
Comments by orionsmith (page 37)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    club bouncer extorted $20-$40 from me. ever experienced this?
    If I was loaded with cash and 20 or 40 bucks was peanuts and I was super busy, I'd just pay the fee and get out of there. I'd probably still report it though so that management could fire him. That's the least I could do to help everyone else and even help club management know there is a thief working at their club. A tip would be voluntary. Extortion is pay up or else.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    club bouncer extorted $20-$40 from me. ever experienced this?
    I would have asked for his name and remembered his description. Paid him some money to get my property back and then reported him to management of the club and chain if in a chain and called it extortion at the strip club which can be considered a crime by itself and bad for business in general because I do public reviews online. Now if a manager paid me back the extortion fee, I would stay quiet about it. I might even tell him that was extortion which is a chargeable crime before he took the money so if he had a brain, he might realize if he takes the money, he may be fired. I've found people's phones in clubs and never expected a tip. If someone kept it, I would call the police and have them charged with theft and the find the phone app would make it ring. The police in some locations would be more than happy to be able to file charges at a strip club unless they were paid off illegally.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: 11 signs that you lack emotional intelligence
    Since many of the posters here are not teenagers, I would disagree that most of the posters here formed their opinions overnight. There is just a complete range of opinions. It's a microcosm of left versus right with a few in between or moderate. Since nothing anyone posts here is considered anything other than fiction, none of us are changing opinions. We're just a bunch of grumbling or rambling people posting opinions online. Maybe a few people changed opinions. I changed my opinion about gun control. I think patients with mental health issues with violent postings or action should not necessarily have gun rights especially if they are taking drugs for such ailments. At one time I was opposed to gun control on such groups thinking it was a gimmick by the left to enact total gun control. I think it could still be a gimmick but the right is in control right now and can limit restrictions.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Location, Location, Loca... Wait, what?
    My IP address is off hundreds of miles. I changed mine to something just as accurate.
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    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    what out-of-the-ordinary warnings did a dancer ever give you
    I had a dancer tell me she knew I was a cop. News to me. One dancer one night thought I might be in the mafia. She was literally afraid of me. I had loaned her a little bit of money a few weeks prior. Never saw anyone so scared before to be seen. That was almost 20 years ago. I never loaned a dancer money after that and expect any payback. One dancer told me not to buy dances from one particular dancer because she was a guy with a dick. Good tip.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smoke em if you got them
    Have You Ever Had Dance And The Girl Really Enjoyed It
    Oh I see my incorrect IP address is showing up in another state like normal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smoke em if you got them
    Have You Ever Had Dance And The Girl Really Enjoyed It
    Yes. I've had dancers enjoy the lap dance. Sometimes it still surprises me when they seem to enjoy it more than me. I may hear unusual comments from the dancer or from another dancer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    What does it mean when a stripper hugs you after you tell her you aren't buying
    What does it mean? She's a nymphomaniac and wants to rub her titties on you before she leaves. You missed out big time. Maybe next time. Either that or she's picking your pocket and taking your tip money while you think she's being all friendly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Another school shooting
    I believe we could use a better balance between our second amendment rights and the rights of everyone to live free with less worry some drug crazed lunatic is going to go shoot and kill a bunch of defenseless people or school kids. I don't believe the answer is to take away the guns of any law abiding people. Obviously there may be a real conspiracy with the left instructing officers to stand down and do other tactics such as not apprehending kids 21 and under who are armed, on drugs, and making online shooting threats so that when they start shooting and killing, they can try to remove gun rights and ban guns by claiming it's a crisis every time it happens when they know they helped cause it by standing down and not doing anything to stop it. We have that issue I believe with a group letting shootings happen with an agenda to ban guns or remove rights of law abiding people. Either there is an agenda or dereliction of duty I believe, The NRA and gun rights people oppose these groups at every turn I believe because they may know there is a group with an agenda. To protect schools we could make them like a court. Limited access points with metal detectors and armed security guards on duty. No access except past security. Thus would be expensive I believe. Training police to go arrest kids who make online threats and who are heavily armed might be a good first step. Training police not to set up a perimeter but go in to stop a shooter might be another good step. Training FBI to share tips with local police who could go visit a kid making online threats might be another step. Improving background checks another good step. Making people give up their guns and access before a doctor is allowed to give them psychiatric drugs another good check. As a requirement to take the drugs, the police or an trained agent could inspect the residence to verify no visible guns on premises with access to safes and storage or wherever. This would be a requirement to take the drugs. Want to keep your guns, don't take the drugs nor make online threats that you want to do a mass shooting. In Israel I heard the age is like 27 and if you have certain medical issues for which you are prescribed medication, you can't have guns. Law abiding people have gun rights it sounds like without mass shootings. The far right alternative is like the Wild West where everyone carries a gun. I'm personally ok with someone trained with firearms with carrying a weapon at school. Police officers do this already don't they? Even a stupid school kid would have to be really stupid to show up at a school if several teachers were waiting outside or behind barricades with several guns. They do have better things to do like teach. Police and FBI should be sharing tips and arresting people making online shooting threats. I read about very old guns just as legal as the AR-15 made before the 1960's. I also read long ago, school kids used to carry guns to school in some areas and there were no mass shootings. In one article, I read a school kid threatened to bring a gun and shoot. It was from a long time ago. Several people at the school were waiting and well armed. The kid never showed up. He must not have been on drugs. I read those drugs can make you feel suicidal and violent. Conspiracy people believe those with an agenda do mass shootings and cover up anything that points to any kind of devious alternatives. I've read about possible agendas associated with 911. I've also read reports in the Las Vegas shooting, that some reported gun fire from multiple directions as if there were multiple shooters. It could be hearsay by confused people but it's what I read. When I read and hear odd things, then no hesitation in the left calling for gun bans on everyone, it leads me to think someone with an agenda might be in on it. If they aren't , several people are not doing what they could to save lives.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    You can't fight Destiny...
    I spotted Destiny recently. You can't escape her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Cigar smoke
    As far as distance, I smell cigars over 20 ft away. Sometimes it depends on how the club air circulates. They stink awful every time I smell them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Cigar smoke
    I will agree that cigar smoke smells the worst. Since every club I've been to has smokers, I usually just move if there is a terrible stink somewhere. Fortunately I haven't run into the problem with cigar smoke real often. The cigar smokers were nice enough to light up when the club wasn't full so I could move. Many dancers smoke cigarettes. They are often nice enough to ask if I mind if they smoke when sitting with me. Ventilation is usually good enough it doesn't bother me in an otherwise smoky club. It wouldnt bother me if smoking was banned in all clubs and bars.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    BYOB clubs..
    In the South Carolina nude clubs or byob clubs are usually not membership clubs and I thought they usually only allowed beer. Best to call if you don't know. Rules keep changing. Used to be several byob clubs, now I have to wonder where they are.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Programmable Logic Devices
    So where can I learn about PLC's for free? How about basic electrical test equipment and diagnostic tools?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Thrown out of a club in less than three minutes! WTF?
    Well I won't be visiting the club anytime soon.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    total shock during a lap dance
    Just by coincidence I clicked on a few YouTube videos today. One surprised me, it was laser hair removal and it was a girl applying it to the lips down below on another girl. I guess it must have been recently posted because the site didn't ask if I was over 18 unless I was already logged in somehow. Anyway wasn't expecting to see pussy and hair removal on YouTube. Then I clicked on another site and an actor claims he got throat cancer due to oral sex. HPV virus apparently infects 80% of all sexually active people. He thought all kids should get HPV vaccine. I agree. Any vaccine that can stop cancer, do it. Not 100% though. Anyone who is opposed to stuff that is not 100%, forget about it. I recommend more women post laser hair removal videos on YouTube. Tits, pussy, I dont mind looking. At least if we see pussy, we will know it wasn't a guy taking hormones so that he looks like a girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New to stripping to support her herion addiction
    Good luck in getting your daughter drug free again. I never touched the stuff and don't know much about it except that you don't want to start. Some clubs get raided if they find out any drugs are in the club. Many work places have drug policies just to get hired. I guess that doesn't apply to many strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper Mode
    Uber driver could be anyone trying to make some cash. I have wondered how much money someone could make driving for uber. I wondered if I could visit a strip club and pick up a ride going back and forth, one hour both ways. However I bet uber may restrict alcohol consumption and I like to drink a little bit and stop and pick up a snack at a fast food place.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Did you guys ever read a science fiction book about a group of travelers visitin
    I have no idea what is taught in high school nowadays. I suddenly remember high school dress codes we had but official uniforms were ok. I remember a cheerleader I knew sat right beside me in one class in her uniform some days. See a cheerleader in one class. Hear cussing in another class. Hear sex stories in another class. The cheerleader was in an economics class. I did very well in economics. I remember a nice looking girl hooked up with me in college so I could assist her in economics. Made me study longer than usual. Did so well I got a letter saying I scored in the top 10 of all classes inviting me to an honors class in college. Maybe there isn't enough sexual tension in the other classes. However I had a really tough college chemistry teacher. Assigned my seat in stadium seating right behind all these hot girls wearing shorts. I could not concentrate one bit on the teacher at all some days. The girls were spaced out too so I had to look at them. That's like going to a strip club and trying to learn a subject with the teacher on the other side of the strip club and hot girls sitting between you and the teacher. I had it rough. Might have done better if one girl that almost hooked up with me had stayed in the class. She wanted me to be a study partner and hot as hell but she changed classes. Said teacher had a rep for flunking the whole class. Oh well. I had messed up teachers. I did enjoy the rocket cannon and hydrogen explosions he shot off into the classroom.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Did you guys ever read a science fiction book about a group of travelers visitin
    It was about the only English literature class I didn't mind reading though. If that's what it was. I don't remember which class it was. I hated reading Catcher in the Rye. Almost nothing but cuss words on every page. That was another class. Teacher had volunteers read it aloud. One student happily did. He was reading the whole thing. I was surprised this book was required reading material. Never read anything with so many cuss words on every page it seemed like. That's the only thing I remember about it. I hated English literature classes in general. Had to take classes along those same lines in college but not nearly as bad as high school except they just sucked in general. Nothing like being required to read something you hate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Did you guys ever read a science fiction book about a group of travelers visitin
    I think one story involved how females got hair above their pussy. Must have been Pervy high school teacher if everyone didn't have to read all those stories.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Did you guys ever read a science fiction book about a group of travelers visitin
    So everyone didn't have to read weird sex stories in High School? Probably had something to do with living in a county with the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the state of NC I think. I remember walking into a video rental store in a different county and wondered where all the sexy movies disappeared. Must have been something in the water.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    One breast noticeably larger than the other ?
    I heard it was normal on tv. For some odd reason I rarely ever notice it. I think it's because I'm a guy and when I see boobs, I'm like boobs, yeah, and not doing a comparative analysis on the shape of them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Stock Market, and interest rates. Told you so!!
    So the good days are here again? Dow 30,000 coming up? Interest rates at 3.5% and no one cares? I think when 10 yr bond yields hit 5%, someone will not be happy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When a club has drink prices that are dollars and cents, as opposed to just doll
    I've been in several places where drinks were not rounded off. Many leave the change as a tip plus maybe a bill or two. It allows waitresses to get extra tips if everyone is leaving an extra 75 cents per drink with her on top of a bill or two or three.