
Comments by PaulDrake (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dallas Tornado
    Yeah I lost a pretty large section of roofing on one of my buildings. Should be a pretty cheap fix.
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    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    So they stole the money? Or no? Do you think it was all a setup?
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    5 years ago
    Strippers that don't strip?
    Sometimes they just legitimately forget. Sometimes they feel like guys in the room aren't tipping enough. Sometimes they only strip if someone tips really big. Sometimes they are about to clock out.
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    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Salma Hayek vs. Denise Richards
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    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    A nude girl dancing
    Meh not really into hardbodies or big fake tits.
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    FYI: Tesla Cars
    @clubber - The more realistic worry would be "What if my phone runs out of battery?". And for that the car comes with an RFID credit card I keep in my wallet. Or I could call my wife from someone else's phone and she can unlock and "start" the car from anywhere in the world.
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    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Different price points for girls at the same club
    I have had a similar situation but everything was ITC. I explained that I spent way more time with the girl that was getting the higher pay.
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    5 years ago
    SJG caught in New Jersey
    I do feel like it's been a while since we have made fun of SJGs love of goats.
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    5 years ago
    SJG caught in New Jersey
    Should have started with a barn stall make out session.
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    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Second Round Changes
    This would have been a lot more fun if you weren't the only person picking the contestants. You obviously have a very specific type that a lot of people are not into. Maybe next year we can do a second competition and let different people each pick a contestant. That would have been way more interesting.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @nicespice - I think the fear of being labeled as a pedophile is a tuscl thing. There are a few strippers who have gone on record here stating that anyone who likes 20yos is a pedophile. And txtittyfag seems to randomly start accusing people of it (not sure how that started).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @nicespice - Ok so let's talk racism! On the tail end of your comment you brought up that black girls tend to protest the fact that they are less in demand and have to work harder for less money. I don't dispute that fact at all. Black women are significantly less likely to be considered attractive per the statistical data. But... I don't think black women are really self aware of that so over and over they get into stripping and have the light bulb moment that "Hey guys are less attracted to me that a similar white girl" and then belive anyone who isn't interested in them as being personally racist. Next I think what some of the accusers of racism miss is that the strip club is all about fantasy. A white guy could be the most racist person in the world who really hates black people but their fantasy could be to be with a black girl. Inversely some guy could be married to a black woman and have adopted black kids but their fantasy could be to be with an indian/white/latina girl. Lastly I think some of the fact that black girls are less financially successful at stripping is they tend to gravitate towards one specific hustle. Usually that is the "I'm the baddest bitch", cardi B, glammed up, super long fingernails, with a lot of external confidence. Versus the "Aww shucks, I'm just a college GND who strips occasionally", more of a natural look, with less external but more internal confidence.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @blahblah - To your point about 40 vs 20yo dancers: I don't consider anyone who is 35+ to be a fantasy as they really aren't out of my league to date IRL. Also here is the statistical data on age versus attractiveness: https://external-preview.redd.it/RaPV5tQUC90ahZXnCpu3ghmIHpyjnBqsXGJPqCGKYq0.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=93b2431795fb3b87be9874a261995cd80ee59e48 So that data is pretty surprising even to me. I think it goes to show that peoples stated preferences and actual preferences differ. And I would guess that a lot of women would never expect the drastic preference for youth most men have.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Techniques, Tricks and Methods to extend lapdance time
    Negotiate a flat rate of 4-5 songs + bring a vibrator
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @nicespice - YAAASSSSS we do need your wife to chime in. And yes I do think there is some correlation to bigger girls doing cheap extras and upsetting the market driving away the hotter girls. Also you never responded to my pedofile/racist questions.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @herbcat - Your comment mentions the idea that dancers should be judged by their earnings performance. I'm not sure that a club manager would agree. Just because a dancer can earn money it still might be in a managers best interest to hire said dancer. @sirLDalot - Refferencing your latest comment you are only looking at it from your perspective. Imagine you are the club manager where you ATFDS works. 20 BBW girls walk who all want a job. Do you hire them? If you do the club is going to lose money as casual customers who just come in to watch the stage and have a beer are going to leave.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @sirLDalot - (please read this with a hint of sarcasm) Yeah... diversity that makes sense... Maybe we could run some sort of experiment and see if that would make all clubs more successful or not? Oh wait... hasn't the free market already done that experiment for us? Aren't the highest end clubs the ones with the most stringent hiring standards?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @nicespice - From your response can I assume you mean to convey that guys who are afraid to say publicly that they are not attracted to black girls are racists? Or that guys who are afraid to say they prefer 18-20yo strippers are pedophiles? I have a response if that is the case I don't agree but I don't want to waste time forming a logical response if that is not the case.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @sirLDalot - I don't think you are seeing the point. The fact that your ATF can "make money" is meaningless. If they club has too many PAWG already working there it is in the best interest of the manager to reject her. Or guys (who don't like PAWG) will come in and say "dude there are no hot girls working here" and leave. That koolaid is the same nonsense that dancers get hung up on. There was a REALLY old dancer at bucks who got fired. She was successful, had a lot of regulars, and made a lot of money. But to a random casual customer who just walked in the club she was a definite turn off. Not even getting into the secondary issues like fat dancers are more likely to try pity hustles. Or black dancers who will accost customers for rejecting them. Or older veteran dancers who are more likely to stand up to management and organize other dancers to resist policies they don't like. Maybe I'm too much of a stoic but I can understand why managers make the decisions they do.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Something strippers don't seem to understand - Hiring Standards
    @nicespice - Guys who aren't attracted to black dancers are afraid to say as they don't want to be labeled as a racist. I think guys specifically on TUSCL who like younger girls are also a little afraid to speak up since a few have been labeled as pedos (not sure where that came from).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Toaster Ovens: Who uses them? And what for?
    I think you're supposed to use it to warm your bath water.
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    5 years ago
    Toaster Ovens: Who uses them? And what for?
    Not sure where this troll account is headed but I'll go ahead and smash that like button anyway!
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bucks Cabaret in north Fort Worth - stripper grabs cop's dick
    So the cops raided the club again this past Wednesday. This time swat came in full force to arrest one single dancer. I looked up the arrest reports for that day and it looks like it was likely just some parole violation. Not prostitution or lude behavior. Cops have come in to arrest someone before but in that case it was super low key and business pretty much went on as usual even with the cops walking around in the club. This time they obviously wanted to send a strong message and used swat and pretty much shut the club down. The did stay open afterwards but all the customers left. Coincidentally this was also bucks VIP/mandatory day so normally it would be packed there. Please note this is second hand info from a stripper so it may not be 100% correct.
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Florida deputies say strip club dancer's intention was to kill
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    5 years ago
    Baby dolls & Chicas locas Dallas
    When you get to baby dolls ask for "Dusty Gazongas". Tell her Paul sent you and she will definitely take care of you.