
Comments by orionsmith (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Dating strippers
    I never used to call it dating but we used words like hanging out or having fun or meeting up. I routinely used to meet up or hang out with strippers after work and I did not pay them. It was usually only one dancer at a time. The dancers usually initiated things except when I drank too much. I promised myself to stop hooking up or going out with strippers at one time. Too much drama. I was a lot younger at one time and any pretty girl who said she would like to meet up and didn't start out the conversation by telling me she was a lesbian but wanted to experiment, I partied with. I remember doing so with one regular girl I met at a bar and she knew every bar in town I never heard of and we had beer at every one of them. I never visited 4 to 7 bars in a single night before then. I never knew where I might end up at going out with some strippers. Maybe I liked a little bit of excitement.
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    6 years ago
    Any Doctor Who fans here?
    Thanks for the link.
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    6 years ago
    Any Doctor Who fans here?
    A week day evening would have been a better time for me but they will likely show reruns. The female looks good so I'm good with a female version. I would like it even better if they had a lot hotter blond girls in it. It's entertainment though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Who Knows You're a PL or Stripper IRL?
    It's like no one knows but everyone likely expects it.
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    6 years ago
    We need some (legit) thugs on this board...no hustle, just lots of money and fun
    Thugs are overrated show offs. Posters here likely spend a lot more money in clubs unless the thugs are millionaires.
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    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Buy a dance from her? 1-10?
    I would rate her 7.8
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    I've been contacted by aliens via telepathy already. Maybe it was just a dream. It was like talking to Alucard. Seemed ok at first then it got weird. One alien was about 37,000 light years away. Now that was long distance. Reptilian or scientist lizard creature which stood upright if the images I received were correct. I much prefer contact with off world human looking females who look good. I don't understand alien languages or alien hieroglyphics though. I believe our governments have been meeting with aliens for decades. They got think tanks that believe it will cause mass chaos to markets and human society if they just sprang all knowledge on us at one time but set up disclosure projects like abovetopsecret web site and have allowed movies about aliens etc for decades now. Even Trump and US presidents may not have full knowledge of secret US services. Someone once accused me on another web site of being part of a US space force so secret that even participants don't remember it. Crazy people there. I think I would know if I was in a secret space force.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Well might have exaggerated my exact speed and time. It was a lonely country road that was usually empty late at night that you could see for miles on it. I know law enforcement reads this stuff well because I'm part psychic. Of course I always drive the speed limit now. NSA is likely keeping files on everyone and computers monitor everyone. I definetely got attention after dreaming I had contact with a super advanced AI from the future and popped up a top secret government file after doing a unique search based on my dream. I deleted everything and unplugged my computer. They locked up my connection and computer and I had to reboot. They left the file available to google search though. I think aliens or some unconscious signals are traveling into people's minds like Steve jobs, Elon musk, and others. I get some of the same weird thoughts. It's a bad idea to create artificial intelligence with robot bodies that has no human soul or compassion. You would be creating Cylons who see no reason to spare humans in a war with machines if a human versus robot war ever happened. Going way off topic.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ever pay a girl to sit with you?
    If a dancer flashed me her tits, I thought that was worth a dollar. One dancer kept doing this for a while for several visits.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ever pay a girl to sit with you?
    No to sit with me. I have given them a dollar or two to leave but I don't like doing that either. I have bought a dancer a beer or drink if I wanted her to sit with me but I do not consider that to be paying her. That's an entertainment expense.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Apache attack helicopter, not aka .
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Several times I made a 30 some mile drive from a strip club to my place in about 15 to 17 minutes. Stopped doing that after a car saw me gaining on him from about 2 miles away. Slowed down and got caught by the police. I lost sight of the car. Only other car out on the highway had to be a cop. Been driving slow ever since I was threatened with being arrested. It cost over $400 to hire a lawyer too. That sucked. Recently someone told me the lawyer wanted $800 for just a 16 over speeding ticket. Law breakers all around. I took drivers Ed and they told me in class the most dangerous driver was the slow driver holding everyone else up. The slow driver would aggravate other drivers so much after a point that other drivers take dangerous risks speeding up to get around. I noticed some people aggravate others on purpose. They slow down where they can't be passed and speed way up when they can be. That's very aggravating if I'm in a hurry. I used to hang out with a stripper after the club closed. One night I was hanging out apparently with her two female stripper friends from other clubs and their maybe boyfriends. One guy died recently. Yep declared dead by US military in an airplane explosion at Firt Bragg. He said he might not show up for work on time Monday morning since he was dead. I think his night time life style saved his life. He hadnt shown up in his assigned location when the airplane exploded. Actually he was quite pissed off about it all. I never heard a story in the news media about him. I guess it was all kept quiet. I found out after a shooting on base I was visiting strip clubs with special forces based on the sudden slings and injuries I saw. So now I can say we had special strip club operations with special forces and a dead guy. Wondered if one if these guys recognized me when he swooped down over an intersection in his aka he attack helicopter when I stopped at a red light. I swore he had my car on target lock for over half an hour until I stopped at a red light in town and he swooped down and hovered over the light close enough to see him. Did I know him? I didn't think so. Others at the red light probably wondered what was going on. I'm part psychic. I knew he had me on a target lock in his helicopter. Just practicing, goofing off, or playing around.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New allegations surface against Kavanaugh.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Give Yourself Some Advice
    I would give myself investing advice to avoid large investment losses. My strip club expenses seem puny in comparison and I often got something for the money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What's the difference between a battery and dating a stripper?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    First robot brothel opens in Moscow with heated privates.
    Driving down the cost of pussy sounds good. Eventually though, they will upgrade the robots so that they bitch and whine and tell you everything that you do is wrong because some guy wanted them to seem more real. Then the robots will want you to take them shopping too. At that point, maybe sex will be no big deal to the American public and all these laws dealing with sex will be deemed antiquated and highly Improper and a waste of taxpayer money enforcing such laws. Then some guy will want to marry a robot and congress will have hearings and people will talk about robot discrimination. Government might like the thought of taxing robots like people. Democrats probably like the idea of taxing everything that moves. Insects ignore them though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Nothing crazy but if it was illegal, well I made it all up. Transported fireworks on a train from Chicago to Washington state where we shot them off in the desert. Once drove into a nuclear power plant trying to find someone to ask for directions. No one around. Decided to leave after I saw no trespassing signs. It didn't look too inviting. Was thinking they need better security. Never saw a cooling tower up close before.that looked interesting. Now I glow in the dark at night and aliens monitor me. That did not happen on this earth. It was a parallel Earth.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers who turn to Porn
    It's common enough you can just ask the dancer I believe. She might try to sell you one of her porn DVDs and direct you to a web site. The girls I've known who were into it never got rich or famous however one girl scared me a bit when she said something about she could make stuff appear on some web sites. I didn't want to appear. Made me wonder who I was involved with. Could have been involved with a somewhat famous porn star and not known it. That's not something I ever intended if true. Things just happened one night. She was horny and completely uninhibited.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Spam texts
    I usually block texts phone numbers, emails from unknown unwanted sources. They keep coming though.
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    6 years ago
    Any guesses as to who on the board this is?
    Well his mug shot is in the link. From Pennsylvania. Spent $400G on strippers? Must have been all VIP. I could visit strip clubs for 30 years and never spend that much. I would have to talk to some Greenville South Carolina agents or deputies to find out how to spend that much. Most people I read spend $30 or less a visit.
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    6 years ago
    Sum-Ting Wong???
    I only see nearby clubs listed hen I click on nearby clubs.
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My last and greatest love
    I never feel completely alone. When I go to sleep, I explore the universe in time and space if I don't dream about people and entities visiting me. Then while awake, I rarely seem to have much time alone it seems even though I'm single. It's like I have several alternate lives when I go to sleep. One time I accidentally dreamed I woke up on the wrong planet. It seemed super real too. I got out of the Dream by going back to bed and waking up again. Odd thing was that there was a red sky and red glow from a red sun. I read since then that red star systems are very common even more so than our star system with our yellow sun.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    My last and greatest love
    Well if you get lonely, guess you can meet up with trixie.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Has anyone seen Marice Hase as a feature?
    I dont even remember seeing her before. Is she Japanese?
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    6 years ago
    How do you handle aging?
    How do I handle aging? I remember a story about a so called 3 days of supernatural darkness to come where I might be made young again but all electricity might not work again afterwards and I might be like, wtf, no computers, no air conditioning, no video games, and now I'm young again so will have to live like this for decades? I might wish I had died.