frustrated is nickel and diming. House fee is $5 for the first three songs and $5 per song after that plus the room fee of $10 but we can only do 6 dances max in there otherwise we have to do the $20 room. If we do the $20 room you have to buy an extra two drinks for $10 each but the regular room is one drink minimum for $5. Etc.
  • sinclair
    3 years ago
    I'm seeing clubs with $40 lap dances now in rural areas! With all the GPS you have to deal with and cut songs on top of it, lap dances are just not worth it at many clubs now. The most recent club I went to that had $40 dances was giving only 50% of the private dance fee to the dancer and keeping the other 50% for themselves. Not only is the customer getting screwed, but the dancer as well.
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    I was a Follies customer from 1999 until they closed recently, and I was amazed that in all that time, the dances were always $10 -- as they were pretty much all across Atlanta. Dance prices everywhere seemed not to have changed much in the last 20 years, so in a way, we've been pretty lucky. That said, I certainly understand that clubs and dancers need to pay their bills, and at some point I knew that prices were bound to go up. However, as posted above, guys have their limits, especially at clubs which cut songs short.

    Other TUSCLers, especially the dancers, can tell me if I'm wrong, but I think higher dance prices -- especially like $40 or $50 -- make it less likely dancers will make money than if the dances were $10 or $20. Hear me out:

    I went to a club where dances were $40, but once an hour, there was a two-for-one special, and that was the only time guys got dances. The dances were topless, with little contact, and no VIP options were available, so other than watching topless stage dances, this was all there was to do. That means if guys only did those two dances, the girls made $40 for six minutes every hour, and for the other 54 minutes they made nothing.

    When dances are $10 or $20, if I'm enjoying myself with a girl, I just keep the dances coming, one after the other, with no break whatsoever. If the dances are $20 and the songs are 3 minutes long, after half an hour the dancer gets $200 from me (and probably a tip). On the other hand, if the dances are $40 and I only get one, the girl has to spend time finding another customer willing to spend $40 for 3 minutes, and at that price, I suspect that most of her night will be spent not dancing -- during which time she will make nothing at all.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Eastcoaster is correct. Pre Covid I knew a dancer that lived in Tampa and worked at OZ in Clearwater where dances are $40. She had family in Atlanta and whenever she came here to visit them, she worked at Follies where the dances were only $10 each. She told me she made a lot more at Follies by selling in volume.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Marathon dudes are rare, even where dances are $10. Most want to take a break around song 5.

    The $20 per vs 40 or 3/$100 tend to amount to similar spending patterns. Most spend either $40 or $100 regardless anyways. And the one who does $100, may want to have a drink before doing another $100–does’t matter where.

    But on the flip side, if these dances aren’t getting sold, then it would be easier to hardball for OTC so from that pov I guess that would be a positive for some on here?
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    So Muddy, are you saying SJG is correct and paying for dances has become a chumps game? Just kidding.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    I'm curious if and when we will see upward price pressure here in San Diego. The club is still in "get people in the door in a pandemic" mode so door price is still $20, $10 with membership card and includes two free non alcoholic drinks and lunch/dinner. If you get lunch, which comes from a legitimate bar/grill next door, it's a very solid value.

    They phased out $10 single dances a while ago. Technically they are now only supposed to sell 5 for $100 15 minute VIP or Champagne room. They had 5/$100 VIP five years ago although back then you could negotiate down to $80 fairly often, but those days are gone.

    I'm guessing in the near future we will see either 4 for 100 VIP or 5 for 125. But there always will be a give and take if the girls want to sell more dances for less money or work less but sell less. Being so close to TJ really does keep our sex work prices relatively low here.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    I haven't seen dance prices going up but as others have mentioned VIP asking prices have risen in some places. Not much beats ATL 10 dollar dances. Finding a girl you like and getting 8-10 dances at a time is routine.
    Don't understand how places like Oz survive. Didn't they raise prices from 30-40 during Covid?
    It seems that more places are doing the bulk vip dance option like 15 minutes for 100 and things like that.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    From what I've seen it's like a war for your money between dancers and clubs. Clubs are price gouging and having girls push sales for the clubs ie bottles hookah sections etc. Which cuts into money spent on the girls by a lot.

    Ive seen clubs with $100 covers $50 drinks $50 dances. Clubs where you have to get bottle service starring at $450 to sit....after a $60 cover charge.

    Clubs with no dances where girls push customers into buying hookah and bottles

    House fees going up for girls while they make less money coz of these kinds of club policies.

    But something funny I noticed. Guys on here justify businesses price gouging on everything but bitch about strip club prices going up 🤡

    Clubs are killing themselves with their attempt at a cash grab.

    Only fans is better for girls at this point.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Since it's a small minority of clubs where dances are less than $20 a song, I always pay at least $20, even if the set price is less. When I do business with a person under 30, I don't want to risk being unfair to them. If it's more than $20 per song or $200 per half hour, I get much more picky.

    The most I've routinely paid was $600 for an hour. OTC, to one dancer. She was as hot looking as can be to me. She'd kiss me, and get very wet. She'd have an orgasm (or very convincingly fake one) from her boobs being kissed and fondled. But she ditched me after a year or so, didn't say why, but presumable because she didn't think $600 was enough $.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    $600 can get you a sleepover in Vegas. It has to be enough for an hour in your area
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