Finally met Nicole

After reading some positive reports I had to find out for myself. My first stop was bogies for lunch, and it was outstanding. I was surprised at the level of talent, no 9s but several 6-7. But I wanted to meet Nicole so I got my free pass and headed over to H8N. I ordered my $10 water and asked the waitress if Nicole was in. She said yes, looked around, and pointed to a girl sitting with a PL at the bar. I was thinking I may have to wait for her to get called on stage to make my pitch. But my waitress walked over to Nicole and said something and pointed at me. Nicole looked over and I waved, then she came over and sat down. I said I'd love to get some dances and extras. She said sure, are you ready now? I said yes and off we went. All I can say is she's a pleaser. She did everything I asked and seemed to enjoy daty and dato. No talk about money. I was a little short as i had spent a few hundred at the pot shop, so I only gave her 150. She didn't complain but next time it will be $200. VERY nice girl and a PLEASER!
last commentA lot of posts you guys might think are just going to the club boards are actually posting to the main "front room" forum.
So now we're linking girls by name to extras in discussion posts too? SMH.
^ In this instance, I'm glad that OP didn't know how to post a club-specific discussion.
This was uncalled for, why did you put this girl in jeopardy?
When I saw pussy lickers post, I was wondering when CIM would start chiming in. I'm disappointed CIM. No lengthy dissertation lecturing him on the problems associated with this practice? No links to usa today articles or your recent article? No "handing his ass" to him? You're the resident know it all on here, do better. Locals know the club acronym. Pussy licker could have posted this to usasg instead unless he wanted to see if he could get people on here worked up.
The only link I need to post is to the thread where you advocated in favor of connecting dancers by name to extras:
Where Mickey said: "Knowing who will do what is actually very helpful in a review. There seems to be concern about dancer protection. It doesn't seem like anyone understands this but dancers use anonymous stage names which can be changed. The 'I got extras but I cant say from who' isnt useful. I dont get the secrecy when this kind of info is available on usasg."
And, again, it wasn't just me who took issue with your post. But the points I made are the reason why you have an axe to grind with me every time this topic comes up. And, however I bruised your delicate ego, it remains true that dancers should not be connected by name to extras. Full stop.
Mickey said (in this thread): "No 'handing his ass' to him?"
Huh. Never thought I'd see a Freudian typo out in the wild. Perhaps you're going to wrong strip clubs and that's why you're so easily triggered.
Alerting Founder to delete this
How much did valet cost?
My guess is no dances, no extras, just lies from a limp dick.
^ cmon he said he licked her butthole! Seems totally legit!
Always negotiate. Why would you give her $200 when $150 is a high amount during the day shift. You can always tip more if you want to. Just driving the cost up for the rest of us.
Dato? Do I wanna know? She was happy with $150? Did she take out her dentures to make it extra good?
I think DATO means dining at the Olive Garden. Olive Garden serves salad before the main course. Being hungry you "toss" the salad down your throat. Tossing the salad refers to eating the bootyhole. Therefore, DATO = rimming.