
Comments by Mike Rotch (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Should we have a ghetto rating for reviews?
    Yea I'm not sure it would work. One of my favorite clubs would be considered "ghetto" by most but yet I've always felt safe whenever I visit. There is almost a sense of family or community that a lot of fancy upscale strip clubs lack. Those clubs feel cold, like you could get stabbed in the parking lot and everyone would just walk by you and leave you to bleed out. In the end, no one is truly safe from some unfortunate event happening and it doesn't really matter where you are. You could be in your own house and something bad happens.
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    a year ago
    Why do we go to SCs?
    I've always followed the belief that "one can do whatever with their own money" and I hate when people try to dictate to others what they should buy or spend money on. We all have our hobbies, some stranger than others, some more expensive than others. Strip-clubbing is no different than someone collecting comic books. It's something fun and worthwhile even if others might think it's a waste of time and money. Why do I go strip-clubbing? Simple answer is because I can.
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    a year ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Another one bites the dust! Bye Scrub. Hope to see you in the club!
    I didn't know him as long as some other guys here did, but once I figured out he was trolling most of the time, he seemed like a cool guy. I, for one, will miss his craziness. But most of all, I will miss talking about his mom. He really hated that.
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    a year ago
    Ownership Change
    I say..... I have no idea what club you're talking about. You posted this in the Front Room.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    @wallanon, I think so too. He did not state her full name, where she was born, date of birth and social security number. Clearly a hacker.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Finally met Nicole
    I think DATO means dining at the Olive Garden. Olive Garden serves salad before the main course. Being hungry you "toss" the salad down your throat. Tossing the salad refers to eating the bootyhole. Therefore, DATO = rimming.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    2ND warning to stay out of Poland strip clubs.
    8th and final warning?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Buyign Bud Lights at the titty bar
    ^Says the guy who literally started the thread complaining about internet tough guys by acting like an internet tough guy.
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    a year ago
    Naked Education for Children - Adults pose nude in front of children and teens
    This is outrageous! Why didn't anyone tell me I could use my johnson to fly around like a helicopter?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass: Bethany Lily April
    @gSteph you mean mammaries*
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    @Subraman, but you just said without consent you don't do it. So there's no problem then. I was talking about the dudes who shove their fingers in during a regular lapdance where the dancer did NOT consent. So its cool bro, we can still hang 🍻
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Buyign Bud Lights at the titty bar
    No thanks I don't like to drink water when I go clubbing.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    @funonthaside, yea I draw the line at FIV. That is penetration and belongs in VIP where the girl has agreed to it. And even then some girls will tell you to wash your hands before going in. I wasn't accusing anyone here of doing it, I was just speaking in general. Clit rubbing is not even close. That's like the difference between a stripper rubbing your johnson through the pants and a stripper reaching inside and jerking you off.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I have never stuck a finger up inside a stripper's vag during a dance. That's just so predatory and I wouldn't want to hang with any guy that does this. Not only unhygienic, but very rude. The most I've done is rub their clit over the panties. And this is only after I've gotten to know them and they are comfortable with me. I once saw a guy finger a dancer while she was grinding him at the bar and she straight up slapped him across the face and cussed him the fuck out. Well deserved.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    She is very open. We're talking about Scrub's mom right?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass: Bethany Lily April
    Smash, mash, take all my cash. Those are a bountiful pair of top notch Grade A funbags with big pancake partyhats right there. Very nice.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    How do you all deal with Annoying Strippers?
    Maybe I have grown a resistance to tipping from all the homeless people that lived around my neighborhood. After a while, you kinda zone out and don't even look at them as they reach their hand out in desperation. Sure I have nothing against giving a dollar or spare change to those less fortunate hobos. But at the end of the day, you know that they will just use it to buy alcohol or drugs. Same thing with strippers. You are not gonna save them by giving them a tip or buying them a drink. They will keep coming back to the club, because they need more money. So I feel no shame in not giving them anything. I will always be respectful and give a simple reply like "No thanks" or "I'd like to enjoy the show on stage for now" but if they persist.... I will just zone out. Drink my beer. Look away. Look at my phone. And they always go away.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    It's not cellulite
    ^Damn bro $4,000 for pussy? Was she one of those Twitch fart-sellers?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Nobody Wants to Work Anymore-Including Strippers
    Ok this conversation has officially gone off the rails. All this talk about jobs.... isn't this a strip club forum? There is only one kind of job I like. And that's blowjobs. Titjobs are pretty sweet too.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    I dont preppay before LD
    I've been to a few clubs that require prepayment. Usually these clubs have a timer too so you won't get ripped off by a dancer doing only half a song or something. The way I see it, prepaying puts a little more pressure on them to give a good dance. And if they don't, then it's a one and done, first and last.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Nobody Wants to Work Anymore-Including Strippers
    I think this industry just attracts lazy people in general. Lots of strippers do this job because it's easy money and they don't have to study or put in countless hours. They can make as much in a day than many other women make in a week. And lots of customers (like myself) don't want to deal with relationship drama so we visit strip clubs because it's a lot easier to just pay a woman to see her naked or have sex with. Strip clubs are basically one big shortcut to what we really want, for both men and women.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do Not go strip clubbing in Poland.
    They should just stick to Poles dancing.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    I’m Trying To Understand Why I’m Not A Multi-Millionaire Yet?
    If i weren't such a monger I'd probably be almost a millionaire by now. My dick is not financially responsible at all.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass : Yulia Nova aka Юлия Нова Born November 26, 1982 in Moscow
    I would titty-smash for sure, but below the waist she is flatter than a PL's wallet after VIP.