The New Site

avatar for founder
Hope you like it.

Before you bitch, keep in mind it's been a lot of work (80 hour weeks, for about 3 months)


last comment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
LOL founder u bored?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
For the record. It's fine, but LMFAO if you think some won't bitch.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
I know you're trying to be funny, SirLap, but no, I'm not bored. There are a ton of enhancements behind the scenes. It's been a very laborious process.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Looks good on my phone.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
And to those that bitch, I will get to try out the new "mute comment" feature :)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
@founder I truly appreciate the work you put into on this site. I know it's not easy if you do it all yourself.

And my point about you being bored was to say that you've done a fine job with the site even before this overhaul.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
And @founder you know you know you like to tinker with your shit!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It's a significant change and thus will take a bit to get used to - I was used to the simpler interface of before but it's mostly just getting used to the new one.
avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
yeah you doing that caused the discussion I tried to post destroy itself. ALSO, outisde of going into a prebuilt discussion, I can't find a link that actually allows me to create a new discussion.
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
what estie festie said.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Overall very nice; nice job. two things:

When I clicked on an avatar a larger version would pop up..... no more?

Also, I would like to be able to load larger file avatars... only 550 Kb now. 3-5 Mb would be nice.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
ATM You have to be in a Group to create a Discussion.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
You can create discussions from the discussion list page. Down on the bottom.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I agree with it will take getting used to. I really like the layout on the home page tho 😁
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
One thing I noticed right away is the text format when I'm writing a post - too much spacing b/w words
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Never worth bitching about change in life.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I think it’ll take some getting used to, but the visuals are clear and crisper than before
avatar for EndlessSummer
5 years ago
I'm a fan...I find it easy to read and user friendly...
But, I'm also that dork that loves getting a new phone just to play around with it and see what all the new features are!

avatar for founder
5 years ago
Papi, that's actually a setting on your browser. I'm not manipulating that at all.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Marry me, endlesssummer
avatar for MadMaXXXNYC
5 years ago
At first thought it was me.. then realized it must be a site refresh :). First thing caught my eye was the Entertainers section is more prominent, and listed by area ( may not be new, but new to me ). That's going to add to the entertainment.... thanks, Founder!
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I wonder if you can highlight the last comment push button I keep hitting the highlighted user name unintentionally
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
That works thank you
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Lookin good

Except, saved pictures under 'follows' don't scale to size of phone screen. Have to scroll around to see both boobs.

Thanks for your work.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Thanks founder, new site is looking slick. Any insight on if the article feature is going to be a part of the new site’s future? Right now we can’t even make them. And I know me and a few others have submitted a few articles that haven’t been published yet, are those in jeopardy? Just wondering.
avatar for funtimepete
5 years ago
Are trusts gone? I can’t see them.
avatar for Shaniece
5 years ago
I like it, I instantly noticed some of the changes.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Trusts are history

Articles will be spared

Follows of pictures is no longer available. You can follow members and listings only
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
I think it will work just fine. I have fumbled around it for a few and it is easy to navigate and is visually appealing.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Looks good on my iPhone 11 so far. Kinda looks like you brought back some older elements with regard to style.

Nice work.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
This site is a vast improvement IMO. It offers a lot more options for dancers to participate and market themselves, which we should all support for a number of reasons. The interactive map is much improved from the old one, which really didn't work. Good riddance to the pointless trusts. I do wish that I still had the option of listing full reviews on a single page for the clubs that I'm researching, but the extra click throughs are a minor trade off for the added features.

One feature I am missing though is the ability map out multiple clubs in the same location and see them all on the same square map. I used this feature heavily on the old site to work out club and hotel placement. I do hope that this feature is added back in v2 of this imporved site.

Thanks founder for the upgrades.
avatar for Phandy
5 years ago
I like it a lot but with @rickdugan on the maps. I will say I'm getting a "please wait" when trying to approve or reject reviews. Tried clearing browser/etc and it still seems to hang.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
@founder, really appreciate the hard work and dedication. I'm still exploring, but the new fresh look seems good so far.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Some minor personal tweaks:

1) it is not obvious to newbies that "last comment" is a link taking you to the last comment (I didn't know that myself for a couple of years, thought it was just a statement declaring who commented last) - I think it'll help if it was changed to "Go To Last Comment"

2) In the Unpublished Reviews view - it would help in easier scrolling if there was a "Quick View" as with the Published reviews (and would be consistent across both views)
avatar for NinaBambina
5 years ago
Looks nice.

You do a lot for us, Founder.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Papi, there will never be a quick view for publishing reviews. I want you guys to vote on all reviews, and not pick and choose.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch !!! OK, that is out of my system. I'll adjust.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I pick and choose as it is based on the club, it just makes it more laborious - I would have thought many others did the same vs going review by review - no biggie
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I like that my header on my profile page is back. Thanks. I like that photo.
avatar for EndlessSummer
5 years ago
@founder Lemme guess...I had you at dork? Lol
I like, totally do! 💍

avatar for founder
5 years ago
Would it help if I removed the listing name, and just showed the review?
avatar for laplurker
5 years ago
The new look is good. May I make two suggestions:

1. When I open up a review, I would like to see the type of club next to the club name (bikini, pastie, topless, nude). The space is there. It saves a click for clubs that I am not familiar with.

2. Next to the reviewer's name, I would like to see the number of reviews and the number of places. This info would also save a click. A lot of bad reviews are explained by seeing that it's a first time review (club ads or guys faking reviews for the free membership).

Thanks for all that you do.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Would it help if I removed the listing name, and just showed the review ..."

You mean remove the club name - no that's important.

I don't wanna read every Unpublished review - as it is now I have to scroll thru every review-body I'm not interested in and it's a bit of a PITA on a phone
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@founder On some threads I'm seeing a button that says MUTE COMMENT, on others I'm not seeing it whats the story with that please
avatar for founder
5 years ago
If you're the owner of a thread (OP) you can mute comments if you want. This should keep threads more cohesive.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
So if I start a thread and someone else tries to high-jack it, I can delete their comments ? I like that.
avatar for funtimepete
5 years ago
At the bottom you the page the word “message” used to turn red as a prompt to notify you to go look. That seems to be completely gone now. Is it moved somewhere else? Or gone for good?

I like the changes. Nice work!
avatar for ArtCollege
5 years ago
Is there a way to find reviews from a specific day? I like to catch up, organizing my catch-up by day. Maybe I haven't found the right button. If no longer possible, then I'll bitch.

thanks, Founder.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
This is an example of muting comments
avatar for founder
5 years ago
ArtCollege, you can go to the reviews menu item. It list the reviews chronologically, but does not stop at the end of each day.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Conversations is the new Messages. It's at the top, and has the number of unread messages next to it.

You can't "delete" comments, but you can mute them. Other readers can chose to view them or not.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Looks Great! I gather that you are thinking good for desktop computers and for mobile devices.

I gather that the main difference is looks, what it does stays the same. Good.

I notice that it says I have (4) Converstations. It had been like this before. But I think there is something off about this. I look and I can't see that I have any unopened PM's. Not a big deal though.

So you take credit cards for payment. Can PayPal work with this, I would think so. But no BitCoin or anything else?

This new DISCUSSIONS, a way of looking at all the rooms in order of last post, I find it much better than having to go through the rooms separately.

But I do use separately, GROUPS, when I want to find something specific or start a discussion.

And I assume that ARTICLES are going back into action.

Thanks Founder for all the hard work.

I kind of assume you are using MySQL. I assume you know about MariaDB, a new fork in the software.

avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Got it can anyone else view a comment you've muted ?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
That it now offers My Profile on the top navigation bar I find to be a huge help!

avatar for founder
5 years ago
25 - Anyone can view a muted comment. This "enhancement" was mostly because of your bitching about people hijacking threads. You can now mute comments, so the thread doesn't get off course.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Sounds like muting is a compromise. Could be good. I am going to try it right now.

My unopened conversations tally just dropped to zero. Thanks!


Back door outfits becoming more common. I see this as a big plus. Slut wear should not just be something which needs to be taken off. And the back door should be encouraged.

Maybe after the first few rounds, time to get in the shower, then take it off of her.

In my observations, most strippers ITC go more for simplicity and little or nothing besides high heels and makeup, avoiding the real action uniform slut wear. Making too little use of even things like thigh high stockings.……

I do not go along with MG-TOW or this Sandman, but this video has hot pics and I do what to keep tabs on what is being said.
They Don`t Get Better With Age - MGTOW…

The Rolling Stones - Austin, TX - 10-22-2006…
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I guess being a whiney little bitch is good for something, but being a locka is the key ; )
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Now one thing I am not finding, used to be able to go go the home page and then have Google search the site. I used to use that all the time to find threads, even my own threads.

And then not seeing a way to find my own contributions from my profile. Actually the way that had been some time back, separating Article, Threads, and Posts, and showing the thread title for the posts along with the entire verbage of the post was what I had found most useful.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Okay, I look more and I can see that you can find a member's discussions. That is okay, and it is better to have discussions separated. But long ago I used to also look at their posts and their articles.

avatar for licketysplit
5 years ago
Is there a way to view the reviews listed by location as they were previously? It's easier to find ones for clubs I might be visiting that way. Also, I don't see the switch for Full vs. Quick view any more. Is that gone?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Okay, not to be overly critical, its just that these are complex matters.

So I wanted to try out MUTE. But it is on a comment from someone I already have on IGNORE. So I cannot even see it.

So I liked it the way it was before where you could see the presence of threads and comments from the IGNOREed, but you only see the text if you click on it.

And then MUTE would be more of just a vote against a comment, and it could be a comment from someone you have on ignore. But others could click on it to see it anyway if they wanted.

And of course if I logged out, I could see the comment from the guy on ignore, but I would no longer have authority to do the MUTE.

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 years ago
Hmm I'm going to bitch a tad. I preferred the listing on the left side of the page and I HATE that I have to click on every single review for a club instead of before all of the reviews on a page would load. Otherwise nice job Founder
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Muting does sound like a reasonable compromise. But it does not work on people you already have on ignore.

I like the old way of IGNORE where you could still click on their IGNORED posts and threads.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Agree with others - w.r.t. published reviews, preferred the old-format of all of the day's reviews on a single page, and being listed by location instead of by time published
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Yes it's unnecessarily complicating things by not location listing the reviews after approval, and clicking on additional pages kinda ensures that most will not see all of the reviews, after two or three pages most folks just quit and if they can't find what they are looking for they quit, location grouping and a single page per day keeps it uncomplicated and doesn't act as a deterrent to new subscribers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
IDK if it was there before/previous-format, but I like that when viewing discussions in quick-view (list of threads), there is now a last comment link in that view where you can go directly to the last comment in the thread vs having to open the thread and then have to click again to go to the last comment.

Also like that there is a message link next to the person's name so one can message that person from the Discussions or Reviews view w/o the extra-step of having to go to their profile to initiate a message.

But there is a cosmetic mismatch in it being named both "message" and "conversation" (but this is just cosmetic not that it hinders anything).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Could be my setup, but there is a mismatch b/w the text size in the comment box when one is writing a post, and the text-size in the discussion thread of comments already posted - makes it more difficult to size the screen/zoom when texts are of different sizes
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The "Please Wait ..." box that pops up when entering a command is annoying - either have the typical twirling busy circle or even better have a small graphic of a a girl dancing while the page is waiting to load - having a that big "Please Wait ..." message every time is an eyesore (again just a cosmetic thing and just my 2-centavos).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
As others mentioned, it'd be nice if:

+ # of reviews and # of clubs reviewed was displayed besides a user's name
+ if the stats came back (list of clubs w/ most reviews, TUSCLers w/ most reviews, comments, clubs reviewed, etc)

Also - in a users' profile:

+ # of clubs reviewed is no longer there (this is a nice metric to have/see)
+ I don't see a list of threads a TUSCLer has participated in - right now it only shows the threads started by a TUSCLer but not all the comments he's made in different posts - it'd be nice to see all the contributions and that they be broken out by type as it was a few months ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Not a must-have - but along w/ the checkmark detailing a verified user, it might be of help somewhat if it also showed if the TUSCLer is currently VIP
avatar for founder
5 years ago
If your nickname is purple, you are VIP.
avatar for Heellover
5 years ago
I am not seeing the full view vs quick view option on reviews. Liked the quick view as it would group by location (and since I am in az was usually at the very top). I like to read all az reviews, no other states (I don't travel much, not that I'm not interested as I love strip clubs haha!)
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago

I've not visited TUSCL in quite a while. Was a bit shocking to see the change. Wanted to see if I had any messages and couldn't find them. But I did read this "New Site" posting and found "Conversations". OK by me, but we don't have conversations, rather we exchange text messages. Just sayin'!

You and yours have a Very Merry Christmas!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I think it should be a requirement for every dancer creating a profile to have at least 4 nude-pics in her profile
(OK - this is more like wishful thinking 😄)

But on a somewhat serious-note - w.r.t. the dancers' profile it'd be nice to have a switch that only shows profiles w/ pics
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... If your nickname is purple, you are VIP ..."

Oh - that's right
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
A couple of minutes back the site pretty much stopped working, "Fatal Error".

Seems to be going again now.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Perhaps I'm missing it - but where is the thread-ignore button.

Please don't tell me you removed this feature.
avatar for TMojo
5 years ago
I don't know about all the features yet, but I love the look!
avatar for Scluva6969
5 years ago
Second the request to sort entertainers by number of photos as before and sort daily reviews by location instead of upload time. Will go through the rest of the site slowly but visually much cleaner and easier to post from SCs without everyone else seeing the purple banner and knowing what's what 😏
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I don't know about all the features yet, but I love the look ..."

Yes - as in past changes, the new look is starting to grow on me (not that I'm getting an erection or anything, but ...)
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I love the look too.

Just a minute ago the site was again down for a few minutes, just that Fatal Error message.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I just started a new thread, Front Room.

It gave me the option of clicking on a box to "Prevent This Page From Creating Additional Dialogs".

I do not know that that would mean. So I did not click on it.

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
Founder: One quick question: What is your recommended resolution / aspect ratio for a user’s banner image?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It'd be nice if one could enlarge avatars as before - and also be able to enlarge banners
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
In the past, if the last comment was someone you had on Ignore, I think the "last comment" link would still take you to the end of the thread - it does not now - it was better b/f
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
^^ Enlarging the avatars is important. I really like looking at Longball's gif's .
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Yes, I liked that ability to enlarge avatars.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I just sent a message to a TUSCLer I have an existing conversation with - instead of that conversation going to the top of the list as the latest conversation, it stayed in the same location down the list it was b/f I sent the new message - the previous format of going to the top of the conversations list was better
avatar for founder
5 years ago
the banner image should be approx 5w x 1h
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
w.r.t. Published reviews - perhaps have an option/switch of listing it via location *or* by published time, would be the most-beneficial - I can see advantages to both viewing formats but if it can only be one then by location is my pref
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Is it no longer possible to ignore entire threads?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ I don't see that feature currently - hopefully is not discontinued
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Fuck all these little bitches

Looks amazing brother
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago

Now I can finally rest, as I have heard from THE Juice!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
hey - SJG deserves more space after everything he does for this site
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
When I came into the Front Room, all but one of the page 1 threads was SJG's threads and txtittyfag's spoofs of SJG threads.

So, yeah, thread ignore is a good thing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
If thread ignore keeps people happy, then better to have it.

If truncating thread display list in the listings keeps people happy, better to have it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ nah - keep going
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
It looks great. Maybe this was there before, but you can now change your username. The trolls will cream their pants over that feature.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Founder, thanks for the hard work.

Sorry that there do seem to be wrinkles, but we know that these matters are complex and multifaceted.

The overall look is real good, and mute does seem to be a good compromise.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... ou can now change your username ..."

Where can you do that?
avatar for codemonkey
5 years ago
Looks great! Only negative I see so far is @Longball300's avatars don't open full size by just clicking / tapping anymore.
avatar for codemonkey
5 years ago
Damn. @Warrior15 beat me to that.
avatar for bullzeye
5 years ago
Haven’t read all the comments but I’d like to give a big thanks to founder for this site and all the work he does on it. Much appreciated! Slainte!!
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@founder i seem to have lost half of my follows used to be marked by a star is that feature still available and will I get back my follows that have disapeared
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Follows are now just for listings and members. Some follows were lost.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
I heartily agree with Papi wrt sorting/viewing the published reviews by location. In my case, I’m always interested in reviews for any clubs in Maryland and a couple other states I occasionally travel to. So it was always easy to scroll on that day’s list to the sections I was interested in and skip everything else. With only the upload time sort, it is much more cumbersome to view recent reviews that interest me.

The “distance” option in the listing mixes in too many far too many additional clubs beyond my range. And regardless of what I manually set my location to in the Account Settings menu, the Listings menu always reverts to where it thinks my IP address is. (This behavior occurs in both the old and new site formats.) And then to view recent reviews in other states, you need to change your location again for each locale; quite cumbersome and time consuming.

While I like many things about the new format, sorting recent review by date and state/providence is definitely missed.

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
In the old format, some dancers chose to link their profiles to their club’s list. (For example, some of our West Virginia “Lust” ladies.) I don’t see that connection any more. Is that function permanently gone?
avatar for founder
5 years ago
No template. Just skills.

Dancers linking to clubs is gone, but dancers can create a listing if they want.

I hear you all about the reviews. I'm working on something

avatar for founder
5 years ago
IIGBD... You should be able to search for listings by location on the top of the listings page. You can use a map or browse the world
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
"I hear you all about the reviews."

I didn't read everything here but I'm glad to see that comment because I also have an issue with the new review layout. The new look looks nice and I'm glad to see that we can now search through started topics without having to sort through all comments.
Oh.. and I can't find the edit button where'd it get moved to? :D
avatar for SneakySecret2
5 years ago
Thanks for the update Founder, I’m a fan of the new site. One quick question, is there a way to search within a clubs reviews? For instance say a member is looking for an easy way to find dance prices or info on a dancer, is there a way to search a club’s reviews for that info easily? Thanks in advance!
avatar for DrStab
5 years ago
Like seeing the pictures of the lovely ladies! Thanks for the effort!
avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
Looks really good founder. Like it. Yes, enjoy seeing the profile photos of the dancers.
avatar for Aurum
5 years ago
Is there a search function still available?
avatar for rh48hr
5 years ago
Thanks founder. Appreciate your hard work.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
@Papi - to change your name, go to account settings. 2nd item below the map.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
@founder - I had about 25 clubs bookmarked. Now only the four I marked most recently are "followed"

A glitch, or do I need to re-bookmark them all?

What's the name of that club in Atlanta? Fellas? Falcons? Freddy's? Follies! That's it! Follies!
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Re-bookmark them. I deleted some by mistake.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I think it was already mentioned but it'd be nice to also have published reviews viewable in Full View as b/f
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
I think I can get used to it, but.....

1) Viewing reviews is a bit of a pita, liked old system of scrolling, and seeing the big picture from 10 - 12 recent reviews, vs having to click on each individual one. I guess you're making it more tablet friendly vs laptop friendly.

2) There seems to be no rhyme or reason reading recent reviews. No alphabetical geographic order, and I've seen reviews submitted 2 hrs. ago on page 6 along with reviews submitted 14 to 16 hrs. ago.

3) While having club listings geared to nearest geographical area is neat, remember that a lot of tusclers travel. Although I could type in a city, I liked the old system of browsing through the states, and seeing at a glance how many clubs in each city.(i.e, X number of clubs in Orlando,but Orlando clubs suck, How many in Tampa or Cocoa Beach ? Or Los Angeles vs COI, Dallas vs Ft Worth, etc. Nicer to see in single glance vs typing in new area.

The home page looks neat, and it appears that ignored user list carried over intact.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
It's not bitching, it's constructive criticism. It means we care about the success of the site.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Minnow, it's very simple to change areas when looking at listings. Just click on a map where you're going
avatar for 623
5 years ago
Having all the pics on the first screen make it very difficult to start when I’m chaperone at the local kindergarten, or at work, or at church, etc.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Does there really need to be a message link on every single post in a thread? I don't mind having to click into a user's profile and click the message link there.

If you insist on keeping it, maybe make it a symbol (mail icon) next to the person's name along with an ignore symbol.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Saved by the sarcasm. Thanks 623
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Looks good. And, damn! After reading all these posts I realize how little I knew about this site. All in all, it works for me however you decide to format it.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I also thought it was helpful to have multiple clubs visible on one map. The new format seems to be working well for me. Still looking through where things are now.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Some Detroit-area clubs seem to be missing. I couldn't find Charmed (formerly Chix on Dix). I figured out how to find clubs in other states or countries, but I think it would be helpful to make navigation clearer with a menu.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
We got tiddies on the home page. Ergo, I applaud the upgrade.
avatar for rickthelion
5 years ago
Looks nice. I suppose you could have added some anti-zebra features, but overall a strong upgrade. rick approved! ROAR!!!
avatar for nemesisk7
5 years ago
Seems like you do changes every week and not for the better
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Nemesisk, should I roll back all my "weekly" to the 1995 version of the site?
avatar for nemesisk7
5 years ago
2014-2015 Tuscl ^^
avatar for founder
5 years ago
lol... I thought you were a progressive. Guess some change is bad, huh?
avatar for nemesisk7
5 years ago
I'll get used to it
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I liked it, as soon as I logged on. The new front page is great. I have barely begun to explore it (so far, mobile only), but prima facie it looks really nice.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
I like it so far. There is always a learning curve with changes like this but there seems to be some nice new features.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
I can’t find where clubs can be shown on a map. Did we lose that incredibly useful to travelers feature?

I am so busy doing so much more clicking that I might have missed it.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
I suspect that's a "no" on thread ignore.

Aside from that, I like the new GUI and organization a lot.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Thread-Ignore is needed and seems everyone liked that feature - it in part helps to decongest the Discussions view for easier-reading/surfing.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
I hadn’t noticed the thread ignore being gone. I did like that feature. I never used it much but it was nice to declutter when things get too obnoxious.
avatar for tmannminerva
5 years ago
Dont mind the change except the way reviews are listed, liked it when done by date, was easy to catch up if missed a few days now its constant scrolling through full reviews of places I will never travel to
avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
so far, it's a new look, but the tiny font when typing makes it frustrating on the eyes. I wear glasses so I hate straining my eyes just to type. At least, on the desktop version.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Es: Just adjust the zoom for the site on your browser

tmann: I agree I liked reviews by date; I know when I have looked last and only backtrack that far.... now it seems I have to keep paging back and back..
avatar for PutaTester
5 years ago
Appreciate the effort, but I don't like the reviews being limited to a specific location. I travel a lot and enjoyed seeing reviews of placed I have been or will be. And sometimes I enjoy reading reviews for places, especially in other countries, just because they are interesting or well written. I also like going back a few days to see the comments others have made or catch reviews I missed during a previous read. However, that would mean that I have to look through every location daily. That ain't gonna happen.

I encourage you to list the reviews on a daily basis or make it an option to list all the reviews for the day.

avatar for datinman
5 years ago
I really like the new look Home Page. The breakdown of the various areas of the site with pictures and links is slick. Having one review available to non-VIP is a good idea and will hopefully provide guidance to first time reviewers.

I do miss thread ignore and the ability to sort dancers that have pictures. I also miss the feature from a few upgrades ago where you could get a map of a geographic location with all the club locations marked with links to their reviews. That was very helpful when planning a road trip or deciding which hotel to book.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@founder. I’ve never commented on or critiqued any of your many changes over the years because in general they’ve worked themselves out eventually. But I completely agree with @tahoecruz about not seeing daily reviews as they were previously presented. The current “by location” format is not only a PITA but not ever seeing interesting reviews will now be the default.

In the past I have stumbled upon a few interesting clubs that I would never have known about were it not for seeing someone’s review. As it is now I will never see those reviews because I’m not going to go looking for them. A case of you don’t know what you don’t know.

I’ll respectfully remind you what you always said, that the reviews are the bread and butter of the site. I agree with that and request that you not lose your way by focusing on the inane at the expense of the usefulness of the site.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Thanks for the input BabyDoc, but unless you have another account, I fail to see how this is even a concern to you. You're not VIP and you joined 2 months ago.

Nevertheless, I will be instituting a way to see all reviews shortly. Then I'm gonna get high. I've already worked 8 hours today.

avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ coding while you’re high sounds like a plan founder 🤣
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Usually a message board just gives you about two lines of text plus some blank space when listing posts. Packs more in vertically that way.

Listing the last poster helps, but so does listing the time and date of their last post. Helps you quickly decide if you should click on it.…


Tommy by The Who - Full Album…
avatar for founder
5 years ago
I'm not even high and that SJG post makes no sense to me
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Typically message boards pack more in vertically with the thread listings.

So if people are making long OP's it does not come across like they are trying to blockade the thread listings.…

People here are talking about reading out of area reviews? I think that is very important. Long before I was on this forum I recognized that out of area reviews, for people like business travelers, are what is most important about this site.

For local clubs, worth it to go and see for yourself. And if you are a regular things can be better anyway.

But with out of area places, you really do need to have reviews.

avatar for Iceman77
5 years ago
Appreciate the work you did! Also echo what other people stated about being able to have a Map with multiple locations shown.
Thank you
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Great job Founder! The new look is excellent! Thanks for your hard work!

Your efforts will help me to find more filthy skanks to enjoy otc! If that doesn’t make you feel great - I don’t know what will!
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
My conversations shows one unread (even before I sent my latest), but I can't find it even going through my whole list.

Some pages of the discussion list seem to have only a few, like five, discussions. I'm guessing this has something to do with ignore?
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
^^^that's probably my only gripe so far. Small one though. Not a lot of discussions fit on page 1
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I appreciate your work founder.

a couple of tiny issues however...
I have a difficult time trying to find my previous contributions to other’s reviews and discussions and articles.
(i’m probably doing something wrong.)
and i don’t remember who i’ve trusted.
and i miss the tag lines at the bottom of the page.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
now i noticed the tag lines are next to the top of the home page. see... i’m learning.
avatar for Electronman
5 years ago
Lots to like, especially the map function and the photo teasers. Thanks for the upgrade.

I'll echo one of the suggestions above. I do miss the daily updates feature. I enjoy seeing a daily update of ALL reviews published, sorted by date. I used this feature from the "old" site to browse clubs that I've visited (or hoped to visit) in other parts of the world.

Thanks for a great site.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
LACK OF PRIVACY.....Sorry, but one thing I don't like is that anyone can click on my nickname and see my photos and view my club "review history" even if they can't see the whole review. People that know me, that I would RATHER NOT KNOW I am active on this site, could easily attach me to my alias / nickname. Based on this lack of anonymity I may be deleting my account and just pay for VIP access with a new nickname.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
ALSO..... if I click on my alias and "reviews" and click on one of my reviews WITHOUT logging in.... the first time it shows me the whole review..... if I back up and click on another one it says I need to be a VIP. Sigh...
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Have been playing around with the new site for a couple of days. Takes a little adjustment, but overall a nice improvement.

One thing I don’t like. The number of different clubs a reviewer has reviewed in the past is gone. This is useful info. I trust a reviewer who has more experience with different clubs in different areas than one who has lots of reviews for a few clubs. Plus I liked being able to track the number of different clubs I have reviewed.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
founder... i tried what longball mentioned... i logged out then clicked on a random club review and it displayed the full review... then afterwards the second review required login.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
First hit is free... works for heroin, maybe it'll work here.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I did like the number of new clubs listed I felt like I was catching Pokémon or some shit. I got addicted. Just think of the Hi Liter as Pikachu and it all starts to make sense.…
avatar for londonguy
5 years ago
Founder, a search facility might be useful to some? I am trying to find two FKK clubs you may have added after I went through the 'add a listing' link. I sent a message direct to you but maybe you haven't got to it yet, hence my post here :-)
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Londonguy, I have been remiss in adding clubs, which is why members now may add listings without my intervention.

Feel free to add the FKK clubs.

avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I have a problem with adding new topics. Presently I added test topic on the verified group and after 4 minutes it is still telling me "please wait".
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
When I look at reviews for a particular club, I think the "sort by most recent review" function doesn't work correctly all the time. When I do that, I'll still see some very recent reviews that come after older reviews. Bug, maybe?
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
The "Please wait" is still there. It did the same thing to me when I posted the Miami 2AMer on the front page. I had to close the window to get rid of it and then reopen.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Shadowcat, I think I just fixed it

avatar for founder
5 years ago
jacej... there is no sort on reviews for a club. Can you explain where you're seeing this problem?
avatar for 623
5 years ago
We used to be able to see club locations plotted on a map. Did we lose that incredibly useful to travelers feature?

I used it to know what three or four clubs i could try when in a new city, even where to look for a nearby hotel, etc.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
623, Mapping will return soon
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
w.r.t. the published reviews and them being viewable by location, I think we meant, at least I did, that they be co-located as before; i.e. listed by state in alphabetical order that way the published-reviews for a particular area of interest can all be visible at once w/o having to be changing areas particularly in the case of some/many of us that like to keep-track-of/read reviews of various areas - e.g. I like to daily read all the published reviews in the state of FL, as well as certain reviews in NJ, and other areas like SoCal, etc; the old format where reviews within an area/state were all together, made it easier to read w/o having to be constantly changing locations (where you may not even know if there are new reviews for the location you are changing to).

IMO the various options we have now to read published reviews, all have something to offer - it would be nice if under "View all reviews", there was a tab to view either by latest-published as it shows now, or by state-alphabetical order as it was b/f - the view by latest-published is def helpful b/c one can easily see the latest published reviews at the top w/o having to scan the entire list as b/f.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
What is the rationale of getting rid of club ratings - is it b/c they were too-subjective? I think most would agree they were not perfect but were more helpful that not having any other criteria for researching clubs other than # of reviews - taking that feature out makes it harder to narrow a club search for those not-in-the-know (I feel one is navigating more blindly than b/f when trying to find unfamiliar clubs to visit).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
One used to be able to click on the city and/or state name of the club and then be taken to all the listing in that city or state - doesn't seem that feature is there anymore - not a must have but I used to make use of if from time to time as a quick way to get to a particular city's/state's listings
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
w.r.t. a club's phone #, on a smartphone on can click on the "call" menu option in the club's page and it brings up the # in the phone's phone app - but on a computer as far as I can tell one cannot see the #
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I always thought a tag system would be more useful than ratings. Something like #partyspot or #leavehappy or #spinners or #bigbutts or #pricyvips or #discountdances

In other words, something that would help somebody get a quick and holistic sense of a place
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I cannot see the phone numbers on my desk top. Bring them back please.
avatar for vajmon
5 years ago
Overall I like the new format. However it doesn't work very well with this old piece of shit tablet that use to visit this site along with surfing for porn. For example the home button works only sporatically and I can't logout.
avatar for funtimepete
5 years ago

It seems like when using the “entertainers” page you have to pick an area. Previously, you could just see them all without have to choose a new area. Will that option be returning or is it going to stay that way.

Sometimes it is nice just to scan the women without really caring where they are, especially if you travel a lot.
avatar for ArtCollege
5 years ago

An oddity for your amusement:

I click the Reviews tab, then Change Location, then pick on the map Atlanta, I get:…
note that this page does not show number of reviews.

But doing the same thing for Portland took me to this page:…
which does show number of reviews.

After a few trials, it appears to me that the hierarchical listing (North America, Oregon, Portland for example) consistently shows number of reviews. So going to that Atlanta page that does not show reviews, clicking on Atlanta at the top takes me to
which does show reviews.

Not bitching, just trying to be amusing.
avatar for ArtCollege
5 years ago
Number of reviews shown per page:
Some websites allow me to select how many per page I see, like I can choose 10 or 100.

Would be nice, but not a must-have.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Additional tweak recommendations w.rt. published reviews:

1) the list of review Adjudicators is now listed all the way at the end past the review comments and past the "Post Your comment" text-box - it should be at the end of the review and b/f the 2-items listed above (as was done previously) since it's part of the initial review publishing - e.g. if a Adjudicator posts a comment during the approval, if the review writer answers it post-publishing then the answer to the Adjudicator's comment/question now appears b/f the question making it more confusing/harder-to-read

2) the review "Visited"; "Entertainers Working"; and "Money Spent", fields, should appear at the beginning of the review body sorta as a mini-abstract of the review per se - there are many times one is reading a review and one has no idea if it is of a dayshift visit or nightshift visit till the end of the review b/c the reviewer did not bother to specify

3) the star emojis for the ratings is unnecessary - I don't think anyone is counting the individual stars - the number rating should suffice - I don't see any value to the star emojis (actually find them kinda annoying)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ w.r.t. #2 above, it should appear in the Published review as it currently appears in the Unpublished Review
avatar for rockie
5 years ago
Founder: Did you decide to eliminate "Contributions"?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ I think it is great that a member's DISCUSSIONS are now separated. But I still think it useful to have their posts listed, with a count, and even to have a link for each of their posts. It was long ago this way.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I agree with the previous six comments .
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
you brought our comments list back!
thank you sir!
avatar for EndlessSummer
5 years ago
It just keeps getting better and better! 🤩
💲💲💲Thanks a million!💲💲💲
avatar for maskedhero04
5 years ago
Love it. More discreet and very sleek. I was very happily surprised with the change.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Thank you founder for letting us see the list and count for our comments. I really helps in getting going on this site. Also, I have always limited the number of new threads I start. Too many threads makes it harder to navigate. So I never start a new thread until I have made at least 100 comments. Now I can track this again.



High Heel Shoes Made of Lucite (hollow places in platform open on the top? what holds straps to base? who makes these besides Pleaser USA Inc? who founded and who runs Pleaser? how long do the shoes last?)…

Layla (40th Anniversary Version / 2010 Remastered)…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Website is taking shape nicely - the black menu-bar makes a nice-contrast w/ the rest of the page (and you all know what my fave-color is).

TUSCL is a data-set whether it's the Discussion boards or Reviews - as w/ most data-sets, the more ways there are of looking-at-it/analyzing-it the better and easier it is to process:

+ having the reviews be co-located and w/ the long-view option, it's a nice-way to be able to process the reviews - if in addition, there could be an option to vidw reviews by latest-published, this would enhance the reading of reviews especially when one peeks at them various times per day (I'm not saying in place of what we have now which works well, but in addition)

+ the previous "Thread-Ignore" feature was a nice feature to have and def made the Discussion board much easier to read and follow

+ as I've posted b/f, the club info that appears at the end of a published-review, should appear at the top as a header, instead of as a footer as it currently displays - most PLs are not detailed-oriented and often times when reading a published-review one does not know if one is reading a review of a dayshift or nightshift visit and which day of week which helps give context to the review - having this info at the beginning gives context to the review
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ also - thanks for adding the additional info to one's profile (comments, etc) - only thing missing off-the-top-of-my-PL-head is the list/# of clubs visited
avatar for JJMB
5 years ago
Thanks @ Founder. Is there a way to search discussions??
avatar for rockie
5 years ago
Thank you Founder for the recent return of "comments"! Much appreciated, especially when it disappears for a time.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
JJMB, you can use Google Advanced Search on the whole site. But you can probably also make it work for sections of the URL Tree too.


The president and his enablers have replaced conservatism with an empty faith led by a bogus prophet.…

TJ School Girls…

The Faces - Maybe I'm Amazed…
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
An unexpected negative to the new site format is when you go to the home page and find 5 photos of a bald dude in a bikini sucking dick. Didn't need to see that.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
Founder, not sure if this has been addressed or not yet. I was able to read some reviews in full when I was logged out.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
I don't recall if I posted in this topic before and at over 217 comments I'm not going to read through the whole thing but a thumbs up for separating started topics and comments!
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Speaking of, discussions have date posted, comments don't. If it's not too much trouble dates posted for comments would be nice.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Just to clarify, I meant comments don't have posted dates in profile links.
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