This is a pet peeve of mine in clubs. Where I live, smoking is allowed in the local clubs. Now I can tolerate cigarette smoke, especially in places with high ceilings and good ventilation. But every once in a while I'll come across some shithead who lights up some shitty smelling cigar. The smoke from those things is heavier and stinkier than regular cigarette smoke and creates a miasma that extends 10+ feet in every direction from the dipshit who decides to impose that horrible smell upon everyone else.
I had one of these fucking retards two seats down from me the other night and I nearly got up and jammed that fucking cigar down his throat. Form there I might have rammed his head into the bar a few times just to make sure it stayed down. At the very least, he could have had the decency to move to a table set away from others while he smoked that shit stick, which he probably bought for $1 from the local convenience store on his way to the club.
I’d like to see you try to jam my cigar down my throat, that would be your last act as a free man, with the ability to walk. Why didn’t you get up and move to another area fucktard.
Twenty, it figures that you are one of them. Don't talk tough Twenty - we all know that you haven't had a physical altercation since the Reagan Administration and you probably got your ass kicked even then. And I shouldn't have to move for an inconsiderate shit stain like you.
Gee I was sitting minding my own business in an establishment that allows me to smoke a cigar and you get in my face, and some how I’m wrong. Now if you were sitting there first and politely asked me to not smoke my cigar around you I almost always am considerate of others. But whether I’ve gotten into an altercation since the Reagan administration or not is barely relevant, I’d tell you quite simply to back off if that doesn’t work, and you think you are half the man I am, trust me (as your president so often says) if you try me, you’ll find yourself in more trouble than you’ve ever found yourself in, in your miserable life. That’s all I have to say on that subject.
I’m surprised clubs still allow cigarette or cigar smoking inside. I’ve heard of cigar smoking areas - outdoors. But club smoking is very rare in my area.
In my view - it’s another unwanted smell to pick up in a club. The dancer perfume, potentially stinky dancer pussy (possibly glitter) - and cigar smoke - can make clothes stink after a trip to a club.
I was just venting before, but I think it's time for you to shush up now old man. Most guys half your age don't want a piece of me, which is smart. That includes husbands when they see me driving their stripper wives away and one even as I took his wife into a motel room (the tough guy yelled from his truck window, lol). I doubt the ice in my drink would even start melting in the time it took me to deal with you.
I smoke one maybe one out of three visits depending on my mood and I dont smoke cheap - Rockys, Cohibas, etc. It can be relaxing and pairs well with a cognac or bourbon.
If it tilts you just move somewhere else in the club and if its crowded maybe just strike up a polite conversation to get him to try and direct it somewhere else. I think I only had one complaint ever.
Most girls dont really care and some like it. A few hate it like a former ATF who I accomodated.
@UC I don’t smoke cheap either and I mostly hit upper and mid- tier clubs, where there is no problem with the ventilation system, I agree it pairs well with bourbon and scotch which is my preference. I have had numerous girls actually share my cigars with me and have never had any problems with other patrons. I think our OP is a born asshole, and thinks he’s a tough guy, more often than not guys like him get 86ed in the places I frequent. I have met close to 17 TUSCLERs now and can’t remember any that werent easy good guys to hang out with. This guy Dugan is just a phony and a jerk. I wonder if anyone here has ever met him.
Yeah - sucks that in the South they still allow smoking in clubs; it's considered unhealthy in any other indoor venue but somehow it's not considered unhealthy in clubs.
Don't like cig nor cigar smoke - some cigs and cigars def smell much worse than others - hate-it when a dancer sits next to me and just lights-up - they need to change that law and ban indoor smoking in all public venues.
Louisville outlawed all smoking in public places, which includes “private property with public intent,” like restaurants and strip clubs.
As libertarian as I am, I can’t say I don’t enjoy going to clubs more now than before they did that. It wouldn’t have stopped me if they’d never done it, but it is more pleasant.
Yeah i'm not a fan of cigar smoke either but if smoking is allowed i suppose the smoker has as much right as the non smoker as long as he's not directly blowing smoke in someone's face.
One of the few negative things about Florida clubs. Not a fan of cigarettes or cigars. I'll probably stop on this issue right there as I will almost surely piss someone off if I comment further.
^^^It doesn’t piss me off that people don’t like cigar smoke, I never look to cause a confrontation. You need to realize the OP threatened to beat a person who was minding his own business, and as I’ll never look to start a fight, I’m even willing to not intentionally offend, I’ll never back down from a bully. Even one as tough as our own Ricky Boy Dugan.
As I am vehemently anti-smoking of any type, my initial tendency is to side with the OP. Fortunately, I live in a state that has passed anti-smoking laws so I never have to worry about it indoors (unless I'm at an Indian casino, which won't happen because they do allow said smoking). Having said that, if you live in a state where smoking is allowed, then you gotta take the bad with the good, and that includes rancid cigar smoke (which I agree wholeheartedly is worse than regular cigarette smoke). Trying to pick a fight (or implying you'd pick a fight) for no other reason than dude is smoking and you don't like it seems pretty petty on your part.
Putting all our internet tough guy personas aside for a moment, is this really the hill you want to pick your battle on? If you're in a club and your wife doesn't know it, would you really risk the possibility of her reading a police report with the name and address of a strip club on it, and have to deal with that fallout, or would you simply just move to another spot or leave altogether, and maybe leave a parting shot with the manager saying you're taking your business elsewhere because they allow d-bags to smoke cigars in their club? I think we both know the real answer, whether or not you'll actually admit it here.
@TheeOSU, I would generally agree, but cigar smoke seems to travel differently than cigrette smoke. it is heavy and rolls around slowly, not really dissipating all that quickly. That is part of what makes those filthy things stink for so long.
@twentyfive, stop whining already. If I was going to snap it would have been a long time ago and the cigar smoker wouldn't have been the first in line. Guys who stand in toilet stalls and piss all over the seats when there are urinals available - motherfuckers. Especially when I am stuck in an airport for a long time. If I ever snap, it's likely to be on one of those fucking pigs, though I bet you do that as well. Do you know that you even post on here in a whiny voice? Between the whine and the endless snark, I'm surprised that anybody can stand you. Maybe you're better in person, idk.
Rick Dugan got up and jammed a cigar down someone's throat? Fucking liar. I call bullshit. Pseudo tough guy, on- line. Real life nothing. Big man with a horn.
In Georgia, any bar or restaurant can choose to allow smoking if they limit customers to 21 and up. Since strip clubs are that anyway, it's a natural fit. Tennessee is same way.
I think Atlanta strip clubs would only have half the number of dancers on the floor if smoking wasn't allowed. They would all be out on the smoking porch all the time.
I will agree that cigar smoke smells the worst. Since every club I've been to has smokers, I usually just move if there is a terrible stink somewhere. Fortunately I haven't run into the problem with cigar smoke real often. The cigar smokers were nice enough to light up when the club wasn't full so I could move. Many dancers smoke cigarettes. They are often nice enough to ask if I mind if they smoke when sitting with me. Ventilation is usually good enough it doesn't bother me in an otherwise smoky club. It wouldnt bother me if smoking was banned in all clubs and bars.
As someone who has a new and budding relationship with Mary Jane, I am grateful for clubs like Follies where not only is smoking allowed, but many dancers will throw in a couple hits off her blunt as a bonus to her dances.
I've been catching whiffs at Oasis, too, but I never see anyone obviously smoking a blunt or joint. Are there other ways to disguise it?
My cigars aren't cheap and if I'm allowed to smoke one and want too then I will. I try to be considerate about it. But when some asshole plops down near me and bitches about my already lit cigar I have no qualms about blowing as much smoke as I possibly can in their direction. I'd much rather smell a good cigar than cigarettes or weed, though some of the vapes do smell okay.
This is why I love rickdugan's posts. Most normal adults wouldn't shit all over themselves about twentyfive's reply. Not rickdugan! He has to play tough guy!
I especially like Chili Palmer's reply.
Chili Palmer, I'll let you in on a secret. rickdugan isn't worried about his wife getting clued into his lifestyle due to a police report resulting from a fight over a cigar. Or any sort of police report, like one resulting from the fact that he claims to drive with a BAC >0.08% every day. Why isn't rickdugan worried? Because 95%+ of the guys posts are fiction.
Well said 4got2wipe! This discussion rapidly changed from cigar smoke - to Rickdugan’s ability to fight with 25. Whether fiction or truth - it’s very entertaining!
@shadow: I agree with you re: pipe tobacco and i have also wondered why that has fallen off so much. I would much rather smell a pipe than the shit sticks that most of these inconsiderate a-holes use to stink up 50 square feet of the club.
After 25 posted about how rough and tumble his clubs are, I took a minute to skim through some of his reviews and saw multiple comments from him about lighting up a cigar and then being ignored by dancers. While it's hard to put all of the blame solely on his cigars given his various other personality deficiencies, I'm sure it doesn't help.
I used to manage a tobacco shop. Cigars should only be smoked half way down and in well ventilated areas. Cheap cigars stink and all cigars stink on the second half. I agree with Mr Dugan. Cigarettes are bad enough.
I was at Follies early today. I guy sat down at my table next to me and asked if I mined him smoking a cigarette. I thought that was considerate and told him to go ahead. I've had a lot of dancers ask if was OK if they smoked cigarettes or pot but I've never had a cigar smoker ask me if it was OK. You can't just get up and move to a different seat at Follies.
Fortunately California does have clean indoor air laws, and they are enforced and complied with. We have had them for quite a while, and the levels of compliance have gotten higher each year. And our overall smoking rate continues to drop. 9% of adults, the second lowest after Utah and followed by Idaho.
If people are willing to fight for it, they should be able to get this in Florida and everywhere else.
And I agree with Rick Dugan about this issue and this thread.
I think these numbers are higher because they are including adolescents, but the rankings are basically what I have known.…
My point is that clean indoor air protection works, people comply with it and people get healthier in their lifestyles. And so the type of remedy which Rick Dugan suggested becomes no longer necessary.
Twenty is having another one of his hissy fits. Interesting though - he writes an awful lot like the pedo moniker vincemichaels when he gets all worked up. Just sayin.' ;).
I guess it's too much to ask a fucktard like Twenty to have the common decency not to stink bomb 50 square feet of the club. No surprise though - every other recent post of his has made it clear exactly who and what he is and decency was definitely not part of that display.
@Dugan your mother said you were a colicky baby she offered a reward if someone would make you disappear. It’s too bad you never bonded with with your own mother.
SJG your mother just offered some gravy she didn’t want you at all sorry, maybe you have a relative that will take you. I can’t help you, you scared my children I won’t let you near them.
We might consider you to be one of the psychopaths here, SJG. I don't like cigars, never have. I'll move if need be in a club rather than make it an issue with the cigar smoker.
san_jose_guy, no disrespect, but you're missing the point on this one.
The point is not whether cigar smoke, or tobacco smoke in general, is a good thing. I actually agree with rickdugan that cigars are kind of obnoxious and I would prefer that places not allow smoking.
The issue is that rickdugan escalated this pretty quickly. He started right in the original post with saying he wanted to jam a cigar down some random person's throat and then ram said person's head against the bar. Even if you agree with rickdugan, that isn't exactly a civilized way to address the problem.
But that is also where the thread becomes funny. An actual tough guy probably wouldn't have started with the whole cigar jamming rant. An actual tough guy probably would have responded to twentyfive's comment by shitting all over himself trying to sound tough.
I strongly suspect the real guy behind "rickdugan" is rather milquetoast. I suspect this thread was motivated by some immature desire to kick the ass of somebody doing something he didn't like (in this case, smoking a cigar). Then rickdugan got to live out his fantasy of being a tough guy safely seated behind a keyboard.
To which I say BRILLIANT! This is win-win!
rickdugan gets to live out his warped tough guy fantasies and forget about his life and we get the entertainment of watching rickdugan shit all over himself without realizing that he sounds like a dumbass. I think we need more "rickdugan, tough guy" threads. They're aces! ;)
The point in my original post was to vent frustration, which I think I made clear, not to say that I'm actually going to assault senior citizens who are just too stupid or selfish to care about how much they impose upon others. Though you would think they would care more about their own self interests by not driving off dancers who might otherwise talk to them, but stupid is as stupid does.
I really don't like the stench of smoke of any kind. That being said, I understand that it is legal and therefore I need to deal with it on occasion. I'm not so special that I should be able to infringe on someone else's pleasure of breathing in carcinogenic fumes and polluting the immediate vicinity with the same reeking fumes. Therefore I try not to sit next to someone who is smoking.
I also subscribe to the opinion of "Just because I can doesn't mean I should."
It would be nice if everyone would just be considerate to one another. I'm pretty sure all smokers recognize that there habit impacts others around them and that many find it to be very malodorous.
As shadow mentioned above, I appreciate when a smoker shows consideration and asks if I mind if they smoke. Generally, I would be considerate in return and tell them to go ahead. I would either suffer through it or decide to inconspicuously move depending on my mood and the stench.
I don't appreciate when smokers move into my near vicinity while smoking without any regard to the comfort of others. I don't make any issue because he has the right to do it. He has chosen to be a scrotum and has that right as well.
Also, IMO, cigar smokers tend to be the most pompous and self-absorbed and care the least about how obnoxious their smoking is to others.
I disagree with your assessment that “cigar smokers are the most pompous and self-absorbed “ I go into a dozen different clubs and there are many cigar smokers there in the afternoon, yesterday afternoon I was in Rachel’s WPB and sat at the bar, by my count there were 15 or so guys sitting at the bar about the same age as myself and 11 were smoking cigars, the girls were flirting with the cigar smokers the few that weren’t smoking were at the other end of the bar, there was no friction between the two groups, maybe the air-scrubbing machinery was top notch, but I find it’s the way to enjoy a hedonistic afternoon, a scotch rocks, a good cigar and a pretty girl I don’t suppose that you are so militant, as to be starting a fight in this club 3/4 of the patrons obviously enjoy a good cigar, maybe, this is an attack by the I just quit smoking crowd and I found religion and I’m going to force you to do as I say. Another thing that reeks, is the use of intentionally inflammatory language, designed to provoke a response, then when you get the intended response, you back off saying that’s not what I intended. Ricky Boy has been playing this shit for years, what’s worse smoking a cigar, or driving drunk, preying on the troubles of others,for your own benefit, please this is not a model citizen. This is a self absorbed pompous creep and as low of a human being as you can be. Hell Ricky Boy a few years back, was threatening to beat the hell out of a transsexual for using the restroom where he was with his children, what a man, what an example he must be to his family, I can imagine him picking a fight with a stranger, with his children in tow and getting the shit kicked out of him. That would be great, what a traumatic experience for any offspring he has.
The world has indeed tilted on its axis when a pedophile defender calls someone else a creep.
Flag, I agree 100% with the pompous and self-absorbed comment. He just doesn't care. Interesting though how he continues to try to shroud himself in some "I'm part of the herd" defense to try to make what he does ok. It's his MO. Next he'll be asking if anyone else has met me. Not that it matters a whit, but it makes Twenty feel better to believe that he is part of a group - he's emotionally delicate that way. He eve tried it during his pedophile defense, but that didn't work out so well for him at the end.
@ Shadowcat-Never inside, but on my patio, I don’t disagree that old stale smoke stinks, and plenty of places reek, but that is more due to skimping on cleaning than anything else. If Follies wasn’t so cheap they’d clean the place well regularly, they just don’t want to spend the money that would cost.
Ricky Boy responding to you is starting to bore me, I have many more productive ways to spend my time, everyone here knows you are a tedious bore, I don’t think I need to continue to point it out, after all you do that so well.
Being an occasional cigar smoker, I've read the comments with interest. In my state smoking is not allowed in almost all public buildings, including "membership" strip clubs. I actually have come to like that. The only places I've smoked one in years is on my deck and in a cigar bar where understandably it is allowed. I know shadowcat doesn't like it so I don't even bring one when I go to Follies so there are some of us who aren't pompous asses. In the past I've had dancers tell me they liked the smell and even have taken a puff so it isn't a total cock blocker.
Personally I dislike cigarette smoke a lot more than cigar smoke but if I choose to go to a place where it's allowed, who am I to say anything? Like seemingly everything else these days, civility seems to be missing in a lot of the recent discussions here. Maybe it's my southern upbringing but why can't we show some consideration and all get along?
First, don’t worry about rickdugan. He may be the smartest and toughest hairless ape on the planet, but he’s still an ape. Apes don’t have killer instincts like lions.
If you smoke your stinky cigar in my proximity you’re getting the wildebeest treatment. Hell, I may give you the wildebeest treatment just for shits and giggles. Remember, hairless ape lives don’t matter.
On the other hand, if I’m feeling magnanimous I might just ask my vulture bud to vomit on you when you smoke. Then I’ll say “hey wildebeest, you wanna object to being covered in vulture puke?” and laugh when you wet your pants lest you get a claw to the face. ROAR!
good books written by Joel R. Hass (Author), Maurice D. Weir (Author), George B. Thomas Jr. (Author) like: University Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Multivariable…
last commentWhy didn’t you get up and move to another area fucktard.
Now if you were sitting there first and politely asked me to not smoke my cigar around you I almost always am considerate of others. But whether I’ve gotten into an altercation since the Reagan administration or not is barely relevant,
I’d tell you quite simply to back off if that doesn’t work, and you think you are half the man I am, trust me (as your president so often says) if you try me, you’ll find yourself in more trouble than you’ve ever found yourself in, in your miserable life. That’s all I have to say on that subject.
In my view - it’s another unwanted smell to pick up in a club. The dancer perfume, potentially stinky dancer pussy (possibly glitter) - and cigar smoke - can make clothes stink after a trip to a club.
Cash and taxi, a lot of the clubs down south still allow smoking, including Florida.
If it tilts you just move somewhere else in the club and if its crowded maybe just strike up a polite conversation to get him to try and direct it somewhere else. I think I only had one complaint ever.
Most girls dont really care and some like it. A few hate it like a former ATF who I accomodated.
I have met close to 17 TUSCLERs now and can’t remember any that werent easy good guys to hang out with. This guy Dugan is just a phony and a jerk. I wonder if anyone here has ever met him.
Don't like cig nor cigar smoke - some cigs and cigars def smell much worse than others - hate-it when a dancer sits next to me and just lights-up - they need to change that law and ban indoor smoking in all public venues.
As libertarian as I am, I can’t say I don’t enjoy going to clubs more now than before they did that. It wouldn’t have stopped me if they’d never done it, but it is more pleasant.
You need to realize the OP threatened to beat a person who was minding his own business, and as I’ll never look to start a fight, I’m even willing to not intentionally offend, I’ll never back down from a bully. Even one as tough as our own Ricky Boy Dugan.
Putting all our internet tough guy personas aside for a moment, is this really the hill you want to pick your battle on? If you're in a club and your wife doesn't know it, would you really risk the possibility of her reading a police report with the name and address of a strip club on it, and have to deal with that fallout, or would you simply just move to another spot or leave altogether, and maybe leave a parting shot with the manager saying you're taking your business elsewhere because they allow d-bags to smoke cigars in their club? I think we both know the real answer, whether or not you'll actually admit it here.
@twentyfive, stop whining already. If I was going to snap it would have been a long time ago and the cigar smoker wouldn't have been the first in line. Guys who stand in toilet stalls and piss all over the seats when there are urinals available - motherfuckers. Especially when I am stuck in an airport for a long time. If I ever snap, it's likely to be on one of those fucking pigs, though I bet you do that as well. Do you know that you even post on here in a whiny voice? Between the whine and the endless snark, I'm surprised that anybody can stand you. Maybe you're better in person, idk.
I think Atlanta strip clubs would only have half the number of dancers on the floor if smoking wasn't allowed. They would all be out on the smoking porch all the time.
It wouldnt bother me if smoking was banned in all clubs and bars.
I've been catching whiffs at Oasis, too, but I never see anyone obviously smoking a blunt or joint. Are there other ways to disguise it?
This is why I love rickdugan's posts. Most normal adults wouldn't shit all over themselves about twentyfive's reply. Not rickdugan! He has to play tough guy!
I especially like Chili Palmer's reply.
Chili Palmer, I'll let you in on a secret. rickdugan isn't worried about his wife getting clued into his lifestyle due to a police report resulting from a fight over a cigar. Or any sort of police report, like one resulting from the fact that he claims to drive with a BAC >0.08% every day. Why isn't rickdugan worried? Because 95%+ of the guys posts are fiction.
Brilliant fiction, but fiction nonetheless!
After 25 posted about how rough and tumble his clubs are, I took a minute to skim through some of his reviews and saw multiple comments from him about lighting up a cigar and then being ignored by dancers. While it's hard to put all of the blame solely on his cigars given his various other personality deficiencies, I'm sure it doesn't help.
If people are willing to fight for it, they should be able to get this in Florida and everywhere else.
And I agree with Rick Dugan about this issue and this thread.
TwentyFive is full of shit.
Modern Day Racial Red Lining In Morgage Lending…
10 most healthy and 10 least healthy, click on state name to move to the next on the list……
I think these numbers are higher because they are including adolescents, but the rankings are basically what I have known.……
This in particular seems to lay it out state by state:…
lists all 50 states and DC…
10 worst states…
Here, 2010 discussion of variations across California, and in particular this Lake County.……
roughly is surrounds Clear Lake…
Areas of CA where smoking rates remain high:…
Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in California, claiming the lives of nearly 40,000 people each year.
CA's continued drop:…
50 State County By County Roll Over Map…
Madison County Idaho, 3.1% Wow. Just North East of Idaho Falls, on highway 20, and getting close to Wyoming and Yellow Stone Park
But some place in Tennessee, over 50%
Scott County Tennessee, rural, 30 miles NorthWest of Knoxville, on KY border
Limestone County Texas, 49.2%
rural, 20 miles East of Waco…
Upshur County Texas, 46.8%
rural, just North of Tyler and Longview…
This sort of data helps one to understand what things are likely driving it, like mostly social conformity, putting up with it.
@shadow, imo smoking a pipe is a little bit of a pain in the ass.
The point is not whether cigar smoke, or tobacco smoke in general, is a good thing. I actually agree with rickdugan that cigars are kind of obnoxious and I would prefer that places not allow smoking.
The issue is that rickdugan escalated this pretty quickly. He started right in the original post with saying he wanted to jam a cigar down some random person's throat and then ram said person's head against the bar. Even if you agree with rickdugan, that isn't exactly a civilized way to address the problem.
But that is also where the thread becomes funny. An actual tough guy probably wouldn't have started with the whole cigar jamming rant. An actual tough guy probably would have responded to twentyfive's comment by shitting all over himself trying to sound tough.
I strongly suspect the real guy behind "rickdugan" is rather milquetoast. I suspect this thread was motivated by some immature desire to kick the ass of somebody doing something he didn't like (in this case, smoking a cigar). Then rickdugan got to live out his fantasy of being a tough guy safely seated behind a keyboard.
To which I say BRILLIANT! This is win-win!
rickdugan gets to live out his warped tough guy fantasies and forget about his life and we get the entertainment of watching rickdugan shit all over himself without realizing that he sounds like a dumbass. I think we need more "rickdugan, tough guy" threads. They're aces! ;)
Don’t you know when to shut the fuck up?
I really don't like the stench of smoke of any kind. That being said, I understand that it is legal and therefore I need to deal with it on occasion. I'm not so special that I should be able to infringe on someone else's pleasure of breathing in carcinogenic fumes and polluting the immediate vicinity with the same reeking fumes. Therefore I try not to sit next to someone who is smoking.
I also subscribe to the opinion of "Just because I can doesn't mean I should."
It would be nice if everyone would just be considerate to one another. I'm pretty sure all smokers recognize that there habit impacts others around them and that many find it to be very malodorous.
As shadow mentioned above, I appreciate when a smoker shows consideration and asks if I mind if they smoke. Generally, I would be considerate in return and tell them to go ahead. I would either suffer through it or decide to inconspicuously move depending on my mood and the stench.
I don't appreciate when smokers move into my near vicinity while smoking without any regard to the comfort of others. I don't make any issue because he has the right to do it. He has chosen to be a scrotum and has that right as well.
Also, IMO, cigar smokers tend to be the most pompous and self-absorbed and care the least about how obnoxious their smoking is to others.
I go into a dozen different clubs and there are many cigar smokers there in the afternoon, yesterday afternoon I was in Rachel’s WPB and sat at the bar, by my count there were 15 or so guys sitting at the bar about the same age as myself and 11 were smoking cigars, the girls were flirting with the cigar smokers the few that weren’t smoking were at the other end of the bar, there was no friction between the two groups, maybe the air-scrubbing machinery was top notch, but I find it’s the way to enjoy a hedonistic afternoon, a scotch rocks, a good cigar and a pretty girl
I don’t suppose that you are so militant, as to be starting a fight in this club 3/4 of the patrons obviously enjoy a good cigar, maybe, this is an attack by the I just quit smoking crowd and I found religion and I’m going to force you to do as I say.
Another thing that reeks, is the use of intentionally inflammatory language, designed to provoke a response, then when you get the intended response, you back off saying that’s not what I intended.
Ricky Boy has been playing this shit for years, what’s worse smoking a cigar, or driving drunk, preying on the troubles of others,for your own benefit, please this is not a model citizen. This is a self absorbed pompous creep and as low of a human being as you can be.
Hell Ricky Boy a few years back, was threatening to beat the hell out of a transsexual for using the restroom where he was with his children, what a man, what an example he must be to his family, I can imagine him picking a fight with a stranger, with his children in tow and getting the shit kicked out of him. That would be great, what a traumatic experience for any offspring he has.
IME cigar smokers are the most pompous... type of smoker.
Not a blanket, but a generality among those I have experienced.
Flag, I agree 100% with the pompous and self-absorbed comment. He just doesn't care. Interesting though how he continues to try to shroud himself in some "I'm part of the herd" defense to try to make what he does ok. It's his MO. Next he'll be asking if anyone else has met me. Not that it matters a whit, but it makes Twenty feel better to believe that he is part of a group - he's emotionally delicate that way. He eve tried it during his pedophile defense, but that didn't work out so well for him at the end.
Personally I dislike cigarette smoke a lot more than cigar smoke but if I choose to go to a place where it's allowed, who am I to say anything? Like seemingly everything else these days, civility seems to be missing in a lot of the recent discussions here. Maybe it's my southern upbringing but why can't we show some consideration and all get along?
First, don’t worry about rickdugan. He may be the smartest and toughest hairless ape on the planet, but he’s still an ape. Apes don’t have killer instincts like lions.
If you smoke your stinky cigar in my proximity you’re getting the wildebeest treatment. Hell, I may give you the wildebeest treatment just for shits and giggles. Remember, hairless ape lives don’t matter.
RickDugan's feelings about the matter and quite natural. It is the smokers who are violating the common sense laws of civilized society.
With clean indoor air laws, the problem is solved.
And welcome back RickTheLion!
good books written by
Joel R. Hass (Author), Maurice D. Weir (Author), George B. Thomas Jr. (Author)
like: University Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Multivariable…