OTC Price limit

avatar for CrimsonCaravan
Long time lurker of the website here. Finally decided to make an account because I think I have something that's worth asking

For those of you that have decided to go through with paid fun outside of the club, where did you draw the line at how much you were willing to pay?


last comment
You obviously haven’t been lurking that long if you think this is a new question worth asking.
-->"where did you draw the line at how much you were willing to pay?"

There's a few factors that go into where I draw the line -- the ultimate limit, of course, is how much I could afford, given that I want to do it at least once or twice a month. But that number is higher than what my actual limit is. I set my limit based on asking lots of girls for OTC over many years, as a result I know about what the average is; I'll adjust a little higher or lower based on how hot she is, but that's about what I offer. I also compare that number against other activities -- e.g., PPM for an SB -- and make sure it's still worth it. Although at least in this area, OTC prices for an attractive stripper, and PPM for an attractive SB, aren't terribly far off from each other
If she says that Applebee's gift cards aren't good enough, that girl is too expensive for me

@doctorevil Sorry I guess I forgot to mention I was also a very infrequent lurker

@Subraman So your very first OTC experience EVER, how much did you pay for that? Because I've never had any before so I don't really have anything to compare it to other than what I make every month. To be honest OTC fun was her idea and full service is implied
You get what you pay for. Ask Robert Craft about that line of thinking.
CC: I can't remember exactly. I think I just pulled out a number that felt vaguely fair for me, and just let things happen from there. I mean, I didn't have any other number to compare it to, I started OTCing years before I ever heard of SA or had any idea what an escort cost. I might've picked a number that was twice what a VIP room costs? (although there is absolutely no reason to tie OTC offers to VIP room prices, at the time that might have been the only anchor I had)
How horny am I ? How good looking is she ? Is she offering something special ? Is she staying overnight ? Is it a date thing where we are going to dinner and drinks also. There have been times I have paid much more than I want to admit. There are times I have said No when the price was too much. From this site, I have learned a lot. What I would be willing to pay has changed over the past couple of years since joining TUSCL.
Less than doctorevil. :)
avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
250-300 is a good price. I've paid 400 a few times. 200 or less is definitely a deal although hard to get on a girl I'd be interested in. I've only paid more than this range once. I really don't see going over 500 unless I had a significant increase in disposable income.
OTC is more of an "art" per se than a science - several variables at play such as location (NYC or Vegas is gonna be different than Louisville, etc); type of club (dive, upscale, etc), etc

If you state your clubbing area and/or which clubs you visit, it helps in giving a bit better feedback.

Having said this - there's sorta a range per se vs an exact figure - more often than not guys that overpay often do so b/c they are inexperienced and don't know better and dancers pounce on this.
avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
That was definitely me Papi. I know when I first tried I'd ask and they'd quote a price. Generally girls will ask for the moon, and I'd just assume it was out of my price range. If they name a price it is negotiable. In Atlanta I'll generally offer 250 if I'm naming the price, and I might go up negotiating depending on how badly I want it.
The level of experience of the custy is also a variable and the custy's ability and willingness to negotiate a fair deal - there are TUSCLers that believe it's better one state the price vs asking the dancer for hers since it's common for dancers to often significantly inflate prices - the custy stating the price in part lets the dancer know she's not dealing w/ a clueless chump she can easily fleece and thus she may be more apt to deal in fair-terms vs trying to put one over on you from the get-go - problem is many custies don't know what a fair offer is and often go by what the dancer says which can often get them in trouble
The girl in question is offering 500 for full service at her place of residence so a hotel is not needed

500 seems a little steep but she says there are no time constraints as long as it's not some ridiculous period of time, but even that is still pretty vague. The only reason I consider this is because her and I seemed to click pretty well in the club
avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
That's not outside the range if it's from a really attractive girl who gives good service. Really a lot of it has to do with you feel comfortable spending.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
This whole price thing is another reason I have avoided otc so far. Really don’t want to spend that much since I don’t care about any non sex stuff at the moment. Sex with strippers in the club is an easy mostly drama free fuck I can walk away from when I’m done.

Paid OTC can also be sex as well, it is isn't always non-sex stuff although some people may prefer that
What club is this? A bit hard to say whether she's asking too-much if there is no local-market info to go by - there are clubs where one can get full-service for $150 and others where it's hard to get FS below $400 or $500.

If one is looking for more-or-less the same type of service OTC as one gets ITC (mainly just sex), then IMO ITC prices are a decent barometer to go by - some will state ITC pricing has no bearing on OTC pricing but IDK exactly why there is no connection.
@boomer79 And I guess you're right, there's no universal answer, I guess I'll just have to sleep on it

@Supraman Thanks for insight! I guess the price I would pay is roughly about double VIP in the club

I won't say the name of the club out of privacy reasons, but it is located in Los Angeles, CA. I don't frequent the club very often so I rarely get OTC offers if any at all. I have no real basis of comparison
The $500 may be a little high, depending on a lot of things, but it’s not outrageously so. And not needing a hotel room brings it more in line with average total spending maybe. But there is some wisdom to a neutral location like a hotel, despite the added cost, unless you know her real well.
Depending on your location and how you get along with the gal since she offered at her place $500 isn’t an unheard of amount, just keep in mind you might like her so that number will never go down, better to try to start a bit lower and that might make seeing her more often an easier deal for you.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
CrimsonCaravan, I know most of these guys are talking about sex. But most of them seem to want some of the non sex stuff too. I ONLY want the sex. Don’t care about the other. And I can get the sex without bothering with the rest of it in the club already.

Maybe I’ll change my mind sometime but right now I just want to fuck. All the rest of the stuff that’s fun for some of these other guys isn’t for me right now.
"... I guess the price I would pay is roughly about double VIP in the club ..."

This is good-enough info to get a ballpark figure - so you're saying ITC sex is ~$250 at this club? If so, personally I think $500 would be too-much to get about the same level of service as ITC - unless it was a whole-day date kinda thing then personally I could see the upcharge but o/w I would not pay 2x to get about the same as ITC.

The thing is ITC sex isn't the same as it is outside, you've got people around you and sometimes unplanned disturbances. I'm gonna have to think and consider whether paying double is worth it for the privacy and "normal" environment. Unfortunately I don't think a "date" style outing is an option.

@Huntsman The real kicker is that I don't know her that well. We get along, but we haven't spent any real time other than client/customer

@twentyfive And you're probably right, if I actually like her I'll find a way to justify the price. I just want to make sure that this is a fair transaction from the eyes of someone that isn't involved. Seems like I should try to negotiate before settling
It's a fair transaction as long as both parties feel its fair, if you think it's worth the cost, then have at it, only you can state whether it was fair for you, if it works for you and she isn't complaining it's fine.
As has been mentioned, there are many variables and there isn't a one-price-fits-all.

An additional variable is the type of club she works at - is it a seller's or buyer's market - i.e. often times the easier it is for the dancer to make good/sure $$$ ITC often times the less of an incentive for OTC or to do it unless it's a very-good payout - whereas if she has to hustle hard to make $$$ ITC or ITC $$$ is for w/e reason fairly-unstable, then she may be more apt to accept a more reasonable offer.

The fact that she initiated the OTC discussion and she was the one that stated the price, it may be that she normally looks to augment her ITC earning$ and would be willing to take less since it's common for dancers to overshoot when giving custies an offer since many custies don't know any better and a good # will bite.

Personally - I would offer $300 if ITC going-rate is around that or a bit lower - this is assuming that this is not a "I gotta have her" situation b/c as others said $500 is not way out in left field but personally I feel it's overpaying given the club she works at - as has been mentioned, often times the price one starts at kinda gets you locked into that price in the case you may wanna have this be a repeat thing.

Also - have you done ITC w/ her yet? If not then this is another variable to consider in that you don't know if it'll be worth it OTC.
I usually pay $300 or $400. I have paid $500. I've even paid $600, but that is too much. No pussy is worth more than $400, IMHO.

If you don't know this girl well, going to her place of residence could be very dangerous. She might set you up to be robbed or killed.
Anything over 400 you should get multiple shots on goal. You will feel like a retard if you pop turning the warm up and shell anything over 350. and if you dont the act only last about 10 miniutes. so 400 max
@jackslash The whole safety issue is definitely a valid concern. I believe someone earlier suggested a hotel room would be a better setting due to its neutral nature

@heaving Why does it prevent you from contributing? Elaborate please! And if by computer background you mean computer skills then yes you are correct to some degree
My OTC standard rate is $300. For younger dancers, that are sexually inexperienced, my approach is $200 plus a tip ($50-100) if the performance is great. The most I’ve paid is $600 for an overnight hosted by an experienced courtesan/SB; breakfast included. LOL!
There isn't just one dancer that will do OTC, nor will this be the only OTC opportunity you ever get - if you're not comfortable w/ the situation/price, then just chill on it (you can always come back to her in-the-future and let her know you are interested) - as others have stated, $500 is not way out of the ballpark, but it is on-the-high-end and per the little we know there doesn't seem to be a particularly compelling-reason to justify this particular offer at the price-point given.
When I started OTC, the minimum time in the club for VIP was an hour. I think it was about $150 to the club & $200 for the dancer. I was tipping $100 for BBBJ & BBFS so it was costing me $450. I had a lot of Marriott, Hilton, & Holiday Inn points so that was not a cost. She had never done OTC but I pointed out that she was leaving me with $300 ITC and could leave the hotel with $500.
She was nervous as fuck the first time but once she learned I wasn’t an axe murderer she settled into a twice weekly routine.
@Papi Chulo You have a solid point; this definitely won't be the last time I get an OTC offer. I think I will probably pass on this offer. Better to find other opportunities and compare them to see which one I benefit the most out of.
@gawker The dancer that offered me OTC did not show an ounce of anxiety. Either she is great at hiding emotions or she is a seasoned veteran in OTC encounters. Regardless I think I will pass on my given opportunity for the time being
You can still try to offer a price you're more comfortable with (e.g. $300, etc), and IMO still have a chance at it since it's not a low-ball offer - but since it was more her idea than yours, and if you're on the fence about it or just not ready to pull-the-trigger, then "discretion is often the better part of expensive OTC" - the strip club game can often be merky especially when one gets passed just basic dances - it can take some time to learn to navigate the "more advanced SC techniques" and do so effectively

I will play along since all written in this site is work of fiction.

“A thing is worth what someone is willing to pay for it; and someone is willing to accept for it. No more, and no less.”

One word of advice, before you hop into bed, just be clear on what you are looking for in the relationship (a sugar baby relationship, Casual “escorting type of sex?” Boyfriend/Girlfriend sex? one night stand?) so you can make informed choices and can be honest with her about your expectations.

I would not offer less than she is asking for this first time, because the lower the price the lower the level of service; but would ask her “if this time works out and we have “chemistry” and it becomes a repeat thing or set a schedule (sugar baby type) would the price per meeting wold be better (300-400)”

Remember what Vivian said in Pretty Woman”
“Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go ...”

You probably want her to have that attitude to provide you with a good experience.

I think the goal here is to have a mutually beneficial experience where you both walk away feeling that it was a good deal and would like to do it again.

In any case just prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Let us know what happens.

Good luck and be careful out there.
“I would not offer less than she is asking for this first time, because the lower the price the lower the level of service.” I strongly disagree with this. I negotiate often and it’s not my experience that it results in a lower lever of service.
"... “I would not offer less than she is asking for this first time, because the lower the price the lower the level of service ..."

There isn't a technique that works all the time, nor a technique that never works - dealing w/ strippers is often a crapshoot - there are no "written rules' everyone (dancers, custies) abide by - but I too disagree w/ the statement above - if one always went w/ what a dancer throws-out, one would be consistently unnecessarily overpaying - and has been mentioned, once a price has been set, usually that is what she'll expect going-forward - dropping the price/$$$ for subsequent OTCs is usually more detrimental than coming to a mutual agreement from the get-go.
I make my offer first -- best way to get quoted an outrageous price is to ask her her price first. But sometimes she says her asking price first anyway. In which case, add me to those who thinks the rule of thumb is exactly the opposite of “I would not offer less than she is asking for this first time". First, because once you pay it once, that's the price and she'll have a very hard time going down -- and then she WILL lower the service level. Second, because it is definitely not the case that higher price equals better service; hell, sometimes I think it's the opposite, that there's some price beyond which, the girls think they're the shit and start coasting.

Most important thing to do, if you intend to see her multiple times, is make sure the price is acceptable the first time. This is exactly the right time to negotiate, and as long you negotiate down to a number she's still okay with, your service will be fine
Normally I would say that $500 is not entirely out of line for L.A., especially if she is already providing the venue.

But the fact that she's already giving it up for $250 ITC makes me wonder where she is on the quality scale. That is obviously good money in many parts of the country, but not so much in L.A. I wouldn't pay $500 to fuck a 6 no matter what part of the country she was operating in.

If she is hot and you just don't want to spend that kind of money, maybe counter for $400 and see what she says. It's only a few days before Christmas, so she may be feeling some pressure to buy presents and put a little aside to carry her through the slow holiday season.
Oh, and I negotiate prices on a regular basis and I agree with others who say that it generally doesn't decrease service level, especially if you are still paying her a reasonable number. These girls know when they are quoting a high number and if they agree to come down, it's because you're still at a number that they find acceptable.
I also agree that $500 is not out of line for LA, if she is providing the venue. The venue would cost you, what, a minimum of $150 anyway, so if it were any other stripper, you'd probably be very luck to get away with just $350, and the $150 would bring it to $500 anyway.
Not every club in LA is expensive - Synn COI and Paradise COI are popular clubs with fairly cheap prices - I would assume if a dancer does ITC for affordable prices that she would do/expect affordable OTC prices
avatar for rane1234
5 years ago
Desperates overpaying are messing up the market it's to the point that non contact cam girls are even making a killing. Anything over two bills is daylight roberry no matter your disposable income time to take back a little control.
I stick to the #5 laplerz and the $20 lot lizzards
Almost all making comments ( myself included) have discussed a set price for specific services. I’m currently seeing a dancer OTC, but we’ve never discussed fee for service.
I’ve seen her off and on for four years and we follow the same pattern. She’ll tell me she needs something, I’ll buy it and once we get to the $300 to $400 range we’ll finally find a mutually agreeable time.
Last month I was sending her $20 to $30 almost every day. She was buying lunch one day, buying weed the next , then she called me and asked if I could come to her apartment; her mom was taking the kids for the night.
I will negotiate if and when I decide to take her up on this offer. Until then I am just going to about my business and see what else comes along.

@CJKent To be honest I never put that much thought into what I want out of this besides casual physical pleasure. A sugar type of relationship is something that I do not want to get into and BF/GF sex seems like a great option, although it would most likely not be a frequent occurrence
avatar for BocaOnt2019
5 years ago
Whether that is $300, $400 or $500 - in the end it is only money. Will one remember more down the road the memory or the $ spent?

However if the cost is in the ballpark (when compared to what others have mentioned) but feels offputting that may be a signal that one is not as interested or comfortable or ready yet (and there is nothing wrong with that).

Basically my main (and unsolicited) advice is that once the price is agreed upon treat it as a sunk cost, and just go ahead and enjoy. What that price is has no bearing upon the enjoyment so long as you do not let it.

I will use the movie Pretty Woman again for reference, Vivian and Edward negotiate the price for her to be his beck-and-call girl, and goes back and forth “adjusting the details” and finally settling on the price of $300, if I remember correctly, for the week.

For her, it's a lot of money and an easy workweek. However He said he would have paid more because he can afford it.

In your individual case depends on the girls’s ability to satisfy your needs or requirements, at a price you and her agree/believe/feel is fair.

It is all perception, just remember:

“The bitterness of poor quality remains after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.”

Thanks for catching my typo, yes $3000 fo the week and $300 for the night.

I am glad someone is paying attention.

“It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little.

When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all.

When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.”

-John Ruskin
(8 February,1819 - 20 January, 1900)
I like that quote, I am gonna definitely remember it!
and don’t pay in advance. show her the money if needed.
===> "I will negotiate if and when I decide to take her up on this offer."

What makes you think that the offer will be there forever? These girls are flaky and a girl who decides to do that today may decide tomorrow that she doesn't want to fuck and suck for money anymore. The only way you'll ever know if this is something you would enjoy is to cowboy up and pull the trigger on one.
I'm currently trying to pay $800 for 1 hour of sex with a fine ass prostitute from a high profile site. But I'm having a Dickens of a time with this whole "give me your job and name info" for screening purposes.

Because strippers keep telling me no sex in the champagne room 😟😪
man. i haven’t paid that kind of price since going to tj.
It is tough. Good high class dancers don’t do. Even they, it will be couple of thousands.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I generally pay $600 for OTC that's just 2-way contact. Admittedly I don't drive a hard bargain. I feel some guilt about the fact that the typical stripper has had more bad breaks and fewer good breaks than I have. Why not be a little generous, since I can afford to be? (But $9,000 is right out.)

Maybe I'm wrong, but it does seem like many women can get a minimal about of enjoyment from making out with a physically unattractive man, if she feels a little special to him. I feel like I typically manage that, by being generous, affectionate and unpushy.
^ Says who? Champ Idk anything about you other than you've reviewed some Baltimore and Philly clubs, but I can guarantee you that there are guys taking hot girls OTC in those cities for far less than $2k right now, especially given the continued absence of so many white collar workers in those places.

IMHO you may need to rethink your approach if this is something you're seeking, like visiting during slower nights, or changing how you approach it with the girls, or change whatever else it is that is leading you to that conclusion.
===> "I generally pay $600 for OTC that's just 2-way contact."

You're the one. I've heard that this magical unicorn existed, but this is the first hint of a verified sighting. 😉
I would never let a hooker screen me. Giving personal info to anyone doing something illicit is always a terrible idea.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Damn it the thread gets my heart rate rising, im glad i read this. I was contemplating spending over $1000 on a dancer who isn’t very attractive!
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Ibbaicln you are ruining it for everyone. $600 for a regular private dance?

The hottest brazzers pornstars are available for around $1000+ an hour, so I don’t know if I should be paying any strippers that unless they’re similarly hot
Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
Hey there, Hi there, Ho there. You're as welcome as can be!

Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!), Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!)
Forever we will hold your banner high-high-high-high!
Come along and sing the song and join our jamboree
An old - but interesting - discussion.

For OTC with a reliable and filthy dancer, I will set a limit of about $500 for an hour session. The cost of the hotel room and possible tip is not included in the $500.

If the girl isn’t a clock watcher - and she’s energetic - I might tip her up to $100. I don’t want any GFE bullshit.

I want her to show up close to the time set, get naked, and let me start pounding away. I’m a simple pervert, so it’s a pretty simple 60 minutes of work for her.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
For OTC you ideally want someone willing to do DP or use toys. You handle the pussy, timmy handles the asshole.

How cheap are the hotel rooms? What if you use those cheap motels for an hour? Do they give a cheaper rate for the hour?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
The $600 is for 90 minutes of (tame 2-Way) dancing. She has to drive about 5 hours round trip. $200 per half hour is a lower end price for a 30 minute VIP in my general area. What's so unicorny? Not sure how jealous I should be of FS for $200 plus overnight SMS-based babysitting of her junkie boyfriend. Would have to see what the chick looks like, guessing a probable hangs-around-the-bus-station look. But we all are mickey mouse compared to ricks, this is THEIR them song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
avatar for Myoman
3 years ago
About $400 on average, but I've gone higher than that for dancers that were smoke-show hot (to me). There have also been some occasions when I've been more flush with cash than usual and I've had a YOLO moment.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
How high did you go Ishmael? What did these super hot dancers look like. That’s a good rate, the hottest on eros are around that rate. The $1000+ escorts on eros in most cases are actually less attractive than the $400-$700 ones.
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