
Veterans Day is observed today tomorrow is the actual date

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I’m not posting this in the political section because there should be nothing political about honoring our veterans
So if you are proud to be an American thank a veteran for their service, if you feel the need to post shit start your own.


  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Your political views that this is not political did not justify your demented decision to post it outside the political discourse board.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    What’s political about thanking a veteran for their service ?
    You’re just a twelve year old sore head prick that just wants to irritate everyone on TUSCL because you’ve decided you don’t like me.
    Guess what? I don’t like you either, and I’ll bet there’s more that like me than you.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Tomorrow I will get up at 3 and drive to Arlington National. Place a flag on my dad's grave and drive home. Until you listen to someone who has done it you never really contemplate what it must be like trying to land on an aircraft carrier, at night, in rough seas.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    Thank you, veterans.

    Gammy95, really?
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    To Gammanu’s point, the op has always been an opportunistic glory hound, so at least he’s got that going for him. By the way, best way to thank a veteran is by helping them out. Serve those who’ve served. 90% veterans are tired of hearing “thank you for your service”, but they always are grateful hearing it. They also know people live to provide lip service, so if you know of a veteran (my neighbor)offer to take action like drive them to the VA or more be their garbage cans inside their gate when they are away. That has spoken volumes since I never have to say those words “thanks for your service”. Course this applies to all people, not just veterans.

    Other first responders fit in this category, ie nurses, police, fire, teachers. All are veterans of service to our country.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ I’d put you in the same category as the twelve year old, my first encounter with you goes back over 15 years and the first comment you ever made to me included an anti semetic slur, you stated that I jewed someone down, how about you go fuck yourself as well matey the moron.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    ^He is such a bitter, reactionary, old loser.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Mate's right. Thanks for your service is a nice way of saying "better you than me." Let your actions speak for you. Do a good deed and set an example for following generations.
  • Pussylicker2
    a year ago
    Saying "thank you" is acknowledgement of something someone does that makes you better off, like when the waitress fills your coffee cup. I thank her for her service.
    So please explain how we are better off because guys got drafted and went to viet nam where we lost? I'm sure I will get plenty of pointless insults, and no explanation.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Pussylicker, Vietnam is only one military action. It was an utterly pointless expedition which served no worthwhile national security purpose. The Domino Theory was one of the biggest foreign policy failures of the 20th century.

    I, too, wondered why I am supposed to thank the bottom third of my high school class? Is it really service? Did they really serve me or their country? Every single veteran I know did so because they had no other option. My best friend, just as bright as me but too lazy to apply himself in school could not go to college. His parents could afford it, but he did not have the grades. My cousin didn't have enough credits to graduate in four years and my uncle was not paying for a ninth semester. Why not get a small loan and complete school? Even he doesn't know. My own father, until the day he died, could not explain why he walked into that USMC recruiter's office that day, when he had declined every other day prior. So, no, no one I know fought for me, or freedom, or their country. Even the ones who fought after 9/11 (my cousins).

    However, without a standing military, without an active American military, the world would be a very different and more dangerous place. Al Qaeda would still be running terror ops out of Afghanistan. Saddam Hussein would be buying the hostages from Hamas as we speak. Taiwan would be a CCP province. Ukraine would not exist. So the actions of veterans have served to make America safer and the world safer. A lot of them are just absolute pieces of shit, like the OP, but many, many more served their country honorably and are jsut trying to make their own way in the world.

    Our government should be ashamed of the recent revelations, though. Poison water at Camp Lejeune. Chronic and terminal diseases from the burn pits. TBIs from outgoing artillery and incoming missiles. Suicides and toxic environments (literally and figuratively) at naval refit and refueling sites. Moldy barracks. Punishments for reporting injuries.

    So, again, do what Mate and I have advised. Bring them a meal. Take them golfing. Give them a ride to the VA or the pharmacy to pick up their meds. Fly the American flag or just hold a door open and smile for them. But don't say "Thank you for your service [better you then me]." even veterans know what it means.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    You folks have the ability to make your own thread, but that’s not something you’re interested in, y’all are just interested in having pointless arguments, that’s a sad commentary on who you are, I’m not interested in hearing from selfish entitled children that think the world owes them a living.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Well I’d this isn’t proof that 2bits is an ignorant, senile, conflating glory hound! Thankfully we have same people like Gammanu to notify anyone reading this how big a hood he is. Anyone can see I’ve only been in this site for 9 years, and please point out where I made any sort of anti-semetic statement you loud mouth schnook? What a mensch, 2-bits!
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Hers one of 2-bits messages to me for which he does a humble brag….so yeah yiu be the judge of his character. Probably a self titled “mensch”.

    6 years ago
    You need to remember I’m in a group where the minimum threshold is 1Meg investable 5Meg net worth you cannot compare the guy whom I use to those insurance salesmen who call themselves FAs
    Plus you need to remember that many of the individuals in this group are accredited investors.
    I’m not saying this so much as a brag it is more as an informative there are two other TUSCLERs that are part of this
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ Why don’t you show the origin of my post, it was you fighting with Dadilac claiming that his expertise was useless and that you knew more and had more experience than a hedge fund manager with over 14billion under management
    You’re pretty stupid I was offering you some genuine advice.
    Seems to me you’re a broke loser and a genuine cheap ass.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    As the penultimate broke loser and genuine cheap ass on TUSCL, 25IQ speaks as an expert on the subject.
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    I can see appreciating and thanking veterans you personally know, but the concept of thanking random veterans, or random people of any service oriented career, like cops, doctors, firemen, etc seems odd.
    The other thing is especially in the last 20-30 years there have been numerous wars fought that many people consider to be unnecessary and fought for mostly profit or other unjustifiable reasons.

    A lot of people hate on cops and/or the military, but with cops its less than 0.1% of them who are really doing anything seriously violent or wrong. With the military it could be a much higher % and they dont need to wear bodycams.

    Also mate what do you mean about “mensch”? Thats a german word…
  • datinman
    a year ago
    "As the penultimate broke loser and genuine cheap ass on TUSCL, 25IQ speaks as an expert on the subject."

    Penultimate means second to last. So, does that mean 25 is the second richest guy on the board or the second poorest? Which also begs the question who is the ultimate broke loser?

    Eh, never-mind, get back to your flame war.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Thank you, datinman, I am aware what I wrote. Losers are in last place, so who is the ultimate loser? We should have a vote:
    A) SJG
    B) Dougster
    C) ICEE
    D) desertscrub
    E) twentyfive! (We can advance him to the winner's [of the losers] bracket in this final round)
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    ^^ that’s super funny! Anyway, mensch is what 2-bits wants everyone to believe he is. I get it, when you got nothing else going on it can feel like you’re invisible, so yiu create this good guy persona, sort of like you’re better than others. Point being that well to do guys are a dime a dozen on this site, but the rest of us who qualify as accredited investors, don’t have to tell others about our wealth. This 2-bit PL has to declare his status like it’s some marker in life. I don’t find it necessary to mention it, or hire someone (FA at a big bank) to stick their tongue up my ass. Most of us don’t feel the need to advertise our own accreditation to a stranger. It should be noted veterans despise those who bring attention to themselves, but admire those who go about their lives with quiet confidence, not needing a blow horn attached from their pie hole.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^^I’d say it really sucks to be the two of you
    We’re you idiots up all night trying to come up with these witty ideas.
  • doctorevil
    a year ago
    I wish those who aren’t veterans would stop trying to tell us what veterans think and want.
  • doctorevil
    a year ago
    Thanks for the post 25, even though these dimwits tried to derail it immediately.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    Thank you veterans, I will be on the lookout today for anywhere I can express my appreciation
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    How do you spell cunt? M A T E 27
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Look at the little commies trying to virtue signal and pretend to be patriots, LOL!

    I forgot about wld4cocks. He is the Ultimate Loser. 25IQ cannot even win at losing.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    We really need to reinstate the draft. This country would be better off for it.
    Don’t worry mate & gammy neither of you two would meet the mental standards required.
  • FishHawk
    a year ago
    I am a veteran. I volunteer for an organization that serves disabled veterans. I find most veterans to be straightforward individuals. I do resent the derogatory comments on this thread. People of any political point of view can appreciate vets and I appreciate all their support.
  • RonJax2
    a year ago
    ^ Thank you for your service and happy veteran's day (actual, not observed!)
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    I 100% believe the draft should and will need to be reactivated. I write "will need to be", but not "will be". It would require an outright act or declaration of war against the US, or a confluence of a lame-duck presidency, lame-duck congress, and a pressing need. We are plunging headlong towards the "pressing need", but that alone will not motivate career politicians to ruin their re-election chances.
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Almost every job if not every legal job, involves a business or employee or worker providing some sort of service to other people. No doubt, some jobs are more dangerous than others. No doubt, people in better situations are thankful that they don’t have to work a lower wage job or dangerous job like military or police. But does all that mean that it should be assumed everyone working every job is doing so for purely noble reasons. And does it mean that there should be a sort of formality where you go around thanking every veteran you see for their service. Thats debatable
  • RonJax2
    a year ago
    > Almost every job if not every legal job, involves a business or employee or worker providing some sort of service to other people.

    Yes, this is true.

    And, don't you say "Thank you" to the majority of people who serve you? Like, whether it's the barista who just made your coffee, the intern who did the tiresome reports, or a stripper who just gave you a mind blowing LDK, who wouldn't be grateful? A bit of gratitude and a "thank you" goes along way in every one of these situations.

    > And does it mean that there should be a sort of formality where you go around thanking every veteran you see for their service.

    Short of some kind of formality, like the day of remembrance that is Veteran's day, what other opportunities do you have to thank those who have risked or given life and limb to protect American interests? It's not like you're out there at a FOB in Afghanistan to say "thank you" after a company of rangers fends off a Taliban attack on an American school.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ that goes to my belief that America was better of when we had a draft, I think we need some mandatory service, citizenship is almost lost in this country, we have a permanent political class, enriching themselves at our expense, as far as national service we have a warrior class, average citizens no longer need to do anything to reap the benefits of our democracy and our way of life, which creates a standard of living that is the envy of the world.

    Why else would we attract such a large proportion of people willing to sacrifice almost everything to get into this country?

    Like I said earlier we have such a large number of spoiled entitled lazy people living here, that the very thought that they might need to earn the right to be here is threatening to them, that’s why they don’t feel gratitude towards our military men and women, they think they have some sort of special privilege they think it’s coming to them.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    ^Spoken like a true liberal, ignorant of the Constitution and our nation's history. He thinks only people like have the right to be here. So police officers, school teachers, firefighters, physicians, small businesses who provide jobs/services/opportunities don't have the right to be here after decades of paying our taxes, following the law, and voting in elections?

    In the same vein, this demented liberal votes for Biden and Clinton who to abolish police, abolish ICE, erase the border, dismantle jails and prisons and free felons, rapists, and pedophiles into the streets, allow anyone from any other nation to just stroll on in and go on welfare and live for free, and to tax the shit out of anyone who exceeded in school, worked hard, and earned any modicum of success to pay for it.

    What a demented, old, jackass.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ spoken like a genuine lowlife bigot, with no idea of how much of a loser he is.
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Would people still want to come here if there was no welfare and no incentives just for showing up? Wouldnt that be the better solution instead of focusing on immigration? Also i suspect that you would still see an influx of people coming here to work low paid jobs since the low paid job here may still provide a much better life than a job back in their home country?

    A taxpayer funded prison system shouldnt exist. Most prisoners are probably in there for non violent crimes that shouldn’t actually be crimes?

    As far as murderers/rapists/thieves they could be sold as legal slaves or given some sort of death penalty. Even that death penalty would need to be something using cheap means like bullets or blades or flames, not an exclusive, expensive drug meant to help pharma companies profit off the death penalty. The taxpayer contributions need to be kept to a minimum. No minimum wage, and no laws regulating people from other countries. So you would likely see people from other countries being brought here either as low wage workers or as slaves.
    In a truly free market with no restrictions, it wouldn’t make sense for these companies to use overseas labor and factories.

    Small and private businesses also need to be allowed to engage in discrimination. You dont show up at someones random village demanding they serve you food or trade with you right? It would be the same with any other private property or business. It wouldnt apply to mcdonalds unless the shareholders/owners agreed on the terms for their franchises. But it would definitely apply to dugans burger shack or other small restaurants. If you can pick who youre friends with, pick your beliefs and expression, and pick who can or cant enter your property, then that means you can discriminate.

    If you implemented these sorts of changes, it would resolve most of the immigration issues. People probably wouldnt come here at all unless they were being hired by a company that already existed here, or they were brought here as a slave, or, if they we’re already somewhat wealthy and coming here to live here or for schooling or to start a business or otherwise invest here.

    I dont think immigrants are coming here for welfare. Maybe a significant proportion of Mexican immigrants are. But as far as Indians and Asian immigrants and even middle eastern ones, it seems they come here for school or work. A lot of them seem to already be wealthy or are exchange students of some sort. Or, its someone who’s already working here but moving their elderly parents here. So immigrants of that sort would still be coming here even if you took down all welfare incentives. That then begs the question, should their immigration be restricted too? Some nerdy guy from india or the Middle East coming here to work at microsoft or amazon? I would say that’s a good way to figure out who’s racist. If they dont want immigrants coming here even if there is no risk of mooching welfare, it probably has to do with stereotypical beliefs about certain immigrant populations.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Name- calling is all you have. Just admit you're not intelligent enough to debate me. It's already obvious to everyone else.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ child go away, have your tantrum someplace else.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    You are the only one here who takes yourself seriously. The rest of us see you for the pathetic old joke that you are.
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