
Comments by eyeofodin (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    25 - the type of reviews you bring up, I usually assume they are dancers self promotion. "Hey I'm here now from XYZ club"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Can FOSTA be used to shut down nearly any discussion based web site?
    RM -- all sides have a vested interest in limiting the message of the opposing side when not in agreement so their message is the main narrative. So I stick by what I wrote. If fringes of both side agree that xyz is bad and are the vocal minority, they can use the bully pulpit or in this case legislation to limit the views of other being expressed to the masses. Free speech is not about you or I controlling what either says but the government/ law impeding the free flow of ideas. And yes my Senator Mr. Portman is part of the problem in DC. Dim is a spot on assessment of his abilities. The man was made to follow the party line of whatever the polls tell him should be his position. He stands for nothing but his own self interest, just my opinion. As much as I disagree with Sherrod Brown, he does stand up for his ideology and is unapologetic.
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    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Can FOSTA be used to shut down nearly any discussion based web site?
    "I post this hypothetical question because some poorly conceived legislation can have side effects that are unintended-- and exposing those unintended side effects may be a good mechanism to point out the adverse impact of FOSTA on free speech." I'd argue that the side effects are not unintended --- the progressive left is pushing the narrative that women are victims and government needs to take care of them, the religious right is afraid of demographic shifts that are making them less relevant. Both side have a common weapon in their arsenal to achieve their goals. The left will use the courts and media to try and sway the interpretation their way and the bible belt will use the churches and "up standing" politicians to sway the interpretation. It is a win/win for both of the extremes. Both far ends of the political spectrum want a large government, the only difference is the desired outcomes of a large intrusive government. But both side have a vested interest in limiting "free speech" to push their agendas. It will come down to the courts, and regulatory bureaucracies to see which if either sided wins the battle or the "side effects" are too onerous for the American people.
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    6 years ago
    Your favorite strippers move...
    I'm with meat -- checking the mirror behind me and fixing her hair does it for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Strip Club Franchises
    I should have added... imho, strip club franchises are a bad idea.... purely for control/operating ideology and the fiscal drag of fees.
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    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Strip Club Franchises
    in NE ohio: The Diamond Men's Club -- call Frank, don't know the crazy guy's (imo he us not all there) last name. Crazy Horse - Call Al Spencer Christies - Call Steve Cooper at one time or another they all did franchises.
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Scum bag attorney files class action suit for "exotic" dancers in Ohio.
    Story even made the local news cast in Cleveland yesterday evening..
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    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    How dumb can a person be
    I'm with PaulD... my Hillbilly wagon is a diesel, never shut it off when fill the tank.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip club to go to
    WB.. as of a few weeks ago, I'm not a fan of Hustler Club either. Depending of what the OP is looking for Christies is probably the best option - best chance of finding what will make him happy with I bet 50 to 100 dancer there tonight. Bedford Crazy horse or Christies Brunswick are more my speed.. weekday Secret's is better than weekends, too much violence on the weekends.
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    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip club to go to
    what kind of SC are you looking for? Downtown Urban - Magic City or Alibi LM - Diamonds Hit or Miss Mixed club - downtown Crazy Horse YMMV upscale - Christies Or Hustler (Hustler can get a bit thuggish on the weekends) Out a bit from where you are open for adventure crowd wise - secrets Dive but pretty safe hit or miss- Executive den, Amber (crazy drink husle), Airport Crazy horse Risk to your life - Lido's Nice looking YMMV dancers - Bedford Crazy Horse food - Diamonds and Hustler have the better food but Crazy Horse Bedford is servicable. easiest place to catch a cab at closing or have one called for you - Christies in the flats. if you decide to hit the downtown clubs ask your hotel bartender for free passes and Christies may even send a limo gratis for you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Fish That Got Away SC stories
    " there was a complimentary lock-door free BJs to all customers free for all" was in a club in the early to mid '80's and exactly that happened.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    My point is either she decides her life is more important than drugs or there is no helping her, It needs to be her decision to get and stay clean, and no outside force (and the threat of a life time in prison or death) or being "loved" would show her true value she places on herself as a sober person. If his belief is she loves him and herself more than drugs , he should feel secure in knowing she will stay clean and if not, she will not throw him under the bus It was more a commentary on how much he trusts and believes in her than the actual trip to Singapore. Any doubt in mind as to her ability to survive a trip there, then he has his answer.
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    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    I should note that I'm anti drug...... I've seen too many friends/ acquaintances/ employees or their family members die or have their lives and family members lives wrecked ... and have no sympathies any more.
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    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Loving a stripper
    A take on Uprightcitizen's idea: take her to Singapore either she stays clean or: Penalties for Drug Possession in Singapore Under the Misuse of Drugs Act, the prescribed penalties for possession of small amounts range from fines of up to $20,000 to a maximum of ten years in prison. The Central Narcotics Bureau has a complete list of controlled substances you should not bring into Singapore. As per Section 17 of the Act, you are automatically presumed to be trafficking in drugs if you are caught with the following amounts: Heroin - 2 grams or more Cocaine - 3 grams or more Morphine - 3 grams ore more MDMA (ecstasy) - 10 grams or more Hashish - 10 grams or more Cannabis - 15 grams or more Opium - 100 grams or more Methamphetamine - 25 grams or more As per Schedule 2 of the Act, the death penalty may be prescribed if you are convicted of possessing any of the following: Heroin - 15 grams or more Cocaine - 30 grams or more Morphine - 30 grams or more Hashish - 200 grams or more Methamphetamine - 250 grams or more Cannabis - 500 grams or more Opium - 1,200 grams or more As of January 2013, changes to the law give judges a little more wiggle room: instead being required to hand down death sentences for drug smuggling, judges are permitted to impose life sentences instead. Good / harsh place to see if she values herself or drugs more.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Not doing a Club review
    Papi Chulo: I think I tend to try and write a deeper review than most or at least I try. I give it a couple of days after the visit to let the emotion settle down and try and be objective. I will keep in mind the value add aspect, that should make the decision easier--there is always something I find I have a different perspective than the reviews I agree with for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trusts part 2
    BTW founder. Thanks for cleaning up the "spam" posts
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trusts part 2
    Oh no. Don't take my one trust away, I'd be devastated. Not a big deal to me but would suck for the long timers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club for ‘sugar daddies’ and ‘loners’ given green light
    Erickson and Tewksbury (2000) developed a typology of voyeurs who frequent adult strip clubs. The clubs were visited using a “peripheral-memberresearcher” technique. Each type had certain manners of behavior while viewing nude women in various acts in the club itself. The man experiences a gratifying sensation but it is actually the women, the dancers, who held the power in the club itself (Erickson & Tewksbury, 2000). Types of Patrons in a Gentlemen’s Strip Club The lonely The socially impotent The bold lookers The detached lookers The players The sugar daddies SOURCE: Erickson & Tewksbury (2000)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    When I grow up I am going to be a Sunday Morning TV Preacher Man
    Model yourself after the true healer of the dwellers of shitholes: https://www.ernestangley.org/
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Entertainers sexual harassment???
    poledancer --- I have a blunt answer. Yes it is sexual harassment. When I ran night clubs years ago that would not have been tolerated. When I was in management positions for others that would not have been tolerated. Any of the managers that work for me now would be out on their ass if they did that. It is a work environment period.... not some place for a person in a position of power to have their urges satisfied. If a person can have an effect your employment (having to fuck the owner or manager) and uses blackmail for you to keep your job it is the lowest of the lowest form of sexual harassment bordering on criminal. Either the rule exists for all or it exists for none, no looking away just for a manager to get off. Friends rational or you're going to do it with strangers rational (strangers that pay verses wanting a freebie)-- bullshit. My views most likely will not be popular on the issue here, but I will stand by them and defend them if called upon.
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    7 years ago
    You Might Be A Faggot Top 10 List
    9. is a factually inaccurate statement. The baker in the case would have sold the same sex couple a cake off the shelf just like any member of the general public, what he would not do is custom decorate it to their wishes. Would there be the same triggered out rage if a Hindu baker was asked by a Buddhist to decorate a cake with Buddha fisting Vishnu? Now if the Hindu baker refused to sell the Buddhist a generic cake off the shelf after the request, is a different matter. Or how about this, I want to get a custom wrought iron fence made with a design of something the artist / craftsperson does not feel comfortable putting their name on -- do I have the right to force them legally to do work out side of their comfort zone just because I want it done by them? Should my request exclude me from buying a standard fence he / she has on display for sale ready for delivery to the general public? "The Fountainhead" debate.-- when do the skills and ability of a individual become the property of the collective? There is a difference between a stock item and a custom item imo.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    This might be a first.
    Bj99 "It’s time to have some confidence and accept your win. You can’t drop the mic and then run over and keep picking it up. " the best line of the discussion and most relevant to all the whiners. ty
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    This happened
    " I can't get hangover of her. I quit strip clubbing.Not my cup of tea." probably for the best. In over thirty years of doing this and well over a thousand dancers I've "(We) talked many hours before just like friends." there is only one that I'm a casual friend with outside the SC world. That is only because I know her husband and her family from the real world, I would get up and go to the smoking area when she was on stage just to keep the relationship with her and hers on a real world level. Her Father, husband and herself appreciated the gesture, even if the pervert in me wishes just once I'd seen her naked -- oh she was almost perfect in her youth. The SC world is different... it is a fantasy world, an escape from the daily pressures not a place to build a "relationship" in.