
Do you think about STD'S

I Travel State To State
Monday, July 30, 2018 7:59 PM
I need to vent and get answers. I'm at work currently and a customer tells me the only way he would do a private dance/ Champagne Room is if I let him BBFM. WAIT A MINUTE SIR I am an upscale woman who don't even let customers for their fingers in my pussy. I guess that's why I get turned down at clubs because I dont know what you have and you want to FUCK ME W/O PROTECTION. Sick ass men y'all are seriously that is not cool. Why fuck without protection and don't know if they have herpes HIV/AIDS or any other STD?


  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Idk if the F stands for finger or fuck but you can't get HIV from someone fingering you. The risk of HIV from unprotected hetero sex is low risk, as is lesbian sex. But obviously everyone should use condoms if they're messing with someone who they don't know has a clean bill of health down there... but again fingering and whatnot doesn't spread STDs (generally). I mean maybe if the guy had a new wart on his finger... but why would you let a guy with warts finger you?
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    if you’re not a troll then you’re not very bright for coming to this board w your attitude
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Pretty certain she is another troll.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    Probably, seems like that’s all this site is lately
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I was also thinking about the trollism. It's here taking over like a bad STD --- haha. The only good troll I can think of right now is Mamisan. Mamisan is actually funny.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    So what you’re saying is you’re an upscale ho who only uses condoms when you fuck custy’s in the club, SMH. What are you venting about, this site is full of custy’s that only go to strip clubs to fuck strippers, I really have no idea where you are coming from.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Mamasin tijuana tim and brother foghorn are all funny trolls
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Agree.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    6 years ago
    Go to Shenanigans or StripperWeb woth your dumb whiny shit.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Zoey101 is right
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    I'm fun && outgoing. I love to travel so that means whatever state I'm in I will be posting the clubs I'm working at. I do take club request. I can't wait to meet you
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Haha fun and outgoing for who? You bitch everyone out and we supposed to like it? Go back to the pink site before I dump a load in your basement
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Op gots a big stick up her ass
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    There’s nothing wrong with a dancer insisting on condoms for FS. That’s a line that can easily be drawn. It’s smart - and can be communicated directly in the club. The risks of spreading certain STDs aren’t high with certain types of sex. But condoms offer added protection - and there’s nothing wrong with that. A little less attitude - and a subtle mention that you only do FS with a condom - and it’s all good.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ right
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Yeah, maybe a troll. Anyway, some guys like to play the odds on BB services, but many (like me) don't. If a guy wants to fuck you in a way that you don't want to be fucked, then don't fuck that guy. Simple enough.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I think about STDs all the time. Doesn't happen very often, but someone in my extended family is fighting HPV throat cancer. He's had about a dozen radiation treatments and now has to undergo multiple chemo sessions. Doesn't have much to do with (male) condoms, and something to think about for those of you who go down on multiple strippers each month.
  • Officialmrsfancyy
    6 years ago
    Never a troll but I can be lol. Like I said people are nasty if I do fuck a customer YES it's going to be with a condom. Who the fuck fucks a stripper without one ?? Sick shit man especially if you both don't know what they have. Oh if you really want to know if I'm REAL check my IG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Well, I don't know that I'd call it sick, but I certainly think it's incredibly poor judgment. Every single dancer and customer makes a decision as to how much risk they can live with when they enter the club. I'm wary of dancers who offer BB services minutes after they sit down with me, but other guys will happily roll those dice.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Guilty as charged in some cases, but never at Follies ( that's a walking STD joint). Ive Fu some slutty civilian Chicks without condoms too. Maybe that's why I feel like I can roll the dice on certain strippers. That said I don't fuck any girl without a condom without spending a considerable amount of time with them first. I'm not one to walk into a strip club wanting BBFS from a perfect stranger. Honestly I can barely get hard if I don't know the girl (except when I've been drinking too much)
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    OfficialFancy your fuck game is WEAK I’ve gotten HIV three times and all I have to do is meditate and listen to my body. It flushes out all the bacteria and viruses and I’m ready for more!!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    I stopped thinking about STDs when I fucked flagooner's mom. The price was right.
  • rane1234
    6 years ago
    Ive been meaning to post this topic i just assumed most guys on here already have everything ive read some reckless stories. That said condoms work well and theres a lot of puritanical fear mongering with STDs but yeah certain things should never happen.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Im paranoid to the point where I use a condom and dont let the girl take it from me after completion. I dont want any calls from Maury 9 months from now.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Ok - @OfficialMrsFancyy - what’s your IG? I searched using your TUSCL name and didn’t find anything.
  • Officialmrsfancyy
    6 years ago
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I don't eat in strip clubs because I'm afraid I'll get a BLT.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Burlington: "I stopped thinking about STDs when I fucked flagooner's mom. The price was right." ______________ I think you should stop trolling @Flagooner since it might qualify as elder abuse. His cognitive abilities are clearly in decline, and he probably started with less than most of us.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    @RandomMember, This is true, but of course flagooner wasn't always so old. You see, what happened was... Dougster actually invented a time machine and he let me use it. (That's how he knew to buy Bitcoin in advance.) And that's how we were all able to go back in time - over a century and a half - to run a gangbang on flagooner's mom. We should have let you in on it, too. In fact, in this alternate timeline we created, I think Trucidos is technically flagooner's dad. Someone should probably tell him about it.
  • mantown13
    6 years ago
    Some STDs are easier to treat than others. But a major factor with risk is appearances: visible warts have a higher chance of spreading HPV; visible herpes lesions yield a much higher risk of transmission than no lesions and on Valtrex; HIV thru hetero sex is much more likely to transmit if the victim has an open wound or compromised skin/mucosal surface - much worse if you both have one - but you have to look hard to find a small mouth ulcer (easier if you have them drink something sour or spicy and watch their face betray the stinging sensation). Let's put all this in perspective. Current research shows risk of HIV transmission from infected blood to intact skin to be 0. Yes zero. If you have a cut, the risk is roughly 1 in 313 or 0.32%. Here are my stats: [view link] So if the sex is rough BB, you just went from 0 to 1 in 313. If your skin is fine walking out of the dance booth, you can sleep that nite without worries. Does that help put fear mongering in perspective? And yes, washing out an open wound with alcohol or bleach will reduce the odds... but remember that a sunburn is considered an open wound...
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    According to Family_Man it's okay to have bareback sex with skanky, addict dancers because you can't get herpes, HIV/AIDS or any other STD if you live in a leafy, white suburb.
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