I was talking to a dancer about good and bad customers. We weren't talking about anyone specific or in the club at the time, just broad generalities. Most of what we talked about wasn't a revelation, but at one point she said "You want to see some really bad customers?"
So, she pulls out her phone and shows me three videos of three different guys trying to follow her out of the club parking lot to wherever she was going at the end of her shift. The videos weren't great, because they're from a phone mounted on the dash pointed out the rear windshield. But one of the videos was at the end of a day shift and you could pretty clearly make out the same big black pickup tailing her.
In all three cases, her solution was to start driving evasively (take quick corners, drive in circles, etc.) and as soon as the guy realized she knew he was there, he'd lose his nerve and break off. And then she'd drive a few more loops to make sure he was really gone and then go home. The three videos were shot over a stretch of time, perhaps over a 3 year period (including the dead pandemic year). So, it's not like this happens to her every week, but she noted that there were a couple of these instances that she didn't film. She also said it was a good excuse to buy a faster car (which was funny, but a bit dark).
Anyway, perhaps I'm naive but I'd never thought about this being a thing that dancers need to think about or deal with even infrequently. And, because this was a revelation to me, I guess I'm asking the dancers here to share if this is something that has happened to them. It might be educational for other customers on here.
A dancer at desires I know well told me a bout a guy who followed her three shifts in a row. The third time, instead of losing him, she drove to her home and called her neighbor before she got there. Last time she saw the creep he was on his knees with an ak-47 in his face and seemed uninterested in her. Good neighbors like hot women.
I've heard similar stories from many dancers over the years. Had a girl do something similar to skibum69's example, except she called a cop friend of hers. He met them at Wal-mart. Quite a scene.
Bouncers used to keep patrons from leaving for a minute when a dancer left, but I guess a guy could be lying in wait close enough to see the dancer leave and which car she got into.
I’ve personally been lucky that I’ve never had an incident like that. (And hopefully never do)
Back when I was new to dancing, I remember a tumblr post that mentioned good precautions to take. Always have at least a half tank of gas. Know where police stations are at the area you’re in, so you can drive over there if followed. Have location services turned off on your phone. When walking around, have pepper spray easily accessible. If there is a WiFi at a club for whatever reason, never connect to it.
^ is that only because you don’t have a car and you don’t want to explain to your mom why you’re following someone when she comes to pick you up.
Har har har
I actually know a few guys in their 40s that have their mom take them to bars and clubs. Yeah plenty of friends who never a manger to grow up in my crew.
Well you know what it’s just about doing thing the right way. After Nicespice ignored all 358 of my PM’s, I was forced to stalk, but I didn’t carry any chloroform with me and all pursuits were on foot. So at the end of the day when it’s all said and done, I can walk with my head held high.
I remember a poster here mentioned walking up to a dancer’s car (when the dancer was in it) - and that seemed very creepy. Following a dancer home seems to be on a different level of creepy.
Sadly, dancers aren’t the only women who experience this type of situation. I’ve had to talk with my daughters about when to drive to the police station if you are being followed. It’s concerning, and those are not the kind of guys you want knowing your home address.
^^^ Thank God a Huffy bike can't keep up with anything a stripper drives, otherwise you'd happily be part of the problem. You know, we're all just counting down to that inevitable day when you threaten a dancer on here with violence because she doesn't agree with your warped, unhinged world view on pretty much everything relating to women.
^^^ Helluva comeback [slow clap]. Can we just skip to the part where you put me on your fake "Ignore" list so that you can pretend to not see people calling you on your unhinged horseshit?
I've been to strip clubs across the country. This is a problem in conservative states/towns, and places where civvies are generally overweight. MA, CT, NJ, Idaho, Montana, Dakota, Washington, Upstate NY ... I've left clubs late at night and often noticed dudes in their trucks (lights off, engine running). Each club at least one, sometimes 2 or 3. Randomly stalking. You give them a look and they start feeling uncomfortable and stare at their phones.
Dancers make a lot less money in Texas and offer lot more, but I haven't seen much of this. Civvies are hot. Guys are not too desperate. And I'm not complaining.
Planning on extensive traveling, really living on the road for many years. Because of low population density, not many big cities, cold weather, and conservatism, Mountain States will be the last.
Starting with CA and South West, then North West, then South East dealing with Blacks only, then Atlantic and Great Lakes areas, and of course early on Mexico.
"... Sadly, dancers aren’t the only women who experience this type of situation. I’ve had to talk with my daughters about when to drive to the police station if you are being followed ..."
Yeah - I think it's something that most women need to be aware of and can be victim to - one could assume that perhaps dancers are more at risk given the nature of the work - I'm sure there are dancers that have had issues w/ stalkers - I wouldn't assume it's a big-issue but also not a non-issue either.
Abby Aisha Alexis Ali Alicia Ariana Aurora Bruna Candice Carmen Chanel Charlie Egypt Emma Evelyn Fiona Francesca Honey Jane Jordan Kai Kayla Krystal Lotus Lyza Melissa Nicolette Nikita Persia Piper Scarlett Tiffany Vega Venus Vida Yasmin
My former ATF in Baltimore had several follow her home. Luckily, she had a very husky son who lived at home with her. One old fart (not me - a different old fart!) actually showed up at her house one afternoon basically demanding a date. She sent him packing, disappointed, angry, and cut off from any future contact.
Another dancer was followed home and "luckily" was just mugged for the substantial amount she had earned. She was seriously freaked out and it was a year before she could dance again.
Any S.O.B. doing this crap deserves to rot in hell.
So what? I've known a few dancers' home addresses, either because I picked them up for OTC or we were friends on Facebook and they inadvertently gave it away.
I never did anything creepier than show up at 1AM and jack off in the alley.
This is why I prefer Uber. They have 3 security measures. 1) you get a pin that you give ya driver to ensure ya in the right car 2) you can share ya trip gps with family or friends 3) They have a text checkin You have to set these settings of course n most aren’t aware of them.
Also a few years back I was dancing out of town, 2 minutes before closing this man asked me for a dance. I declined because the DJ said all dancers had to go in the back for closing. I didn’t have a conversation with this man or anything. Just that question.
I was in my Uber n something felt odd. Something said look behind you. I noticed a car following me. After awhile I mentioned it to my driver. He replied he noticed it too but thought I was trying to bring the customer back to my hotel. I said no
The driver told me not to worry. He drove to a dead end street and on the U coming back who do I see that man who asked me for a dance. The driver turned on his lights n told the guy to get lost. I was so thankful because the way my hotel was set up I didn’t need to walk through a lobby and see a receptionist to get to my room.
Mr. Scrub, you have an interesting writing style. specifically, THE way YOU use CAPITAL LETTERS for certain WORDS.
Did anybody notice that the guy who RESPONDED to Mr. Skibum’s CREEPY COMMENT:
“A dancer at desires I know well told me a bout a guy who followed her three shifts in a row. The third time, instead of losing him, she drove to her home and called her neighbor before she got there. Last time she saw the creep he was on his knees with an ak-47 in his face and seemed uninterested in her. Good neighbors like hot women”
the RESPONSE indicated that said CREEPY CUSTOMER was indeed the ONE AND ONLY MR. SKIBUM and said it in a very MR. SCRUBESQUE STYLE.
All I can say Mr. Scrub is that I am shocked SHOCKED I TELL YOU that you might be TROLLING MR. SKIBUM and if that is you my RESPECT for you has increased at least 100-FOLD. BRAVO MR. SPIRIT OF SCRUB BRAVO
1. The post by Nicespice is definitely one of those line up creeps - and I find that a bit invasive as well.
2. I read a review a few months ago - where it appeared the reviewer sat in the club parking lot and listed the dancers working by knowing their cars in the parking lot. That seemed very invasive too.
3. There was a dude who followed a dancer to her car after her shift too.
4. Following a dancer as she drives home is not appropriate. Dancers have kids and families - and following a dancer makes everyone concerned for their safety. Don’t do it.
These are inappropriate things to do. They are creepy and they can make a dancer feel threatened.
If you had a good time ITC - leave it ITC. When a dancer leaves the club, shes no longer Bubbles in the lingerie and pleaser heels - she’s a regular woman driving home from her job.
I think its common sense. Trying to normalize stalking is sick.
Replace dancer with waitress. If someone said they followed a waitress to the parking lot. Remembered her shifts. Doxed her. That wouldn't be just creepy. It would be potentially dangerous and criminal.
It's easy to just call the club and ask if she's working. Some clubs post their nightly lineups on ig and dancers say if they're working sometime. There's no reason to act like a stalker unless a guy is out there or has nefarious intentions.
And following someone is crazy. There's no way to make that look good or normal.
Ubers are safe when the Uber driver is aware that you have opted into the extra safety precautions.
You n the Uber driver are notified if he/she goes off the recommended gps course. So I stay up n follow the ride on my phone. When you opt into their points program and get into the platinum rider they only send the highest rated Uber drivers to pick you up.
Please stop speaking on what you don’t know just to be an ass. Of course there are horror stories but there are tons of riders who are oblivious on how to use the app to ensure they r safe
Any nightclub, with nekked women or not, if it's not run by people with shit for brains, has enough security so that people are not allowed to loiter in the parking lot. Not just a problem for dancers, I've had to deal with annoying aggressive panhandlers in strip club parking lots.
You can't be a pushover if you're gonna dance. Make sure you can call 911 hands-free in your car. If the cops don't care you're being stalked, look for ways to internet-shame them. Get a carry permit so you can have a gun in your car, and get some practice and safety training at the gun range. We have to fight laws that stop people with petty drug busts or DUIs from getting a carry permit, when they really need one.
^ Better than a permit get some type of mace or pepper spray that you can carry on your keychain you don’t need to be trained to use it successfully and it’s les complicated Getting a firearm is a commitment that isn’t all that simple, if you have a firearm you need real training, safe handling and storage, it’s not something that should be used when alcohol is involved Jes Sayin
Adriana Alicia Anita Cammy Chanel Chelsea Dahlia Delilah Destiny Dior Francesca Isabella Jade Jane Jelani Jenna June Lexi Macy Malaina Nikki Nyla Olivia Reign Ruby Tessa Venus Vida (Haven’t had any of these names personally)
A few weeks ago I went to a local club to see a dancer I saw on the club Instagram. She was busy with a whale, and I did not get a chance to dance with her. After her harpoon session in the vip, she went in the back, came out with street clothes on, and left. I thought “well I’m not getting what I came for, so fuck it I’m going home”. I gave it a minute, precisely bc I didn’t want to freak her out. I walked out the door and to my car, on my way through the lot I saw the dancer in question texting in her truck. I glanced, clocked her, and looked away immediately. Still, I could tell she saw me, chose not to engage, and then her body language changed to less comfortable. All in a second. I went straight to my car, pulled out, and hit the road.
My head is on a swivel in any club parking lot at night. Seems like a good place to mug guys who might be carrying a lot of cash. Club security is watching, but I'm not going to count on that.
A few months ago, someone on r/strippers shared she had gone out to her car at the end of the night to go home. She found a brand new pair of, I think it was Victoria's Secret, panties wrapped on her driver's side mirror.
last commentIs this the reason why 2Icee has a Dodge Demon?
You should tell the TRUTH sir that the CREEPY CUSTOMER was YOU my good SIR
Back when I was new to dancing, I remember a tumblr post that mentioned good precautions to take. Always have at least a half tank of gas. Know where police stations are at the area you’re in, so you can drive over there if followed. Have location services turned off on your phone. When walking around, have pepper spray easily accessible. If there is a WiFi at a club for whatever reason, never connect to it.
I thought it was a great post.
Har har har
I actually know a few guys in their 40s that have their mom take them to bars and clubs. Yeah plenty of friends who never a manger to grow up in my crew.
Sadly, dancers aren’t the only women who experience this type of situation. I’ve had to talk with my daughters about when to drive to the police station if you are being followed. It’s concerning, and those are not the kind of guys you want knowing your home address.
Guys should never hassle them or intrude upon their privacy.
Deep House, Ibiza
You remain creepy as fuck.
This is a problem in conservative states/towns, and places where civvies are generally overweight.
MA, CT, NJ, Idaho, Montana, Dakota, Washington, Upstate NY ...
I've left clubs late at night and often noticed dudes in their trucks (lights off, engine running). Each club at least one, sometimes 2 or 3. Randomly stalking.
You give them a look and they start feeling uncomfortable and stare at their phones.
Dancers make a lot less money in Texas and offer lot more, but I haven't seen much of this.
Civvies are hot. Guys are not too desperate. And I'm not complaining.
"conservative states/towns, and places where civvies are generally overweight"
Starting with CA and South West, then North West, then South East dealing with Blacks only, then Atlantic and Great Lakes areas, and of course early on Mexico.
Yeah - I think it's something that most women need to be aware of and can be victim to - one could assume that perhaps dancers are more at risk given the nature of the work - I'm sure there are dancers that have had issues w/ stalkers - I wouldn't assume it's a big-issue but also not a non-issue either.
Abby Aisha Alexis Ali Alicia Ariana Aurora Bruna Candice Carmen Chanel Charlie Egypt Emma Evelyn Fiona Francesca Honey Jane Jordan Kai Kayla Krystal Lotus Lyza Melissa Nicolette Nikita Persia Piper Scarlett Tiffany Vega Venus Vida Yasmin
Saturday night
Alana Barbie Bria Camilla Chanel Dahlia Delilah Destiny Francesca Jacqueline Jenna Juliet Karma Leah Malaina Malibu McKayla Mercedes Naomi Nikki Phoenix Piper Reign Rio Rosie Sapphire Summer Tessa Valentina Valerie Vida
Snd why would you even find her address? Thats creepy
Another dancer was followed home and "luckily" was just mugged for the substantial amount she had earned. She was seriously freaked out and it was a year before she could dance again.
Any S.O.B. doing this crap deserves to rot in hell.
I never did anything creepier than show up at 1AM and jack off in the alley.
1) you get a pin that you give ya driver to ensure ya in the right car
2) you can share ya trip gps with family or friends
3) They have a text checkin
You have to set these settings of course n most aren’t aware of them.
Also a few years back I was dancing out of town, 2 minutes before closing this man asked me for a dance. I declined because the DJ said all dancers had to go in the back for closing.
I didn’t have a conversation with this man or anything. Just that question.
I was in my Uber n something felt odd. Something said look behind you. I noticed a car following me. After awhile I mentioned it to my driver. He replied he noticed it too but thought I was trying to bring the customer back to my hotel. I said no
The driver told me not to worry. He drove to a dead end street and on the U coming back who do I see that man who asked me for a dance. The driver turned on his lights n told the guy to get lost. I was so thankful because the way my hotel was set up I didn’t need to walk through a lobby and see a receptionist to get to my room.
Did anybody notice that the guy who RESPONDED to Mr. Skibum’s CREEPY COMMENT:
“A dancer at desires I know well told me a bout a guy who followed her three shifts in a row. The third time, instead of losing him, she drove to her home and called her neighbor before she got there. Last time she saw the creep he was on his knees with an ak-47 in his face and seemed uninterested in her. Good neighbors like hot women”
the RESPONSE indicated that said CREEPY CUSTOMER was indeed the ONE AND ONLY MR. SKIBUM and said it in a very MR. SCRUBESQUE STYLE.
All I can say Mr. Scrub is that I am shocked SHOCKED I TELL YOU that you might be TROLLING MR. SKIBUM and if that is you my RESPECT for you has increased at least 100-FOLD. BRAVO MR. SPIRIT OF SCRUB BRAVO
"I'm more inclined to believe that Icee has a Dodge Caravan."
My impression is that he has an ice cream truck.
Uber isn't that safe. They hire anyone....
1. The post by Nicespice is definitely one of those line up creeps - and I find that a bit invasive as well.
2. I read a review a few months ago - where it appeared the reviewer sat in the club parking lot and listed the dancers working by knowing their cars in the parking lot. That seemed very invasive too.
3. There was a dude who followed a dancer to her car after her shift too.
4. Following a dancer as she drives home is not appropriate. Dancers have kids and families - and following a dancer makes everyone concerned for their safety. Don’t do it.
These are inappropriate things to do. They are creepy and they can make a dancer feel threatened.
If you had a good time ITC - leave it ITC. When a dancer leaves the club, shes no longer Bubbles in the lingerie and pleaser heels - she’s a regular woman driving home from her job.
Replace dancer with waitress. If someone said they followed a waitress to the parking lot. Remembered her shifts. Doxed her. That wouldn't be just creepy. It would be potentially dangerous and criminal.
It's easy to just call the club and ask if she's working. Some clubs post their nightly lineups on ig and dancers say if they're working sometime. There's no reason to act like a stalker unless a guy is out there or has nefarious intentions.
And following someone is crazy. There's no way to make that look good or normal.
You n the Uber driver are notified if he/she goes off the recommended gps course. So I stay up n follow the ride on my phone. When you opt into their points program and get into the platinum rider they only send the highest rated Uber drivers to pick you up.
Please stop speaking on what you don’t know just to be an ass. Of course there are horror stories but there are tons of riders who are oblivious on how to use the app to ensure they r safe
You can't be a pushover if you're gonna dance. Make sure you can call 911 hands-free in your car. If the cops don't care you're being stalked, look for ways to internet-shame them. Get a carry permit so you can have a gun in your car, and get some practice and safety training at the gun range. We have to fight laws that stop people with petty drug busts or DUIs from getting a carry permit, when they really need one.
Getting a firearm is a commitment that isn’t all that simple, if you have a firearm you need real training, safe handling and storage, it’s not something that should be used when alcohol is involved
Jes Sayin
Aisha Alana Alicia Alini Angel Anita Aurora Camilla Chanel Dahlia Destiny Giselle Honey Jade Jordan Juliet Kendall Kiley Kimmy Lani Layla Leah Leeza Lily Malaina Malibu McKayla Naomi Nicolette Nyla Persia Piper Raven Reign Rio Sapphire Sophia Stefania Tessa Valentina Valerie Zoey
Adriana Alicia Anita Cammy Chanel Chelsea Dahlia Delilah Destiny Dior Francesca Isabella Jade Jane Jelani Jenna June Lexi Macy Malaina Nikki Nyla Olivia Reign Ruby Tessa Venus Vida
(Haven’t had any of these names personally)
Aisha Alana Alicia Angel Bria Camilla Chanel Chelsea Coco Delilah Francesca Giselle Jane Kimmy Lani Layla Leah Lily Malaina Malibu Marina McKayla Mia Nicolette Nina Nyla Persia Piper Reign Rio Rosie Sapphire Shelby Sophia Stefania Stella Valentina Vanessa Venus Vida Vivica Zoey
I was impressed by her quick observational skills
By creepy fucks like you right dougie!
D O U G S T E R !!!
Alana Angie Aurora Camilla Candice Carley Chanel Dahlia Destiny Dior Francesca Giselle Jade Lani Lily Luisa Malaina Malibu McKayla Mia Nyla Piper Reign Rio Sam Shelby Sophia Stefania Summer Vanessa Venus Vida Zoey
Aisha Amelia Barbie Bria Candice Chanel Chelsea Destiny Dior Giselle Honey Jenna Jordan Julia Juliet Kimmy Leah Lily Luciana Malibu Marina McKayla Nyla Phoenix Piper Racquel Rio Rosie Sasha Summer Tessa Valerie Vanessa Vivica Zoey
Aisha Alana Alini Amelia Barbie Bria Camilla Carley Chanel Coco Dior Giselle Isabella Jade Jailynn Julia Juliet Layla Leah Lily Luisa Mackenzie Malibu McKayla Nina Piper Reign Rosie Sam Sapphire Shelby Sophia Stefania Treasure Valerie Vanessa Victoria Zoey
Saturday night
Aisha Alana Alini Amelia Angel Angie Barbie Bria Camilla Chanel Destiny Giselle Jade Jailynn Jenna Jessie Jordan Julia Kimmy Lily Luisa Mackenzie Malibu McKayla Nikki Reign Rio Sasha Sophia Stefania Stella Valerie Vanessa