Managing the OTC Rotation

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
It's the age old challenge for me. How to keep the rotation consistent without things getting out of hand. I imagine that club managers must feel this challenge on a much larger scale. It's like herding cats.

Every so often I'll manage to find that sweet spot, with one girl I see consistently on a weekly basis and a couple of others I see once or twice a month. Indeed I have it now. Better still, the weekly girl is hot as hell and treats me like her long lost BF when we fuck, so the others are variety plays. Twice a week is as much as I want to do - age, schedule and budget all play roles in that. I don't "need" it as much as I used to and I only wish to devote so much time and money to this.

Of course, even when I have the optimal mix, I need to spend enough time in the clubs cultivating the next great things. Sooner or later one of the girls will drop off the radar or things will just get stale. Sometimes it results in a trade up situation, allowing me to replace a girl who is underperforming.

But with the holidays fast approaching, I know that I'm going to be tempted to binge. The girls who I see occasionally will want to meet more often and new opportunities will inevitably open up. The problem of course is that when I pursue a new opportunity over an existing connection, the risk exists that the old connect will move on. I've mismanaged my rotation in a few past holiday seasons and had to do some major rebuilding in January.

This year at least, I know that I have to feed the weekly girl if she looks for extra meets when the holidays hit. I often use the holidays to explore other options when I've gone too long with one or two girls, but it's going to be a while before I get tired of this one - she really is a gem. This may limit how many other opportunities I get to explore this year, but it is what it is. Of course she may disappear at any time and I may look back and regret passing on other opportunities, but it is a calculated risk.

But ultimately, despite all efforts to manage the rotation and keep new prospects in the pipeline, there will be periods of feast and famine. These girls come and go - it's the nature of the industry.

Anyway, first world problems and all, lol. Anyone else find themselves struggling to manage their rotations? It doesn't have to be OTC - similar ITC challenges can arise.


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avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I was "attempting" to rotate about 5 sugar babies at one time just recently. That is TOO many. Each girl was wanting to see me once a week. There is not that much semen inside me anymore. So I had to cull the herd. It was not an easy decision and made a couple of girls mad in the process.

I am seeing a new one tonight though. That dang website is addicting ! I can't keep from shopping for a new toy !
avatar for JimGassagain
2 years ago
Bacon! What’s the point of the OP, other than to humble brag? I say we roast the pig for a holiday feast, and share with our women.

avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Jim, I would argue with you. But now I'm hungry for some bacon.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
It’s not a humble brag. It’s a brag. Dugan has been unapologetically bragging since he wrote the system. Kudos to him for an on topic post before the trolls find a way to turn it political or flame each other.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Why can't a post be more than one thing? I can certainly revel in the fun I am currently having while also highlighting the very real topic of rotation management challenges. 😁

The "feast and famine" challenge is a code that I have yet to crack and likely never will. It is influenced by so many thing, including:

* Economic conditions, where good OTC partners are much harder to find when things are very good in the clubs and much easier to find when things slow down. But this only holds until things get so bad that many current dancers bust out of the business altogether.

* Seasonal considerations, where good OTC partners are much harder to find when things are very good in the clubs or so bad that many dancers do something else or migrate elsewhere.

* Natural industry transience, where multiple girls in the rotation disappear at the same time, requiring more extensive rebuilding efforts.

It is what it is I suppose.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
In a similar situation at the moment. My "sugar" baby is about once a week, sometimes more often. I'm seeing her pretty much whenever she wants at the moment, because after about the first of the year, she's probably not going to want to see me as often, or even at all. Some things are coming together for her, and she won't *need* my help.

Currently one other, who is best, though inadequately, described as "flaky", I see about once every month or two. I honestly wouldn't bother with her at all except for the fact that she pretty much lets me abuse her any way I want, so while I can't in any way depend on her, when she texts, I go. She once had her girlfriend tie her to the bed with everything wide open before I got there.

The other one is the bookstore freak, but that's becoming more occasional because her bf wants her to "retire".

I've been somewhat lackadaisical in searching for replacements, mostly because I'm lazy. I might take a bit of a break from regular OTC for a bit after SB dumps me and just have fun in the clubs for a while.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Harem management is work. OTC is clearly an interesting beast in that once a girl crosses that line, she often wants to keep mashing the button (especially if she gets used to it as part of her income).

"Busy with work" is a great universal excuse to back burner someone you don't want to cut entirely. For Thanksgiving week itself family obligations are real. But that can be a risk if you are still going into the club when you are saying you are too busy.

My civvy world ideal is two different weekly girls along with 4-6 monthly girls. It's obviously very hard to maintain that and the monthly girls need constant replenishing; usually girls either want more or drift away.

I feel like for pay to play you can tell a girl you can only see her once a week. It's juggling the ones you want to keep second tier that becomes trickier. Maybe schedule them out ahead of time? Like "we can meet up after Thanksgiving"?
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Rick, how do you do your future prospecting for a new girl though ? If you are seeing a dancer from a club on a regular basis, does she get suspicious when you are in that club talking to other girls ? Don't the girls in the club talk to each other ? That's beauty about Seeking ( and problem on this subject ) . I can have several girls in my rotation. But I can keep interacting with new ones on the site to find that new toy.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Rick, Once you see them few times, how did you offload them this easily? They might have already established dependency on you from your consistent flow of money to keep them lavish or pay rent etc.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
@Warrior: I rotate among multiple clubs. Also one of my OTC partners only dances sporadically and always gives me an OTC diversion option before she shows up at the club. But yes, not having too many fishing lines in the same pond is important. I actually believe I made that mistake recently in one club and it's probably still costing me.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "OTC is clearly an interesting beast in that once a girl crosses that line, she often wants to keep mashing the button (especially if she gets used to it as part of her income)."

This 100% IMO and IME. Unfortunately it can also hasten the end of a good thing, at least for me.

All too often the ones who finally cross the line, after months or even longer of resistance, generally fall into two camps: Those who do it temporarily until other things improve, and then stop, and those who get a taste for it and expand their activities. Rarely does a girl keep doing this consistently as a small side gig for a very long period of time. If I get 6 months out of a girl before it goes one way or the other, assuming that I don't get bored in the meantime, I consider myself lucky.

When I have to pull the rip cord is when a girl gets such a taste for it that it becomes more than a simple income supplement. There are telltale signs when that starts happening; she gets harder to schedule with, she starts working less in her regular job (whether dancing or vanilla) or dumps it altogether, and certain other subtle hints. As soon as that happens, I realize that she has increased her volume and I'm out.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
All this p4p talk reminds me of the saying regarding show me a hot woman, and I’ll show you someone tired of fucking her. 6 months is generally a good rule for the expiration date, depending on frequency and chemistry. I found this to be true in about all of my civilian relationships. Enjoy the hunt!
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
If a OTC relationship goes on strongly for more than a year or two with regular weekly/monthly meetings, then this well established strategic relationship can’t be terminated just like that unless dancer wants to get away, which is rare. So, it is advisable to not to continue a otc dancer more than 3-4 times?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "Rick, Once you see them few times, how did you offload them this easily? They might have already established dependency on you from your consistent flow of money to keep them lavish or pay rent etc."

The girls who are once or twice a month - or even less - are fairly easy. I just say no a few times - family obligations, travel, lots going on at work, etc.,etc. - and they stop asking soon enough.

I've only done a small number of weekly things, mostly because she has to be pretty special for me to want to see that often, and my track record is mixed. Mostly I've done the same busy song and dance, which worked fine since I was disengaging from them because their volume had picked up, so they already had replacement income rolling in. There is only one in recent memory that I disengaged with abruptly that was not for volume reasons and I'll admit that I handled that one poorly - I really wish that I could have a giveback on that one.

Look, at the end of the day each guy and girl involved in these things knows that each arrangement has a shelf life. Over the years I've only had a small number of girls handle the end of an OTC arrangement poorly.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Champ, you're starting to sound like BTE now. 😉
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Rick, may be I sound different. 🤣 because this otc topic fairly new to me, just a beginner. Managing OTC is not everyone can handle smoothly. By sharing your experience and lessons, you are very helpful for beginners like me. Thanks.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I don't put a ton of effort or thought into this. Generally, I have one or two that I see regularly and one or two that I see sporadically.

Sometimes I reach out to them if I'm in the mood, or they'll reach out to me and put me in the mood. I'm fine with either.

For any of them, if I want to move on then I stop reaching out and if they contact me then I'm busy. They know that these arrangements fade and go away eventually.

In some instances, I've talked to them directly about moving on. I'm polite about it, and it's not like anyone is under the impression that it's a long-term emotional relationship. The usual response has been something like, "Thanks for letting me know. You have my number if you want to meet." I've had exactly one dancer flame out on me because I "broke up" with her. It reinforced the wisdom of the decision.

So, yeah, for me it's all pretty loose based on what I'm in the mood for and what my schedule allows.
avatar for iknowbetter
2 years ago
You guys all amaze me with your bandwidth. I have never been able to manage more than 2 commercial side pieces at a time - typically an incumbent and a potential. And this is A LOT of work.

In my experience, OTC, SA, and other forms of commercial companionship generally stops during the holidays. Not because I don’t want to see her, but there are so many other family and work events and commitments to juggle between November and January that there is simply no time for extracurricular sexual

I had a very successful SB relationship fall apart during the holidays because SB was trolling my daughter’s social media, and she got jealous over the fact that I was spending all my time with my real wife and kids, and my real life family got to go skiing, staying at an expensive resort, having a great time, etc.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Holidays are off-the-charts busy for me (both from a family and work perspective). From a p4p perspective, that can be inconvenient, because the holidays are also expensive for everyone and lots of dancers will reach out and/or make offers more often as a result.

I'm pretty sure that I've indirectly bought a lot of Christmas gifts for people I don't know over the years.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I gets real difficult during the holidays, for me with so much family obligations I usually just give up on the rotation, and concentrate on my family. Less complicated too.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Noob (to orc/sugar) question…

How the hell do you guys balance all this sb and otc with a girlfriend/wife? A) time wise, B) not getting busted wise, and C) sex wise ie how much do you have left in the tanks for Mrs?

The idea of multiple sb/otc dates plus sex in a week sounds like a lot of time and “working late” excuses and jizz. I’m probably missing something but I’m sort of shocked! Please explain.

avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
^ drew, I have a unique life. Or really I have two lives. I have bot my wife the perfect home in the perfect community. She is very involved in clubs, her mother in an assisted living nearby, and her two sons live in the same area. She is not leaving that for anything. I own a business in another state where I need to be there a lot. I'm at my work more than at "home". I have a house where I work. So I basically have two lives. My wife never visits my work. So I really don't need to sneak around at all. I just need to not text too much when I'm Home.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Drew, I'm not really going to share personal details about me and the Mrs., but generally speaking you need the type of job that involves long hours and/or travel and the means to keep cash hidden. A ham 'n egger who has a modest paycheck which is deposited directly in a joint account with his wife is not going to be doing much of anything on the side.

I think that a lot of the guys who are married and doing this shit are business owners who work long hours and can easily divert funds. For guys who are employed but can manage this, I suspect that their jobs have long hours and/or travel components and that they make enough so that a modest % of their income being diverted to a side account doesn't go noticed. Most payroll services offer the option of splitting the disbursement among more than 1 account.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
I agree with mate that six months is generally a good run if it's just sex.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago

I suspect it's goings to vary wildly on a case-by-case basis depending on work, wife, finances.

In some instances, that balance is not established. And there's more than a few divorced guys on here as a result. Also, there are some wives who choose the path of blissful ignorance. They aren't all that interested in intimacy anymore (at least not with their husband...) and choose to turn a blind eye so long as their husband isn't extremely blatant about his transgressions.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Yeah Don't Ask Don't Tell is common in marriages. Plenty of women who got mad at their husbands not for having affairs or fucking whores, but not being discreet about it (or of course making babies).

Guys whose wives are draining their balls 3+ times a week aren't going to sex workers for the most part.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
You can fake the part about long working hours and travel, unless you’re working some type or retail job or strictly face to face job.

Rick is a straight pimp to manage the rotation that he has consistently
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Sage advice from my tusclers, thanks dudes. Now that I think about it, my best ball draining exploits were back when I was in a different country 2 weeks a month, with an effectively unlimited expense account and a fancy hotel paid by my employer. This was with civvies, but I was in my mid 40s. I could see how sugaring etc would work in the similar context you all relate. These days I’m working 5 days a week from home with mrs. C upstairs most days. Despite being an excellent ignorer of things she doesn’t want to know about, the level you guys work at would be impossible here. I’ll have to stick to the more “on tap” service of sc’s and evenings out.

avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Join a golf club. Golf games take like 3 hours plus to play. That would buy you a lot of time. But then you would have to find sugar babies/OTC strippers to meet you during the day. And the expense of the golf membership might not be worth just an excuse to get out.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ I knew someone who used a bowling league as cover. It was perfect. It's common teams to socialize after matches are over, which gave him cover for a lengthy side trip before he went home as well as any booze on his breath. But better still, he could also get out on other nights under the guise of practicing with his teammates for upcoming matches and tournaments.

But truth be told, how much these things really work depends entirely on a wife's willingness to engage in a little benign ignorance. If she is reasonably bright and has known you for decades, she'll be able to pierce any cover you come up with if she's motivated enough. When menopause kicks in, a lot of women lose interest in sex, especially those who have birthed a few children along the way. If you going to [insert the cover activity here] keeps you from pawing at her 3 times per week, she may consider it a blessing so long as you don't rub her face in it. But again, only you know your particular circumstances.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Yeah I can only juggle so much. Because I'm paying I'm usually just chasing new experiences anyway. If somebody falls off the wagon, well they'll be new hitchhikers down the road I'm sure. There are exceptions to that though but not many.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@drewcareypnw: "How the hell do you guys balance all this sb and otc with a girlfriend/wife? A) time wise, B) not getting busted wise, and C) sex wise ie how much do you have left in the tanks for Mrs?"

I realize I'm probably not typical, but in my case it's pretty simple. My wife knows about what I'm doing and is not only tolerant, but supportive. She only wants anything a couple times a year, and so I have plenty "left in the tanks" for other activities.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
You claim to have sk little time for family. But make so much time for hookers
avatar for Htxx
2 years ago
Your post is crazy timing. I was seriously thinking about making the exact same one just a few days ago. I’m rotating 4 otc girls right now. Each with their own homes & varying degrees of pricing and significant others. Unfortunately my favorite lives the furthest away as she’s the most fun and least expensive. She’s 37 Italian was the hottest at a downriver club and awesome. Known her for 15 years now. The hottest is now early 40’s lives the closest and is most expensive. Known her for same amount of time she’s the former “star” of the penthouse and flight club. My atf is approaching 8 years now 35 yo and had worked at silver cricket/flight club too. The one I was with today is a Puerto Rican, 29 and has the most baggage but is wild as fuck. Known her for a month or so now. Mixed in with that I still rotate trips to the clubs looking for moreotc. I fit the profile as a hard working business owner but I’m single. Therein lies the problem no reason not to indulge in what I want and the means to do so. I find myself hitting fast forward not slowing down at all. I average two of them a week every other week and hit the clubs in between. I’m hoping heading south for the winter May slow my pace down a bit as I won’t have the connections there that I have here in metro Detroit. Now that I think about it I did meet a bartender from a twin peaks in fort Meyers, wonder if she’s still there? Lol
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Georg that sounds like an amazing setup!

Rick and Georg, do you use any performance boosters for the otc? Not necessarily viagra, theres all kinds of supplements available.
Some guys on the escort subreddit said they always use some rhino product prior to any p4p visit to maximize the fun and money’s worth. I cant remember the product it has rhino in the name and was sold at gas stations and supplement stores in a pill form. Its a mix of amino acids and herbal extracts.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
^ I believe the other 2 ingredients in those pills is lies and bullshit.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
Like CMI, I don't put too much thought or effort into it. I'll notice a bit shift between having multiple OTC options and having to go in to the club, but it's not something I'm actively managing. I tend to be somewhat of a serial monogamist with my stripper. I'll have one where we've got a good thing going for both of us and I don't really bother with others. Then, it'll run its course and I'll try on new ones till I find one that fits and do it again.

I'd guess its because I enjoy going to the clubs too, it's not simply a means to OTC for me. So if I don't have a solid OTC regular, I'm content hitting up a club.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "You claim to have sk little time for family. But make so much time for hookers"

Shush now honey. The men are talkin.
avatar for VanessaM
2 years ago
That’s what your ass get for trying to be greedy 😌
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Just say no ......
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
I’d be greedy for a BHarlem’s ass!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "That’s what your ass get for trying to be greedy 😌"

True dat. 😁

But part of it is also being picky and not having a lot of control over timing. Now the picky part might be a form of greed too, idk, but I want what I want.

The problem is that if I only rely upon 1 or 2 girls and don't keep a couple of prospects in the pipeline, I could soon find myself without reliable side action. I don't need to tell you that any one of these girls could disappear tomorrow and never come back. It's just the nature of the business.

On the flip side, I also can't control when a prospect pops. If my plate is already full and one who I previously chased changes her mind sooner than I think, then I have a dilemma. If I turn her down, I risk losing the chance forever. However if I say yes, I may put an existing good arrangement at risk.

In fact I believe that I'm about to be in this exact situation very soon. I girl who has refused me for going on 2 years now is giving me signals that she's reconsidering. She's a sweet kid and hot as hell, but the timing couldn't be worse. Without getting into specifics about her situation, which has changed, I'm certain that if she doesn't pop sooner, she will by Christmas. Then, assuming one of my current roster hasn't disappeared by then, which is quite possible, I'll have a decision to make.

Again, first world problems, lol.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@rickdugan: "In fact I believe that I'm about to be in this exact situation very soon."

Yeah, that kinda sucks. I was in that position earlier this year. Fortunately(?) the new one made the decision easy by asking for *way* too much money. 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Georg, again it bring back same question. How much is too much for OTC? In Philly area the quote starts from 1k for the ones in early 20s. Any loopholes to bring it down? 😂
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "Fortunately(?) the new one made the decision easy by asking for *way* too much money. 🤣🤣🤣"

Imagine being grateful that a girl quoted you too much, lmao. Again, first world problems. 😂
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Champ, you're being played. Hang in there - you'll figure it out. 😉
avatar for VanessaM
2 years ago
I wonder do my regulars feel this way about me.
Perhaps being since I moved. I keep in touch with them on ig and still try to come see them.

I do miss them. We had some good times. But I understand if they found someone. It’s none of my business
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Rick, my target favorite one who quoted more than 1 k, said in a 5 hr night shift makes around 1k, so it is justified for few hrs OTC. Learning, will wait.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^I'm sure she told you whatever she thought you needed to hear Champ. 😉
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "I wonder do my regulars feel this way about me."

B, it's not a bad thing. I genuinely like every girl I choose to see OTC. I won't give any girl my time and money if I don't like being around her.

But these things all have a shelf life. This can be for any number of reasons: The arrangement gets stale for one or both parties; the girl decides she no longer wants to do this due to some moral quandary or change in relationship status; the girl moves on elsewhere; the guy's life circumstances change; etc., etc.

These are healthy outcomes for all parties. Everyone involved gets what they want/need from the arrangement until it no longer works, at which point everyone moves on with minimum drama. It's not like you were going to invite any of those guys to your next family barbecue or kids' birthday parties.
The "relationship" can only go so deep and last so long.

The alternative to a guy understanding this and behaving accordingly is one who doesn't get it and starts getting too emotional. Those are the guys you need to worry about.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Champ thats not a guaranteed income. That’s something she got on a good friday night or Saturday night. So don’t schedule otc on friday or Saturday, those are the busiest club nights. $300 is more reasonable for a weekday or sunday night otc. For $1200 you could book Jenna Starr for an hour, currently in vegas. But you could even book a flight, stay there for less than a day, not get a hotel, and see her.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick dont you get too drained from constantly doing OTC twice a week? I could do once a week, but prefer every 2 weeks since i dont like the idea of spending over $800 a month on clubs or escorts combined.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Champ asked "How much is too much for OTC?"

Too much is whatever you don't want to pay, can't afford, or can't negotiate. That will depend on your local area, the dancer, and your budget. With all of those variables, it's not worthwhile to try to drill down to specific dollar amounts.

I know that it annoys some guys on here when customers overpay (in their judgment). But, if a guy is swimming in disposable income and wants to throw it at a dancer to shorten the journey to "yes",
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
... dammit...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
... "yes," it's none of my business.

If you don't like or can't afford the numbers, then talk to other dancers. Or, ask for a different number. Or, say "That's not what I want to spend, but let me know if you're ever willing to to do X for X amount."

Alternately, make more money or start talking to less in-demand dancers.

There are no caveats or loopholes. There's just talking to dancers.

I will note that around here, OTC with young, very hot dancers is generally less than $1K. But it varies.

This is something you will not figure out here on a discussion forum.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
I don't go to clubs seeking OTC arrangements. I rarely even do a VIP the first time I meet a dancer. I just let nature take it's course. I'll know when the time is right.
avatar for iknowbetter
2 years ago
To answer Drew Carey’s questions, I guess I fit the profile described by others:

Kids are grown or away at college.
Wife is involved in her own work and activities.
Frequent work travel and working long hours has always been the norm for me.
Live and work in S. Florida, so strip clubs are nearby and most all visits are weekday dayshift.
Business owner with multiple income streams. Accustomed to having cash on hand.
Most of my OTC and SA activity occurs during the summer, when wife, kids, and dogs are at our vacation home “up north”.

Having said all this, I still don’t know how guys like Dugan or Warrior maintain their crazy level of activity, but I really only engage in strip club and/or other type of P4P on average a couple times a month.

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "I still don’t know how guys like Dugan or Warrior maintain their crazy level of activity,"

I think that Warrior is in a universe all his own. But like anyone else, I assume that he's only spending what he can afford.

For what I do, it's just a matter of discipline and budgeting. I won't skimp on any life priorities for this shit and I won't spend beyond a certain number per month. If I get hit with a lot of unexpected additional expenses in a month, which has happened a number of times over the years, I scale back.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I am enjoying life right now. But I don't think I'm any more active than several others. I just enjoy talking about my exploits. Outside of TUSCL, I can't tell anybody else.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ Don't sell yourself short Warrior. Between your posts here about how many SA girls you're juggling and elsewhere about the number of meetups you enjoy each week, your activities are starting to hit legendary status. I think we will all have to start living vicariously through you. 😉
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Warrior is our hero, when I get to be your age I want to be just like you buddy
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@ChampPhilly: "Georg, again it bring back same question. How much is too much for OTC?"

Well, bookstore freak gets between 100 and 150 depending on how far we go and how long she gives me. My "sugar baby" pays her rent with what I give her after seeing her four or fives times a month, but she lets me in raw, and doesn't make me pull out. Yes, we both get tested regularly. No guarantee of 100% safety, but honestly at my age, it's worth it. Plus, more often than not, she feeds me afterwards.

@rickdugan: "Imagine being grateful that a girl quoted you too much, lmao. Again, first world problems. 😂"

I know, right? 🤣🤣 Disappointing, but even my PLness has its limits.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@Bharlem: "I wonder do my regulars feel this way about me."

I can virtually guarantee that if you're talking to and entertaining typical neuro-median, and probably even many neuro-divergent, including sociopathic, men and they perceive that you are treating them well and fairly, they are feeling some level of regret, ranging from "ah well, all good things must come to an end" to "well fuck, I'm really gonna miss her."

But as rick alludes, it's the clingers that you have to worry about, not the ones who are just wistful about things ending.
avatar for rl27
2 years ago
I tended to get OTC from three different types of dancers.

Dancers I at clubs I visited out of town and I would see then when I was in town.

Dancers who move around between clubs in various cities and states. Usually they are in town a few weeks every month or so, and see them a few times.

Local dancers, and those I typically only see one or two at a time, and most are usually done with clubs and OTC within a year at most.
avatar for Heaven-sent
2 years ago
Yes, this is a problem. I have 5 regulars. I was really trying to ad a 6th because she’s super cut but I’m not going that route now. My last 2 visits I had money reserved for her and I realized I sit on the left side of the club and she never ventures past the right side. She plays on her phone a lot even while sitting with her regulars. If they like it I love it. Why I sit on the left? The dancers come out of a door on the right and I like seeing them walk. Crazy right? I’m actually going to add a different 6th she doesn’t know it yet. Her schedule is hit and miss but she has danced for me once before but so long ago I’m sure she will only vaguely remember when I jog her memory. She’ a 7 1/2 but she will 100% talk and that what I like. Silence is not golden for me. Well back to the original problem. When you’re managing this many you don’t want to leave and not give them a dance and disappoint anyone of them. The perfect senario Is 3 are working that day. You hit up each one and everybody is happy. Next best is 4 are working and you take 1st 3 available. They understand they were busy banking and time ran out. The problem is when you’re in the mood for 1 or 2 because you have a conversation going with them and you want to finish it so you pass on the others which bruises egos a little but the smart one come back. I had one get a little huffy and she ran herself out of business. Literally if she was doing that with others that’s a problem. She didn’t speak after I took on a new girl and I actually had money reserved for huffy when I got done with new girl. Well the money was shifted to another lucky one that night. The veterans know you can’t get mad if he picks someone else tonight. It’s just business.
avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 years ago
Last time I got laid was a year ago and I see no prospect of it ever happening again. Excuse my lack of sympathy for your plight, RD.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ Well that was a definite Debbie Downer post. 😉

Conan, I'm legitimately sorry to hear about your predicament. Not so much about you never getting laid again but about whatever the underlying cause is, be it health, money or something else. I never enjoy hearing about another person's misfortune.

But this is just a shits and grins entertainment site dude. Those who can do and then post about it. We'll all be at the same point sooner or later, for whatever reason. In the meantime, as the old expression goes, the living gotta' keep on living.
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Not getting laid is no big deal as one still can have decent fun in the strip clubs as long as if you are fine to hande blue balls which is a painful outcome of being denied an orgasm despite constant arousal. The above is with the assumption of ITCs not considered as not getting laid?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
@Champ: There are only so many reasons why one will never get laid again in his life and they pretty much all also impact more general strip club fun. If it's money, then he can't afford strippers either. If it's medical, then excitement/arousal is equally dangerous, pointless and/or unachievable (depending upon the issue).
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick what do you use for performance enhancement or ideal performance? Any supplements?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
^ Sure BTE, let me pull the list together. While I'm doing that, are there any other personal details that you'd like to know about? I'm very eager to make sure that you have every personal detail that you need. 😆
avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 years ago
@Rick, it's not money and not medical since the doc took pity on me and prescribed T-gel (Lefty is effectively dead since 2003) and daily Cialis. I'm just that socially awkward and physically undesirable, regardless of what the girls at the club say.

I just don't understand why a guy who has an apparently loving and tolerant wife would have to establish a rota of side pieces, that's all.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Ok Conan, so in other words your last post was just some pushy ass self pity. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, maybe man the fuck up and do something to improve your circumstances. I do what I do because I want to and I can you ridiculous whiny ass that.

You're welcome girly man.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
That was "pussy" and "twat" to be clear. Fucking phone auto correct
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Sounds more like managing emotions more than anything else. Have fun with that….
avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 years ago
Pardon the fuck out of me for allowing my 53 years of hard-wired self loathing to come to the fore when I'm confronted with yet another smug bastard bragging about how much pussy he gets.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
If infidelity and guys bragging about how much pussy they get bothers you, then perhaps a strip club discussion board is not a good fit for you.

avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Conan, hubris is Rickyboy’s middle, first, and last name. He comes from a culture where if you say something with conviction, people may believe you. At least “hubris” believes in himself, like little men do in order to compensate.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
'That was "pussy" and "twat" to be clear.'

Guys you gotta take that extra second to look over your insults lol. You're not on the clock...
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
@Wall: Right? 😁
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "Pardon the fuck out of me for allowing my 53 years of hard-wired self loathing to come to the fore when I'm confronted with yet another smug bastard bragging about how much pussy he gets."

As a general rule I feel deep contempt for whiny ass men. I don't know why, but I do. It may be a function of my upbringing, idk.

But with Thanksgiving a day away and me feeling a bit of the ol' Christian charity, I'm biting back my normal response to a ridiculous post like this coming from a grown ass man. Instead I will echo what CMI said. If guys bragging about fun with strippers is something that hurts your delicate sensitivities, then this might not be the right discussion board for you. Posting whiny nonsense around here is likely to earn you little more than derision.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===< "Conan, hubris is Rickyboy’s middle, first, and last name. He comes from a culture where if you say something with conviction, people may believe you. At least “hubris” believes in himself, like little men do in order to compensate."

Mate, I understand that you're butt hurt over our exchange in another thread, but clearly you missed the point. If you have a belief about something, back it up with more than the subjective opinions of a couple of other men. Have an original thought, preferably backed up by your own view of the raw data. Don't behave like a whiny victim by blaming someone else for your own intellectual insufficiencies - we've had more than enough grown ass man whining in this thread already.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick, mate realistically it isn’t personal info... for example i could say i use creatine or aspirin, spend $300-$500 on an otc encounter, dont want to spend more than $1000 in a month, and it wouldn’t really give you any insights or personal info besides those things.
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