New to stripping to support her herion addiction
My 29yr old daughter just recently started stripping to support and feed her addiction to that nasty ass herion. It breaks my heart and sickens me to my core. She is so fucked up on that shit it is controlling her mind and decisions. She is selling her soul and isnt even the daughter I've always known. I have no idea who she is anymore. It is just so sad that only reason she is stripping is for herion.
I’d recommend finding a group that will help your family deal with the family side of the addiction (like ALANON). Then I’d recommend speaking with your daughter about trying to get clean. It’s doubtful she will get clean until she’s hit bottom. She might not be close to her bottom yet. It’s an insidious addiction - and it’s very difficult to break its bonds - but it can be done. It requires a lot of support - and it seems that you are ready to help in any way you can - and she needs you to support her -
She got into detox, came out clean and was using again within a week.
She finally met a guy at an NA meeting who is clean, has a work ethic that won’t quit as well as a very good paying union job, and who is working to get custody of his daughter. They fell in love, but he won’t have her unless she is straight. She’s currently not dancing ( he won’t have a stripper girl friend), has not used any coke or opioids in a few months and still feels shitty kicking her benzo habit. She tells me she has a positive reason to get & stay sober, but that they both have baggage and are both seeing therapists in order to deal with their issues. I’ve helped her without any expectation of repayment because she’s a special person with a great deal of potential whose company I enjoyed for many years.
I’ve talked with both of them about what factors have led them to be chronic drug users and to have relapsed as often as they have. In both cases they attribute their past failings to emotional reasons. Not legal; not family; not hitting bottom; but more being emotionally upset, having easy access to the drugs, and having money - he by boosting & her by hooking. They’ve both overdosed numerous times and death doesn’t scare them ( in fact they’ve both stated that at times they would have welcomed dying). Today they live their lives one day at a time, but are beginning to formulate long range plans.
I also know a guy who just relapsed after being clean for 12 years. Addiction is insidious
One important think you need to do is make sure your daughter is on some kind of reliable birth control. Pay for it, and drive her, if you have to. Like the shot, or an implant. The last thing you need is to raise a grand kid w birth defects, who goes back and forth, gets molested by some druggy in her home, and winds up w issues, as well.
And, almost wishing their own child would od is not uncommon of grandparents struggling for custody of their abused grandchildren. Just try not enabling, once your own child is using your grandchildren as pawns, and exposing them to deviants, and neglect. I’d do just ab whatever it took to incentivize her to get in implant. Preventing a drug addict from having kids should be their family’s top priority.
I know drug abuse didn’t start then and it has always been a part of society, but prior to that it was a very small subset of of the population not such a large group.
Maybe the mom has some history working in strip clubs too? If that’s the mom in the photo - she’s holding up quite well.