
I’m Trying To Understand Why I’m Not A Multi-Millionaire Yet?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023 2:14 PM
I just don’t get why I’m not a multi-millionaire yet. Everyday on just about every source I browse all I hear about it how AI is predicting stocks, sports betting, Bitcoin pricing, day trading algorithms, futures, options and all I need to do is pay someone $200 a month to become rich. Too early to resign from my day job?


  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    You’re doing it rong. In order to become a multimillionaire you first start with a billion dollars then you spend the fuck out of it.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    frustrating. isn't it?
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    If you google “Ten reasons you’re not a millionaire” a list of dumb stuff appears You’re not making sacrifices You fear failure You think other people can succeed but not you I think that’s all BS The only one that makes sense is “you hang out with the wrong crowd” I guess if someone had told me at a young age not to hang out with strippers so much and you’ll become a multi millionaire I should have listened
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    I have a computer, internet access and a calculator everyone else is doing it!?!? For you of those that can’t read sarcasm - that’s what this is hint: Subraman.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    The people making a lot of money using consumer-grade AI (in different forms) are (a) spending a fair amount of time learning how to use these tools effectively, and (b) marketing their use of AI just as aggressively as they use it. So, the woman who asked ChatGPT to create an online business for her that is now making well over 5 figures per month is actually making that money. But, that's largely due to her marketing the fact that she opened a business conceived by AI. That marketing got her a lot of coverage from media outlets because AI is a hot topic, and the coverage led to her business making more money faster. I know several people who are using consumer AI to streamline and automate things (including me). But AI as a quick path to wealth will stop being a story in a few months or less.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Including you? So do you use AI to download all your porn? Lol
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    ^ Who downloads porn anymore, where you can find and stream anything you'd like in ten seconds? Are spank banks even a thing?
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    “Spank banks” ??? Is that where SJGs 401k lives? Is that the bank where Icee puts all of his pimp money in?
  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    You’re not a millionaire yet because starting in your early 20s you didn’t take 10% of your income and put it into an established fund? (After 30 the percent needed only goes up from there) (the get rich quick AI, picking that one meme stock, etc is a rarity despite what you see on tv).
  • From978
    a year ago
    You're probably not going to read a headline that says, "Guy goes broke following advice from AI chatbot.". That's not because it never happens; it's because it usually happens. If you base your view of the world entirely on "news," you're going to overestimate the rate of surprising events. The classic example is crime, but getting rich quick is similarly biased.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Shailyn said "Including you? So do you use AI to download all your porn? Lol" All?... no. Not all. Joking aside, ChatGPT has guardrails in place to prevent anyone from generating "spicy" content. That's why the AI-generated articles that made it past the TUSCL adjudicators are pretty vanilla.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    "... I’m Trying To Understand Why I’m Not A Multi-Millionaire Yet ..." So I guess you're saying you're already a millionaire but trying to take it to the next-level 🤔
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    If i weren't such a monger I'd probably be almost a millionaire by now. My dick is not financially responsible at all.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    The key to wealth is delayed gratification. Work hard. Live simply. Build your skills. Invest a high percent of your income in an index fund. Do all that and it’s almost certain you’ll be a millionaire by the age of 50.
  • ATACdawg
    a year ago
    It's simple shailynn. You are suffering from Wealth Option Extremes Syndrome, often called WOES. Basically, you are suffering from too many options and an inability to settle on the right one. I can help with that!! Just get started by sending a measly $1000 to me via PayPal and your problems will be over!!
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