
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "More than three million creators now post around the world on OnlyFans,"
    MissLexa was or is a school teacher and she tried hiding her face in videos but sometimes it would still slip out. It seems she may have just resigned but she could have pursued the getting fired route to get even more exposure than what she already has
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "More than three million creators now post around the world on OnlyFans,"
    Thats a good point that the firing would bring them major exposure. As far as playboy playmates, there is olivia fox/tayler mercier who i think is pretty hot. Idk if she has onlyfans but she does escorting for $700 an hour. She has a bunch of good reviews posted but its on her own website so maybe theres potential to falsify im not sure. But it seems shes heavily reviewed on TER too. I agree that since theyre public school employees they shouldn’t be discriminated against, but I believe employment history/extracurricular activity arent protected classes for government jobs? So legally they probably can fire teachers for having OF? But IMO there shouldnt be any public schools to begin with
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    is it worth a try?
    An escort (in another country) openly put on her listing that she offers BBBJ depending on your cleanliness. So it’s possible someone could go raw with one person but not another. Some of the pornstar and other escorts will also do raw stuff if you have recent test results.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    What do you tip a VIP manager or VIP host/hostess?
    There are some cases where tipping the manager lets you get extra VIP time for no additional cost (besides the tip). For instance if VIP is $600 for an hour, many dancers may be willing to even give you an hour 15 minutes for that amount of money, but you would need to pay the manager some to get that extra time. There’s also the stories of people paying certain managers so they look the other way while youre in VIP. And there are clubs where it’s become a formality for dancers to tip 10% of their earnings to the manager. I heard some dancers even tip the DJ at some clubs? I would still follow basic principles. If you’re already paying say $40 per one song lapdance, Youre already paying above market rate and shouldn’t need to tip. If the dancer or vip manager arent making enough off of $40 lapdances, then its the club/business itself that is probably ripping them off and keeping most of the dance funds. In that case, you can just push for OTC even easier to get rid of the middleman. If its $10-$20 lapdances, you can tip a $5 per dance. Just a sidenote i think the business of dancers tipping VIP managers start’s because a dancer wants to get favorable treatment. But then the other dancers all have to also do it otherwise they may not get treated as nicely. The benefits of tipping can include the manager suggesting them more to customers, the manager letting them get away with rule breaking or illegal behaviors… not firing them… etc. if a manager is getting 10% of the earnings of everything a dancer is bringing into the club, hes not going to want to fire her even if she breaks the rules or does something illegal. Rarely do you see a situation like this in other businesses where the employees or contractors can essentially bribe their own managers. IMO it’s something thats good for strip club managers because they get extra cash. Its good for strippers themselves because they get job stability and possibly can get away with illegal or rule breaking things. But all this is basically at the expense of the customers, as well as the owners/shareholders of the club. It makes no difference to the club owner whether the dancer keeps all her earnings or tips out 10% to the DJ or manager. It’s basically similar to corrupt managers who enrich themselves in ways that hurt the company stock price and customers. Tipping the manager helps the manager and the dancers involved but its overall a negative for the club as a whole… results in reduction of service quality and poorly qualified dancers continuing to remain at the club.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "More than three million creators now post around the world on OnlyFans,"
    @Phred i wasnt aware that the user accounts opened by customers also count as creator accounts on onlyfans. I was just basing it off different escorts or online girls or a couple strippers who made onlyfans pages. Even a civvie girl actually. All their accounts were very low subscriber counts, not much content. But they would still be considered “creators” even from having one subscriber.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "More than three million creators now post around the world on OnlyFans,"
    I dont know the extent it cuts into strip club business. The thing is there is crossover. There are strippers who also do onlyfans and who also do OTC. There are escorts who do escorting and onlyfans. There are onlyfans girls who are also on twitter or instagram who also do meetups. The famous pornstars all seem to have their onlyfans page and many of them also do meetups. Anything with OTC availability will affect the strip club business. I think onlyfans and online porn in general, could be competition for strip club customers who just liked to watch dancers on stage and not buy dances. Onlyfans also offers certain things that don’t compete much with the clubs. Like girls selling their used panties or fleshlights. Internet porn already existed and was to some extent always competition at least for certain types of club customers. Onlyfans could further fuel that since you can also pay a few bucks and get one on one attention from a hot girl. For some people, there would be more of an appeal from a regular girl like an average OF girl or stripper vs a pornstar. If you want to just get one on one time with a girl, the OF girls do that for $60 an hour or so, but it’s virtual.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Thanks, but I think I'll stick to Miller
    Nothing wrong with it. Part of a free society, free market.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "More than three million creators now post around the world on OnlyFans,"
    I don’t know that it’s necessarily fake. There are a lot of random people doing onlyfans, some could only have like 10 subscribers. Theyre not saying all of them are popular highly viewed users. That 3 million could include a random guy with no following uploading videos of himself jerking off. Maybe it could also include an account that just reposts pre existing porn videos.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Veterans Day is observed today tomorrow is the actual date
    Would people still want to come here if there was no welfare and no incentives just for showing up? Wouldnt that be the better solution instead of focusing on immigration? Also i suspect that you would still see an influx of people coming here to work low paid jobs since the low paid job here may still provide a much better life than a job back in their home country? A taxpayer funded prison system shouldnt exist. Most prisoners are probably in there for non violent crimes that shouldn’t actually be crimes? As far as murderers/rapists/thieves they could be sold as legal slaves or given some sort of death penalty. Even that death penalty would need to be something using cheap means like bullets or blades or flames, not an exclusive, expensive drug meant to help pharma companies profit off the death penalty. The taxpayer contributions need to be kept to a minimum. No minimum wage, and no laws regulating people from other countries. So you would likely see people from other countries being brought here either as low wage workers or as slaves. In a truly free market with no restrictions, it wouldn’t make sense for these companies to use overseas labor and factories. Small and private businesses also need to be allowed to engage in discrimination. You dont show up at someones random village demanding they serve you food or trade with you right? It would be the same with any other private property or business. It wouldnt apply to mcdonalds unless the shareholders/owners agreed on the terms for their franchises. But it would definitely apply to dugans burger shack or other small restaurants. If you can pick who youre friends with, pick your beliefs and expression, and pick who can or cant enter your property, then that means you can discriminate. If you implemented these sorts of changes, it would resolve most of the immigration issues. People probably wouldnt come here at all unless they were being hired by a company that already existed here, or they were brought here as a slave, or, if they we’re already somewhat wealthy and coming here to live here or for schooling or to start a business or otherwise invest here. I dont think immigrants are coming here for welfare. Maybe a significant proportion of Mexican immigrants are. But as far as Indians and Asian immigrants and even middle eastern ones, it seems they come here for school or work. A lot of them seem to already be wealthy or are exchange students of some sort. Or, its someone who’s already working here but moving their elderly parents here. So immigrants of that sort would still be coming here even if you took down all welfare incentives. That then begs the question, should their immigration be restricted too? Some nerdy guy from india or the Middle East coming here to work at microsoft or amazon? I would say that’s a good way to figure out who’s racist. If they dont want immigrants coming here even if there is no risk of mooching welfare, it probably has to do with stereotypical beliefs about certain immigrant populations.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When you finally get what you wanted and it was just bad
    Me? Why am i a prick specifically mate
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Veterans Day is observed today tomorrow is the actual date
    Almost every job if not every legal job, involves a business or employee or worker providing some sort of service to other people. No doubt, some jobs are more dangerous than others. No doubt, people in better situations are thankful that they don’t have to work a lower wage job or dangerous job like military or police. But does all that mean that it should be assumed everyone working every job is doing so for purely noble reasons. And does it mean that there should be a sort of formality where you go around thanking every veteran you see for their service. Thats debatable
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you know when you are in love?
    70 years old and fine? How?
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Should I stop going?
    Ilbb what is your weight, how fat are you? Can you explain what she was doing to be more and more obnoxious to where you had to stop seeing her? Was she not providing any services even after taking payment from you? Also $1,200 for a single meetup every week is ridiculous!
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    New York City
    A black dancer who i just stopped getting dances with, i spent $200 on her and she asked for a tip saying 10% is customary. I said no or just reverse walked away while looking at her The next time she saw me she crazily came up to me, was sitting way too close to me and kept demanding a 10% tip claiming its not a choice and she’ll just take the money from me. Then it eventually changed to if im not going to tip her for the prior dance i need to get another dance. Then I told her well i said i might get another dance Then she was angrily saying something about how shes not going to let me get her hopes up and mislead her by saying maybe, so i agreed to get a dance Now she was grinding crazily in this dance like she normally does, she actually pursues an LDK I suspect she intentionally goes for LDK and if you nut she’ll probably start demanding extra money for cleanup costs. Luckily at the time i was taking some supplements that made it harder to get an erection than usual. She was grinding on my dick the entire time and she noticed i wasnt really hard (not by looking at that area but just sensing it with her own pussy) so she would then crazily jump and slam her ass down on my crotch area. It still didnt work, so she continued grinding. She even does a very crazy front facing grind where she is facing you while grinding her pussy right on your crotch! She did that, but i was smiling at her, she had a really angry face (because i didnt tip her) and so then she switched back to facing away from me while still grinding. Anytime i touched her boobs, she would lightly grab my hands and take them off her boobs. This was again a change of pace because she had no issue with it in the first dance.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Veterans Day is observed today tomorrow is the actual date
    I can see appreciating and thanking veterans you personally know, but the concept of thanking random veterans, or random people of any service oriented career, like cops, doctors, firemen, etc seems odd. The other thing is especially in the last 20-30 years there have been numerous wars fought that many people consider to be unnecessary and fought for mostly profit or other unjustifiable reasons. A lot of people hate on cops and/or the military, but with cops its less than 0.1% of them who are really doing anything seriously violent or wrong. With the military it could be a much higher % and they dont need to wear bodycams. Also mate what do you mean about “mensch”? Thats a german word…
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Poll: Your reaction when Rick Dugan struts in to a club
    Rick did once describe himself, he mentioned he has huge balls, and he also mentioned that even though he doesnt work out anymore and hasnt for a long time, hes still built like a tank thanks to his genes and the way he eats. If you remember back on those steak and grocery threads, he was often posting about eating steak. Even without exercising, a high protein diet can help you maintain and gain muscle. I suspect that he looks way above average for his age and thats why he has unusually high success for OTC no matter which club or city hes in. He also doesnt disclose the amount he pays for OTC but he mentioned once that $1000 for one visit is way too much. He also had some comments implying $500 for an hour is kind of high so I believe hes doing $300-$400 an hour for otc. Now also keep in mind he specifically pursues, and does OTC with girls and dancers who don’t normally do OTC and arent doing OTC with anyone else while rick is seeing them… I would assume its his looks, personality, or a combo of both since he seems to have much higher success than guys who are richer than him
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    North Carolina
    Save our country.
    Cato is conservative though
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Ohio has voted in favor of abortion rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
    Ilbaicln ill give you a quick rundown on how things work. America currently doesnt really have freedom of religion or expression. Luckily, freedom of speech exists for the most part but i think even that will be gone soon. Right wingers want to outlaw holocaust denial and any criticism of israel just like certain European countries have. Left wingers want to outlaw any denial of slavery and criticism of black or native american people and possibly lgbtq people as well. As far as freedom of religion, it doesnt truly exist. Look at all the people looking to ban certain religions from being practiced. Look up the ground zero mosque case, a situation where both democrats and republicans claimed a mosque shouldnt be built in certain places. Some politicians even “explained” how they would use eminent domain to confiscate the property and prevent a mosque from being built. Some politicians or people against the building of the mosque even provided “logic” for their claims and claimed they also wouldnt want a shinto shrine built in pearl harbor or any nazi imagery present near a synogague or in germany. So freedom of religion, even if practiced without violating other peoples rights, doesnt exist. Freedom of belief and speech, exist for the most part currently, but there are numerous republicans and democrats who want to get rid of that too. Basically the way it works is, freedom of speech and religion and expression and property rights exist, UNLESS your use of religion or speech or property rights offend the beliefs of particular right wingers or left wingers. A mosque or shinto shrine or nazi imagery in “certain” places are “offensive” thus arent allowed. “Certain” historical beliefs and types of speech isnt allowed. Now republicans often claim to be more pro free speech, more pro free religion and more pro property rights but that’s debatable if thats the case. They still support restrictions on speech, religion, and property rights but its just a different variety than what left wingers want to restrict. The right will stick up for property rights if its protesters looting and destroying and stealing but that seems to be about it.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Ohio has voted in favor of abortion rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
    Its anecdotal but look at the posts in this thread. Numerous posts claiming even when the chick used a fake ID and lied about her age, the guys still went to prison for rape and other crimes. There seem to be countless stories of guys genuinely banging a girl who later accused the guy of rape and won. https://www.quora.com/What-would-happen-if-I-hooked-up-with-someone-I-met-from-a-bar-only-to-later-find-out-they-used-a-fake-ID-to-get-in-and-they-are-actually-underage-Could-I-defend-myself-in-court
  • article comment
    8 months ago
    Ex-con to Exotic Dancer
    Thats one reason some of the police brutality or blm so called cases are massively overblown. Legality is one thing, and it’s separate from ethics and morals. Countries and people should strive to create a legal system thats based on good ethics and morals but it doesnt work that way in many if not most cases. You have things like drugs or prostitution being unfairly punished, and thieves being unfairly not punished. If a cop or civilian beats the hell out of a robber or thief- it might not be legal but it obviously is moral.
  • article comment
    8 months ago
    Ex-con to Exotic Dancer
    I dont think the justice system in the US is too hard on first time offenders. I think its too lenient. People can go out and steal or scam thousands of dollars and still have it taken off their record entirely if they get a good lawyer or have the right judge or whatever. When it comes to theft, scamming or property crimes the justice system is way too lenient. People like this should be sold off as legal slaves or given the death penalty but instead they’re basically free to go with a slap on the wrist. In saudi arabia, where they chop thieves hands off, the businesses there can literally leave their businesses unattended and nobody steals anything from their shops.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Ohio has voted in favor of abortion rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
    A lot of republicans, act way too insane and religious and thats why they lose. The libertarian ones aren’t really republican and Trump isn’t religious trying to impose a particular religion on everyone. Trump will continue to outperform the right wing religious nut jobs.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Ohio has voted in favor of abortion rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
    Even a state shouldn’t be able to discuss or decide on things like drug usage or prostitution. Was that really the intent of states rights, to allow them to decide on the legality of drug usage or prostitution or other victimless crimes?
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Media refusing to call it Daylight Savings time
    So the thing is they dont want to use the term “savings” because they dont want people thinking about their finances, bank accounts, or savings accounts. Because of the state of the economy and other issues. Thats why all the media outlets specifically changed it from savings to saving. It doesnt trigger the same thoughts as savings. They dont want people thinking about the poor economy or their bank accounts in these tough times
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Why do dancers utilize tuscl?
    Why is there no photo’s section? Was someone abusing it This thread reminded me of the photos