The infamous Griffin girls drive 50+ miles to work at Follies. My ATF drove 55 miles from Aiken SC to Columbia SC. I have know some dancers that have driven farther but they stayed overnight.
I know a dancer who lives and works at a strip club in NYC for four days each week. She flies to Detroit and works for three days at a club that is near the Detroit airport. She stays at a hotel near DTW. It is not exactly a daily commute but it is a regular weekly commute.
At the clubs I visit in Charlotte, Albemarle and Norwood seem to be a place many dancers live. Those locations are 60 - 75 minutes from the clubs. I know one dancer that works multiple days a week and comes from Winston Salem. That is at least 90 minutes. I know that many of these girls have a few drinks, take a few tokes, etc. Not sure how they do it.
I knew one dancer who drove 92 miles from St. Mary's MD to Baltimore for her shifts. Also, another who drives from the Richmond VA area to Springfield VA, about 100 miles, although she often stays with a friend in this area on night when she is in Springfield.
I know a lot of girls commute an hour to the Baltimore clubs to reduce the risk of running into people they know. I do get a little worried about how much they drink and vape weed and then have that long commute home while physically exhausted.
One girl, and I was stunned when she told me this commuted from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Artesia, New Mexico so she wouldn’t have to work near people she knew. Those are the only options in New Mexico; Albuquerque or Artesia (285 show club) She did this regularly not just once in a blue moon, (trust me I interrogated her on that detail) That is 250 miles and almost 4 hours of driving fuck that!
I know a number in the Pompano area who commute from the Miami or Palm Beach areas. It's about a 45-60 minute trip. I know one girl used to live on Miami Beach and commute to Palm Beach, which was easy a 90 minute trip that could balloon to 150+ if traffic was bad.
Most of the ones I've talked to about it do it intentionally. They don't want to work near where they live. A few have moved since they started and don't want to switch clubs/areas. Some of the Palm Beach girls go to Dade/Broward to avoid the dancer registration requirement in Palm Beach.
I remember a couple girls at Gold Club Centerfolds in Sacramento telling me they commuted from the South Bay. One from Fremont, another all the way from San Jose. That's over 100 miles, 118 to be exact, one way and almost 2 hours of driving with no traffic. One of them only lasted half a year though. That's a lot of wear and tear on your car.
I imagine they made that commute because the San Jose clubs are terrible, and the SF ones aren't all that great either.
Years ago, there was a bartender at Cheaters in Providence, RI, (Kellie) who went to NYC to work at one of the high-end clubs on weekends. She no longer bartends or strips.
A lot of dancers in MA and CT drive in to the Providence clubs partially to avoid familiar faces, but also because MA and CT clubs blow.
TFP reports dancers commuting from SF Bay Area to Sacramento to dance. The reverse commute of that 80+ miles each way is also common (dancers driving from Sacramento area to San Francisco) and girls doing that work the SF topless clubs because they don't want to go FN (Sacramento clubs) in their own backyard. There's also a weekend population commuting SF Bay Area and Sacramento to the Reno TL clubs which they don't do weekdays because it's not busy enough. Also a population SF club dancers flying to Vegas for work during slow winter months when Bay Area clubbing is slow
Back in the days when the Spearmint Rhino was a good club in WPB, it wasn’t unusual to meet dancers from Orlando ( 2-3 hour drive) or south Miami (1.5-2 hour drive) some would overnight but others would travel down here in Twos and threes, and work a few double shifts and go back to where they came from with a bundle of cash.
Lots of girls come from out of town in Vegas. A girl at Sapphires LV drove from Los Angeles to Las Vegas which is about a 4 and a half hour drive. She stays a couple days and then drives back home.
I was recently talking with a dancer who told me she goes to Vegas 2 or 3 times a year. She goes for two weeks, dances for one week and vacations for a week and she says she usually comes home with more money than she left with.
Most dancers I talked to when I was in Harrisburg said they lived ~50 miles away...which is weird, because anyone who's familiar with PA knows there's not a whole lot in that range.
I've known lots of girls who commuted well over an hour each way. Same reasons as others have mentioned - better money, further away from homefront, etc.
As a general matter, I don't find these girls to be as fun as those who live closer to the club. For starters, they often have to be careful about how much they drink. They also often carpool with others. They also have a long drive ahead of them when they are already tired from long shifts. All of these things make them tougher same night OTC targets. When I hear this, I often shift my focus elsewhere unless she is so amazingly hot that I'm willing to play a longer game with longer odds.
When I lived and SCed in Dallas I used to hit a mixed-dive where some girls would drive from Oklahoma City 3-hours away AFAIK mainly bc the $$$ was better - knew 2 other girls that would drive from small towns in Texas about 2 hours away - they usually only did it on the weekends and stayed in town/Dallas.
Good SC areas, and thus good money-making clubs, are more the exception than the norm - one can assume just like PLs will often travel bc the clubs in their area suck, or they don't have any, so thus many dancers may find themselves in similar predicaments.
Is it possible we are looking at this and applying regular logic - when in fact stripper logic is being used - and we are no match for that type of thing?
It's also something I just don't think or care about. She has her own set of reasons why she works at a particular club, and I have my own set of reasons for going to a particular club.
At one of the clubs I frequent I know one dancer who travels approximately 65 miles to work. I worry about how she gets home sometimes because she definitely likes to party in in the club. In her case, just as Papi said above, there aren't any clubs near her and she's worked at this location a long time. So it must be worth it to her.
Also - similar to some custies that will travel farther for a club they feel more comfortable in, there are dancers that probably travel farther to work in a club that's a better fit for them and where they feel more comfortable working in.
I have run into multiple dancers who routinely work at multiple clubs in a 200-400 radius. Girls from Albuquerque travel back and forth to El Paso, Midland, Lubbock, or Amarillo, TX. Others work in Phoenix and Albuquerque depending upon the season, Tucson is also on the list for some Phoenix girls.
I had a CF a few years back who would dance in Albuquerque during the week and Amarillo on some weekends. This is a 5-6 hour drive.
As for daily commuting, I haven't heard of any driving more than about 2-3 hours depending on the time of year.
There’s been times I was doing ~180 mi round trip often enough off and on. From San Antonio to Austin or from Austin to San Antonio at various points in time.
There used to be a trio of girls from Bowling Green drive to Louisville and back, about a two and a half hour drive, every Friday and Saturday night. One could occasionally offer to put them up for the night in exchange for some fun time.
There are several girls who live in Louisville and commute to Lexington, and vice versa.
Elizabethtown and Bardstown are also fairly common commutes.
The stripper who told SJG she should get a hotel - was smart. That was a subtle way of saying “No fucking way I’m going anywhere with you super-creep!”
I knew a dancer that would drive from Nashville to Memphis just to strip. I think she was paranoid that she would run into someone she knew if she stripped close to home. The money might have been slightly better in Memphis, but both cities suck for strip clubs.
Cashman1234, always using his mouth for his asshole and his asshole for his mouth.
Nicespice, I wonder why you drive so far, when mostly strip clubs seem to be the same, and then if you wanted to their are motels, or you cloud just move.
^^^^^ Most of those reviews aren't of much worth, except to say that the club is still open. Written by PL's who take what is offered at strip clubs at face value. And strip clubs are well oiled fine tuned machines for separating marks from their money.
It's entirely your business if you want to tell us. Do you find big differences club to club, or are you just restless and is it more because of the geographic areas or because of other things in your life?
This site has legitimate reviews of clubs - and there are some obvious reviews that are attempts to gain access to the VIP section.
I’ve read through reviews and comments on the non-ultimate strip club list, and many of them are useless drivel. Sad comments asking if a certain dancer still works there.
I’m not sure what SJG expects in a review? Maybe someone should post a club review about front room make out sessions - underground Mexican strip clubs - and how dancers want you to kiss them - and treating them like civilians before taking them home for TLN? Oh that’s right - that only exists in some creeps imagination!
The clubs follow one of a list of formulae, what some call "business models". Its the alcohol, the skin level, what they have for private space, and the pricing.
The biggest indicator of what the girls look like is just how many of them there are. I have always found that just asking the door man works. Before TUSCL there was this guide book for the entire country. Pitched at bar supply sales reps.
So if it is a large number of dancers per shift, then it is a busy place, quite competitive, and the women will be young and nice looking.
If a small number, not so. The dives of dives can have just one per shift. But those places will often be of the highest mileage, as that is the only way they could make money with so few patrons.
Sometimes dancers seem to get into fights with other dancers or managers, and so they go to another club. Then when they are reaching retirement age, they eventually get into their last conflict, and then they are retired.
Here we often have an underground circuit, and a lot of girls who have run out of above ground places to work, end up in the underground circuit. But most of the girls who dance in that circuit are aggressively seeking OTC gigs. They have become more escorts. So if they are talking to someone, that is what they are talking about.
We had girls who danced in San Francisco Market St. Cinema, the most off the hook of the SF clubs, coming to San Jose to dance some hours in our Mexican Bars.
san_jose_kenobi said "what some call 'business models'"...
Please, san_jose_kenobi, tell us more about this ancient and obscure concept, known only to roughly a billion first-year business and marketing majors...
"The biggest indicator of what the girls look like is just how many of them there are."
And likewise, on Rubmaps, most of the reviews of AMPs are of little value. It comes down to guys who are lying on their backs, trying to offer the girls money, and trying to use money to negotiate them into FS.
Real stupid!
Anyone knows that you don't talk about money with them until they have in principle opened up and agreed.
Far better to start of just treating them in a civilian way and coming on to them while on your feet and likely getting a preliminary makeout session going.
Once that happens, everything will be very easy and mind blowing for both parties.
Reviews of Strip Clubs and of AMPs are of little value because they are almost always written by CHUMPS!
And of the rare Womanizer in the mix, they know that the girls would not like to be written about in detail, so you don't see such reviews from them.
Reviews do not predict how the girl will respond when approach in a completely different manner than what she is used to.
Say like you find a listing and it says club A has 10 dancers per shift.
So you go there and ask the door man, how many dancers are here right now?
And he says 6.
So you go in, and mostly they are very nice looking, any would be fine for all intimate activities.
Then you find a listing for club B. It says 3 dancers per shift.
Ask the door man, and he says 2.
So go in, find that neither of the two is really stomachable. If you spend time, get to see some redeeming charm in them, than it will be fine. But if there was more money to be made in that club, then more and nicer looking dancers would be there to try and get at it.
Really very simple.
What motivates where the women dance, well some of it has to do with their age and looks, and what mileage level they have become accustomed to. When you get to real dives, then they can just do what they want and how they want.
And in the above example, neither of the two girls in club B would ever be allowed to dance at Club A.
And of the six girls at club A, none of them would ever want to dance in club B, too much of a dive, likely too much they are expected to do.
But then say you went to San Francisco, Deja Vu's flagship Centerfolds, they would have even more girls per shift, and they would be really hot looking compared to even club A. And much more painted up too.
I give this example based on actual experience with local clubs.
I run into dancers all the time that obviously commute from another planet.
I regularly run into dancers in ATL that claim a 2 hour commute each way. Usually coming from North or West Georgia. Knew a couple that commuted from Athens on days they did not have class. Day shift. Met one at Tattletales commuting from Statesboro, but stayed overnight for two shifts. That is like 4 hours each way.
^^^^^^^ No prevert, a chump is someone who sees the women who work in strip clubs and in AMPs as sex service vending machines. They present themselves that way, but a smarter person never really buys into it.
@Prevert, notice he didn't mention the other thing he always says? Because you're correct, he's basically calling everyone who's set foot in a strip club a chump since 'buying dances is a chump's game' in his opinion.
Lucky for us, SJG calling someone a chump is like a mentally challenged lifer in a psych ward calling a free guy a loser. Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if that really is the case lol. Would explain why he never goes anywhere.
Now wait for it! Here comes a post about a privacy wall.
Why are you changing your famous line all of a sudden? I thought it was "buying dances is a chumps game. Front room make out session until it's.......blah blah blah". You repeat the shit so much it's like your pledge of allegiance for TUSCL and shit.
last commentThe reason I was stupid enough to break off our relationship.
Most of the ones I've talked to about it do it intentionally. They don't want to work near where they live. A few have moved since they started and don't want to switch clubs/areas. Some of the Palm Beach girls go to Dade/Broward to avoid the dancer registration requirement in Palm Beach.
I imagine they made that commute because the San Jose clubs are terrible, and the SF ones aren't all that great either.
A lot of dancers in MA and CT drive in to the Providence clubs partially to avoid familiar faces, but also because MA and CT clubs blow.
The reverse commute of that 80+ miles each way is also common (dancers driving from Sacramento area to San Francisco) and girls doing that work the SF topless clubs because they don't want to go FN (Sacramento clubs) in their own backyard.
There's also a weekend population commuting SF Bay Area and Sacramento to the Reno TL clubs which they don't do weekdays because it's not busy enough.
Also a population SF club dancers flying to Vegas for work during slow winter months when Bay Area clubbing is slow
As a general matter, I don't find these girls to be as fun as those who live closer to the club. For starters, they often have to be careful about how much they drink. They also often carpool with others. They also have a long drive ahead of them when they are already tired from long shifts. All of these things make them tougher same night OTC targets. When I hear this, I often shift my focus elsewhere unless she is so amazingly hot that I'm willing to play a longer game with longer odds.
I can understand dancers attempting to keep their work a secret - and thinking the distance will lessen chances of being outed.
I also wonder if the dancer has done stupid shit at so many nearby clubs that she must commute a distance after burning many bridges.
Where I live - there are many clubs in a small geographic radius - but traffic is congested - so it can take a long time to get around.
I’ve been doing otc with a dancer who keeps getting kicked out of clubs. Shes bat shit crazy - and has no filter - so it’s not surprising.
Local girls from Santa Cruz do this.
Coming up to me and asking, "I was wondering if I should get a motel?"
I had a CF a few years back who would dance in Albuquerque during the week and Amarillo on some weekends. This is a 5-6 hour drive.
As for daily commuting, I haven't heard of any driving more than about 2-3 hours depending on the time of year.
It’s tough just sticking to one place. 🤷🏼♀️
There are several girls who live in Louisville and commute to Lexington, and vice versa.
Elizabethtown and Bardstown are also fairly common commutes.
Nicespice, I wonder why you drive so far, when mostly strip clubs seem to be the same, and then if you wanted to their are motels, or you cloud just move.
I’ll give you a hint: if strip clubs everywhere were the same, there wouldn’t be much use for people to write reviews on here.
Sure. Strip clubs and Subway Sandwiches, exactly the same wherever you go. I'm not sure you've ever been such an obvious and clueless shut-in.
It's entirely your business if you want to tell us. Do you find big differences club to club, or are you just restless and is it more because of the geographic areas or because of other things in your life?
Foucault & Governmentality…
Says the nitwit who has neither written nor read a review since 2014.
I’ve read through reviews and comments on the non-ultimate strip club list, and many of them are useless drivel. Sad comments asking if a certain dancer still works there.
I’m not sure what SJG expects in a review? Maybe someone should post a club review about front room make out sessions - underground Mexican strip clubs - and how dancers want you to kiss them - and treating them like civilians before taking them home for TLN? Oh that’s right - that only exists in some creeps imagination!
The biggest indicator of what the girls look like is just how many of them there are. I have always found that just asking the door man works. Before TUSCL there was this guide book for the entire country. Pitched at bar supply sales reps.
So if it is a large number of dancers per shift, then it is a busy place, quite competitive, and the women will be young and nice looking.
If a small number, not so. The dives of dives can have just one per shift. But those places will often be of the highest mileage, as that is the only way they could make money with so few patrons.
Sometimes dancers seem to get into fights with other dancers or managers, and so they go to another club. Then when they are reaching retirement age, they eventually get into their last conflict, and then they are retired.
Here we often have an underground circuit, and a lot of girls who have run out of above ground places to work, end up in the underground circuit. But most of the girls who dance in that circuit are aggressively seeking OTC gigs. They have become more escorts. So if they are talking to someone, that is what they are talking about.
We had girls who danced in San Francisco Market St. Cinema, the most off the hook of the SF clubs, coming to San Jose to dance some hours in our Mexican Bars.
Please, san_jose_kenobi, tell us more about this ancient and obscure concept, known only to roughly a billion first-year business and marketing majors...
"The biggest indicator of what the girls look like is just how many of them there are."
And that there is some bullshit.
Real stupid!
Anyone knows that you don't talk about money with them until they have in principle opened up and agreed.
Far better to start of just treating them in a civilian way and coming on to them while on your feet and likely getting a preliminary makeout session going.
Once that happens, everything will be very easy and mind blowing for both parties.
Reviews of Strip Clubs and of AMPs are of little value because they are almost always written by CHUMPS!
And of the rare Womanizer in the mix, they know that the girls would not like to be written about in detail, so you don't see such reviews from them.
Reviews do not predict how the girl will respond when approach in a completely different manner than what she is used to.
Really, very simple.
So you go there and ask the door man, how many dancers are here right now?
And he says 6.
So you go in, and mostly they are very nice looking, any would be fine for all intimate activities.
Then you find a listing for club B. It says 3 dancers per shift.
Ask the door man, and he says 2.
So go in, find that neither of the two is really stomachable. If you spend time, get to see some redeeming charm in them, than it will be fine. But if there was more money to be made in that club, then more and nicer looking dancers would be there to try and get at it.
Really very simple.
What motivates where the women dance, well some of it has to do with their age and looks, and what mileage level they have become accustomed to. When you get to real dives, then they can just do what they want and how they want.
And of the six girls at club A, none of them would ever want to dance in club B, too much of a dive, likely too much they are expected to do.
But then say you went to San Francisco, Deja Vu's flagship Centerfolds, they would have even more girls per shift, and they would be really hot looking compared to even club A. And much more painted up too.
I give this example based on actual experience with local clubs.
Hot looking girl…
I regularly run into dancers in ATL that claim a 2 hour commute each way. Usually coming from North or West Georgia. Knew a couple that commuted from Athens on days they did not have class. Day shift. Met one at Tattletales commuting from Statesboro, but stayed overnight for two shifts. That is like 4 hours each way.
That’s the only way any of his posts make any sense at all.
Lucky for us, SJG calling someone a chump is like a mentally challenged lifer in a psych ward calling a free guy a loser. Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if that really is the case lol. Would explain why he never goes anywhere.
Now wait for it! Here comes a post about a privacy wall.