The movies vs the strip clubs

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Although I don't often go to movie theaters, I had wanted to see "The Last Jedi." (Brief review: Too long, too many explosions, too little plot and character development). I went to the 11AM showing, which only cost $5. I would have liked to eat a big tub of popcorn, but I refused to pay $8. I can pop that much popcorn at home for about 25 cents. My frugality prevents me from wasting money.

However, the next day I went to the F_____ Club. I drank 7 beers ($8.75 each) and bought 4 drinks for dancers (ranging from $15 to $20). The waitress received a 20% tip. And of course I took 2 dancers up to VIP (with curtains). In total I spent about $500.

Why don't I care about wasting money in strip clubs? A beer at home costs less than a dollar. How can I buy one in the club for $8.75? Where has my frugality gone?


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avatar for AnonymousJim
7 years ago
I don't necessarily mind paying high prices in clubs because, to me, they provide one of the most valuable services around.

Still, I will sometimes try to limit spending on expenses unrelated to whatever dancer I'm pursuing. For instance, one drink per night at the club is enough for me, I switch to soda after that.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
Well, beer is often overpriced in regular restaurants and nightclubs anyway.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I'm with you Jack.

I'm conscious of it in the club, but always end up spending more than I intend. But not elsewhere.

avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Good point jacklash. I’ve wondered the same thing myself. I guess the power of the puss is that great.

We prioritize our time and money based on what we think is important so I guess that puts the order for you as: pussy, beer, money, movie and popcorn. I would probably have the same priorities.

But I think it’s not always the thing itself but what it represents to us. Pussy and beer represent our youth. I’m middle aged and I’ve buried enough relatives that I know that I’m not immortal. And it fucks with the subconscious a bit.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
The last time I was in a movie theater was in 1988. It was't the cost that I hated so much. I couldn't stand being cramped in a seat with a bunch of ass holes all around me.

So to make up for it I go to a crowded strip club with a bunch of ass holes all around me.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I've had similar thoughts. I have used a 50 cent coupon or dollar off coupon for groceries. Meanwhile in a strip club, didn't think twice about tipping a girl on stage two dollars and keep doing that with others. If it bothers you, reevaluate your budget and splurge in other areas of your life if it doesn't hurt. If clipping coupons really irks you and doesn't matter to your finances, forget it. If you rarely go to movies and would have really enjoyed popcorn, splurge. No one lives forever. Alternative, plan ahead. Eat popcorn before the movie or if legal, sneak a snack in to eat, drink a drink or two before hitting the clubs or movies if you are still legal and it's safe. Popcorn makes me thirsty. When I drink soda in a movie, next thing I know I need to use the restroom. Therefore I don't bother with popcorn or drinks in a movie because I don't want to miss it nor feel a need to use the restroom. I do eat before I go though so I'm not hungry or thirsty. There can be bad side effects from splurging. Splurge too much eating out and I can gain weight. If you want to be cheap, wait for the DVD and eat popcorn at home while drinking beer. I can do that now since I've missed all movies for 2017. I'm still too busy though. Need to get some stuff done and stop signing up for additional training.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
lol, shadowcat. I hate crowded movies too. When I have someone to go with and we both like a movie, we wait until a movie shouldn't be crowded. 2 or 3 weeks after release during a weekday if possible when others are at work. Prefer stadium seating. We've been one of less than 12 people seeing a new release several times. I also like grocery shopping when stores are less crowded, usually Tuesday or Wednesday evenings unless I'm off from work and don't want to wait. All it takes for some is one bad experience at the movies to make someone angry or feel like you wasted your time. I remember one movie an old couple came in, sat nearby making lots of noise eating popcorn and talking. Apoarently one already saw the movie and had to keep talking to the other about it. Very rude. I was surprised an old couple were the rude ones instead of sone big fat stinky slob munching loudly and kicking seats. I stopped seeing movies too early because of the latter.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I've watched a movie with about 5 people. It felt like a private screen almost. The 5 included me and a relative. The others sat far away.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
i think it just comes down to preference. you (probably) enjoy the club more than the movies--thus you're more likely to part with your money at the club.

you must go to some high end clubs. 8.75 for a beer is a lot. the only place i've been to in which beers cost that much was las vegas.

also, jack you must have a high tolerance. it seems like driving home after SEVEN beers would be difficult lol
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I'm taking a 21-yr-old student I just met online to "The Post" tomorrow. It's about first-amendment rights and the Washington Post set during Vietnam era. Something we're both interested in. I personally enjoy things like dinner out, movies, NetFlix at home, takeout food at home, more than blowing money on dances and alcohol.
avatar for SneakySecret2
7 years ago
Me before the club: “Why am I always broke? Must be the movies”

Me at the club: *spends money he shouldn’t be spending

Me after the club: “Why am I always broke? Oh right....”
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I don't drink and drive. I Uber.
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
Take a stripper to the movies. Sit in the back row and have her give you a handjob. Best of both worlds.
avatar for 4got2wipe
7 years ago
Ace thought process SneakySecret2! ;)
avatar for 4got2wipe
7 years ago
That should be a BJ not a HJ realDougster!

Alas, movie theater rimjobs are non-brilliant. :(
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
You're on the right track. I buy beer at strip clubs as a necessary evil(im pretty much an alcoholic). But if i can smoke a doobie before, then ill just get one beer at those prices.

Ive actually been thinking more about the dance prices at strip clubs lately. There are many places and products where "you get what you pay for" applies. Strip clubs arent always one of them. Im not sure a $30 dance is better than a $20 or even $10 dance in a lot of cases. Those are a bigger waste of money than overpriced beers.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
"Well, beer is often overpriced in regular restaurants and nightclubs anyway."

Very true. Except at maybe a regular bar, and even then, probably still cheaper to buy your own and drink at home or a friends house. But they are only overpriced because people pay for it. The same way they are willing to pay at a strip club.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
1) Do you gamble when you play chess?

No. That and my answer to #2 make a horrible combination

2) Do you drink and smoke doobies while you play chess?


3) Depending on the ansers to #1 and #2, you wanna hang out sometime?

Ok but no homosexual behavior.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I'm still frugal in the club. But If I think something is overpriced (drinks, VIP, etc). I won't do it. I think we are willing to pay a fair price for our entertainment. What we find entertaining changes the price.

I'm willing to pay more to watch one of my favorite sports teams or entertainers then I would be a regular game or entertainer who's not a favorite. Same rules apply in movies vs. SC. You value the SC entertainment more. So you are willing to pay more.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
Movies seem cheap to me after the SC. I no longer mind if the wife and kids want popcorn, drinks candy...After all I spend much more than that on myself for sex related activities...But like someone else said, i do have a budget and I only bring in my pocket what I'm willing to part with and at the very worst I've spent it all. If I come out ahead I can roll that money forward to the next experience.
One reason I joined this site though was to learn from some of the masters here and spend less money and get more pussy. So far I've learned general otc prices and strategies and increased my confidence in what I can ask for, and its working...I will admit I've wasted a bit of money in the past. There is nothing wrong with spending for a good result though.
avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
How is the plot development at SCs?!? Explosions?!? Character development?!?
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
The services offered in a strip club are unique to strip clubs, you can't really get them elsewhere without paying the same price. You don't want to pay $8 for popcorn in a movie theater because YOU CAN get it somewhere else and you can get it cheaper. You know it's overpriced.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
Just because something is expensive doesn't mean it's overpriced.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
You have named the reason I have not see any of the "new" Star Wars movies in the theater. Same script with different actors. I bought a big screen ultra hd tv and simply wait for them to come to me.
I can change in the middle when they bore me.
I went to see Start Wars I when is came out and it was so terrible I almost swore off the series then when SW II came out UGH!
Strip clubs are a much better way to spend your money. Even if low mileage clubs you get to see titties!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
As Liwet mentioned - kinda supply and demand - w.r.t. movies and popcorn, one has options that may be just as good or better - w.r.t fucking a hot young girl one just met 5-minutes earlier, well that will not happen any other way except in very rare-occasions.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I think the problem is that you're letting the little head make decisions for you at the strip club. In contrast, when you went to Star Wars, the little guy probably took a nap and let the big head take over for a while.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
It's so interesting how we justify blowing money on things, but scrimp on others.

Example - I have been telling myself I blow too much money on lunches so I should cut back, then I go out with Mrs. S on Friday night and spend $91 on dinner (before tip / $111 after tip). Dinner consisted of a individual pizza for me, a salad for her, a bottle of wine and we shared a dessert. Yeah way to budget!
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Damn, it's been years since I went to a theater. If I want plot development, major actors I'd go there. I like the plot development better at strip clubs. Though thinking about popcorn, they use the lousiest sauces on them. Skip it and club.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
In general I’m kind of a cheapskate when it comes to buying things, but I’m the strip club I spend money like there’s no tomorrow lol.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I haven't been to a theater since the 2000s - not necessarily the cost b/c even when I used to go I rarely bought the overpriced concessions - having grown up in the 80s I'm just not into most of today's movies many of which are about super-heroes or just rely on heavy special-effects "to wow you" instead of having a good plot.
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