Should we have a ghetto rating for reviews?
You know from 1 to 10. 1 being safe, could sleep in the parking lot and 10 being dangerous as fuck don't go without a tank. Maybe instead of numbers we could use locations to get the point across say on a scale of Vermont to South Central.
Better: neighborhood crime stats website. Plug in the address, here’s the crime rating for that neighborhood, add it to the club page.
The reviews are already inherently subjective. Adding the question "Did you feel safe?" would inject more of that. Also, right now especially the topic of crime is very much wrapped up in politics. And there's plenty of that on TUSCL already. I'd prefer to keep the reviews walled off (as much as possible) from politics and culture wars, etc.
I'll also note that when customers go to a club and don't feel safe for some reason, they're usually pretty quick to point it out in their review.
If we added a rating scale, I'd want one for the "hustle factor." 1 = you'll almost never get approached, and if you will, they'll have a long ass conversation before asking you for dances. 10 = they'll pounce on you like a tiger on a steak, and practically drag you to the back room.
The ratings are fucked anyway. They aren't even used consistently across the site. When you're submitting a review it asks about people, but then in the top 40 it calls that same value dancers.
The old Emporors in Riviera Beach?