Comments by how (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you see better looking females in Walmart than you see at the strip club, is
    I don't care about Walmart particularly, but the anti-Walmart nonsense is idiotic. They succeed because people choose to shop there and choose to work there. No one has ever been forced to do either. Some people don't go to adult bookstores because they don't like that stuff; others don't go to Disneyland because they don't like that stuff. Walmart sells what they sell, and don't sell what they don't sell. The same is true for EVERY OTHER COMPANY that has ever existed. Hating Walmart for that is senseless. Not shopping there is perfectly reasonable, but hating them says nothing about them and plenty about the hater.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Providence strip club hosting job fair
    MG, you can fairly blame the former pres (not a fiscal conservative) for not vetoing every bill sent by Pelosi and Reid from January 2007 through January 2009, but it was absolutely liberal economic policies that have caused the economic troubles. And yes, liberals in government absolutely want to increase dependency of individuals on the government. The solution is term limits for congress. And as for "running up HUGE federal debt," the new pres has outpaced all his predecessors combined, in amazingly-rapid fashion.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dollar bills
    A radio advertisement in Florida was a parody on a political ad, but was actually for a club. In place of the "Paid for by the People to Elect Joe Blow" tagline, it said something like, "Paid for by _____, in one dollar bills."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Viagra replacement?
    You're gonna die, but you could go out with a bang... I'm not a fan of spiders, in spite of their fine work in bug control. You often cannot see them before you feel them, and if they decide to bite, it could be trouble. At least snakes are typically large enough that you see them before they are in striking distance, and they slither away more often than strike...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Providence strip club hosting job fair
    The Pelosi-Reid economy (founded January 2007), now facilitated by a like-minded executive branch, is causing great suffering. Tragically, they want that so people might turn to them for the solution to the problems they cause! More tragically, many are oblivious to the ploy of increasing dependency on central government.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you see better looking females in Walmart than you see at the strip club, is
    lopaw, would you go to Target? Is your anti-Walmart stance because they're discount, or is it something else?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Nice one, DJ. Can't believe you got some serious replies, though...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you see better looking females in Walmart than you see at the strip club, is
    samsung1, Walmart is wise to fear what unions will do if our president gets his way. There is a proposal to eliminate secret ballots for union voting -- they gave it some nonsensical-but-sweet-sounding name like "Employee Free Choice Act" or some similar B.S. -- that would allow union bosses to strong-arm employees into joining in, even if they would not have otherwise chosen that. The president and speaker of the house and senate majority leader all want this because those same union bosses will direct the increased union revenues towards the democrat party. The fact that secret ballots are a staple of democracy is irrelevant to them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper girlfriends
    Lunabird, your post in reply to SuperDude might be the best and most sensible yet seen on these discussion boards. Common sense and intelligence are is your red outfit. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    Offtopic- Who are you picking for the NCAA basketball tournament?
    Someyoung, this Duke team does not make the F4--bank on it. They are too dependent on one thing (long-range jumpers), and that accounts for their inconsistency this season. Four-in-a-row in a do-or-die scenario against tourney-caliber competition is not happening for them. Memphis has the horses, but remains untested since their conference is completely worthless. Louisville won the regular-season and tourney in the toughest conference, so they should be favored. However, I've watched them play several times...they have great talent, but lack basketball IQ (or any IQ).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you see better looking females in Walmart than you see at the strip club, is
    In the Pelosi-Reid-Obama economy, Walmart is going to be a busy place, so you'll see all kinds of folks there. Ironic, as liberals continually rail against the retail giant...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    In through the Out door
    Good points, all. Especially Dudester, "I'd only do that with someone I'd known for a while." As mentioned, this activity surprised me, and she initiated it. I have known her quite awhile, and we've been out together and spent the night together before. All of that was personal rather than business, but we went back to being in-the-club only. Who knows if that will change back to the other arrangement? Meanwhile, I still will not seek out the activity in question, but it was memorable for its uniqueness.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    Offtopic- Who are you picking for the NCAA basketball tournament?
    Picking a Big East team to win this season would not be a bad move...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    2nd booth from the stage
    Strip Club in The Wrestler
    Shadowcat, please post reviews of upcoming movies. I'll be able to tell what is worthwhile by looking for movies that you claim have "bad acting." "The Wrestler" featured some of the best acting of 2008. Further, the "strip club drama" seemed plausible, not unrealistic. Customer wanted personal relationship with stripper; stripper kept boundary; once stripper decided to drop boundary, customer had decided to take another path... Very plausible.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    2nd booth from the stage
    Strip Club in The Wrestler
    I saw the movie, and I think they called the club "Cheeks" -- MG says it was actually "Cheeques," so I guess that is correct. The movie was interesting in its study of the characters. The aging wrestler was also a PL for an aging dancer (played by the 40-something-but-smoking-hot Marisa Tomei). These two characters were tragic figures, but the director evoked empathy for them effectively.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers with rules.
    Good call on "no glitter," George. I don't need to explain myself to anyone, but I don't like glitter getting on my clothes and even in my car.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to prevent premature ejaculations!
    Dudester, the dancer who is getting paid by the activity would want you to hurry up; the dancer who is getting paid by the song would want you to last.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Going to strip clubs 'alone' . .
    Another empirical example of going alone and feeling safe/secure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Where do you pop it?
    Inside her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Off Topic - What are your favorite PENNY STOCKS?
    Buy Citi! Of course, as long as President Obama maintains his open hostility towards capitalism ("I want to destroy the very idea of supply-side economics"), then the stock market will continue to languish. Tread carefully...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hooking up with a dancer
    That's a sad story, Dan. But it sounds about right. Meth apparently grabs hold of its users VERY tightly.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers with rules.
    I have a rule: don't bite me! Seriously, a few dancers have gone vampire on me, and that's not sexy at all...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper girlfriends
    Only you can judge this lady's sincerity, and even you may misjudge. But from what you wrote, I'd say "Be Thankful." You may have found either a friend with benefits or even a girlfriend if you want that relationship.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Clingy dancers
    A recent topic explored how to ditch the clingers. One suggestion that just came to mind but may not have been brought up in that other thread: Tell her you want full service. She'll likely say she does not do that, and you two can part ways on "her terms." If she goes for it, you have a choice to make: do her, or try another club...