
Comments by PaulDrake (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Paying for seekingarrangement
    Oh Lord... If you can't figure out how to do private messages... You might have trouble with my SA anonymity workaround...
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    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Paying for seekingarrangement
    Yes pm sent.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Tesla always pushing the envelope
    I'm definitely an asshole who has been using this feature. The whole last update they did was amazing, we got spotify, netflix, hulu, youtube, and the game cuphead. The summon feature is amazing I can park in the back of the parking lot away from other cars but then as I'm walking to my car hit the "come to me" button and the car will meet me 1/2 way as I am walking toward it. You do really need to have line of sight. I have personally had one incidences with it. I was out with my wife and we summoned the car. It started pulling out from one driving lane in the parking lot to the main lane that was right in front of the store. It started pulling out in front of someone and then stopped. But the cars nose was sticking out a little too far. The car just sat there waiting for the other car to pass. This guy honked then got angry and drove by and looked in the window of the Tesla, I think he was looking for the driver so he could make an angry glare. But of course there was no one in the car. So the guy just sat there... for a while... My wife and I were like... oh fuck now we really don't want to walk up to the car... so we had to wait for him to drive off. It was hilariously awkward. As far as safety goes I don't really see any issue. Tesla does not play nicely with traditional journalists so the stories are usually negative and massively overblown. The system is super safe when it comes to not hitting people or other cars. It has trouble with thin poles like what you would see a handicap sign on. My car got unnervingly close to one once.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Clubs that are a compromise between extras factory and low mileage dances
    There are probably a lot of places like that if you're willing to spend a lot.
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    5 years ago
    How many 1st page threads do you have on ignore?
    @SJG - My forum attracts posts from newbies, maybe one or two a week with basic questions. That is actually pretty similar to the amount of newbies who post here. There is also a really popular stripper section which I do not control that actually has similar traffic than TUSCL. In general both the stripper and customer traffic are much more casual with less grizzled veterans and the discussions are quite civil. You're welcome to post there SJG but I have to warn you it's moderated and posting similarly to what you do here would get deleted.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting a dream stripper on the road
    @RickDugan - What are your 15 different criteria?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How many 1st page threads do you have on ignore?
    If anyone is interested in a strip club forum that is... actually about strip clubs I started one somewhere else. PM me for the link.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    First they came for................................
    When did they come for millionaires? I don't seem to remember that.
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    5 years ago
    Making it sprinkle
    Borderline personality disorder
    I think some people are confusing bipolar disorder with borderline personality disorder.
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    5 years ago
    Dumbest thing you've ever done with a stripper/custie
    @papi - sometime you should tell your white knight story! I am sure it is an interesting one.
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    5 years ago
    Dumbest thing you've ever done with a stripper/custie
    I just had an orgasm. Wasn't thinking clearly. My money was all mixed up and I counted it out. Set the money to give her on one leg and the remainder on the other. Then I handed her the wrong pile. I think it was $360 instead of $60. Since then I only carry 20s, 5s, and 1s. Always organized the same way.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I wish this guy posted on this site
    @nicespice - So what's your artistic interpretation of his account? Just a parody of thug type instagram accounts? Someone who is actually a monger?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    100 Club
    @TFP - I used to think the same as you. But then SJG a while back started describing his preferences: women who are overweight, GILFS, and WOC. I think it's great there is a vast variety of beauty in this world and there are guys like him who are into women who are extremely "non-traditionally attractive". But if you come to my home club and seek out someone that fits that description you would find someone who is one step up from a street worker and will fuck anyone for $80. So yeah it makes total sense that if SJG sits down with her and starts slipping her a few $20s she would be open for whatever. Ultimately it really doesn't matter. SJG is a really sad messed up guy and I feel sorry for him. Also at this point are we sure countryman is a real person or a troll account SJG made up?
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to spot the bad (man hating) apples...
    To answer the question about why a super angry man hating ROB was an ATF. I think part of that was actually TUSCLs fault. This was my first CF/ATF and I was reading on here at the time about how much I needed to keep my emotions out of it, and that all strippers are heartless manipulators. So I falsely assumed that all strippers were angry man hating ROBs and as long as I was getting what I wanted then nothing else mattered. All told I have actually had 4 CFs that were ROBs. With all of them they only tried to ROB guys they didn't respect or had some political/philosophical disagreement with. So other than one exception none of them ever tried anything on me. And even the one exception was very minor, I laid down the law pretty quick, and we went on to have a great relationship. I generally dictate exactly what I want, clearly spell out the terms and never negotiate. I personally think serial ROB victims are guys who tend to be both disrespectful and show weakness. In the end while I am really confident I can win over almost any angry man hater I don't think I will bother ever again.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dancers who can stay in one place.
    To answer your original question nicespice I have seen two types of reasons for staying in one place: 1. Some girls just aren't smart enough to know that travel dancing or trying out another club is an option. Or they don't want to give up whatever favored status they have with management. 2. They like the managers, other girls, or staff. Or just like that clubs environment. One of current favs works the slowest club in DFW I have ever seen. Maybe 4-5 guys might come in all day. But the manager lets her do whatever she wants and she can just lounge around playing on her phone all day. She knows she could make way more somewhere else but doesn't care.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to spot the bad (man hating) apples...
    Nicespice mentioned a long time ago that she asks regs about their previous CF. And I have definitely used it in reverse.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    100 Club
    I did follow SJGs advice. I made out with a girl in the front room and then started seeing her outside the club.... for some sweet LDK OTCs.
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    100 Club
    Nah she doesn't post here.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    100 Club
    24 of those LDKs were with one dancer in particular (who actually has an account here).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit LDK
    In general most strippers are SUPER open minded people. If you are cool and relaxed and ask for what you want like it's no big deal then you're chances of them being LDK friendly go way up. If you are weird and creepy or nervous when you ask then the chances they will say no go way up. Most guys who LDK don't like to talk about it or ask permission. Honestly I have had great luck by asking. I have only ever come across 1-2 girls who aren't cool with it if you let them know first. I came across a brand new baby stripper today where I asked in a really playful way. After a few songs I said something to the effect that I would love to keep going but she was getting me really turned on and I might cum and asked if she was sure it was ok to keep going. The girl was WAY into it and now I know I have someone who is a great candidate for a fav.
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    5 years ago
    Detroit LDK
    In a situation like what you are in I would probably buy one dance from them just as a test drive. Then suggest vip and say "Hey FYI I'm not an extras guy but I can orgasm from a lap dance. Is that a problem for you?" If you don't want to do a VIP I would suggest letting them know that you might only do 3-4 songs but you will pay them for 5 regardless if they make you LDK.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Flight club dancers dayshift.
    She's not at Flight Club anymore she moved to the Wild Wild Chest and goes by Dusty Gazongas.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Vewified and Vewy-Poopy Sooper-Baby-Reviewer
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Vewified and Vewy-Poopy Sooper-Baby-Reviewer
    I think SJG is just happy the community has temporary found a new whipping boy to bully
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Aftermath of movie "Hustlers"
    @papi - The movie makes a point to say at multiple points that most strippers were not like that. It also has a few scenes where it shows the main character girl connected with this one guy and felt terrible about the whole thing. Overall it was pretty balanced, I don't see a ton of bad coming from it. Yeah a few baby strippers will get the wrong idea but baby strippers aren't capable of much manipulation anyway. There was another scene in the movie that was funny from a PL point of view. The main girl quits for a few years because of a pregnancy. She is down on her luck and calls up an old regular to see how he's doing. The guy is now happily married so she apologizes and hangs up. The camera pans down to a notepad with a list of names and she crosses off the last one.