Why do we go to SCs?

avatar for mogul1985
Are all just PLs? Or is there something we are missing in lives?


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Well, I like hot naked women, and I'm not too proud to pay for the privilege to see them (and more).
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
I don’t think one has to have something dysfunctional going on in their lives to go to a strip club. That being said, the more often one goes, the higher the probability (but not a 100% guarantee) that there is some type of void in one’s life.

Which is understandable, because trauma is everywhere and life can often be pretty dang cruel.

But if you’re going to ask the discussion board on *this* site for a substantial answer, good luck. If some member is honest, and self-reflective, but replies with an answer that makes some of the collective egos on here uncomfortable…this thread can and will devolve pretty dang quick.
avatar for sinclair
2 years ago
It is an occasional respite from work stress and life on the road. It beats watching television in a hotel room. I like partying at dive bars too, but they typically don't have topless twenty-somethings. I don't frequent clubs local to my home base.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
If you go to the right clubs they’re a hell of a lot of fun
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I enjoy naked women; I have been going for almost 50 years so a lot is habit; my wife does not want me clubbing or going to social functions; I like to drink and the hobby covers for my alcoholism.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Just to get out of the house!
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
“Something We are missing in our lives”?
Generally after your 20s you will realize rule 1: there will always be things missing from your life, full stop. “But if I won a billion dollars or married the greatest girl eva!”. Nope, even having a lot of money or finding the best woman will still, time to time, leave you with the feeling there has to be more out there, it’s absolutely part of the human condition. Another part of the human condition, males are extremely motivated to see-be around-“touch” attractive females. Besides SCs, a whole a porn industry, even in part the internet spawned for that purpose.
Why go to the SC: the underlying driving human reason is the same.
At that point individual motivations apply. To get out, to blow off steam, to see even hear the female form in fantasy mode, to get their touch, to bust one off. One, some or all may apply to each.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Why would you think something is missing from our lives ?
We have strip clubs to fill the need.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Because it’s cheaper than therapy, and a Hell of a lot more fun. 😬
avatar for gSteph
2 years ago
Well, it is a lot of fun to fondle a sexy beautiful woman. And to have them like the way you fondle them and fondle you back (suspension of disbelief) IS a big ego rush.

Something missing from my life? Well, I was very shy, and socially inept with girls in my teenage and younger adult years, and missed out on the (much of) such fun in those years. So, yeah, maybe I'm filling in that void I still feel from decades ago. And though I indulge in daily fondling and sometimes more with the Mrs, it is a treat to enter fantasy land occasionally and squeeze some of what I missed in my youth.

Boobs are just so nice. (And what variety!)
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
“That being said, the more often one goes, the higher the probability (but not a 100% guarantee) that there is some type of void in one’s life.”

Oh shit
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Honestly I go just because of that rare chance something crazy happens. It makes it all worth it.
avatar for jaybud999
2 years ago
I like variety. I like to pretend and leave. The end.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
What C.M.I said.

It ain't rocket science.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"Because it’s cheaper than therapy, and a Hell of a lot more fun."

It depends on how you spend, but it should be more fun.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Why did we start strip clubbing or why do we do it now?

Former, growing up in a strict Catholic household and school, and being focused on academics to the exclusion of a social life, women and sex became forbidden fruit. Strip clubs, I could indulge in it for a few bucks. Even after I started civvie dating with a vengeance, I still got a thrill out of getting titties in my face (or more) from a woman I met thirty seconds ago.

Now, just the last sentence. I've used strip clubs to dull the pain at low moments, or to celebrate at the high ones, but I'm not at either right now. Just for that thrill.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
there ain't nothing like a beautiful young woman.
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
@nicespice says "But if you’re going to ask the discussion board on *this* site for a substantial answer, good luck".

Surprise! There actually have been mostly good answers.
Joining a softball league, drinking (the ultimate life gap filler), watching the game, looking at porn, going to the movies, going to a car or boat show, reading a book, (god forbid) the woman takes you to a live theatre production where people on stage annoyingly express themselves through song, work, going on Facebook...going to a SC et al. It is ALL filling life's gaps, gaps that everyone has, gaps everyone looks to fill every week. SCs just aren't as socially acceptable because there are scantily clad/naked females about (I'm all growed up, I'll go do what I please to fill the gaps, and care not very much for those who think my gap filling should only be done their way)(this is not directed at you, fyi).
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
I wish I could be the type of person who felt attraction based on who the person was and not what they look like. But I'm not. There are things about yourself that are hard or impossible to change, no matter how much you want to. Strip clubs are therefore among my better options for sexual gratification. Seeing sex workers is not easy on one's conscience. You realize quickly that few sex workers find the work fulfilling. Mostly they had bad breaks, ended up having few options, none really good. Doesn't feel good to take advantage of someone else's bad luck. I tried to be a relatively good customer. So I can tell myself they'd be even worse off if I refrained from going.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
To quote Jeff Foxworthy, the Redneck philosopher: "I want a beer and I want to see something naked." Well, to be a tad more specific a woman (ahem, DNA certified at birth). It's an excellent escape my wife will never ever understand, it's all mine, and I don't mention to people I know. We we first started dating in the first month she was out with her GFs. We met up later that night, she asked where I was and I said a strip club; other GFs never cared. She was PISSED OFF. I quickly learned what her 3rd rail was, and never said a word again. Getting a VIP or LD has to be with a girl I connect to - personality is #1 important, and she need not be a "9" - the girl next door type is perfect.
avatar for carolinaclubman
2 years ago
I like looking at hot mostly naked women, and there is just something special about a fine looking lady you have only just met rubbing all over your crotch, letting you grab her funbags, or in the right circumstances sucking and fucking you. There is also the attraction of variety, where else am I going to have high contact fun with a blonde, a brunette, and redhead in the same night. Years back, one of my married friends wife would still tolerate him going to the club, although she seemed to be getting irritated with him about it. I was at his house one night, we were about to leave for the club, and his wife asked him "why do you need to go to the titty bar when I have two tits for you right here? He answered "You only have two tits, the club has fifty". She laughed at that, but it wasn't long before he stopped going with me.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
Why do we go to SCs?
I go to see pretty young ladies! and interact with them!
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
It's an escape from reality and the stressors of the daily grind. Go into the club, watch some dancers on stage, perhaps chat with some girls about random things, get som LDs, rhen depart in a better mood than when you arrived. And, a bonus of adding some footage to the spank bank.
avatar for Lockjaw
2 years ago
To find sugar babies and seat covers.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"To find sugar babies and seat covers."

So if a girl ends up banging her head into your windshield while she's bouncing up and down on your cock then who's the seat cover?
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
I go to meet new girls. I've had some lineup stability for a while now but life goes on for us all.

Different girls fill different roles, so I wouldn't say I'm "missing" something in my life...but there's definitely stuff I likes and wants lol.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Answer is simple. A woman searches for one man to solve all her problems, and a man will search for all women to solve his one problem. That’s why men go to strip clubs, to solve his one problem.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ one thing is certain our buddy Mate is too fucking cheap to be the answer to any woman’s problem
avatar for WiseToo
2 years ago
Truth be told, I go to a local SC for the food. While enjoying a good meal, I might share some fries with a stripper, but I caution her that eating them will make her fat. But they usually can't resist and have a few.
avatar for dickdecker
2 years ago
To do something on the Risky side of life which I have easy control over.The Grey Suit suburban American lifestyle is like a lobotomy for my spirit.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I go for the intellectual conversations with the dancers - I hadn't even noticed they are sometimes naked
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I go so I can participate on TUSCL and write reviews - I guess I'm a frustrated journalist wannabe
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
To help the dancers thru school - it's my little unselfish way of supporting higher education
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Papi said "I guess I'm a frustrated journalist..."

I think you misspelled 'novelist'.
avatar for Wakawakamoo
2 years ago
Real life pay to win, and I have more money than I need or will ever spend. Why do I blow $10K on a great vacation? Same thing.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
We find something enjoyable at strip clubs we don’t have in real life. What that something is varies from person to person. It could be as simple as a 60 year old seeing a pretty 21 year old. Or, it could be deeply psychological.

Similarly, why does a woman strip ? Because she gets something she couldn’t get in a more traditional job. It could be as simple as quick money. Or, it could be daddy issues.

Somehow, the strip club brings us together. There is no one answer.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“ I go for the intellectual conversations with the dancer”

Oddly, one of my best strip club experiences was a few months ago when I had a half hour conversation with a drop dead gorgeous stripper about philosophy and world travel. After that we went to VIP. It was memorable.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
I think we should all go on a special "Dr Phil show" - Dr Phil can probably get to the bottom of this
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
I've always followed the belief that "one can do whatever with their own money" and I hate when people try to dictate to others what they should buy or spend money on. We all have our hobbies, some stranger than others, some more expensive than others. Strip-clubbing is no different than someone collecting comic books. It's something fun and worthwhile even if others might think it's a waste of time and money. Why do I go strip-clubbing? Simple answer is because I can.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Go for the food, really? Is that like reading Playboy only for the articles?
avatar for booty_lover92
2 years ago
Because looking at my wife naked only is not enough to suffice my desire for the rest of my life.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
1. To get my dick pulled by women who would never even consider it otherwise.

2. To get the barnyard level sexual intimacy that is tough to come by in a 25 year marriage.

3. Variety, variety, variety.

4. To get all of the above on tap if and when I decide I want it.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

You wrote and I quote:

“And though I indulge in daily fondling and sometimes more with the Mrs, it is a treat to enter fantasy land occasionally and squeeze some of what I missed in my youth.”

Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

Good Times, Good Times.

avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I go for the sex. There are different ways to achieve it, but in the end, it's all variations of sex. LDK, HJ, BJ, FS. I take what is available at that particular club. OR I don't stay in that club very long if none of it is available.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

I will play along and answer your questions.

Why do we go to SCs?

You people go to SCs to “escape” from your “real world” and experience a “fantasy”, and you do this as result of your experiences throughout the “real life” you have lived.

Are all just PLs? NO; most treat their habit of getting to SCs as a hobby.

“A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time.”

Or is there something we are missing in lives? YES and NO.

Most people in our capitalist society end up looking for something to do when they have “free time” and money, remember the phrase:

“the devil finds work for idle hands”

Some of you go to SCs because you have an addiction problem while for some of you it’s just a hobby.

“When a hobby, habit, or behavior becomes an addiction, it can be just as harmful as an addiction to alcohol or chemical substances.”
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
WHAT the FUCK did I just read?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
The combination of cold beer and naked women isn't enough of a reason? 😉
avatar for Player11
2 years ago
Great beer, super buffet, hot sexy naked girls looking for action / sugar dating.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Since founder is doing a nice job of cleaning house, how ‘bout all the Marxist trolls at least get double secret probation
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
Idk man, I just like being smothered under big fat butts and not have to waste time with courtship.
avatar for BGSD3100
2 years ago
Naked women. That's what's missing from my life
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