
Comments by orionsmith (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it, Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it, nice spice baby, nice spice baby
    Need advice on dating (FWB, not P4P) model-quality civie and stripper hotties?
    Ok I'll bite. What's your favorite way to break the ice and ask them out? What is your success rate? Where do you find these girls and where do you hit on them? Is there a large age gap between you and the girl? Where do you take them on a first date? Do you fuck them on a first date?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I noticed the pic changed. Haven't seen her comment that she is all female. Nothing wrong if she isn't though. Just posting as I saw the pic the other day. Of course she could post a new pic with better light. I don't care that much. Tranny or all female?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just looked. It slightly resembles a dick as well. Shadowcat didn't even post it. Is Nicole all female?
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Why do so many men love steak more than chicken ? Smh
    I did eat a steak at twin peaks one week. It tasted good. It was top sirloin I think. I usually get a cheesburger.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Why do so many men love steak more than chicken ? Smh
    I like filet mignon as my favorite but restaurants don't usually give me enough so I haven't eaten it in a long time. I might consider ordering some from Omaha Steaks if I'm ever home long enough to get it and cook it. I don't want frozen steaks sitting outside for too long in this heat in this forever summer heat we've been getting. Although it was in the 70's today. They would probably tell me they can deliver on certain days maybe but I don't have time to cook it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    In need of bad advice and believe this is the place to get it
    Crappy I device keeps changing i's and u's.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    In need of bad advice and believe this is the place to get it
    $400? I thought it was $700 or $800. Maybe it depends how much you got in there. I'm not budgeting anything but am saving about $3000 a month. Staying home tonight because if the rain. Enjoy life while you can. You don't know when shut will hit the fan and it's crappy weather or the strip club closes or imposes crappy rules. I once spent $300 every weekend and had about 11 favorites. Now I don't even visit strip clubs every week and when I do, I don't always buy dances.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Ideal Fast Food Restaurant to open in a Strip Club
    How about Burger King? Strippers can have it their way.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I need a dancer with braces to give me a BJ to know more.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people delete
    Another reason not to walk through flood water. North Carolina hog farms have pig manure stock piles that can flood and become toxic waste with flood waters. I just heard this about 30 minutes after seeing a girl in NC determined to walk through flood waters with a suitcase dragging along the ground. In South Carolina an alligator was spotted moving from one flooded spot to another. The weather channel girl smartly said she would stay out of the water. I'm wondering what Jim Cantory would have done. Give it a kick? Storm is not over. Supposed to move out Sunday though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    99% of dancers take hints pretty good. It's only 1% of dancers you need to get rude with if you want them to leave. I try to be nice. I remember one apparently new dancer wanted to dance for me so much, that she felt so rejected that she sat in a corner and never apparoached me nor anyone else that I noticed the next 2 hours that I noticed. I wasn't really rude with her either. I firmly told her no but I guess because she was new and I didn't realize that, instead of walking away to ask me later, she decided to argue with me. Wrong choice. Never going to get dances from arguing with me. When she refused to leave, I got up and sat at the stage. Extreme case. Almost never had a dancer sit at my table and argue with me for 10 or 15 minutes over saying no to her. Club was pretty dead at the time so maybe she felt desperate. It was early though. If I had to do it over again, knowing she was new and possibly desperate, instead of arguing, I would have said, check back with me in an hour or 2 and maybe I will change my mind. This was a new dancer who didn't know much about dancing apparently. Hopefully I didn't cause her to quit on day one, unless things worked out better for her. She was the only dancer I ever had sit and argue with me out of thousands of dancers after firmly telling her no. I did have one other dancer make me offers after telling her no. That wasn't really arguing. That was trying to entice me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    I don't care what dancers are thinking. Usually at least one will ignore other dancers and approach. If not, there are other clubs in several places. Just start another rumor that you were joking and that you made it big in the stock market. After a while, dancers won't believe any of your stories. Maybe. I had one dancer believing some alien stuff so much that she told other dancers and wanted me to tell the story when I came back the following weekend. I couldn't remember anything. The aliens must have got to me. Plus some beer I drank the prior weekend. That must have been a great story I told. I had 5 dancers wanting to hear the story when I arrived at the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    If she acts serious about wanting to come over, get her information and maybe more if you are lucky. Then later on, say it was all a joke.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    You could even act creepy. Talk about your collection of road kill animals you have stuffed in your back yard shed. Just watch out for all the sharp blades lying around you used to gut the road kill. Tell her not to worry. All the animals are dead except for some rats and cockroaches.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    Just tell her I'm good right now. Most take the hint. If she wants to sit on my lap, might let her stay longer. It can take 3 seconds to get rid of a dancer. If you get desperate , just let out a loud fart and talk about it. Maybe say you had a bean burrito and thank her for staying in the smell. She will appreciate that. Unless she stinks even more and can't smell it. Talk about how your glad that she's in love with you because only a stripper in love would get all stinky and give up dancing for other customers to stay in your stinky smell. Then start asking for her real name and phone number because you know she's in love with you so let's not beat around the bush.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    ‘Evil game’ lands stripper her second arrest of the day
    $35,000 bond. She will be doing lap dances for life now or working at Walmart, McDonalds, a long time to pay that bill. Not sure who will hire her. Maybe a strip club in another city.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people delete
    Sounds like your problem plwh. Just heard they don't know what this storm is going to do. It could sit over the same area. That will be a flood disaster. I was hoping the forecasts for it to leave by Monday were correct. Only moving 2 mph. On the bright side, my location got nothing. As usual, the weather girl on the weather channel doesn't know what she is talking about reporting trees down in Charlotte and then she added it hasn't started raining there. I can see its raining there on the radar image on the east side.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Hopeful im not gone to long... Got into a fist fight
    Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do strippers care about anything other than how much you spend?
    If strippers get me talking, they seem interested in a number of stories I sometimes tell. I discovered recently how to be a rock. It won't work if you visit when almost no one else is there. I succeeded at it last year one night. I didn't think I was that interesting but when strippers ask routinely what you've been up to, either it's small talk or your life is interesting enough to talk about. Hopefully my life isn't that interesting to others. That sounds like a Chinese curse. Every week is a bit of an adventure for me. I prefer things to be uneventful outside strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people delete
    Hopefully the flooding does not become as Vader as originally forecasted. My area was originally supposed to get like 10 inches or more. Now it's only what we got in one big thunderstorm. About 3 inches. I'm planning on driving to NC so I hope it's not too bad. Duke energy is staging a lot of electrical work crews in Greenville to restore power after the storm gets out of the way. I remember NC had big time flooding in some low lying areas a couple years ago. Looks like they will get hit hard again. Apparently government programs typically refused or denied the possibility of paying people to move out of those areas. So now they will get flooded again. That sucks for them. Duke got crews as far away as Arkansaw waiting to restore power. Hundreds of trucks. Storm is moving as slow as a Florence I knew ages ago that could have been in an old folks home. Someone needs to assist Florence out of here. Best to do now if in the path is to orepare and wait. I'm prepared for power loss from possible ice storms. Hoping no power goes out in the western part of the state. I got my grass cut today. A few days ago, didn't think that would happen this weekend. Saw the sun again today. Was overcast in nc closer to the storm yesterday.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    WHy Is The USA SO “Stuffy” ???
    On the other hand I did wonder if Hillary might have allowed female sex workers to have more rights to practice their business but I doubted that. I suspected she would have appointed Supreme Court justices who would do away with gun rights and carets possible civil war in this country as guns were confiscated and possible war with Russia. Putin did say if she was elected, she would be the last US president. I thought that meant Russia would retaliate with nuclear weapons and go to war with Hillary. I heard Russai also has anthrax weapons on missiles that would kill millions in the US. When Putin says someone will be the last US president, I thought that was a serious threat but hardly anyone mentioned it later. Back on topic, most people have been ok with letting the government gradually take away rights or haven't done enough to fight back or elect officials who believe in business rights and state rights. Almost half the population would have been ok with gun rights disappearing that would have led to a possible civil war. The left thinks that wouldn't happen. I think they are wrong. I'm sure they have plans to do away with more individuals rights. Being able to visit strip clubs is an individual right. Already some have out restrictions on government spending on food stamps, etc, restricting what money can be spent on. If we go to a cashless society, everyone might get an ID card that could become restricted. Tax everyone, allocate money back to the people on cards for food etc. then restrict what they can buy and sell. Strip clubs operate with cash and no one is interested in supporting strip clubs to get elected. My thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    WHy Is The USA SO “Stuffy” ???
    Religious right and evangelists give political support to the right. Elected democrats in my opinion have been against business rights and strip club rights for decades promising more socialism, much less capitalism and states rights. In between, strip clubs and individual rights have gotten a one two punch. They even have younger generations thinking the government will take care of them and that if the government gives them free stuff, they will come out ahead. The more the government takes from everyone, the less everyone has left and jobs decline. We are moving towards or were moving towards a socialist nanny state and the leftist socialists who control the media can't stand any interruption to their plans to create a communist US.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What does it take to fuck a stripper for free?
    I remember one stripper suggesting she could move in with me and I never even agreed to go out with her and never had sex with her. Strings attached if I had accepted that. Might have free sex if you don't count all the costs of someone else living with you. Plus a loss of freedom with someone else in your house. I was almost a strippers BF a couple of times. Close call. One stripper went so far as to act all pissed because she accused me of sleeping with another stripper in the same club. Drama queen. Super angry because she thought I was sleeping with another dancer in addition to her. Actually I thought about it. I saw the other dancer working in myrtle beach a couple years ago. She keeps popping up. I don't usually end up with any stripper unless I drink too much. Then I start agreeing to do stuff sometimes. I don't leave clubs with complete strangers most of the time. Usually I have to get a lap dance or BJ first. Then I feel like I got to know her a little bit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What does it take to fuck a stripper for free?
    Lol, not sure. I heard some stripper BF have jobs. I suggest playing lots of video games so your girlfriend can complain about stuff you do. Of course, she can always find someone else. How long do stripper boyfriends last? Until the next kid?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people delete
    I thought it was amusing thinking maybe somone thought someone was getting serious weather advice from a strip club site.