I dont preppay before LD

Somewhere in the Carolinas
I encountered a dancer tonight who argued me down to the T because I would not pre-pay for dances. At my local club nobody asks me to prepay. Maybe she thought I looked cheap, or fit her "stereotype" but Im not paying before dance. When I have in the past it ends up being a lousy dance. I understand other PL's may have ripped you off before but that is not my problem.
I have no problem with a club policy to prepay but I hate dancers who make their own rules and asks people to prepay or charge more for dances than the club's normal rate.
I've only had it happen like twice. I've never been to a club where you have to prepay. Didn't think that exists
That said, I'm going to say that I prepay about 90% of the time (if I'm asked to) and I rarely if ever have problems. I think part of this is that I talk to dancers about what I want. Also, most dancers want customers to keep coming back to them.
I suspect that our complaints about ROBs outnumber the actual ROBs who are out there.
However, if a dancer demands an up-front payment in a hostile manner, it's likely a sign of a poor experience to come, and I would bail. It's mostly a case-by-case basis determined by the approach used by girl to obtain up-front payment.
If the girl requests an up-front tip "in addition to" the base fee, on the other hand, it's a hard no for me.
I recognize that a girl takes a risk by not receiving payment up front. However, in nearly all cases, guys are not going to stiff the dancer. There are more instances, though, of a dancer shorting time / air-dancing. I therefore err on the side of protecting my wallet and experience by generally not prepaying.
Prepaying for single song dances? I’m with blah. No issue paying for one and saying I’ll do more if they are great. This happens a lot at Chicas in Vegas where it’s $25 a song or 5 for a $100. If I don’t want to commit the $100 I get a single song first. Every girl has always been fine converting that single song to the package deal. They don’t worry that you could look at it as getting the next four songs for $75. Most people are reasonable. Walk away from the ones who aren’t.
I’ve also been to a few clubs where a dancer announces how many dances she’s had to a guy with a clip board, so when the dancer and you are done, these no discrepancy with how many dancers were performed while you were back there. Another strange tactic because once my dancer told him “yeah well be back here for awhile don’t worry about us.” Obviously nobody was counting our dances.
As for prepaying a dancer on her own up front? I’m trying to remember if it’s ever happened to me and I can’t. The only other time is a few places you have to pay to “rent the lapdance room” up front which is paid to the club, and sometimes her fee is included in that payment, but I can’t recall ever having to pay upfront for just a lapdance(s).
I will say that in the clubs that I go to that went from post-payment to pre-payment-only (basically all the local clubs), there was no real difference in dances from what I can tell. The clubs take most of the dance money so the girls are still motivated by tips and repeat dances. I'd love to find a reason to complain, but I can't. I would still be cautious if a stripper demanded pre-payment in a club that has a post-payment norm, the same way I'd be cautious if a stripper broke with other club norms (e.g., she charges extra for more contact that most strippers just include).
Many tuscl posts brag about getting the best bang for $$, but can you provide an example of a tuscl post where poster boasted " I walked off from dance (s) without paying, hah hah."
Or are you the kind of dancer who had frequent "dance count disagreements.?"
Clubs where you pre-pay the bouncer, like palace in the pines in youngstown, are really stupid. I went to palace, the guy asks me how many songs I want. It's as stupid as pre-pay gas stations where Abdul the clerk wants to know how much gas I want. I have to try not to be sarcastic and explain that I want to fill my tank and I don't know how much it will take. If I'm about to bust a nut and the song ends I don't want to get dressed, go to the bouncer and pay for another song.
I've seen clubs where the dancer says I have to pay the bartender first. But other girls go back without the pre-pay. I'm pretty sure she gives poor service. Another club (lucky corner) recently started requiring you to pay for one song to the bartender before you go up. I told my dancer I'm not doing that, and she actually paid the $20 herself. Her head game was quite weak, but I gave her 60 for 2 songs and a handy, she was happy.
So not only are some dudes in towns where you pay $20, $30, $40 and up for a single 3-5 minute lap dance, that may or may not have any actual contact, but you are also pre-paying for the privilege?
Whew...couldn't be me! Bless your hearts...
That's every club around here. You pay the attendant/bartender/bouncer, they give the dancer their cut right there. We used to have a post-pay club. There were sometimes disagreements about the count. I don't know how the club got their right cut - not my business to know. I miss that place for several reasons. But I suppose having to declare a limit up front has saved me some money.