
Comments by sideshow_bob (page 4)

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    2 years ago
    Buffalo: It's Time to Ban Guns
    LOLOLOLOLOLOL Took you guys long enough. LMAO.
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    2 years ago
    Buffalo: It's Time to Ban Guns
    "Home invasion" is just a scary name they use. He needed money because him mom was too poor to get him the sneakers he wanted. She gave him a hundred bucks, but all the guys would laugh at him if he showed up in some punk ass Payless sneakers. He was known for having new Jordans. He didnt know anyone was going to wake up. He thought they'd all be asleep. No amount of money is worth a life. Also, you people love the bible so much, what about "thou shalt not kill"? What are guns but killing machines? You people probably think you're like Jesus cause you like hanging out with prostitutes.
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    2 years ago
    Buffalo: It's Time to Ban Guns
    A friend of mine got shot when I was a teen. He was a good guy, he just needed some money for school clothes. Homeowner didn't have to shoot him, he would never have hurt anyone. If banning guns saves even one life, it's worth it.
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    2 years ago
    So, how much money did you bring in?
    I tell them exactly what I do for work, job title. Even people in my industry dont understand what I do, but so far no dancer has ever asked me for clarification.
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    2 years ago
    Is anybody happy with their local strip clubs?
    Overall quality is down in Sacramento and Reno. A couple favorites keep me checking in, but dancer quality has fallen, even at the better clubs. Average looks have fallen and attitude has fallen even more. A lot of the dancers act entitled.
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    2 years ago
    DC Man Puts Up Basketball Hoop On His House For Neighborhood Youth - Attacked
    He mounted the hoop on his house wall in an alley to give the local children an activity.
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    2 years ago
    Abortion has been banned
    If men could get pregnant they wouldn't be fighting for abortion rights, they'd be competing to see who could have the most and best babies.
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    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Creeps in Cars
    My head is on a swivel in any club parking lot at night. Seems like a good place to mug guys who might be carrying a lot of cash. Club security is watching, but I'm not going to count on that.
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    2 years ago
    Race and IQ
    Is 13% of the population responsible for 50% of the violent crime? Life is a box of chocolates. Don't eat the yellow snow.
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    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    My parents were born during WWII, so not quite Boomers, but almost. They got their first house in Los Angeles for $12k. My dad was an entry level accountant making $20k, and his parents helped him buy the house. One of my dad's big financial regrets was not being more aggressive with his housing purchases. Boomers just had to show up and not be complete fuck ups and they did pretty good. Not true for the younger gens.
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    2 years ago
    The moment you discovered what ...........................
    Sometimes the negative vibes are a buzz kill. I started my clubbing in the glory days of the Mitchell Brothers Offarell Theater. The girls were all at least 8's. Some genuine beauties, and they had stripper game. They knew how to treat a man. MBOT was fun sober. Now I'm happy if I find a 6 or 7 with a good personality. Dealing with pushy dancers and sour moments is getting to be more common. I need a couple drinks to loosen up and enjoy things now.
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    2 years ago
    Serenity at Sacramento Gold Club
    I like Nikita at GCC but she's not been around much lately, so I hear. I like Serena at HQ. I stay out of Pure Gold. Too much hard sell.
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    2 years ago
    Serenity at Sacramento Gold Club
    I forgot about this thread tbh, but figured I'd finish the story when I saw it. I'm getting tired of the Sac clubs. There's only a couple dancers I really like and the rest don't interest me. I probably need to not go for a while and let the staff turnover some. Though if I new my faves were working I'd go.
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    2 years ago
    The moment you discovered what ...........................
    Thanks to the OP for creating this interesting topic. This is something that I have studied closely through personal experience and reading stripper forums. Every once in a while I will find a connection with a dancer that seems to be authentic. I was curious about whether such a connection could be faked. The answer is: good dancers seek to create the appearance of a connection with the PL. In their forums they talk about "being their best self" with the clients: attentive, caring, and feminine. They talk about presenting an illusion. So yes, they're trying to do this because it's good for business. However, a lot of them fail or just aren't good at it. Dancing is a skill and a lot of women who think they want to do it are unable to succeed at it. I was surprised by the troubles many have with the dancing itself. It takes skill, confidence, and athletic ability to dance. Quality clubs won't hire women who can't do it, so we as PLs don't really witness bad dancing unless it's an amateur night. The interesting thing is, some dancers do actually like at least some of their customers. You'll see them talk about meeting a guy they liked in stripper forums, and spending a lot of time with them because they were interested and engaged. This is not the rule, but it comes up frequently enough in threads that it isn't rare. In general though the vast majority are acting a script trying to manipulate the client into maxing their investment. But just as regular workers might waste time at the water cooler and socialize, so will strippers at work. They're just like us!
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    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Robberies... Stay Home Or Move Into The Woods
    Lots of guns around tends to make people very polite. Guns are equalizers. No other weapon can overcome a physical mismatch like a gun.
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    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Gilbert Gottfried dead
    He had this great mix of old school variety and the crudest, dirtiest stuff around. The contrast between the funny dad jokes and the super crude, all delivered in that grating annoying voice was hilarious, perhaps an acquired taste. He was a legend to fellow comics for sure.
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    2 years ago
    Whatever happens in Ukraine Russia will be fine
    Of course Russia is going to win. NATO will fight them to the last Ukrainian, but they are just being used. How many Ukrainians wanted to die for their right to join NATO? Putin understands the new missile technology. He wasn't going to let NATO have a FOB a few flight minutes away from Moscow.
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    2 years ago
    Serenity at Sacramento Gold Club
    Following up: I asked about her to some other girls at the club now that they're open again. Most didn't know her. The regular door woman said she hadn't been in for a while. One dancer told me her friend at the club got booted and she stopped coming in. Life goes on.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Do you pay the upcharge?
    With a new dancer I negotiate money before we go for the dance. It's actually a pretty good tell on how she's going to be.
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    3 years ago
    Tell us something about yourself...........
    I have a howto video on YouTube with a 100k views.
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    3 years ago
    Weirdest Club Experiences
    The Windsors are extremely wealthy and powerful. No one really knows how much money they have, but it likely puts people like Gates and Musk to shame.
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    3 years ago
    Weirdest Club Experiences
    Hanging at a club having a drink, talking to a girl. All of a sudden a large man sits down at the table with us. He says nothing and completely ignores us. Mind you, there were plenty of empty seats and tables he could have sat down at. I figured maybe he knew the girl and wanted to talk to her. I ask her is she knows him, "No." I'm wondering if I'm about to get assassinated by this silent guy, something is off. I finally say "Hi" to the guy. He looks at us out of a stupor and says "oh I thought this was my friend's table."
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    3 years ago
    Ivy League Educated and Skin Pure as Snow
    Older Women - People Prefer That?
    Heidi Klum is 48 and I'd buy a dance from her, maybe even two. Social skills count, and a lot of young dancers don't have them.
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    3 years ago
    Car kill switches
    Incredibly dangerous idea. What could possibly go wrong with wireless remote kill switch?
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    3 years ago
    Brutal honesty in strip clubs
    I just tell them I'm waiting for someone. Who? Elsa, as in someone Elsa.