Naked Education for Children - Adults pose nude in front of children and teens

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To promote transgenderism and body positivity.

Children's TV in the Netherlands: Naked adults promoting transgenderism and sex change surgery as "euphoria."
After being indoctrinated, one child says: "At first you think HUH? But later you realize that it's actually pretty normal."…

Also on BBC in UK…


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2 years ago
Meanwhile, Denmark has kiddie (4-8 years old) show about a man with a very long penis…

from wikipedia:…
John Dillermand is a middle-aged man who wears a red-and-white striped bathing costume. He has a penis that can extend to a length of dozens of meters. John uses his prehensile penis (which stretches through his clothes) as a tool, such as to tame lions or to fly about like a helicopter. But it also often acts independently of John, getting him into trouble.

The series is aimed at four- to eight-year-olds and was developed by the Danish public broadcaster DR, in association with the sex education association Sex & Samfund.
This is outrageous! Why didn't anyone tell me I could use my johnson to fly around like a helicopter?
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