
is it worth a try?

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 6:44 PM
New to this forum but have been frequenting Club Desire for years now. there’s a dancer named Val (think her ig is “val pacino”?) and I’ve heard mixed things on her. Seems to be losing weight. i have also heard quite a few guys saying she does everything raw. kind of turns me off because who knows what kind of shit these girls and customers could have. so my question is, is she worth the vip? you can also pm me if you have any intel and i can swap info with other girls i’ve had experience with.


  • georgmicrodong
    8 months ago
    If you're asking *us* whether or not the possibility of some kind of infection justifiably overrides your innate sense of caution, I'm not sure you're in the right place.
  • 5footguy
    8 months ago
    First of all, you should go to the club web site and create a discussion there, since there may be multiple "Club Desire"s and anyone who follows that club may not see your post. Second, "is she worth the vip?" is the most subjective question you could possibly ask. It's like asking what your favorite color should be based on what other people like. You have your own risk tolerance, likes/dislikes, and all of that.
  • Brahma2k
    8 months ago
    Never ever let good judgment get in the way of a good time at the SC. The entire premise is based upon not thinking it through /s
  • rickthelion
    8 months ago
    rj, some of the damn dirty apes on here claim that listermint kills every kind of germ you can imagine. Not really relevant to yours truly, since we lions are resistant to many ape diseases, but my recommendation if you are worried about diseases is that you buy a bunch of listermint and clean your dick with it before you do anything. If you are really worried you could consider asking this “val” to douche with the listermint. She may object but you never know how she will react until you ask. ROAR!!!
  • Drphil229
    8 months ago
    I’ve done a few visits with Val and I can assure she’s not doing anything “raw” was looking for some raw talents and she declined. On the pricier side but worth it in my opinion
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    Very often, when guys openly spread rumors about a dancer doing everything and everyone "raw", it's intended to scare guys away from a dancer. Sometimes it's because a guy wants a dancer all (or mostly) to himself. Sometimes it's because a dancer pissed him off and he's trying to get back at her. And then there's the guys who see other guys spreading a rumor and decide to support the rumor just for kicks. Personally, I don't believe such things about a dancer until she offers that thing to me.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    The people I know who actually do things with the dancers. don't post about it under the dancer's name, just the troll. New account and stirring the shit indicates the OP is the troll. This is a new name for the troll, because she always has some little Douch bag simp name.
  • rickmacrodong
    8 months ago
    An escort (in another country) openly put on her listing that she offers BBBJ depending on your cleanliness. So it’s possible someone could go raw with one person but not another. Some of the pornstar and other escorts will also do raw stuff if you have recent test results.
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    Chicks who do FS can make more money by doing uncovered FS. That doesn't mean she'll object if your little guy wears a raincoat. (But she won't necessarily give you a discount.) The thing to ask here is whether so-and-so is honest about what she'll do and the amount she wants. Yes or no question. Then you ask HER how she feels about dancers doing extras. If she says they're OK, they you ask HER for what you want, and negotiate compensation.
  • rickmacrodong
    8 months ago
    Ilb, yes its true if they regularly offer uncovered FS they wouldnt object to a raincoat. But there are likely a huge number who require the raincoat. I would imagine most of the OTC options require a raincoat? Maybe on seeking, or low volume dancers are more likely to not require the raincoat
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