
Comments by CrimsonCaravan

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Do you really have to leave or do you guys run out of money?
    Either the man is out of money or he is exercising a great deal of self control that will allow him to be able to leave the club with some cash leftover
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    4 years ago
    How would reparations work?
    If it were up to me this is how I'd fix it: Train the police better. Make it so they have to complete an actual degree and take de-escalation training. A stricter psychological evaluation should be mandatory for cops. Train them to use firearms as a last resort. Make the police all have dashcams in their cars and body cams on. Instead of defunding the police, reroute the funds they already have into training their people better instead of buying better equipment. There should be a push for reparations in the form of infrastructure. Places like St. Louis, Baltimore and Detroit are predominantly black and those cities are arguably the worst cities to live in. Push the government to turn places like that where the black community lives into a better place. Build better schools, build infrastructure, build community resources, build better hospitals. Build up the black community so that that turning to crime won't ever have to be an option. And better yet, all the new resources and new infrastructure in the black community should be built by blacks as well. It creates jobs for them and it builds up their community. Every person that has a job is one less person likely to be a criminal. Do this enough and it promotes sustainability. It'll turn a city plagued by welfare and violence into a city with opportunities and financial growth. Best of all, these reparations would also be beneficial long term for us as a country too. Bigger city economies and more opportunities for people of color to move up the ranks People of color are the backbone of this country and handing out reparations in the form of cash won't solve anything. Give the people something that will last them generations
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    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    Every country has its fair share of issues; the USA is not exempt from that. Despite having issues, we are still the land of opportunity, diversity and freedom! I don't care what anyone says, I love this country to death and I wouldn't ever live anywhere else. God bless the USA!
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    4 years ago
    When you get a call from husband or boyfriend.
    Are you good at imitating accents? If yes, respond back in an Indian or Scottish accent and listen as the hilarity ensues
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    4 years ago
    Would you meet up with an engaged stripper?
    As long as there isn't some sort of drama, then I don't see why not. She's the one putting her engagement on the line. Situations like these are part of the reason why I would never consider starting a romantic relationship with a dancer/sex worker
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    4 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    You must be a stripper
    If you find someone's Instagram profile with an OnlyFans link, chances are they are a sex worker of some sort. Most strippers I have met have had an OnlyFans page in the past or just recently created one as a source of income during the ongoing pandemic
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who is your ATF Pornstar?
    Reya Sunshine and Nina North!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Are gun stores 'essential'?
    Here in Los Angeles, the Sheriff's order deeming gun stores as non-essential has been overturned. Gun stores are open once again in LA and are considered essential. Personally I think gun stores are absolutely essential. The right to protect yourself and your family should be universal. And also Los Angeles County has recently released 1,700 inmates to lessen the jail population due to Covid-19. I don't know about you, but the idea of criminals roaming the streets freely in a grave situation like this pandemic seems like a recipe for disaster. Criminals are opportunists and a time like this is prime for them. You cannot and should not leave your safety and the safety of your loved ones up to chance
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    5 years ago
    Fascist Trump There was Quid pro quo !
    Forever impeached....also forever acquitted! Trump for President 2020!
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    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    @Phoenix133 It seems like your rough past has helped you in the present day. The past is in the past and turning the days ahead of you into something that you can actually enjoy and look forward to is a miracle in itself. It's heartwarming to know that you defeated that dark phase in your life
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    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    @Nidan11 I'm glad that you made that decision to not pull the trigger. Looking back at it now I feel the same way you do. Suicide hurts those around us more than we know. It is a permanent solution to something that is temporary
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    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    As someone mentioned above sometimes mental health issues and stuff like the strip club go hand in hand. It probably isn't the best combination, but that's the way it is for some people. I didn't post this as a way of fishing for attention. I posted this to see if any others have felt the same way I have before.
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    5 years ago
    The Chinese government recently allocated 9 billion USD to combat the coronavirus. It's not a big deal anywhere else other than China. The Chinese government is notorious for lying and secrecy so I wouldn't be surprised if the situation in Wuhan is worse than they actually say it is
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    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    Thanks for the wonderful answers everyone! I think it's safe to say that we're all gradually trying to climb out of that hole in our lives. Thankfully we've all had the support we've needed to keep the fight going. I've always felt pretty alone when it came to depression because most people don't understand how hard it really hits. @CallMeIshmael it seems like we we're both saved by similar situations! @heaving I like the training grounds idea, I've never thought of it that way @Tetradon I'm glad that your rational self made that decision. And I don't think that anyone is truly ever "normal", everyone has some sort of underlying issue that they're trying to overcome. Live and learn right 😁 @EndlessSummer I'll definitely give that article a read! I guess sometimes you must feel like an unofficial therapist to many people
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    5 years ago
    The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution.
    The church incident in Texas proves that a gun in the hands of a good guy can prevent disaster. And the current condition of Chicago is also a perfect example that guns aren't the problem, people are. The 2nd Amendment should remain where it is. It protects us and those we love from criminals and an oppressive government. It was just as relevant 200 years ago as it is today. "The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles." - Jeff Cooper
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Unofficial PL Poll
    1. I am college educated! 2. Above average salary? I do not really know to be honest. Most people in my age range are either still in school or mainly working part time jobs at most. I would say my finances are above average in comparison to those my age, but not above average if compared across the entire working class spectrum 3. I have not reached that age range yet!
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    5 years ago
    iran lauch missle attack on 2 iraq military bases
    I don't believe any of our people were harmed from those attacks. Iran needs to tread carefully because one wrong move and it'll be a catastrophe for them
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    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [OT] What are you reading right now?
    @heaving I will definitely check out Brave New World! @25 I have read Animal Farm! I loved it and I loved how each character was symbolic of certain key figures in Soviet Union
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    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [OT] What are you reading right now?
    Currently reading 1984 by George Orwell. Government oppression, thought control and authoritarian rule is becoming more and more present in our world and it's terrifying. Nothing scares me more than censored thought and the idea of a police state
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    5 years ago
    New Year's resolutions
    - Self improvement! I think my self esteem and my physical image need a boost! Thinking of starting a gym membership - Community involvement! Growing up I always hoped that I'd be able to help people in one way or another. I hope I can achieve that and serve my community somehow in 2020 - Career progress! My current job isn't bad by any means, but I would like to move up the occupational ladder. I want to expand my horizons and move on the next level of my career. - Form lasting relationships. I don't think I have any solid relationships in my life aside from my immediate family. I feel pretty lonely most of the time. Maybe finding a partner will help ease the loneliness and help curb my strip club habit of seeking temporary pleasure and intimacy
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    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Black knee high, high heeled boots are SMEXY.
    High heels of any sort do it for me! Even better if there is some sort of hosiery present
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    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    OTC Price limit
    I like that quote, I am gonna definitely remember it!
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    5 years ago
    After Getting a Strippers Number
    My routine is similar to yours, remind them of who I am from that night and try to strike up a small conversation. Most of the time they don't respond or the conversation is a dead end. Typically I only receive responses if I'm asking if they work on a certain night. Like Papi said above, most of the girls are only giving out numbers for business purposes and not really for social outings, although there are always some exceptions to that
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    OTC Price limit
    I will negotiate if and when I decide to take her up on this offer. Until then I am just going to about my business and see what else comes along. @CJKent To be honest I never put that much thought into what I want out of this besides casual physical pleasure. A sugar type of relationship is something that I do not want to get into and BF/GF sex seems like a great option, although it would most likely not be a frequent occurrence
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    OTC Price limit
    @gawker The dancer that offered me OTC did not show an ounce of anxiety. Either she is great at hiding emotions or she is a seasoned veteran in OTC encounters. Regardless I think I will pass on my given opportunity for the time being