
Comments by Bharlem (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancer Michigan
    That was my first thought too. He bought illegal drugs n then snitched. I’m sure him n his friend is still sniffing, rush with death and all 😂
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    2 years ago
    Fake profiles?
    If they are verified by a flower the likely hood they are fake is low
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    2 years ago
    Note to Strippers: When you place a blanket over my lap, you dehumanize me
    @cashman1234 If it’s a nude lap dance, yes a dancer should place a cloth if she chooses. I know because you don’t have to deal with things like bacterial infection, cuts on ya vagina from jeans, yeast infections or etc… you may see it as an insult or a dancer not giving good service But remember a vagina is an open wound. Would you take your open wound and rub it against rough material and dirty clothes
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Don’t get married
    Yes! I agree fuck hookers Me love you long time ❤️
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    2 years ago
    How would you handle this situation?
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    2 years ago
    How would you handle this situation?
    I made she offered $110. I’d rather offer a client more time than a discount because bills/situations have a tendency to spring out of nowhere. I’d just give her the $200, she could legit be in a situation and I will tell her next time don’t write a check ya ass can’t cash. It’s not that deep, especially since you didn’t peel off at the sight of her bf pimp 😂
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Cher, 76, Shrugs Off 40-Year Age Gap With Her New Boyfriend: ‘Haters Are Gonna H
    It baffles me that men don’t think that there are women who like a good adventure too. If I’m single at 70, I want the adventure of being with someone who is half my age as well. Cher is Cher even if she is old. One of the pleasures of her being who is she, is despite being “past her prime” her name alone could have most young men jumping at a chance to be on her arm. And perhaps the young man is using her but y’all go into stripclub to listen to a young thing lie to about being irresistible for a fee. What’s the difference? Oh, because YOU don’t find her fuckable and that’s a woman’s only value 🙄
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Cher, 76, Shrugs Off 40-Year Age Gap With Her New Boyfriend: ‘Haters Are Gonna H
    Y’all got some fucking nerves 😂 The pot calling the kettle black!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    All of y’all have melted my heart 🤗
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    2 years ago
    Pussy tighter than a LA parking spot
    Hey guys!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Being Black and Dancing in PA
    Assuming all blk and Latina women are ghetto is a stereotype. Then I can assume all yt dancers be strung out? An audition is not only a time to judge a dancer on her looks but her mannerisms and mentality as well.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Being Black and Dancing in PA
    @skibum609 No everything is/isn’t racism. Blonde hair blue eyes for the most part isn’t a fetish it’s standard . I don’t see a customer rejecting me because I’m not yt as racism especially when that customer “shares” the same skin tone as the dancer he prefers BECAUSE they “share” similar lived experiences. It makes sense why someone would prefer their own. However I do see a club not allowing or having a cap on black dancers as racism. Google racism where it will be defined as keeping a group from resource’s because you think your kind is superior. The resource is money and a better work environment. . Ugh but with that being said how a dancer perceives herself perhaps isn’t the way other perceive her. She may think she looks the part but may not be able to stand up against the other dancers at the club. This isn’t a topic you as a customer should fully question as for you to know if it’s racism or not you’d have to be the one experiencing it or the one who is said to be committing the act. I really wish we would stop bringing these discussions to the site a lot of y’all are removed from being able to take a deep look into things
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Infamous V
    A Dancers Review
    I left this out, dancers were a 50/50 mix between blk and Hispanic , I did see about 2 to three yt dancers (Thursday) But on Friday most of the dancers were Hispanic.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Great Balls of Fire
    Just as R.Kelly so good riddance
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Favorite session gone Awry
    I agree @docsavage Telling a customer my rent is due is not the move of a professional. Especially one whom I’ve never seen out the club but even so idk. My bills is my business, what I do for you is our business. But he did say she was a personal friend so it sounds like he pushed a line too. A “personal friend “, may ask you to help them out in their time of need so I can’t fault her for her energy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Being Black and Dancing in PA
    I knew a thick dancers who worked at Delilah’s and she wasn’t light skin. You won’t know unless you go. A place can hire someone who description wise sounds similar to you but if you audition they may say No.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers need to be about that top dollar life themselves if they preach it
    Getting holiday sales is not the same Why? Because the business choose to put things on sale but nice try cheap-stake
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    2 years ago
    Dancers need to be about that top dollar life themselves if they preach it
    When it comes to people who work off tips or the service industry I never haggle or don’t tip. However I took a cab with a dancer one night and she was telling me not to give the driver what he asked for that it was too much. This was a man who drives dancers around and makes sure we get home safe. I paid him whatever he asked and ignored her. The one thing I won’t do is try to get over. There may be a day that I’m in a messed up situation and may need him.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racist? Bull shit? Scary?
    @booty_lover92 Please wtf r u talking about blk women r jealous? I’ve walked with a yt man and gotten the same energy from black men. You keep coming on here with that narrative. At the club this blk man wouldn’t tip me because he thought I only like yt men. The irony is that time the yt man questioned if I only like blk men because I didn’t approach him I learned that night most of what we perceive is bullshit. Often times people project. This is what I’m talking about when I say when blk people get in front of others they tear their own down. Same as that stripper talking about blk men. SMH Do better 🚫
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racist? Bull shit? Scary?
    I’m dying 😂😂😂 Also I never spoke bad about a blk man to a customer, I’m no bedwench and men of all races get on my nerves equally. I hate when my people tap dance for others cause all it does is make conversation as this one. Also a lot of yt escorts will not deal with blk men as well. They definitely vocalize this on Reddit a lot. I think it’s the crimes blk men have an infinity to like pimping and robbing. I also think it makes sense if am escort does not want to see them. I’ve never had a problem. As far as who is the nastiest or perverse all men all the same
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    What would you talk about over there that you couldn’t talk about over here? 👀 Yours truly, A lurking stripper
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    What do men do that annoys you?
    When the pot scrutinizes the kettle ^^^ Yep this annoys me
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    R.I.P. Coolio
    I liked him so much as a kid. His hair had me mesmerized
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rachel Dolezal Has An OnlyFans!!!!?????!!!!
    Now as much as y’all talk about ROBs, y’all better fucking not 🙄
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    We're the same species? 🤯