I remember the ONE time I visit my favorite SC on a spontaneous whim wearing regular street clothes instead of wearing my usual freaky SC pajamas outfit, one of my ATFs wore a c-string that night. If you dont know what a c-string is, google it. And she never wore it again. Even she was like, "cmon, Wheres your special pants, bro?!?" Oh the tears in my eyes that night. Her ass all naked and out. Her whole backside was naked; she had something covering her nipples and the c-string covered her coach in the front only. No idea how the thing stayed on her. Still got a lappie, but couldn't get into it, I missed my special pants. She said she'd wear them again, but the next time I saw her she said she and the manager agreed that she wouldn't wear them again; she had trouble keeping it on, the manager thought it was giving away too much. Oh how I miss the early 2000s decade in the SCs...
I don't know how I could even bring myself to wear pajamas....I'd look really out of place..I keep reading about special clothes... ..the best I've done is a very thin dress pants...but even then I can't LDK....
Max, you can't let your brain reason for you. Let your dick take over. Your brain will tell you it's embarrassing, it's shameful. But your dick will tell you THANK YOU.
Were dances only topless there? Cause if they were nude, i wouldn't care much at all about C-strings and/or crotchless undies as they still coming off anyway. Now if they were topless dances, i would rue my missed chance at a girl in those, especially if she never wore them again.
I did start a similar discussion a month or so ago about the stripper that got away. That was more about hot strippers that i saw once or twice but never managed to have any fun with before they quit.
It was a nude club, but they try to make the girls keep that attire to VIP and the boom boom room. She was wearing this on the main floor with the regular $5 lappies. That's what made it so great. Didn't have to pay the VIP prices. And her lappies were incredible whatever she wore so with her sporting just a landing strip of Velcro covering the front, and like something covering her nipples, the rest of her was completely naked. $5 a song. Man! I still tear up...by todays standards, it was LIKE she had body paint on, but only on her front crotch and covering her nipples. As if nothing else had body paint on, main floor $5 a song. No wonder she didn't get to wear it again.
@gothamyte LOL "ouch"! I can relate. I have my strip club pants and underwear and I NEVER go to the club without them on, lest I regret it. And I have backups for them too!
As to regrets and missed opportunities, a couple of times when I was cultivating a new favorite, I would be on the way out after waiting an hour or so for her to arrive and she would be just getting to work. D'OH! Damn flaky strippers and their inconsistent schedules!
I had OTC set up after a dancer got off her shift. I txt'd her my hotel room number and she was to come to my room, I had seen her OTC before so this wasn't an issue. Typical stripper problems, she gets to the hotel (via cab) and her phone goes dead, and she can't view the room number from the txt, and she can't contact me. She also can't go to the front desk and ask them to call me, since she doesn't even know my last name.
She's sitting in the lobby trying to plug her phone into an outlet and security comes and kicks her out. She finally calls me at 8AM crying about the situation. Talk about blue balls that night!
I was just starting with strip clubbing. Went out one Friday afternoon with like 10 guys from work. I was the new kid so some salesmen kept buying me drinks and dances from one of the hottest girls there. Told me they set me up with her for dinner because she liked me. We left around 6 PM. I was to return after her shift and pick her up around 8:30. I drove home way too drunk to be driving (it was the 80's). I crashed on the bed and woke up with a hangover at 3 AM.
I went back to the club Saturday around 6:00. I had not made it 10 feet inside the door when I hear screaming from the stage. I WAITED FOR YOU UNTIL TEN O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT!
I ended up taking her to dinner twice. They were actual dates. Did not score. Oh, if I had just shown up that first night things might have been more fun!
last comment..the best I've done is a very thin dress pants...but even then I can't LDK....
I did start a similar discussion a month or so ago about the stripper that got away. That was more about hot strippers that i saw once or twice but never managed to have any fun with before they quit.
It was a nude club, but they try to make the girls keep that attire to VIP and the boom boom room. She was wearing this on the main floor with the regular $5 lappies. That's what made it so great. Didn't have to pay the VIP prices. And her lappies were incredible whatever she wore so with her sporting just a landing strip of Velcro covering the front, and like something covering her nipples, the rest of her was completely naked. $5 a song. Man! I still tear up...by todays standards, it was LIKE she had body paint on, but only on her front crotch and covering her nipples. As if nothing else had body paint on, main floor $5 a song. No wonder she didn't get to wear it again.
As to regrets and missed opportunities, a couple of times when I was cultivating a new favorite, I would be on the way out after waiting an hour or so for her to arrive and she would be just getting to work. D'OH! Damn flaky strippers and their inconsistent schedules!
I had OTC set up after a dancer got off her shift. I txt'd her my hotel room number and she was to come to my room, I had seen her OTC before so this wasn't an issue. Typical stripper problems, she gets to the hotel (via cab) and her phone goes dead, and she can't view the room number from the txt, and she can't contact me. She also can't go to the front desk and ask them to call me, since she doesn't even know my last name.
She's sitting in the lobby trying to plug her phone into an outlet and security comes and kicks her out. She finally calls me at 8AM crying about the situation. Talk about blue balls that night!
I went back to the club Saturday around 6:00. I had not made it 10 feet inside the door when I hear screaming from the stage. I WAITED FOR YOU UNTIL TEN O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT!
I ended up taking her to dinner twice. They were actual dates. Did not score. Oh, if I had just shown up that first night things might have been more fun!