And it's coming out. 42 year old Shamsud din Jabbar, in possession of an ISIS flag. Someone ran the license plate and couldn't find an answer (i.e. it's probably fake).
The picture is coming together and it's looking like rotten egg on Democrat faces.
"That has nothing to do with Kamala" She was tasked with dealing with illegal migration flow, and she ignored it while Biden, her boss, sold off leftover Wall materials for pennies on the Dollar with ZERO intent to secure it. She was a Capo and didn't do her job.
Yeah, this is 100% on her, Biden and whomever is running the Executive Branch as it is clearly not who was elected.
"the truck used by the driver to kill 10 people and injure dozens more crossed over the border into Eagle Pass, Texas, on November 16"
If the southern border were properly secured, illegals being immediately detained and imprisoned (or better yet remaining in Mexico), and CBP/ICE not being tasked with changing diapers and mixing baby formula, then they could have had time to properly vet this vehicle and the operator.
I see FoxNews misinformation was rolled back… “Sources had previously stated that the truck crossed the border just two days prior to the attack, but they now say that is not the case. The person who crossed the border with the vehicle in November is not believed to be the attacker.”
AQ and the Taliban have always preferred Toyotas, so this could have been just a helluva coincidence (a Tesla on a Trump property). This is one expensive vehicle to be turned into an IED. If it was another New Year attack, then it is no surprise that the Biden/Harris open border is the gift that will keep on giving.
This is also a good time to point out that we have not had ISIS inspired domestic terror attacks since the last time Obama ran the executive branch.
^^ not true. All morning long I have heard that it was unknown whether the person who crossed the border was the same as the attacker. And updating and correcting your reporting is good journalism, something you libs really need to learn.
The Las Vegas explosion WAS deadly, with one confirmed fatality and 7 injured. That is not funny and I retract my statement that it was.… The video also shows that it was under the portico at the front door, not in a parking garage or other more remote area. That had a lot of terror cues. I wonder if maybe the Cybertruck's bulletproof panels helped to contain the explosion?
Looks like the terrorist in NOLA was a US citizen; but in that case, why did his truck cross the border? Not all Muslims are terrorists, but it seems like most terrorists are Muslims.
I see more assassination attempts against Trump in the future.
That both attackers used the same app shows centralized planning, and not one lone wolf radicalized by ISIS. Remember when Obama called ISIS the junior league and then they conquered most of Iraq and radicalized many, many, random attackers here in the US? Remember when Trump wiped them out and stopped the attacks here at home? Then we have Obama's third term and ISIS surges again in the Middle East and resumes radicalizing Americans for domestic attacks.
It's like they wanted to get as many operatives into the US through Kamala's open border, before Homan shuts it down, before commencing the attacks. Good job, democrats! Way to watch out for the American people!
@gammanu - Exactly. Now Joe is saying not to jump to conclusions. ISIS lives in fear of a withering remark from a Democrat leader. Tren de Aragua is pouring over the border in advance of January 20 as well.
Democrats are the party of American weakness and decay.
New revelations include that the driver was a registered democrat in NC.
4-5 accomplices, including a woman, are on video stashing IEDs throughout the French Quarter. Some of those devices have been found and deactivated. The trigger was in the truck.
There was a sizeable Arabian population in NOLA when I lived there, I always assumed that was because of the mutual interest in oil production. There was also a sizeable Jewish population, I assumed that was because of the money that oil brought. There was never any friction until the democrat party brought about this anti-Judaism backlash.
The video from Las Vegas clearly shows the fireworks detonating as secondaries from the initial explosions. Experts are also agreeing that the Cybertruck's ballistic design inhibited the blast damage. Terrorists fucked themselves on that one. Both of these operations look like amateur hour.
Little piece of trivia. Tulane University, located in New Orleans, has a significant number of Jewish students. About 40% of the student population. That’s the highest of any non-Jewish college in the country.
Shamsud Din Jabbar had a $120,000 a year job at Deloitte, the global accounting firm, a college degree and was honorably discharged from the US Army. But he was divorced twice during which he had financial troubles. Do you think his divorces might have pushed him over the edge?
I hate to see bad things happen to good people. I also hope that the deceased included Biden Harris supporters who hate America. They got what they deserved. I'd love to go to the funeral home and say "fuck your dead relative, they voted for this." More good Americans will die in these attacks, this is the tip of the iceberg. If democrats are part of the body count, that will make me happy.
^ It seems like there are more whackos in Islam than most other religions or lack thereof. Why are virtually all religiously-motivated terrorist attacks committed by Muslims?
I don't know about you, but I can't recall Jews suicide bombing a pork butcher, Catholics shooting up a movie theater that showed something they thought blasphemous, or Buddhists yelling "NAMU AMIDA BUTSU!" before driving a pickup into a crowd.
To say that Islam is the problem is no more true than to say that Israel is the problem, or America is the problem.
Some member of the Muslim community - the hatemongers, the xenophobes, the radicals- are the problem. Some members of the Israeli community are the problem - the warmongers, the islamophobes, the colonial expansionists. Some Americans are the problem- the war profiteers, the apologists, the globalists, to name a few.
The root cause of this is not Islam. The root cause of these domestic attacks is the democrat control of the white house and military which turned tail and abandoned Afghanistan, which ignored AQ and ISIS attacks in Benghazi, Syria, Iraq, and here in the US, and which would rather arrest their political enemies and their supporters than investigate and interrupt terrorists. That is how this happened. We have changed that, but the peaceful transfer of power is drawing out our pain and suffering and leaving us vulnerable. Did anyone else watch demented Joe walk out on his own press conference yesterday? He has no clue what is going on and does not care, he is pissed that he lost. A useless, corrupt, demented old elitist turning his back on his constituency and accountability - that is the symbol of the democrat party. Contrast that with Trump getting up after being shot in the head and pumping his fist to rally the audience and reassure the nation.
"Some member of the Muslim community - the hatemongers, the xenophobes, the radicals- are the problem."
@gamma - see what I just said, why are so many religious terrorists Muslims? Could it be that unlike other religions, theologically they are stuck in the 7th century and take their "kill the infidels" verses more seriously than others who may have them?
@ puddy - why are so many racially motivated mass shooters White? Could it be that unlike other races, mentally they are stuck in the 1860s and take segregation more serious than other who may agree with it?
@gamma - That's seriously weak. Show me one "white" scripture that advocates killing all non-white people. Show me one influential "white" leader that does the same. Show me one coordinated attack that "white people" have recently launched on groups of partygoers.
Insofar as there are, that's a problem. Stats show that this problem is on the decline, enough that we've gone from real attacks to "microaggressions."
Meanwhile we have a spate of Islamic attacks on civilians across multiple continents.
The Muslim community needs to clean up their own shit better than they are right now.
The Feds/MiB are here in Colorado Springs at a house about the Turo rented Cybertruck. Each time a Tesla stops for a charge, Tesla keeps a log. That log was used to track the vehicle.
Not that I'm planning any crimes, I just don't like the idea how much we are personally tracked by gov't and businesses. Yeah, I know each time I use a credit card my behavior is tracked, or Cerf'ing the Internet is easily tracked. I do use a ProtonVPN and ProtonMail for my personal emails, I avoid Chrome as much as possible, I do use DuckDuckGo and that is about all I can do to dampen tracking as side from living in a cabin in northern Idaho off the grid; then there are no strip clubs and there's THAT downside.
We live in a world of "Minority Report", without the Precogs (yet).
^^ We all know cameras have been around for awhile - but after the stuff I’ve seen involving the UHC CEO shooting and now the NOLA attack - I’ve come to realize cameras must everywhere. More than I realized. But I’ve never lived in the city. But does make me wonder if I’m always under surveillance even in the burbs.
@puddy - I have too many good friends and respected associates who are Muslim. I will not accept unjustified attacks against them. Leave the religion-based hate to the liberals. Republicans are better than that.
@mogul - I heard the truck in NOLA was an electric F-150, possibly chosen because it was heavier and could do more damage than an ICE? I agree that cell phones and tracking cookies and all that shit have stolen more privacy from us than we have ever known
@motorhead - I am not a criminal, but I am a vengeful, vindictive, SOB. There have been times when I have wondered how I could evade to perform some nefarious deed - dress in black, change my gait, use a bike, etc., etc. One reason why I no longer believe I can even go yard-to-yard (apart from my neighbor's Kangals) without being tracked to my back door - everyone has a Ring/Nest/Chime doorbell camera. Even when a few don't, enough do that the cops could narrow it down to a small enough origin that you get caught. That's how they got the Moscow, ID killer. One camera caught a glimpse of a car that turned out to be his. Yes, you are under constant surveillance even in the burbs.
The Las Vegas bomber's wife is a radical left anti-Trump activist. If the husband believed the same liberal drivel as his wife, it could explain a lot - and makes this more DEMOCRAT terrorism, not MUSLIM-…
Maybe we should kick all of them out of the country? I'd be cool with that.
@Gamma - This is not "hate." It's an acknowledgement of the fact that a disproportionate number of Muslims take their holy book's "kill the unbelievers" verses in a way that other religions do not. Again, show me where Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, or even secular humanists are committing acts of terrorism, especially in the west, in numbers enough to raise a systemic problem.
I've worked and played with them, been invited to many, many prayers, dined suhoor and iftar with them during Ramadan, regularly served the community with them, gone to Muslim funerals and never felt unsafe or out of place. Nothing but welcomed.
But that doesn't mean the religion isn't especially susceptible to malevolent strains. That's just keeping my eyes open and asking questions. Islam needs its Protestant Reformation, its Vatican II, its (whatever) that actively eradicates radicalism. Christians don't have the Spanish Inquisition anymore, they're not raping Muslim women like on the Crusades--obviously something changed...what? I would have said Christianity was a brutal religion if it did what it did in the Middle Ages too. Even in the modern day, Muslims are not the only ones; see the likes of Baruch Goldstein or Timothy McVeigh; but this predilection causes even Muslims to make the same observation I do.
Do you mean the Martin Luther who wrote the book, "On the Jews and their Lies" in 1543 that called for violence against Jewish communities including burning synagogues and forcing Jews into manual labor, and seizing their property?
^ I know, I just don't see his opinion on Jews as particularly relevant to what I'd like to see in the Muslim world. (The Muslim world has the Jew hatred box checked anyways; much of Israel are Jews expelled from the Muslim Middle East/North Africa.)
Muslims like to talk about the unchanging nature of the Koran, but that just means it's stuck in the 7th century. We need imams that will examine their faith and bring it 14 centuries forward.
@Puddy Tat: "Muslims like to talk about the unchanging nature of the Koran, but that just means it's stuck in the 7th century. We need imams that will examine their faith and bring it 14 centuries forward."
While this is what is needed, it destroys the power and control they have accumulated over their stuck-in-the-600AD countries.
While people like to talk about the Christian Crusades as so bad, Northern Africa and a lot of Southern Europe was conquered before the Christian Crusades giddy-upped over 400 years later in like 1095 to take back The Holy Land (Jerusalem et al) that was conquered over 600-1000AD. Michigan State University had a great timeline that use to be publicly available that showed all this activity from the 600AD to "Today". This all goes back over 1,000 years. That's a lot of dug-in like an Alabama Tick.
Bush said back in 2001 (911) this will be a multi-generational war. The scariest county is now Iran and their nuke progress. They just need to light one off towards Israel, just one.
Today, when a Trans, Muslim or other non-White does something like this, they are called a "Lone Wolf" and not much more is heard after the drive-by media moves onto the next Clickable Story. When a White Guy does something like this, it's White Supremacy/MAGA, not a "Lone Wolf". This is how the Leftist MSM and radical Dems spew. The FBI had labeled rowdy/frustrated parents at school boards as American Terrorists, and they were investigating Catholics as they are (for the vast most part) anti-abortion. WTH!
A guy with a truck in NOLA killed 16 people and critically injured a bunch more, and the NOLA police and local gov't leaders said "we need to do better." WTF! The governor needs to take over, and deal with this. I remember when Katrina hit, and NOLA claimed "300 cops just walked off the job." Well, those "300" were the fake cops they listed to get more federal money.
Our country is infected with terrorists who have crossed the Borders (North and South.) The gov't has no idea where they are, let alone the 350,000 missing illegal children. Sure, some terrorists on the watch like have been stopped and deported when caught. It's the "gottaways" that are an issue. How many is unknown. 1,000?, 2,000? out of 13M? that have crossed the past 4 years is like 0.015% - that's a mighty small percentage to track down. And 13M is just a guess over the past 4 years.
This is not a time to be politically correct. We have done so little since Columbine and 911 to harden schools and better secure this country.
I lived in New Orleans for 10 years. It is unsalvageable. The mindset and culture from Plaquemines to Baton Rouge, is completely backwards. As a taxpayer, I would like to never see another dime sent there except to support offshore oil production and derivative manufacturing. On anything else, the money is wasted. This is how political hacks like Cantrell and Landry got elected. This is why buildings are falling down regularly, there are shooting at Mother's Day parades, and they can't recover from any storms. The Big Easy is dead, the big sleazy is all that remains.
Plenty has been done to harden schools since Columbine. The problem is when SROs hide in the squad cars, smokers leave back doors unlocked, and dipshit administrators buzz in anyone at the window. If people followed the rules, there would be far fewer successful attempts. The same thing is true of securing the country after 9/11. Our nation actually went overboard with growing the federal government, but we have the policies and agencies in place to secure the country. Our leaders- Mayorkas, Biden, Harris, Garland, et al- just ignore the law because they want to create an electorate which grants them perpetual power. Parents asserting their parental prerogative at school board meetings are a threat to that power. Anti-establishment politicians like Donald Trump and Kash Patel are a threat to that power. They are more urgently prosecuted than people trafficking drugs and sex slaves, because the traffickers' activities actually aid the democrat party in that pursuit of perpetual power. If we had people in charge who adhered to the policies and enforced the laws already in place, so many tragedies would not have happened in the first place. Example: Bourbon Street was supposed to have traffic bollards at Canal St. A dipshit liberal ignored the policy and decided to have them repaired during a massive street party holiday. A terrorist was granted an opportunity and attacked, entering where the bollards were supposed to be.
last commentI blame Donald Trump because, uh, something.
The picture is coming together and it's looking like rotten egg on Democrat faces.
The border is cl...fuck you.
Yeah, this is 100% on her, Biden and whomever is running the Executive Branch as it is clearly not who was elected.
If the southern border were properly secured, illegals being immediately detained and imprisoned (or better yet remaining in Mexico), and CBP/ICE not being tasked with changing diapers and mixing baby formula, then they could have had time to properly vet this vehicle and the operator.
I see FoxNews misinformation was rolled back…
“Sources had previously stated that the truck crossed the border just two days prior to the attack, but they now say that is not the case. The person who crossed the border with the vehicle in November is not believed to be the attacker.”
AQ and the Taliban have always preferred Toyotas, so this could have been just a helluva coincidence (a Tesla on a Trump property). This is one expensive vehicle to be turned into an IED. If it was another New Year attack, then it is no surprise that the Biden/Harris open border is the gift that will keep on giving.
This is also a good time to point out that we have not had ISIS inspired domestic terror attacks since the last time Obama ran the executive branch.
The video also shows that it was under the portico at the front door, not in a parking garage or other more remote area. That had a lot of terror cues. I wonder if maybe the Cybertruck's bulletproof panels helped to contain the explosion?
I see more assassination attempts against Trump in the future.…
That both attackers used the same app shows centralized planning, and not one lone wolf radicalized by ISIS. Remember when Obama called ISIS the junior league and then they conquered most of Iraq and radicalized many, many, random attackers here in the US? Remember when Trump wiped them out and stopped the attacks here at home? Then we have Obama's third term and ISIS surges again in the Middle East and resumes radicalizing Americans for domestic attacks.
It's like they wanted to get as many operatives into the US through Kamala's open border, before Homan shuts it down, before commencing the attacks. Good job, democrats! Way to watch out for the American people!
Democrats are the party of American weakness and decay.
4-5 accomplices, including a woman, are on video stashing IEDs throughout the French Quarter. Some of those devices have been found and deactivated. The trigger was in the truck.
There was a sizeable Arabian population in NOLA when I lived there, I always assumed that was because of the mutual interest in oil production. There was also a sizeable Jewish population, I assumed that was because of the money that oil brought. There was never any friction until the democrat party brought about this anti-Judaism backlash.
The video from Las Vegas clearly shows the fireworks detonating as secondaries from the initial explosions. Experts are also agreeing that the Cybertruck's ballistic design inhibited the blast damage. Terrorists fucked themselves on that one. Both of these operations look like amateur hour.
Little piece of trivia. Tulane University, located in New Orleans, has a significant number of Jewish students. About 40% of the student population. That’s the highest of any non-Jewish college in the country.
Why are virtually all religiously-motivated terrorist attacks committed by Muslims?
I don't know about you, but I can't recall Jews suicide bombing a pork butcher, Catholics shooting up a movie theater that showed something they thought blasphemous, or Buddhists yelling "NAMU AMIDA BUTSU!" before driving a pickup into a crowd.
Some member of the Muslim community - the hatemongers, the xenophobes, the radicals- are the problem. Some members of the Israeli community are the problem - the warmongers, the islamophobes, the colonial expansionists. Some Americans are the problem- the war profiteers, the apologists, the globalists, to name a few.
The root cause of this is not Islam. The root cause of these domestic attacks is the democrat control of the white house and military which turned tail and abandoned Afghanistan, which ignored AQ and ISIS attacks in Benghazi, Syria, Iraq, and here in the US, and which would rather arrest their political enemies and their supporters than investigate and interrupt terrorists. That is how this happened. We have changed that, but the peaceful transfer of power is drawing out our pain and suffering and leaving us vulnerable. Did anyone else watch demented Joe walk out on his own press conference yesterday? He has no clue what is going on and does not care, he is pissed that he lost. A useless, corrupt, demented old elitist turning his back on his constituency and accountability - that is the symbol of the democrat party. Contrast that with Trump getting up after being shot in the head and pumping his fist to rally the audience and reassure the nation.
Which leader do you want?
@gamma - see what I just said, why are so many religious terrorists Muslims? Could it be that unlike other religions, theologically they are stuck in the 7th century and take their "kill the infidels" verses more seriously than others who may have them?
Yeah, Democratic weakness contributes too.
Your logic is fuzzy. Work on that.
Insofar as there are, that's a problem. Stats show that this problem is on the decline, enough that we've gone from real attacks to "microaggressions."
Meanwhile we have a spate of Islamic attacks on civilians across multiple continents.
The Muslim community needs to clean up their own shit better than they are right now.
Not that I'm planning any crimes, I just don't like the idea how much we are personally tracked by gov't and businesses. Yeah, I know each time I use a credit card my behavior is tracked, or Cerf'ing the Internet is easily tracked. I do use a ProtonVPN and ProtonMail for my personal emails, I avoid Chrome as much as possible, I do use DuckDuckGo and that is about all I can do to dampen tracking as side from living in a cabin in northern Idaho off the grid; then there are no strip clubs and there's THAT downside.
We live in a world of "Minority Report", without the Precogs (yet).
We all know cameras have been around for awhile - but after the stuff I’ve seen involving the UHC CEO shooting and now the NOLA attack - I’ve come to realize cameras must everywhere. More than I realized. But I’ve never lived in the city. But does make me wonder if I’m always under surveillance even in the burbs.
@mogul - I heard the truck in NOLA was an electric F-150, possibly chosen because it was heavier and could do more damage than an ICE? I agree that cell phones and tracking cookies and all that shit have stolen more privacy from us than we have ever known
@motorhead - I am not a criminal, but I am a vengeful, vindictive, SOB. There have been times when I have wondered how I could evade to perform some nefarious deed - dress in black, change my gait, use a bike, etc., etc. One reason why I no longer believe I can even go yard-to-yard (apart from my neighbor's Kangals) without being tracked to my back door - everyone has a Ring/Nest/Chime doorbell camera. Even when a few don't, enough do that the cops could narrow it down to a small enough origin that you get caught. That's how they got the Moscow, ID killer. One camera caught a glimpse of a car that turned out to be his. Yes, you are under constant surveillance even in the burbs.
Maybe we should kick all of them out of the country? I'd be cool with that.
I've worked and played with them, been invited to many, many prayers, dined suhoor and iftar with them during Ramadan, regularly served the community with them, gone to Muslim funerals and never felt unsafe or out of place. Nothing but welcomed.
But that doesn't mean the religion isn't especially susceptible to malevolent strains. That's just keeping my eyes open and asking questions. Islam needs its Protestant Reformation, its Vatican II, its (whatever) that actively eradicates radicalism. Christians don't have the Spanish Inquisition anymore, they're not raping Muslim women like on the Crusades--obviously something changed...what? I would have said Christianity was a brutal religion if it did what it did in the Middle Ages too. Even in the modern day, Muslims are not the only ones; see the likes of Baruch Goldstein or Timothy McVeigh; but this predilection causes even Muslims to make the same observation I do.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ...
This is something Muslims need to solve from within.
They need their Martin Luther.
Do you mean the Martin Luther who wrote the book, "On the Jews and their Lies" in 1543 that called for violence against Jewish communities including burning synagogues and forcing Jews into manual labor, and seizing their property?
Muslims like to talk about the unchanging nature of the Koran, but that just means it's stuck in the 7th century. We need imams that will examine their faith and bring it 14 centuries forward.
While this is what is needed, it destroys the power and control they have accumulated over their stuck-in-the-600AD countries.
While people like to talk about the Christian Crusades as so bad, Northern Africa and a lot of Southern Europe was conquered before the Christian Crusades giddy-upped over 400 years later in like 1095 to take back The Holy Land (Jerusalem et al) that was conquered over 600-1000AD. Michigan State University had a great timeline that use to be publicly available that showed all this activity from the 600AD to "Today". This all goes back over 1,000 years. That's a lot of dug-in like an Alabama Tick.
Bush said back in 2001 (911) this will be a multi-generational war. The scariest county is now Iran and their nuke progress. They just need to light one off towards Israel, just one.
Today, when a Trans, Muslim or other non-White does something like this, they are called a "Lone Wolf" and not much more is heard after the drive-by media moves onto the next Clickable Story. When a White Guy does something like this, it's White Supremacy/MAGA, not a "Lone Wolf". This is how the Leftist MSM and radical Dems spew. The FBI had labeled rowdy/frustrated parents at school boards as American Terrorists, and they were investigating Catholics as they are (for the vast most part) anti-abortion. WTH!
A guy with a truck in NOLA killed 16 people and critically injured a bunch more, and the NOLA police and local gov't leaders said "we need to do better." WTF! The governor needs to take over, and deal with this. I remember when Katrina hit, and NOLA claimed "300 cops just walked off the job." Well, those "300" were the fake cops they listed to get more federal money.
Our country is infected with terrorists who have crossed the Borders (North and South.) The gov't has no idea where they are, let alone the 350,000 missing illegal children. Sure, some terrorists on the watch like have been stopped and deported when caught. It's the "gottaways" that are an issue. How many is unknown. 1,000?, 2,000? out of 13M? that have crossed the past 4 years is like 0.015% - that's a mighty small percentage to track down. And 13M is just a guess over the past 4 years.
This is not a time to be politically correct. We have done so little since Columbine and 911 to harden schools and better secure this country.
Plenty has been done to harden schools since Columbine. The problem is when SROs hide in the squad cars, smokers leave back doors unlocked, and dipshit administrators buzz in anyone at the window. If people followed the rules, there would be far fewer successful attempts. The same thing is true of securing the country after 9/11. Our nation actually went overboard with growing the federal government, but we have the policies and agencies in place to secure the country. Our leaders- Mayorkas, Biden, Harris, Garland, et al- just ignore the law because they want to create an electorate which grants them perpetual power. Parents asserting their parental prerogative at school board meetings are a threat to that power. Anti-establishment politicians like Donald Trump and Kash Patel are a threat to that power. They are more urgently prosecuted than people trafficking drugs and sex slaves, because the traffickers' activities actually aid the democrat party in that pursuit of perpetual power. If we had people in charge who adhered to the policies and enforced the laws already in place, so many tragedies would not have happened in the first place. Example: Bourbon Street was supposed to have traffic bollards at Canal St. A dipshit liberal ignored the policy and decided to have them repaired during a massive street party holiday. A terrorist was granted an opportunity and attacked, entering where the bollards were supposed to be.