

Avatar for JackKash
JackKashNew York City

Sorry if this is a retread of a previous discussion. There's no way to search to see what's already been talked about as far as I know.

I've reached a breaking point over tipping both in my own experience and in reading the reviews lately. Why oh why are we tipping for mediocre and disappointing dances or even at all? In the past, a tip was rarely asked for or was offered/requested for additional 'services.' Sometimes I guess those of us who had an outstanding dance would tip for the excellent experience too. I buy drinks or get multiple dances, go VIP, pay her tip out to the bouncer of a VIP room to show appreciation and satisfaction. I don't tip for a single dance. In fact, if I just got a single dance from someone - it probably wasn't worth it to begin with.

The other day I had a great time with a dancer, so good in fact that I got 10 regular dances in a row from her, $200. I'm glad she didn't ask for a tip and I had no intention of offering one. My tip was she got to do 9 more dances without having to walk around and pitch dances to 9 other PLs. I bought her a drink too. I also asked her when she worked in hopes that I'd see her again becoming a potential repeat customer. All of that worth more than a tip in my opinion. Another place recently, I got 7 dances in a row and she asked for a tip, I said no, I just gave you $140.

What's especially galling to me is reading about single dance prices in some places being $25, $30, $40, even $50 for a 4m dance instead of the standard $20 (which thankfully it still is here in NYC from my experience). They don't sound like they get any higher mileage than what I get here and often the reviewer is saying how disappointed they were in it but adding they gave a tip. I understand, I'm a lousy PL too and have reluctantly given in from time to time but I still have to ask why, (no wait) WHY!?

I mentioned it before that we are our own worst enemies with this tipping, building up an expectation in this universe for a tip no matter what. It's not our responsibility that the girls have tip-out money for the DJ or House Mom or can cover the house fee. If they can't do that on dances over an 8 hour shift then they are in the wrong business. Get over the sob stories and other SS.

Lastly, I can see if you are a regular and want to have your usual girl in a club. Tipping may help you retain her and she'll leave whatever PL she's sitting with to come over to you. Gotta say, when you spend $100 or $200 on a bunch of dances in a row, that works too but to each his own. However, when you are in a club out of town, Vegas or whatever and chances are you will never see these women again, why give or give in to the (unworthy) tip? Oh, and don't get me started on tipping a girl just because she decided to sit down and talk to you.

I welcome your comments.


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Avatar for 5footguy

For any dance, the assumption is that it is high mileage, sensual, sexy, and that there is a connection. I don't do "air dances" nor do I let her audition more than 2 or 3 songs to test our connection together. If it's there, it's there, and if it's not, I cut my losses and move on. I am not a lazy PL and she'd better not be either. I don't go sit at clubs and let the girls grind on me while I watch the game, down beers, and talk to my friends. If that's your thing, cool, but don't expect her to be motivated, because you're not into her and she needs your feedback and attention just like she would if she were fucking you.

For $10 dances: my tip, if there is one, is proportional to her enthusiasm. If she's looking at me the whole time, if she's clearly auditioning for my money and my dick, it's worth a tip. Some girls give decent dances but they're looking around, checking their watch, talking to other girls, just going through the motions. They don't get a tip. They get $10 for 5 minutes of work, while it takes minimum wage earners 45 to 60 minutes to earn that.

For $20 per song dances, I don't tip a damn thing, because they're making some money at that point. Median household income around here works out to $38 per hour (8 hour days, 252 days a year). If she can dance three songs in an hour, for 8 hours a day, she's above that threshold. That's 15 minutes of work in a 60 minute period. No education required, no training. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying that it's a shit ton better than many people are able to do.

I don't do more than $20 dances, because I can get SO much more for the cost of a handful of $30 dances.

For VIP, I tip depending on the experience. I'm usually with regulars and they are usually very enthusiastic, and so they get a good tip from me, though over time with any given girl, I scale the tips down.

Avatar for From978

In the clubs I attend, the only safe assumption is that if one dancer knows something about you, they all know. That definitely includes tipping habits. A dancer who knows I'm going to make sure she has a good day is much more likely to make sure I have a good day. So if you're going back to that club more than once, tipping will improve your experience.

If you're in the club when I walk in, your non-tipping will probably improve my experience, because she'll dump you and come talk to me, so feel free to keep the extra cash in your wallet. But if you want my advice, it is (1) don't go to a club you wouldn't go back to, and (2) use this visit to improve your next one.

Avatar for BumHip

Tip if you want. Don’t if you don’t want to.

Avatar for ancientlurker

Dances are only $20 standard in NYC? Gotta say that surprises the hell out of me. Whenever I've been there everything right down to a burger and a Coke has been more expensive than elsewhere (except airports, they're worse). My area is the opposite of a metropolis and dances are $25-30.
Tipping gets me remembered. My personality alone doesn't. They allow me to be a little more handsy.

Avatar for Dolfan

Like too old said: Tip if you want, don't if you don't. I generally don't tip girls who explicitly ask for tips. I also don't make girls who I feel provided me with good service ask, I just tip them.

I almost never tip for a single dance, like OP mentioned, if I'm only getting one it's because it was bad. If it was good, I'd be getting more. Following similar logic, if I'm getting more than 2-3 dances, it's likely because they're good & she's hot. So, I'm usually inclined to tip. The amount varies greatly, sometimes I just round up to the nearest $20 because I'm not asking a stripper for change or breaking out a pile of ones to pay exactly. Other times it's an intentional tip out of appreciation or in an attempt to get priority service next time.

Avatar for twentyfive

An awful lot of threads lately about spending money on these girls some about tipping others about the cost of dances, what happened to the 350K club, if y’all are so worried about spending maybe y’all need another hobby, let me suggest coupon clipping.
It’s not for everyone, but for you frugal fellas, it’ll help.

Avatar for Rod84

Most of the clubs I frequent feature $10 high-mileage floor dances, a price point that hasn't changed since the 90s. Few of us would work for whatever our salaries/wages were 30 years ago, so these dances are a bargain. If they're good (eg., pushing the mileage boundaries, enthusiasm, eye-contact, etc.), then I figure a tip is warranted. I want these girls to seek me out on future visits. If the dances are lame, then my lack of a tip is a signal I'm not interested in anything further. That doesn't happen often because I heavily pre-qualify, by watching potential dancers with other PLs and/or based on the pre-dance sales pitch. But it does sometimes, so I'll stop it at two typically, pay my $20, thank them, and move on.

Avatar for skibum609

At the Booby Trap last week, I tipped $5.00 to every dancer who did 2 dances for me. Not a big tip, but more than the other PLs. I looked around. I got better dancers and one of the best rooms of all time.

Avatar for JackKash

Honestly, I don't begrudge anyone who wants to tip $1000 for an air dance in VIP or hand a girl $100 because she smiled at you as she walked past. You're welcome to be the more magnanimous individual, besting the other PLs in a dick measuring competition to get some stripper's attention. TUSCL has always been a place of reviews, recommendations, advice and opinions about this "hobby." For those of us, most of us I'd guess on some sort of budget, I'm questioning the value proposition on tipping, especially outrageous tipping. If you're getting higher mileage and a menu of extras because of it, more power to you and great info to share. If you're lamenting always falling for a ROBs promises and tricks, heed the warning because no matter how high a tip you could still get diddly. I do alright not tipping regularly, that's my experience. And I find the girls who are asking for a tip are usually not the ones deserving it.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

You definitely dont need to tip more just because you spend more, that applies actually even to restaurants and servers. You dont need to tip 20% if you spent $500, $1000, $1500 on drinks. You can tip 20% on the food and ignore whatever was spent on drinks or tip a $10 for the favor of carrying the bottle and glasses to your table.

As far as dancers, the money you pay is already getting them paid. If you’re tipping for extras thats not really a tip thats just paying an upcharge for extras. It really depends on what youre paying for each dance and what % of that the dancers get to keep. If youre paying $30 for a 3 minute lapdance you dont need to tip. Now if youre paying $10 a song you could make it $15 instead. Or even tip an extra $5 if dances are $20’each. I definitely dont think you need to tip when dances are $30+ each. Also if you’re paying $400+ for VIP that should include some extras without needing to tip further. $400 will get you most good quality escorts and you can get girls on seeking for that amount too. So on a regular lapdance its a waste unless they’re including some $150+ champagne with it.

Avatar for FLAP3000

Unfortunately, the simps have diminished the hobby for many of us. Nothing wrong with tipping at all. In fact, if I thoroughly enjoy the dances and the attitude of the dancer - then I’ll throw in a little extra. On the stage I usually tip generously also when the girls are providing an energetic and enthusiastic performance.

Somehow, the game evolved into some dancers being dissatisfied with getting the price of the dance and feeling entitled to more. Many dudes just give tips for basic or even below average dances just because they don’t want to upset the dancer. Or just because she asked for it. Or just because she talked to them for 10 minutes. Or just because she’s hot and kissed them on the cheek or paid them a generic compliment.

Obviously, everyone is free to do what they wish and that’s how it should be. But this behavior will only lead to the dancers becoming more and more entitled and greedy over time. However, I still hear from many dancers who DON’T beg for tips after already getting paid the agreed prices that they are rarely hurting for money and often do much better than their begging counterparts.

Avatar for 5footguy

^^ yep

Tale of two tips: had an amazing VIP today. Spent 45 minutes in a 30 minute VIP, she didn't once ask about money or look at the clock, and was genuinely 100% present and more than eager to be there. I gave her a good tip.

After, a girl I had met on a previous visit told me she was having a slow day, and asked if I had any energy for her. After a "no, I'm about to leave" kind of answer, she straight up asked me for a tip. I was respectful, but a firm "no", while leaving the door open for the future. I never want to be rude, but also do not want to give my hard earned money away because someone hasn't had enough other guys show up. Women respect a polite but firm "no" and secretly love it.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I'm generous to the dancers who are generous to me. It's not 3D chess.

Avatar for Jascoi

I admit I tend to overtip and give into some of these girls that ask for a tip. to me, it's awkward if a girl asks for a tip. but I usually don't take them up again.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

If a stripper told you beforehand no kitty touching, but then you asked if you could do that, she'd probably go stripperweb on you. I'm fine with it if they say up front they want more than the "standard" for the club. But, I almost always avoid for the ones who ask for a tip. When do servers say "I'd like 25% please"? I guess tipping is the norm in some clubs, but not the ones I like.

That said, my ATF club is Vivide in Atlanta, with $10 dances. Because I'm old and overpayed, and they are young and relatively broke, I tip them 60 - 100%. But I've never once been asked for a tip in there.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

A black dancer who i just stopped getting dances with, i spent $200 on her and she asked for a tip saying 10% is customary. I said no or just reverse walked away while looking at her

The next time she saw me she crazily came up to me, was sitting way too close to me and kept demanding a 10% tip claiming its not a choice and she’ll just take the money from me.

Then it eventually changed to if im not going to tip her for the prior dance i need to get another dance. Then I told her well i said i might get another dance
Then she was angrily saying something about how shes not going to let me get her hopes up and mislead her by saying maybe, so i agreed to get a dance

Now she was grinding crazily in this dance like she normally does, she actually pursues an LDK I suspect she intentionally goes for LDK and if you nut she’ll probably start demanding extra money for cleanup costs. Luckily at the time i was taking some supplements that made it harder to get an erection than usual. She was grinding on my dick the entire time and she noticed i wasnt really hard (not by looking at that area but just sensing it with her own pussy) so she would then crazily jump and slam her ass down on my crotch area. It still didnt work, so she continued grinding.

She even does a very crazy front facing grind where she is facing you while grinding her pussy right on your crotch! She did that, but i was smiling at her, she had a really angry face (because i didnt tip her) and so then she switched back to facing away from me while still grinding.

Anytime i touched her boobs, she would lightly grab my hands and take them off her boobs. This was again a change of pace because she had no issue with it in the first dance.

Avatar for wld4tatas

I think it's standard MO for some girls to always ask for a tip, they figure it works 50% of the time so why not always ask. I don't encounter it much, but when I do I'll judge based on the time and money already spent, quality of service and interest in repeating. When you don't tip it's worth watching how they interact with you on future visits - very often they're still friendly and wanting to go with you again.

Avatar for JamesSD

I don't think it's that hard.

If you negotiate extra services you don't need to tip on top of them.

If you are paying regular prices and she makes you orgasm you should throw her something extra.

If she's not making you orgasm it's hard to imagine the quality being good enough to Tip. Maybe a super high contact dance in a low mileage club?

Avatar for stripperlover777

Be Sure To Clearify What Services You Are Getting & $$$ Price Amount. Ask The Dancer If You Are Required To Tip For The Extras If There Are Any. If She Is Real, Tip Extra. Get Her Schedule If You Are Coming Back. Good Mileage Is A Must! I Would Talk A Little First.

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