
How do you handle aging?

Thursday, September 13, 2018 4:42 PM
This past year I have aged tremendously. My hair is already beginning to gray, thin, and recede. I have begun to develop nasolobial folds. No wrinkles or crows feet (knock on wood) but I think my skin has lost a bit of elasticity. I thought I had at least a few more years before I hit The Wall. Some of it is probably from all the stress I’m under and my recent weight gain, but some of it has to be from the vagaries of age. It is all so very depressing. I went to the doctor and asked him to prescribe me finasteride. He ran his hands through my hair and told me I was fine. I told him I really needed it, and he still refused. He warned me of the potential side effects, including suicidal thoughts. I half-jokingly told him that if I went bald I would be suicidal anyway so I might as well be suicidal with hair. No dice, and no prescription. At least I have been exercising and am slowly starting to shed the pounds. A part of me wants to dig my heels and do everything I can to fight the ravages of time; but a part of me knows that all the medications, poultices, treatments, and creams are foot soldiers fighting on the losing side of a war where the outcome was already decided the day I was born. I know one day I will be dead, but does my hair have to die first? How have you guys dealt with aging? Has it been with grace and forbearance, or does Father Time have to take you away kicking and screaming?


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Handle it! Wow, what a question. Exercise, bicycling, it really does make a big difference. Try to use the bike as your primary mode of transportation. Driving in the car is a waste of time. Diet, need to do much better here. Yoga and meditation, so much of it is in the mind, including sexual capability as far as I can see. And then just continuing to learn new and challenging things and continuing to make and implement new plans. Growing in my perspective every single day! Great Topic! SJG Graham Bond ✫ We Put Our Magick On You [full album] [view link]
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    You know what they say, black don’t crack ;-)
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    This is a good thread. Im basicly bald myself these days and ive got not grey but white all in my beard and hair on my head. Im going to be 37 this November. It bothered me more in my twenties but i was lucky and went bald slow. I say by the time im actually ill be finally bald and damn near white haired and beard lol Ive done a lot to shed off weight.. Down 100 and have at least 100 more to go from my weightlifting football day's. Aging hasnt got me down and i think im doing it gracefully but i do spend lots of time in prayer and meditation trying to make my peice with things. My biggest issue seems to be how to save and spend money... Im not materialism guy but i do want a comfortable retirement if i live that long Honestly dont think i will but just in case lol I also want to make sure im having has much fun as i can before its to late... Hard part is trying not to go broke in case i do live old
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "You know what they say, black don’t crack ;-)" Blacks do crack! Haha, get it? Anyway, on a more serious note, a study was conducted to see if the whole "black don't crack" thing was a myth or not. It was discovered that dermatologists found that blacks "age" at a rate about 10 years slower than whites. A lot of the reason black people age so well is simple science, looking at the pigmentation of their skin etc. The oils and melanin help protect against "aging" moreso than white people.
  • K
    6 years ago
    I discovered banging strippers less than half my age is a very good way to deal with growing old.
  • K
    6 years ago
    On a serious note. If you are having this much trouble dealing with aging, you may need to find something to give you a more positive outlook. You are not old. You are a survivor. The things you worry about. Do you give a crap about them when you look at others? If you are like most guys, no, you dont. Others dont care when they look at you. We dont mock bald men. We mock the guy that does the shitty comb over.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Yes, outlook and POV do matter! SJG
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Beats the alternative!
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I know a guy who eats a lot of fruit cups.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    ^and Shailynn, that guy ages like milk. Bad advice lol.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "At least I have been exercising and am slowly starting to shed the pounds." Bingo! I gained a lot of weight when I was recovering from having 3 vertebrae removed, but once I started exercising and watching my diet, I quickly shed the pounds. Now the model quality civie hotties I date (FWB, not P4P) say I look 10-15 years younger. So keep it up, EP, and soon you'll be me (er, figurately speaking).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I don't love aging, but it is (mostly) not under my control. So, there's no sense in getting worked up over it. I can influence how I age via exercise, getting enough sleep, managing stress, etc. That's something I'm doing both for now and for when I'm truly elderly. I want to be active for as long as possible. The hair thing... I know a guy who fought male pattern baldness for a good long time. Then he lost his patience and just shaved his head. He later told me that he wished he'd done that and saved the money and stress that he'd put into his hairline.
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    Here's what I'd do: 1) Eat healthy and drink less than you did in your younger years 2) Exercise 3) Shave your head with clippers every few days - girls like confidence better than they like hair, so just don't let it bother you 4) Act sophisticated and dress nice, maybe even dress ten years younger than you are, but if you dress any younger than that it will appear kind of sad 5) Pay hot, young, naked girls to sit on your lap and treat you like a king . . . or pay them to do even more if you have the wherewithal 6) Don't spend all of your money on strippers. As you age you should accumulate more assets, and perhaps you can eventually start spending a bit of your dividend income to better your strip club experiences . . . but don't let yourself turn into an old broke dude . . . the older you get the clearer it becomes that strippers couldn't give a fuck how young or old you are, so long as you're spending . . . so do all of the above and allow yourself to gracefully grow into a sophisticated gentleman with both income and investments working to help him stay happy at the strip club.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    Diet and exercise. Those are two things you can control, and they both can make a big difference when it comes to slowing down the aging process. The one thing that can’t be controlled is genetics.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    To build on ironmans comment...”real exercise” that builds cardiovascular strength with decent diet and sleep are the key ...and genetics.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Here's my advice: Stop crying like a pussy.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    It happens to everyone. You wnt get anywhere worrying about it. Go to the gym, moisturize your skin and try to be healthy. thats about it. just shave your head, bitches love that. i get more teenage girls looking at me now than when i was a teenager, im 27. so i dont really care. still get carded too.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    but lift weights and work on your body. that makes up for a lot of things
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^+1000 And trim your head, your back, and your pubes. And get back to wearing tights whiteys so your balls don't dangle. Always commando in the club tho.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Damn the +1000 was for Flag
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. hair-loss, probably not much can be done about that - but you can do other things to compensate - as.) others have mentioned diet and exercise are key - not just a good diet, but a great diet via educating yourself, the right food/nutrients can often be the best medicine around - and w.r.t. exercise consistency is key to obtain and *maintain* a good physique - and sleep is essential - not easy to always get a good night sleep every night but I've heard said that as long as one makes up lost sleep that is almost as good (e.g. sleeping in on the weekends).
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. aging, like many other things in life, it's analogous to the 5-stages of grief: 1) denial 2) anger 3) bargaining 4) depression 5) acceptance Many will say "change the things you can change and don't worry about what you can't change"
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    A1) shave your head A2) learn to become less vain
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    I believe one of the taglines on this site is “you’re only as old as the strippers you fuck.” Get busy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If you're on a strip club website then you don't need to worry about what civies may think, if you're on here likely that ship has sailed or never even made it to port - embrace your PLness :)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "Embrace Your PLness" Well, at least we have a title for the 10-volume anthology of Papi's reviews.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Lol CMI. And Papi_Chulo, good one. That should be a tuscl tagline.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    You are only as old as the woman you're fucking, If you look good to her that's the only thing that matters.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    The older I get the easier it is to pick up young nubile women. I thought as men age they get more distinguished, making the ladies crave you more? Thankfully I never got fat, still in good physical shape, have all of my hair, and it’s even gotten naturally darker over time. With a fatter wallet and experience under my belt I feel the I got the world by the balls more than ever, because my health is still such a great asset of mine.
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    "If you're on a strip club website then you don't need to worry about what civies may think" I don't necessarily disagree with this statement, but I'm going to offer a refined version: "If you're on a strip club website then worrying about what civies may think is optional" The great thing about strip clubs - for those of us who can afford them and choose to in a responsible manner - is that they provide an opportunity to escape the outside world. But it doesn't mean we can't continue chasing civies, unless we simply prefer not to. There's something to be said for a cute girl in her twenties that just smiles and pretends to like everything I say. But scoring with a civie is a completely different stroke to my ego. And even if they aren't always the hottest civies, there's also something to be said for real conversation with a woman. I say make every effort to grow old with sophistication, see where it can get you, and keep strip clubs in your back pocket for when you simply want more.
    6 years ago
    All of the issues you described are cosmetic. If that's all aging has done to you need to either go suck a dick or be grateful.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Nina we want a booty pic!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @echopizza i forget about my aging thru fucking younger women lmao especially chicas! Make you forget all about your age!
    6 years ago
    About a year ago I fell into a deep depression and hurt my lower back about the same time. About three times a week I would wake up so upset I couldn't collect thoughts. I'm shocked I didn't lose my job. Usually the first thing I do if I don't feel good emotionally is take a walk; well that shit was out because if I walked more than 2 minutes my muscles would swell up so I could barely breathe. One of the ways I dealt with this was working out. I had it in my head that being in my forties with a couple of injuries meant I couldn't work out any more. Well my ass found a way to workout when I was desperate enough for something to shift my feelings. Watching your muscles grow will make you feel better. EXERCISE MOTHERFUCKER
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I'm 76 and dealing with several medical problems but I still manage to hit a strip club at least twice a week when I'm feeling good like now. If you are having to get up too many times at night to piss, see a urologist. An enlarged prostate(BPH) is very common after age 50. The urologist will give you some tests and the probably put you on Floxmax(tamsulosin). If that doesn't work then he'll add finesteride to it. Mine had gotten so bad that I had a minor surgical procedure called a "Urolift" and I'm still have problems. I'm now on a new medication to retrain my bladder since my prostate has been fixed. Depression is not a problem. Now testosterone treatment can cause more problems than it cures and urologist advise against it unless absolutely necessary.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Age is just a number.... [view link]
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Wait for someone on this forum to go like this.... [view link]
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I deal with age by pretty much ignoring it like I do with bad weather. By that I mean when you cannot control something and its going to happen you have two choices: have it happen and be miserable stressing over it, or have it happen and deal with it the best you can. Last March wife and I are in the car day tripping skiing and about 15 miles from Killington it starts raining. In the parking lot it is pouring and its 34 degrees. At that point its turn around and drive home: go and bitch until we quit and go home; or what we did which was to enjoy the super soft snow, get drenched and ski in soaked clothing for 3 hours with the mtn to ourselves and then split a rack of beers, get high and eat breakfast on the way home. We had a blast. Same with aging. If your life is good why compare it to anyone else's? Why want to be something you cannot? Get enough sleep, eat clean, exercise and enjoy. At almost 61 I still do everything I used to do, just differently. Age has a lot of benefits over youth, such as: wealth, maturity (for most), stress less about things you've experienced over life, more knowledge about what is truly important in life etc.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I grow old ... I grow old ... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach? I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach. I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think that they will sing to me. ----T. S. Eliot
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    A couple years ago I buzz cut my hair with a #3 clipper blade. With a receding hair line, it looked much better. I talked with the barber he cautioned that the shape of my skull might not look right shaved (not everyone does; I guess I don't). Went with the #3 instead of the #2 in case I changed my mind and wanted grow it back. I haven't. Went #2 or #1.5 next. That's where I'm at today. Think James Spader from the Blacklist or Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers or Bruce Willis. I don't worry too much about my skin other than clean eating, living, exercising 5X a week. I use use a scented body creme (not lotion) on my hands, face, neck especially in the cold, dry winters. I actually look forward to more graying. It will make me look distinguished. I look good. I feel good. I only worry or stress about things that I can control.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Go out and buy a Ferrari to cope with your mid-life crisis and compensate for your small penis
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    In the words of the immortal Charlie Harper ( Charlie Sheen's character on Two & a half Men ) " You are only as old as the girls you feel. " Last night I was feeling about 26.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @flagooner I bet that most here even if they could afford a Ferrari wouldn’t fit inside lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Health before age 50 is mostly genetics. Health after age 50 is mostly habits. And people must learn to feel their feelings, like on a daily and hourly basis. And when it comes to having the cool, as an aging male, no one has it like musicians do! I try to emulate them. SJG The Urban Agenda: Katherine S. Newman on the low-wage labor force [view link]
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    We can’t all be in our twenties forever.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ You won't be in your 20s for another 5 years.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ You won't be in your 20s for another 5 years.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    ^ You won't be in your 20s for another 5 years.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    A lot of girls actually like a shaved bald guy, just sayin. Jason Statham is doin ok.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > A lot of girls actually like a shaved bald guy Up top or...
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    dammit, I just gave away my age
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    I am taking Finasteride and Minoxidil.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m feeling 18.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    So @Echo you handle aging by trolling, I just brought a new Benz for my midlife crisis, to each their own I guess lol.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ You are 64. You are closer to death than midlife. I am in my 20s.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    I have been thinking that my hair loss may have different causes than purely genetic. It isn’t receding or thinning evenly and is developing off center. Will update. @ MisterWonderful - Feeling good is important.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Here we are... perched on the edges of our seats.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I was 19 in theater at college getting ready for a production. As we changing I saw and overhead a pair of fellow actors talking about hair-loss products they were using and physicians' treatments. I added, why are you using that? You aren't losing your hair yet. They said their hair was being to thin and wanted to stave it off. They suggested I do the same. Essentially treatments for life; I recalled they said $300/mo. To me that was a car payment and an absurd sink of money. I replied to them, I'm good. I'd just get a Porsche when the time comes. I agree with twentyfive and PinkSugarDoll above.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Echo my dad passed a few years back at age 92, if I life as long, and am in as good shape as him I still have a lot of living left to do, if I kick it’s been a good life, my kids are gonna have fun spending the proceeds, either way I win ;))
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I have a full head of hair, and I still shave my head by choice. It's what I prefer, and it's low maintenance. I have started to notice just a bit of thinning at the crown when it grows out a bit. The benefit of a shaved head is that if you are going bald, it's not a major transition. And maintenance becomes even easier. Dumping a bunch of money into preventing hair loss seems like a waste. But hey, it's your budget.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    "and it's low maintenance." This is a nice advantage, and I agree. Even if my hairline and fullness came back, I would still buzz my hair short. I wished I had done it earlier, in fact.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    Asian Don't Raisin
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    @ twenty five - “my kids are gonna have fun spending the proceeds, either way I win ;))” You shouldn’t have cheated on their moms. Also, I’m not in a competition with you. I want you and your family to have the nice things you worked for, but it’s glaringly obvious you are someone who has become accustomed to justifying his behavior while judging others.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I also like to take a soccer ball and kick it around on a grass field. The full sized regulation soccer balls are actually quite heavy, so it does give you exercise beyond just walking or running. SJG
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ WTF kind of exercise routine is that? I can get more action in by drinking cocktails and getting a few lap dances than kicking a fucking soccer ball around all by myself!
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    How do I handle aging? I remember a story about a so called 3 days of supernatural darkness to come where I might be made young again but all electricity might not work again afterwards and I might be like, wtf, no computers, no air conditioning, no video games, and now I'm young again so will have to live like this for decades? I might wish I had died.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    @ Dominic77 - minoxidil and finasteride cost about $25.00 per month. To be honest, it isn’t really that bad but I know my hair better than anyone. I used to have Zayn Malik hair, but now I can fit almost four fingers between my eyebrows and hairline instead of three. I also actually have looks to lose. For some it was over before it started.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Doubtless prices are different in 2018 than in 1996. You're question asked, "how do you ..." I would not waste $25.00 on what you're describing. It doesn't matter. Save it for TJ or anything else. You know best for you. I wouldn't waste dollar-number-one on this because it simply does not matter "for looks." Feel free to disagree -- as is your right -- but I cannot agree with your logic. Even the dancers have weighted in a such. Regardless of what they feel, I still cannot agree with your logic.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ It’s OK to agree to disagree. I think I just look better with hair. Some guys like The Rock and Jason Statham look even better bald, then you have guys like Prince Williams who definitely look better with hair. Honestly, like I mentioned, I was under a ton of stress the past few months. Once I feel better I might not even need to worry about it all too much.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’ve been buzzing my hair for over twenty years now. super low maintenance. and the girls like it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Echo I haven’t tried to justify anything, and where did you get that I cheated on their moms from. Just to make it abundantly clear, you really don’t know much about my situation and you are the jackass making judgments about things you know less than nothing about. You are a stupid troll and that was the point of this convo, I outed you each time you fucked up and you know it, try owning your fuck ups instead of making assumptions about my life, which you couldn’t even begin to contemplate with your weak whiny self.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    That's fine echo. I think it's the *contrast* that make it look bad or look unhealthy! I think the Prince has darker hair (not gray or white) and he doesn't cut it short enough to compensate. So there's too much contrast between his bald skin and his hair. The contrast between the two draws attention to his baldness, in a not-so-good way. I think you are noticing this. I notice it too. He would look better with a full head of hair instead of what he has now. He's a good example to illustrate your point.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    There are some people who claim to have worked out optimal courses of dietary supplements to be order to reach the 'Holy Grail', to be able to pump out bigger loads. I take it though that the real reason for this is just to impress women, to have a visceral effect on them. SJG Don McLean - American Pie [view link]
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Fag! I have rock star hair, but there is truth to stress damaging your hairline as there was a period of time mine was thinning from stress and was concerned I was showing age. Now stress is gone and the rockstar hair has come back. Too bad I got to keep it trimmed nicely for professional standards. :(
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Ageing isn’t so bad if you consider the alternatives, my suspicion is that some of you young whippersnappers, won’t be ageing at al, l judging by the way you run your mouths.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    twentyfive +10 SJG
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