Another one bites the dust! Bye Scrub. Hope to see you in the club!

avatar for Mate27
Browsing through some posts and saw people hating on a Scrub post without his signature retort. Anyway, I also see his account has vanished or been deleted. I found him to be rather humorous, unless you were someone who takes yourself seriously. The guy knows clubs, but maybe he had one too many false “club ads of the day”? I’m thinking only founder knows.


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
It's possible that founder has put in place a rule based on how many people block an account. The user who was second to scrub (Snazzynazz) when we could see the ranked number of "Ignores" has also been deleted from the site.

Snazzy built his impressive numbers solely by sending creepy / weird private messages to dancers. So, net benefit there.
avatar for TheSingularity
2 years ago
Scrub seemed to be a jerk. We're likely better for having lost him
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Eh. I retract the above. I got served up old site links for Snazzy. He's actually still on the site, which is unfortunate.

So, my guess is that founder got tired of his antics. But I have no idea.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
2 years ago
I’m wondering if desertscrub’s userid changed. I don’t see his userid in my Muted list. Even though Icey, SJG, Snazzy are still showing in my list.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
And in one fell swoop, the comments sections on 90% of the Club Desire reviews look like folks are annoyed with a ghost.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
2 years ago
@CMI: Yep, I just saw the Desire discussion. Looks like DS is really gone.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I will miss scrubby.
avatar for knight_errant
2 years ago
I will miss the opportunity of following his "Club Ad" comments with
"of the day"?
avatar for nelly76
2 years ago
Bout time Desertscrub got deleted.

The problem with douchebags like desertscrub is that if someone who doesn't know about him puts in the time to do a review, and hears someone call them a liar, they probably won't do another review, and may just abandon the site.

It's hilarious that he had literally 15,000 comments (which don't even include his "Adjudications"), which you used to be able to verify if you clicked his name.
Most just said "Shill Review or Club Ad", calling everyone a liar.

If each of those comments took him 5 minutes (considering login time, searching for reviews, etc) that would work out to 146 full eight hour shifts in a job, or 29 straight weeks of full time work at a job.

Now al of that douchebags time has been completely wasted.

It's not much of a life, but it's not much of a life. It's a douche life.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
And it’s still in the comment box “if you don’t have anything nice to say, PM desertscrub”

I will actually miss scrubby, and all the accusations he threw at me mocking me for eating at Luby’s and being a man. But, I get it. That account has probably deterred a lot of would-have-been contributing reviewers over the years. So cie la vie
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
Founder probably realized the dip shit was costing him money with his completely unprovoked attacks on any new member who dared to post, most of which probably never came back. Not to mention his misogynistic attacks on female members. Good riddance as far as I’m concerned.
avatar for ArtCollege
2 years ago
Portland reviews will never be the same.

I found him amusing, and usually someone would pipe up to the insulted reviewer and explain that being accused of writing a club ad was a rite of passage. If it were up to me, I'd let him in.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Good riddance to bad rubbish
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Like a Poltergeist I'm sure "He'll be baaackkk...." with a new moniker. I just got numb to its senseless banter.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
We're assuming that founder removed him. And it's not necessarily a stretch to see how that could happen, all things considered. But it's also possible that a request to delete the account came from somewhere / someone external to TUSCL, including from Scrub himself. Situations change for everyone, sometimes quickly.

If he was shown the door by founder and decides to return under a new profile, I hope that he leaves the "Angry Donald Duck" online persona behind. It was pretty tedious.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
It seems he was in “attack mode” the past several days. Founder probably just got tired of him like the rest of us
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Eh... I also thought his over-the-top trash talking was rather humorous, even a few times when I was the object of it. He wasn't even 10% as annoying as those fucking trolls SJG and Icee.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Over 150 people had him on ignore. That ought to tell you something. A very negative, miserable person….it’s almost hard not to feel bad for him….Almost.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Imagine being a new member submitting your first review and some fucking lunatic comes out and f nowhere and starts calling you a phony fagot. While I do find some humor in it, as doctorevil stated at the end of the that’s costing founder $ and driving folks a way. Even more so than other cancers like SJG and Icee everybody knows scrub and hates him haha.

avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
He definitely got kicked. Gammanu did three consecutive reviews back to back, two of which he rejected with his signature “shill ad”.

Apparently when founder boots someone their name defaults to founder.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
He was very bi polar. He would pm some times wanting to hang out and give me props, then another day he would be trashing me I didn’t get it but found it amusing.

But sometimes he was dead on with those club ads of the day. We need to fill in that void.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
The most recent and possibly last comment I saw from Scrub was on this thread...…

... where he rage typed at Papi to get off TUSCL because he hadn't posted a review recently.

I mean, if you're going to to be shitty to every new member, post horrible things at the dancers, discourage people from writing reviews, and then start going after the long-term members over nothing at all, then it shouldn't surprise anyone if founder reached a limit.

And we still don't know if that's what happened, but I'm not going to spend time lamenting his absence.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago

I think you nailed it. The unprovoked attack on Papi was over the top even for DS
avatar for jaybud999
2 years ago
On my very first review, he introduced himself by accusing me of being law enforcement, a club ad, and the ol' traditional "shill review." Since I was brand new, I felt the need to defend my post. Another kind member posted that scrub is gonna be scrub and not to take it personally. It is true that I was turned off of the site at that moment, but over time you figure out he's just a run of the mill douche everybody. Whether he's gone or not is neither here nor there for me.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
150 people had ignored him in the past 18 months, I'm sure the total number was somewhat higher.

I won't miss him, but there is one downside to his removal. The comments he made with adjudications now are associated to the user "tuscl" which kinda lends his stupid comments an air of credibility they didn't have when it was obviously coming from an ignorant troll.

I'll take that compared to his presence here though. Even though I had him on ignore, it was obvious his comments on reviews were deterring participation from new members without adding any value whatsoever.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
@artcollege that’s a good point it was a right of passage, a fucked up one though.

Also Desertscrub vs the entire city of Providence was a good tv on here.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
I got the inside scoop on Scrub. He finally got the balls to take a trip down to TJ, but was killed instantly when his foot crossed the border. the killers even deleted his TUSCL account. He was right about TJ and their dangerous club ads.
avatar for Evergreen98
2 years ago
I don't live in Arizona. I discovered this site around a year ago. I have a part time project in Scottsdale. I knew that his days on this site may be limited after Emma, a dancer here in Phoenix told me what he said to her in Private Messages on this site. Emma told me that she was going to raise Holy Hell about him.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ shrill post of the day!
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
There is one thing he did get right. Nicespice is a man, who loves Olive Garden.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Wow. His bullshit made me laugh sometimes, but on balance, several negatives to the site overall as others have noted.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
desertscrub needs his meds adjusted.
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
Dessert Who?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
His adjudication on a recent review of mine is now labeled with username "tuscl."
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I feel honored to have finally, after 8 or 9 years, received the coveted "Club Ad" review label from 'scrub. I might even have been his final "Club Ad" shout-out.
avatar for EastCoaster
2 years ago
Click on username "tuscl" and this is what it says:

A catch-all account

This account is used for storing all reviews of users who asked to be removed from this site. They're here because the reviews still provide valuable insight to the listings. Do not send messages to this account as it is not monitored.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Maybe he just wore-out the Caps key on his laptop
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
It's fitting, scrub gets scrubbed. Lol
I could add much to this conversaton but why flog a dead horse, I'll leave it at I won't miss him.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
@muddy: “ Imagine being a new member submitting your first review and some fucking lunatic comes out of nowhere and starts calling you a phony fagot”

…imagine? Hah! I REMEMBER that happening to me! Hahaha

I enjoyed Scrub’s scatalogical outbursts, and always felt his heart was in the right place: he thought he was defending the site and it position as a quality informational resource. He also had a habit of accepting new viewpoints after seeing data to back up an argument. That always impressed me.

I did think that he was discouraging new reviewers though.

You never know what happens in someone’s private life, he may have had a reason to request removal.

Whoever said above that he wasn’t 10% as annoying as Icey or SJG is absolutely correct.

Oh well, time marches on…
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Despite his stupidity he always reminded me of that old joke about the guy getting up to the podium to deliver his eulogy, where the guy delivers a eulogy detailing his many shortcomings, then after he’s finished, some guy in the audience shouts out, despite his many flaws his brudder was worse.
Bada Bing
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ the only thing you’ll miss about Scrub was your daily affirmation of calling you a fat waddling penguin.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Fuck you moron
You’re just sore cause your gay bff quit you.
Are you proud to be the slowest child left on the short bus
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ the penguin fucker strikes again! When are you going to waddle your fat ass off to a club and submit a review? Inquiring minds want to know if your cloaca still functions after getting dances from some sexy bird you fat waddling penguin fucker! Lol
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Q) How do you get Mate out of a tree ?

A) Wave to him
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ how do you get 2-bits out of a tree? Throw him a sandwich cause that fat fuck eats anything you throw at him. Lmfao at the fat waddling penguin fucker!
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ I’m so hurt some guy on the internet called me names
Is that the best you’ve got because it’s pretty weak.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
There it is, the weakest wit, most name-calling, ad hominem, cannot-have-a-facts-based-argument, impotent jackass on TUSCL whining about internet name-calling. Pathetic in the extreme.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Facts based with you AHAHAHAHAHA
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
I love when conversations here get so intellectual.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
Yeah I was so confused when I looked at something I posted recently and couldn't find his posts cuz I didn't actually have him ignored cuz I found him amusing.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Proving me right with his own inanity. He and Biden are having a race to the dementia bottom. At least Biden did something with his life, through sheer corruption and complete lack of morals, but at least he's more than a fat, penguin-fucking loser. At least his kids talk to him and he can keep a woman.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
@blah - I had scrub ignored for a while, but then he made some lively discussion threads which I wanted to get in on.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
I do that too, where I ignore some people for a minute then un-ignore when I am missing too much of the conversations lmao
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ you should do that for that penguin fucker two bits, aka 25!
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Oh no, he's too good to post on TUSCL anymore. Don't you remember that he rage-quit?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I don't think I ever put Scrub on Ignore that I can recall but I did ignore most of his comments by not reading them.

Over-the-years TUSCL has made room for pretty-much anyone and some people tend to take advantage of that leniency.

w.r.t. Scrub he def took things too far and seemed to more-and-more go-off-the-rails.

w.r.t. TUSCL I've always been anti-censorship and felt flame-wars should be contained to the Discussion board and reviews should not be messed with; but Scrub also wanted to fuck with the reviews that are the lifeline/main-purpose of TUSCL.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Fucking with reviews hy falsely flagging them is something else he and 25 have in common.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
I mean I think I and anyone else reasonable knows desertscrub is a troll. I guess maybe he was considered too disruptive with all his false review flagging and other troll behavior lol.
avatar for founder
2 years ago
He discouraged new members.

Imagine tuscl as a strip club, and you walk in, and some patron at the bar says basically "what the fuck are you doing here, twat?". I'm pretty sure the bouncer would kick that guy out.

Treat others with respect until they prove unworthy of your respect.

avatar for trapdoor
2 years ago
I've always found desertscrub to be very friendly and helpful. We used to chat a lot over PM and he would give me the lowdown on PHX clubs, especially during COVID. I'm still in contact with him and will continue to meet up with him at clubs whenever I'm back in PHX.

I've met many members here through my travels and all have been very friendly and open to sharing info. Clubbing began as a means to entertain my customers after taking them out to dinner, to becoming an actual hobby filled with enjoyable encounters and making friends who share a common interest.

Regardless of how you felt about desertscrub, you will undoubtedly admit that this forum will be different without his comments and contributions. I don't know if I can even say that about myself. His presence will be missed and I wish him all the best!
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
^ What does he look like? Wonder if it's anything like my mental picture of him.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Scrub didn't just have a difference of opinion - he seemed to get-off shitting on people for his personal entertainment - he just kept taking it further and further
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 years ago
In my experience, he was a dumbass. Falsely accusing me for being nicespice and falsely accusing many legitimate review writers for writing 'club ads' - he made dumbass assumptions with conviction and was derogatory in the process. And like a dumbass, he was completely wrong much of the time.

Thanks for the update @founder. You made a good choice booting his dumb ass. 🤙
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
At the end of the day, the welcome mat for tuscl has been get

1. yelled at by desertscrub when you post your first review

2. If your a stripper, get a million creep PM's from snazzyjazz or whatever the fuck his name is. Founder this dude has to go, more than anyone else. Talk about a cancer to dancers sticking around.

3. And then come to the board and read SJG's spam bullshit as far as the eye can see. As well as read wannabe gangsta ghetto fuckhead icee going full on sjw in every thread.

The thing is when people visit this site, that's their first impression and they think that's ALL of us. These guys are shitting in the punch bowl. Gotta change it up. New site, turning the page, try something new.

avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“What does he look like? Wonder if it's anything like my mental picture of him”

I saw him in a Phoenix club once. He was sitting next to me and acting like you’d expect Scrub to act. I didn’t realize it was him until I read his review from that visit.

Pretty average looking middle age guy. Treated dancers in a less than respectful way.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Scrub seemed like an intelligent/well-informed guy - kinda boggles-the-mind why he would act that way - maybe that relentless Arizona-heat finally got to him.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Some people are just angry at the world. No real explanation. I’ve encountered some in real life. The only thing to do is walk away.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
I didn't know him as long as some other guys here did, but once I figured out he was trolling most of the time, he seemed like a cool guy. I, for one, will miss his craziness. But most of all, I will miss talking about his mom. He really hated that.
avatar for azdd
2 years ago
Scrub was a strange bird for sure. I remember when he first started in the SC scene maybe 20 years ago, we used to trade messages about dancers at the HL in Phoenix. There was a very gorgeous, and very popular dayshift dancer back then that he was supposedly fucking in VIP once or twice a week, but he seemed pretty humble and surprised by it. It was over several years that his online persona became much more aggressive, pissing on everyone in the process. I always got useful intel from him in PMs, but didn’t understand why he was such a douche to everyone in “public”. It will be interesting to see if he finds a way to resurface here.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
From my one encounter with him, I believe everything he claimed about sex in the club. His direct approach worked. He also was willing to spend what it took. I’m just not that bold or rich.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
“Regardless of how you felt about desertscrub, you will undoubtedly admit that this forum will be different without his comments and contributions.”

You’re right. It will be a lot better.
avatar for nelly76
2 years ago
Desertscrub pissed off 99% of people here, and we'll never know how many new contributors showed up, got called a shill or a liar by the douchebag, and never came back again.

He's a big part of the reason that this board has had so little activity in New England compared to what it should have, and the douchebag has never been to New England.

He was a complete nuisance, and should have been gone years ago.

He literally had over 15,000 comments (which don't even include his "Adjudications"), which you used to be able to verify if you clicked his name.
Most just said "Shill Review or Club Ad", calling everyone a liar.

It's amazing how much damage one douche can do, and he lived to be a douche.

avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
scrub was fine when he was mostly calling out Club Ad of the Day. That was his schtick and he did it well. We all chuckled, whether we agreed or not. It was when he moved beyond that to pure aggression throughout every forum that he began receiving ignores and dislikes. I do not mean to say that he was unwelcome to share his opinion or that he should not have disagreed with others, but he was the most disagreeable poster on here. You have turds who live to antagonize the board, but scrub was the angriest and most aggressive poster on here. He seemed lucid, but his posts were mostly seemed to come across as bitter rants. He was not so much a troll as he was just hateful of everyone. It's a shame, but he kept pushing the line and pushing the line until he finally passed the limit.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Scrub as an average middle aged guy, haha.
He always talked about being 6'5" as if that made him Billy Badass.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
He and I agreed on some stuff and disagreed on others. I do remembered that he did stop critiquing dancers’ photos after I and some others said he was causing dancers to stop posting pics. And I met him … he really is 6’5”.
avatar for minnow
2 years ago
Yep, I noticed that his snarky comments in my reviews got deleted. My response to him in my 8 Jan. 2023 review on 2001 Odyssey pretty much sums up my thoughts of this threads subject.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I don't care how tall he was. Have we ever had even one of the many threatened fistfights here result in an actual fistfight?

And with regard to anyone saying that he was cool or helpful via PM, offline, or in person, that's not actually a point in his favor. All it means is that he made a conscious and willful decision to be a prick whenever he had an audience.

And if it takes input from multiple people to help you understand that posting horrible comments to dancer photos is a shitty thing to do, then that's not exactly a sterling character reference.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
Scrub was abrasive, but as far as I remember he never was a guy that made physical threats.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
"Have we ever had even one of the many threatened fistfights here result in an actual fistfight?'

Having not reviewed anything at all, I can definitively say: no.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Scrub was abrasive, but as far as I remember he never was a guy that made physical threats."

Yes he did, and thought that being 6'5" made him equivalent to a UFC heavyweight champ. Which says he's never been in a real fight since middle school.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
Being 6'5" and middle-aged usually just means your knees are shot
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
I'll admit I'm concerned without scrub's downvotes, even more bad reviews are going to slip through.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
^Good point. Everyone says Scrub was pushing newcomers away, but how many of those newcomers were just fakers abusing the system to get VIP status or club owners advertising their own clubs? Scrub was a double-edged sword, he had bad but also good in him. He deserves a 2nd chance!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
90% of Scrub's "Club Ad" was Scrub pulling shit out of his ass - some of u guys make it sound like Scrub had some special gift for fishing out fake reviews. - in the last couple of years his "Club Ads" did way more damage than help TUSCL - there are plenty of vets on here that can, and do, call out fake/bad reviews w/o doing it indiscriminately like Scrib did.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
@mike: "how many of those newcomers were just fakers abusing the system to get VIP status or club owners advertising their own clubs?"

I don't think there were very many of either. Lots of people don't know how to jump through every one of the flaming hoops of a tuscl review or are morons or don't try very hard, but actual scammers? I haven't seen many. And actual club owners pretending to be PLs? I can think of a very few times I've seen anything like that. According to scrub though, most reviews were clubs ads, and any review by a new PL was fake. I've said before I think he really did believe he was protecting tuscl. However his radar was way way off. Plenty of times I saw reviews that tracked 100% with a club I know intimately, and scrub called them club ads. Almost every one of my early reviews got the same treatment, and I know I was telling the truth snd that I don't work for a club. If he did help by being so inaccurately overprotective, it was a tiny percent of the time. Still, I will miss his hilarious outbusrts.

avatar for EastCoaster
2 years ago
@JamesSD: "I'll admit I'm concerned without scrub's downvotes, even more bad reviews are going to slip through."

I'm not sure that scrub kept very many reviews from slipping through, as there are a number of TUSCLers who approve pretty much anything.

Scrub was one of them. For quite a while, scrub would approve every single submission, either inserting a "club ad" comment along with his approval, or, once they were posted, would call the suspect ones "club ads" in the comment section after he had already approved them. He admitted doing this, saying he wanted members to see the miscreants. More than anything else, I think he did it so *he* could be seen as the One and Only Supreme Protector of TUSCL.

Think about it: If scrub wanted to tell a suspected promoter that he should contact founder and pay for an ad, he could have done that in a comment with his downvote, which would have been seen by the miscreant even if enough people rejected the review. Instead, he seemed to relish the attention of a wider audience. No matter what his motives were, the bottom line is that scrub did very little to prevent bad reviews from slipping through.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Y'all seem to have forgotten what a paranoid fuck he was, beside calling every review club ad of the day, and everyone was a LEO, I won't miss his pathetic attempts at bullying.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Instead of making this all about the same three things you took issue with about a user who's gone, people could use this thread to talk about how you'd like to see things handled going forward.

For example, I noticed that reviews can be up and down voted like discussion threads and comments. Just because a review received enough votes to get published doesn't mean it can't use a little feedback. I read over a few of the recently posted reviews and added a thumb. The comments are a little slow to post this morning so I didn't have time to do more.

Idea - what do you think of having reviews sortable by up and down votes and latest comments? Reviews with no votes get stuck in between. There's lots and lots of old reviews without votes, which is a given. But TUSCL has a recency bias anyway, and if it's sortable by recent comments then people can make older reviews that are quality easier to find (or can just bump their own regardless lol).
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
As EastCoaster noted, Scrub upvoted a lot of his alleged club ads so that he could have an audience for his opinions, which was apparently more important than review validity.

It's also pretty obvious that his ongoing tantrum with regards to Club Desire in Providence was fueled entirely by a need for turmoil, and not review integrity. I'm pretty sure he had that club bookmarked, because it's hard to find a Desire review that doesn't have his "feedback".

New reviewers would post at best tepid or even negative reviews of that club and he would still pounce and accuse them of being shills, managers, promoters, occasionally LEO, etc., and justifiably you'd never see a second review from that person.

If Club Desire appears to have an overinflated status on this site (and it likely does), then that's because over 90% of the reviews are from the same 6 to 8 guys who (a) really like the club and (b) figured out that Scrub's opinions were pure bombast. I'd argue that Scrub's gatekeeping accomplished the opposite of his stated goal.

I suspect that Desire's status here will actually deflate quite a bit once newer and more critical reviewers get to post and not be immediately attacked.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Wallanon said "Idea - what do you think of having reviews sortable by up and down votes and latest comments?"

I like that idea.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
^ I've been saying something similar for a while. Either a sort or a filter based on thumbs up/down. The voting of threads and reviews is still a little awkward though. Like you can only do it from the list view, not once you're already in the thread/review itself. And it's not clear when you're voting if you're voting on the OP/review or the entire thread. A lot of times I might think a thread is good or interesting, despite disagreeing with the OP or the content of the review. Or vice versa. I also don't know how you see who liked/hated the thread/review, the little (i) shows that info on comments, but not the others.

I'd also like it if comments on reviews for clubs I had bookmarked would show in my feed.
avatar for Pussylicker2
2 years ago
I do believe that a lot of the reviews are fake, shrill club ads. Some are more lame than others. I also believe that some of the dancer accounts are fake, and are actually club managers/promoters. Scrub never bothered me. I've never used the ignore button on any site. I don't need a safe space. That icee guy, he was pretty tiresome.
avatar for JimGassagain
2 years ago
So did Scrub scrub himself, or did he get scrubbed out by Founder?

Bippity, boppity, bacon!
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Somewhere in the middle of this thread founder himself posted:

"He discouraged new members.

Imagine tuscl as a strip club, and you walk in, and some patron at the bar says basically "what the fuck are you doing here, twat?". I'm pretty sure the bouncer would kick that guy out.

Treat others with respect until they prove unworthy of your respect."
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^^ lol, Founder scrubbed one out! Lmfao
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
It wouldn't hurt to scrub one more troll again, goes by cj.
avatar for ricber
2 years ago
I am soooooooi happy he's gone I bought a subsciption
avatar for duuuuude
2 years ago
LOL, whenever he posted I envisioned Kosmo Cramer yelling at me. I have to admit that I was hoping to find out who the hell he was so I could yell "club ad of the day" at him at Hiliter in between songs. I'm kinda curious what percentage of the crowd would actually understand what I'm talking about. Also, I wish I had changed my username to "club_ad" while he was still posting. Even though it was a bit annoying at the beginning when I first joined, his trolling kinda grew on me and made it a little more fun to read the reviews. Oh well, hope he's getting great dances wherever he's clubbing. Honestly, he should write a book about strip clubs, like a titty travel guide. That would be epic.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
^^ I dont know if we’re using the term “epic” accurately here. I mean would a type of prose you
Propose be written be the same length as “the Iliad; and the Odyssey”? I mean that is the true definition of Epic. I do t think you could accurately use “epic” in describing strip club adventures. Maybe I’m wrong because guys like Shadowcat who’ve done this long enough could be considered epic, but in comparison to a true epic writing like illiad and the odyssey seems to be a term that is over used. But I digress. Example, is the current inflation effects of our economy on an epic proportion, or just a momentary blip?
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