Ever deal with a stripper dying?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
gothamyte recently started a discussion talking about how a young man's death related to his club activities had made him take a break from strip clubbing. Now i've never seen anything like that, although i had heard at one club i frequent that a young PL had been run over in the parking lot (it may have been gang related or whatever) and died in a hospital later, and immediately afterward, there was a strong LE presence at the club every weekend. It didn't stop me from going to the club or really feeling less safe. Then again, i never knew or even saw the victim. So it was largely out of sight and mind for me. But his experience reminded me of when a dancer had died.

I've heard of several dancers dying (usually heroin overdose or similar) or other causes (accident or illness) in the last few years. Before that, there was a well over a ten year period where i didn't hear of a single incident (death), and that incident had been the only one to that point. Then kind of like the porn stars dropping like flies recently, i started hearing about some of these dancers. The sad thing was that i knew two of the strippers (out of 5 total stripper deaths in my entire SC history) and had seen (just danced with) a third once. That third girl was kind of a ROB, but i still wouldn't wish anything like that on anyone, and felt it was damn shame and very unfortunate. But i never got close to her at all or missed her or even think about her as i had literally only spent maybe 5 minutes total with her.

Unlike with the other two, whom i did really like as human beings as well as dancers and had hoped to see them again and have more fun with them. One of those two died (heroin OD) not even a few weeks after i had last danced with her. Very fun dances, and very sweet dancer, among the sweetest dancers and even people i've ever met, and sweet memories. I was very sad, almost like hearing about an ex-girlfriend dying. Well, maybe not; I've yet to lose an ex like that, but i still imagine it might be similar. The other girl died a few years after i had last seen her. I had stopped going to her club as it was pretty far away and had started going to closer clubs, but found about her death (cause unknown) on stripclublist. Also sweet, but more feisty and great chemistry with her. Still remember my last VIP with her. That was probably the most recent death and i felt a similar sadness as the other girl.

But even so, those incidents didn't stop me from continuing to club. Neither has other deaths of people relatively closer to me. My visits are a usually a few weeks apart anyway, and i would compare SCing to any other hobby i continue to do. I move on eventually and get on with life, usually pretty quickly and SCing is also a nice distraction.


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avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
man. strange circumstances.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve never knowingly dealt with that. Its sad when another person passes away, especially someone young. I hope that dancing is a short term thing for certain girls, as they have potential to do more with their lives.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I know some deaths from drugs.
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
I’ve known a couple from drug overdoses also.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
There were 4 I learned about. Two were in traffic accidents. One was a drug overdose and the saddest one of all for me personally was the one who committed suicide. She was one of the better looking girls I have seen in any strip club, but then she became a meth addict. I don't know if the meth made her do it, but it's sad either way.
avatar for RTP
7 years ago
I had a favorite bartender (retired stripper), that was at the club I frequented for over 10 years. One day I showed up at the end of her shift and she threw her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss. I think it was really just a friendly thing, but I never saw her again. She became very ill, went into the hospital, was mis-diagnosed and died. I think she was about 50. Very sad for me and also had me worried for a good while.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Many strippers have troubled lives. These troubles increase the risk of dying too young.

One of my faves committed suicide about 10 years ago. On the surface, she was a sweet, happy person. Clearly, there was a lot of pain beneath the surface.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
Since I do not keep track of any particular dancer and seldom have a favorite for more than a very short time I do not know any.
That is also the type of news that is impossible for me to follow since I never club in my home town.
However I have seen many many dancers that are already dead they just have not realized it yet. When you see skinny dancer that her skin is loose on her frame and she has bad teeth even though she is less than 25 years the odds are she will be dead in less than 2 years with meth-mouth and a habit so bad she forgets to eat.
There is not one of us that has not seen that whether you recognize it or not. The majority of strippers are screwed up in one way or another. It is seldom I speak with one who is just there for the money and even then they have issues.
avatar for JohnTitor
7 years ago
Yes, I knew one that died from organ failure from an illness. She was in her early 20s, and was a very sweet girl who was beautiful with amazing, huge tits.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
two years ago my sometimes girlfriend (who was a stripper in her younger years) died while i was gone for a month... she was a huge alcoholic and died on the couch... had a plate of unfinished servings of food around her as well as a spilled glass of a mixed drink...
that was a shock to come home to.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
the coroner determined her death was due to her excessive drinking. she was only 52.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
Had a CF that was my longest ITC VIP dancer that told me she was leaving and going home to NY. She had cancer and was gong home for treatment. Was a sad event.

Some time later, imagine my surprise when my fave barmaid called me from the club where my CF had worked and told me that my CF had called to see if she could work there if she came back down.

She did return, but she had to wear a wig and looked quite different. Anyway, I saw her a couple of times in the club. Not long after the last time she called me to say she wasn't doing strip clubs any longer, instead, working out of her apartment. Travel was 8 mile, now it would be 30 miles of Miami traffic. I called one time when I was in the area, but she could accommodate me at that time. Never called again, but when she called me, I always told her just to time comsuming to see her. After about 3 calls, she stopped calling. My guess she either gave up or perhaps even had died. She had told me the cancer was very aggressive. Not exactly sure what that meant.
avatar for magicrat
7 years ago
Not a dancer but I do know of an escort I saw a couple times who died of a motorcycle accident. She was the best looking woman I personally have ever been with. A couple other escorts passed that I talked to but never able to hook up with.
avatar for JackScott
7 years ago
I knew of a stripper who had AIDS and died a few weeks after I met her. I met her through a friend who lived a half mile away from the SC who would invite some of the strippers over for a place to crash before their shift. There was this one stripper in the group that they called "momma" because she was about 30 or so.. which I guess is a senior citizen in this industry. Anyhow she looked tired and sickly and I didn't know exactly what was going on until she stopped coming over to the house.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I became aware of some dancers in a terrible car crash. I'm not sure of the reason. Based on the fact where it was, I suspect some animal may have run out in front of them and the driver tried to dodge it and wrecked. I really do not know but that is what I imagine. The one survivor I knew and had danced for me several times. Very friendly and pretty. Another girl I had met and talked to a few times. I never realized she only lived a few miles away from me. The other dancer I did not remember. It was a sad story. I was glad it was in the news and that others talked about it or I might have never known. They kept the fact that they were dancers out of the news. I remember one girl that died had strangely held onto my arm for several minutes one evening while I was standing around just watching. I may have come close to death a few times myself. It's sad. I hope they are in a better place. People die too early all the time.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I wanted to reach out and express condolences but thought everyone would wonder how I knew the survivor and dead girl or girls. I donated I thought anonymous on a friends Facebook page but you know how intrusive Facebook is. They required an email to make an anonymous donation. I didn't think. I used the same email I used for my Facebook email. Suddenly the survivor and some of her friends stayed posted as top suggested friends. Would have used a throw away email if I had known to not appear intrusive in their lives. Most of the strippers I knew back then I don't think are dancing any more.
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