
Comments by WiseToo

  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass
    Pass, she looks underage.
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Pass, she would have to pay me.
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Pass, looks like a plastic woman.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Strip Club Nation
    One Good Turn Deserves Another
    The only time I got free food was at Burger King when they were switching over from the breakfast menu to the lunch menu at 10:30 AM. After I paid for my order, the clerk said the cash registers switched over to the lunch menu making it impossible to sell any more breakfast items. She told me what they had for free, otherwise they were going into the trash.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    I love boobies
    Rollcall on club sites
    I found roll calls to be of little value because of the reasons already mentioned. I also found calling a club is of little value because they often either outright lie, speak in half truths or just don't want to be bothered giving an answer. Is Lavender working today? "Yes" can mean she is scheduled to work and not that she is working right now. When asked if she is working right now the response can be "she's on her way, she just called in." The reality is Lavender never sets foot in the club and expectations for a great dance / VIP turns the club visit into frustration and a big disappointment. I found the best is when you have no expectations and the club showcases the dancers at the beginning of a shift by introducing them as they walk around on the stage. What you see is what you get.
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    I love boobies
    One line unpublished reviews
    Reviews that are written as one long rambling paragraph should be automatically rejected by the system. The review can be resubmitted after it's reworked into paragraphs.
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    Order Kiosks in Food Service
    Back in the old days, Horn and Hardart operated food service automats. The automat provided customers with a preview of all possible dining options, but unlike a vending machine, the food was freshly made and visible. The customer self-served; put money in the machine, opened a small glass window and removed the selection. No counter service and no waitress to tip. Better than today's kiosks.
  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    Cubans are ruining this place
    Icey is right about pretending not to speak English. I've even experienced that at a car rental place in San Diego. The clerk at the counter spoke very broken English. I was then given a car which was in a less expensive category than the car I had reserved on line, but they would still bill me for the more expensive car I had reserved. When I tried to get the clerk to correct the billing error, they acted all confused and pretended they didn't understand what I was saying. Eventually, they spoke to someone in Spanish on the phone. Then a miracle happened. They began to speak in perfect English and corrected the problem. It seemed they made a slip and inadvertently admitted they were trying to scam me with their broken English bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    Club Observations
    I recall seeing some dancers at an extras club sitting at a table scrolling through their phones and ignoring customers. I was pissed so I just went up to one, made some humorous but sarcastic comment about her phone. She got up and showed me she was scrolling through dick pictures. She found her favorite (involved a hot dog roll and mustard) giggled and walked away. Looking at dick pictures when she could see the real deal made absolutely no sense.
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    How do Strip Clubs stay relevant in the Modern Age
    "A stripper has anonymity as long as she changes cities and name." That's not necessarily true. Many states, localities require adult entertainers "strippers" to obtain some type of government license. Any type of government license will compromise anonymity. The following link has the state by state regulations. On a positive note, RI has no licensing requirement and dancers need to be only 18+ That may explain why a club such as RI Dolls can have such a huge turnover in dancers. There is no barrier to entry caused by licensing which can discourage new girls from testing the waters as a stripper. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/stripping-laws-by-state
  • discussion comment
    11 days ago
    OTC retirement farewell gift
    Don't assume that a farewell gift means money. She might have something else in mind. I would question her and ask her for some ideas for a farewell gift and take it from there.
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    Clothing recommendation (not specifically for clubs, just for life in general)
    Take a look at Haband pants. They have every day use pants with a full elastic waist. The company is located in New Jersey.
  • discussion comment
    13 days ago
    Offered OTC by a dancer
    I had some lap dances a few times from a dancer who's from MA. I thought we got along well so I mentioned ITC. She said that she doesn't do ITC but occasionally does OTC and mentioned that in Providence there are a few "lifestyle" clubs for swingers. She showed me a club on her phone, assured me that she knows the swinger couples who go to that club and implied we could meet there as singles. She also said that she is not married. I thought the conversation was kind of bizarre. I don't know what's in it for her dollar wise, nor what to expect. It seems that such an OTC meeting can be some type of scam or perhaps it is legit. I'm not anxious to find out so i didn't follow up. I think ITC might be the better option.
  • review comment
    15 days ago
    Miss Nude New England contest, winner Aurora
    Great review! Seriously, winning the Miss Nude New England Contest was a recognized accomplishment in the United States, at the better strip clubs. I don't know if that's true today. Back in 2010, the contest was won by Tara Dega. She told me that soon after she won, she had the opportunity to go on tour and be booked at upscale clubs such as in Louisiana and Arizona before a paid admission crowd. She did quite well financially while on tour. I settled for having an early dinner with her and a few lap dances. It was money well spent.
  • discussion comment
    16 days ago
    how to tell a customer to take it out??
    @kallara You asked literally wtf are you talking about? I'm not putting words in your mouth. You wrote, "i don't want to take it out myself because that's really obvious to the cameras and everyone else around me." Yet you seem to think the guy can take it out and NOT be obvious to the cameras ... Why is it obvious to the cameras when you take it out, but NOT obvious when the guy takes it out? You want the guy to take it out because you can deny any responsibility should it get caught on camera which you can't do if the camera captures you with your hands on the goods. It's that simple. I hope you understand.
  • discussion comment
    16 days ago
    how to tell a customer to take it out??
    You don't want to take it out for him because you'll lose all plausible deniability if you should get caught. You want to shift the risk from yourself to him by having him take it out. If you then get caught you can deny having anything to do with it - he just took it out; he must be a pervert!!! And you will keep your job, while the customer gets kicked out. Unzip his fly half way. Hopefully, he'll follow through by fully unzipping his fly and then you can complete the job by taking it out.
  • discussion comment
    16 days ago
    Exotic dancer in Luzerne county Pennsylvania
    Cum join me for fun! ✨💓
    Platinum Plus in Allentown is the place to be. Not too far from where you are. See the photo of Trump at Platinum Plus. You can't go wrong with this upscale club.. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Platinum+Plus/@40.6301036,-75.4401217,3a,82.3y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPZmjNLPYY3cMBKMzE0QTgLS1QdoynrcxVHd7xw!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPZmjNLPYY3cMBKMzE0QTgLS1QdoynrcxVHd7xw%3Dw128-h86-k-no!7i1000!8i667!4m17!1m8!2m7!1sgentlemens+clubs!3m5!2sAllentown,+PA!3s0x89c439929f4adce1:0xeaf9df4b246824a1!4m2!1d-75.4714098!2d40.6022939!3m7!1s0x89c4392ec1d15d31:0xb3bcdf2bdc30fa8e!8m2!3d40.6301127!4d-75.4400191!10e5!15sChBnZW50bGVtZW5zIGNsdWJzWhIiEGdlbnRsZW1lbnMgY2x1YnOSARhhZHVsdF9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50X2NsdWKaASRDaGREU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVTm9OVXBJWDNGQlJSQULgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F1tdcy0nz?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDgyMC4xIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D
  • discussion comment
    17 days ago
    Desire is #2!
    Providence has clubs in both the Top 40 Overall (Desire) and the Bottom 40 Worst Clubs (Cadillac).
  • discussion comment
    17 days ago
    how to tell a customer to take it out??
    It's quite simple. First, don't ask him to take his belt off. That's too direct, requires too much effort and can be obvious to others. When the time is right, just make an attempt to unbuckle his belt yourself while saying you want to make him more uncomfortable. If successful, then continue dancing with your hand(s) near the belt buckle. Again when the time is right, attempt to unzip his fly about half way. If he doesn't get the message and do the rest, there is no hope for him.
  • discussion comment
    18 days ago
    Has any of y'all been asked "are you waiting for someone?" while going to clubs
    Dancers ask me "are you waiting for someone" all the time. They ask it because it serves several purposes. It serves as an ice breaker, it's a compliment since it implies I'm a good customer who will spend money and it protects their ego because they won't experience a direct rejection, but rather a missed opportunity should I answer in the affirmative. And if they are dumb enough to ask who I'm waiting for I simply say I'm not good with names. I'll recognize her when I see her, thank you.
  • discussion comment
    20 days ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Price Controls should have been implemented when car dealers began to add "market price adjustments" to the MSRP of new cars. The car manufacturers and dealers took advantage of the so called "chip shortage" and "supply chain problems" to raise prices and gouge the public. But not a peep from Harris then. 25K for first time home buyers. What she really means is the illegals as they cross the border from Mexico will be handed a 25K voucher because obviously they don't own a home. Everyone else will have to jump through hoops and will most likely be disqualified unless they belong to some alphabet minority group.
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    Clearly No One Looked Closely at this Picture on a Scrolling Phone
    Sometimes they make it very obvious... https://uacorporate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/4-womens-usa-olympics.jpg
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    What do you do for a living?
    Yes, but that is because I find fewer strippers attractive or my type so I spend less money.
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    Baby, Savvy & Rockin' Strippers Rule!
    Fav Stripper Fantasies
    Have a stripper tell me she really enjoyed being with me at the club and to show her appreciation surprise me by offering free VIP.
  • review comment
    21 days ago
    OK bar, but dance prices were a ripoff
    Years and years ago, I went to this club because I was working in the Syracuse area. The lap dances were very reasonable and in a communal room on a comfortable sofa. Each lap dance area had a timer which the dancer started so there was never any concern about getting a short dance or being overcharged because money was fed directly into the timer. Too bad the clubs have declined in value.