You Might Be A Faggot Top 10 List

avatar for anonlvone
I never used to care what two consenting adults did in the privacy of their own home, and for the most part I still don't, but when people are being publicly persecuted, in some cases persecuted unto death, because they want to retain that same freedom of thought and choice and action for themselves and their families, then things have gone too far.

10. If you want to outlaw the words mother and father, he or she, you might be a faggot.

9. If you think Christians should be sued for not wanting to bake a cake, or take a photo, but don't have a problem with gays not wanting to serve someone coffee, you might be a faggot.

8. If you think that teachers, counselors and CEO's should be fired because they believe marriage is between a man and a woman, you might be a faggot.

7. If you think the state (ie taxpayers) should have to pay for your "gender re-assignment" surgery, you might be a faggot.

6. If you can't understand why no one wants to fuck you after your sex change operation, you might be a faggot.

5. If you start calling people "transphobic" for having normal sexual preferences that are inconvenient for you, such as not wanting to kiss you, you might be a faggot.

4. If you think it's appropriate for transgenders to read stories to children in public libraries while dressed in S&M clothing, you might be a faggot.

3. If you want to lower the age of consent, and support man-boy love associations, you might be a faggot.

2. If you think Christian children should be forcibly placed with same-sex couples, you might be a faggot.

1. If you drive a sex worker to suicide because she doesn't want to have sex with gay men, you might be a faggot.

And most of all, if you pretend to be straight while being married to a transexual, if you pretend to be a Christian while wearing a ring that says "There is no God but Allah," if you pretend to be a US Citizen after declaring in your own law review yearbook that you were "born in Kenya", and if you take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states, but spend eight years betraying this nation to globalists and the united nations, you might be a faggot.


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^^^If you think like this you might be a bigot LOL or maybe you were born near a nuclear waste facility.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
If your name is @vincemichaels you might be a faggot. No wait you are a faggot. And a pedophile.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
Hmm . . . I would say anon is winning this battle of wits so far. Of course 25 is only half-armed :)
O gee @Deuce I guess being half armed works better than being unarmed, clueless, and completely tonedeaf.
I’m thinking someone has lots of unresolved anger issues? I actually agree with many of the op’s points - but I don’t agree with calling folks names for not agreeing with me.
I dump a load on faggots
I never bought the line about Barry being a closet Muslim or Michelle being a tranny. The rest of it was spot-on.

Good Muslims are not bad people. Good Muslims believe in justice and equality equivalent to what real Americans and good people of other faiths believe. Barry and Michelle were into something truly evil: Black Liberation Theology. A faithless made-up religion introduced to the United States by the Soviet Union during the cold war as a means of fomenting unrest and sedition within our own minority population. It is ironic that their plans finally come to fruition more than two decades after their own failed experiment with Communism came to a spectacularly disastrous end. It must be truly delightful for Putin (a former KGB operative) to be observing all of this.
Calling people bigots; racists; misogynists and on and on is so fucking meaningless. The single biggest group of ignorant, hateful bigots are the people we refer to as progressives. Get over yourselves, you hypocritical assholes. Whenever I hear how there are "good" muslims and "bad" muslims I cannot help but think that at no time ion 1920's, 30's and 40's Germany did more than 10% of Germans belong to the nazi party. Nice to see how effective the "good" Germans were. Muslims believe in the q'uoran, not justice and equality.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
"Calling people bigots; racists; misogynists and on and on is so fucking meaningless. "
Stating that we shouldn't allow immigrants from "shithole countries" while allowing those from Norway is plain racist. Birthers are 60% stupid dipshits who can't process information and 40% bigots.

What a stupid and repulsive thread, with the @OP's typical style of rambling pseudo-intellectual gibberish.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
If one disagrees with anon, that is all you are doing, disagreeing. If you decide to call him names, well, seems to me you fit into one of his categories somewhere.

I'm a live and let live guy, but do NOT try and make me think that all this crap going on these days should be acceptable to me or is normal!
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
As is so often the case, South Park has already solved this one:…

avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
skifag609: "Nice to see how effective the 'good' Germans were."

I believe someone asked Goring once "wasn't there anyone in Germany who opposed the Nazis?" His answer was "not above ground".
9. is a factually inaccurate statement.

The baker in the case would have sold the same sex couple a cake off the shelf just like any member of the general public, what he would not do is custom decorate it to their wishes. Would there be the same triggered out rage if a Hindu baker was asked by a Buddhist to decorate a cake with Buddha fisting Vishnu? Now if the Hindu baker refused to sell the Buddhist a generic cake off the shelf after the request, is a different matter. Or how about this, I want to get a custom wrought iron fence made with a design of something the artist / craftsperson does not feel comfortable putting their name on -- do I have the right to force them legally to do work out side of their comfort zone just because I want it done by them? Should my request exclude me from buying a standard fence he / she has on display for sale ready for delivery to the general public? "The Fountainhead" debate.-- when do the skills and ability of a individual become the property of the collective?

There is a difference between a stock item and a custom item imo.
Simple fact is Random that they are shithole countries. We can debate the cause, but not the fact that these places are shitholes. Only a racist would see racism by the idiot in the whitehouse's comments. A true intelligent person would realize Norway is financially successful, stable and well - educated and want that type of immigrant. When I refer to progressives and how despicable and vile they are I am referring to the likes of you. You are so ignorant you don't understand it is your ignorance that elected Trump. Clubber is correct. Titty is as useless as Doug, which is actually an accomplishment in and of itself. Doug quoting Goering is typical of the left when they quote their spiritual kinfolk. Great post by Eye. I plan on betting 500 billion in bitcoin on the patriots to cover the 13.5.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
@skibum609: um, I was actually agree with your point that time. I can understand how you missed though, since I agree with you roughly 1 in every 500 posts.
anonlvone was not insulting homosexuals and lesbians…

And yes, Haiti and Nigeria are shithole countries. I do support Florida Gov. Rick Scott who wants to make Florida a welcoming state for Venezuelan [females].
People have the right to live as they please, so long as it is not illegal. So it is important not to discriminate against them or subject them to hate speech, especially in the work place and retail establishments.


In China they have a book known as the Art of War, written by Tun Szu.……

Jefferson Airplane, Rooftop…

Fat Angel…

Rev William Barber……
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
My thanks to eyeofodin for clarifying point #9. I was writing in a white hot heat at the time and certain details escaped me.

PoolyD - I'm thinking you might not be aware of the massive amount of social programming that's being directed at young children these days. The message isn't tolerance, it's normalization, children are being taught that homosexuality is normal, and that anyone who doesn't agree with this deserves to die.

skibum609 made a good point about the power of a motivated minority. The problem though is that Muslim extremists aren't in the minority. If you try to do research on Muslim extremism per se, you're going to run into massive amounts of disinformation. Much easier is to simply look at the support among Muslims for Sharia Law - it's simply overwhelming. The Muslim religion and culture is simply not compatible with Western civilization, and for us to continue to allow such overwhelming numbers of aliens who have no intention of assimilating to invade our nations is simply suicidal.

skibum609 also makes a good point about the ignorance, hypocrisy and hatefulness of so-called progressives. If anyone called for the elimination of Japanese, or Indians, or Mexicans, or Blacks, they would be accused of racism and hate speech and the advocacy of genocide. And yet Whites are told on a daily basis that they aren't allowed to have nations or cultures of their own. On a daily basis Whites are told that they should allow illegal immigration, that they should adopt minority babies instead of having children of their own, or that they should simply kill themselves. But that's not racist, or hateful or genocidal - according to progressives.

Finally, I'd like to thank shadowcat, Bj99 and gammanu95 for demonstrating that if someone approaches my writings with an open mind, they really aren't that difficult to understand. My use of the word "faggot" wasn't intended to refer to homosexuality. I was using it rather in the sense of "asshole." However, if I can thumb my nose at political correctness, while making progressive/liberal heads explode, and camouflage myself behind the "homophobe" image created by trolls - all at the same time - then I'm happy to have slain three birds with one stone.

And now for the benefit of those who are truly blind, deaf, and dumb, none of my remarks were directed at homosexuality (or lesbianism) per se. I was rather directing my fire at a very definite political movement which is using homosexuality as a means to an end.
Idiots who pretend to be politically incorrect hiding behind free speech just to justify their piss poor upbringing. Fact that is neither Lefty or Righty, RUDE IS RUDE, not politically incorrect.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
anonlvone: "Finally, I'd like to thank shadowcat, Bj99 and gammanu95 for demonstrating that if someone approaches my writings with an open mind, they really aren't that difficult to understand"

Thanks for keeping it simple enough that those of us not in IT can follow.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
Well stated, anonlvone! The progressives are indeed exploiting differences in race, religion, sex, and gender to advance their cause of cultural Marxism. It is part of that teach little children that advocating a belief in traditional marriage is "hate speech". Likewise for shopping around for a baker or florist who refuses to make a cake or a floral arrangement for a gay wedding but is perfectly willing to sell his product off the shelf to anyone.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
Gotta love how clueless all these libtards are. Generation Z is the most conservative generation since the GIs. We've predicted them for decades and now they're finally here, so once again we see who is playing go and who is playing checkers.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
@Analvone: "if you pretend to be a US Citizen after declaring in your own law review yearbook that you were "born in Kenya"
I tried to research this online. The closest thing I could find is that Obama's literary agent made a mistake in a biographical sketch well before Obama ran for president.…

The agency made a clear statement that it was their mistake and had absolutely NOTHING to do with Obama himself. And none of this has anything to do with Obama's yearbook.

Rational, educated, people do not believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Period. The whole birther movement is dog-whistle for truly stupid dipshits like the OP, who are essentially bigots and white nationalists.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
Please continue. Every time you attack Trump voters as ignorant racist sexist dinosaurs, you are digging your own grave, because Gen Z is the newest largest voting bloc there is, and they tend to be educated and media savvy, meaning they inherently distrust all your social programming bullshit.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
When drooling retards like Hilary Clinton attack Trump they are insulting Gen Z , so good luck with that 3rd presidential race. Lmfao
Well, Obama was definitely born in America. I understand why heartland conservatives would question his birthplace - they've never experienced a politician quite like Obama at the national level. He was an urban ethnic liberal with some genuinely left-wing ideas. After decades of Southern Democrats and moderate Republicans, he must have seemed positively alien to them. Plus he has a "foreign sounding" name. If his name were Barack Johnson, I don't think we would be having this conversation. Still, for people from the big coastal areas, like me, politicians like Obama are a dime a dozen - nothing new. We've been living with them for years.

But I think he's right about Gen- Z. If you look at the exit polls from 2012, you'll see that younger Generation Y voters (in other words, those who were too young to have voted in 2008) were some of Romney's strongest supporters, similar to those over age 65. If the trend continues, Gen Z may indeed be a conservative generation. At least more so than the Millennial generation, and especially older Millennials.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
@Random Nonsense -

In January 2011 a Hawaii elections official, Tim Adams, submitted a sworn affidavit stating that:

"for political reasons various officials in the government of Hawaii, including then-Governor Linda Lingle and various officials of the Hawaii Department of Health... were making representations that Senator Obama was born in Hawaii, even though..."

"Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government."……

In April 2011 Loretta Fuddy releases a "Certificate of Live Birth", which is not the same as an official birth certificate, and which analysis has proven to be a forgery.…

In October 2013 Doug Vogt filed two affidavits in US District Court citing 20 points of forgery found in the document. Then on December 4, 2013 he appeared on the Hagmann & Hagmann radio show, and raised questions about Loretta Fuddy's finances. Specifically he questioned how she managed to pay off $150,000 to $175,000 in debts between 2011 and 2012 when her gross income (gross not net) was approximately $90,000.

Exactly one week later, Loretta Fuddy mysteriously died. She had been flying on a Cessna which mysteriously went down over water, and of the 9 people aboard, she was the only person who died. Footage exists showing that she survived the crash, and some researchers feel the videotape shows that she was murdered.


Now don't get me started on Obama's three gay lovers who were conveniently murdered when he decided to run for president...
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Thanks for that, @Anal, and I didn't realize that Obama had three gay lovers murdered. You learn something new every day.

It would be interesting to meet you in real life. Are you really a perfect physical specimen as claim? Are the girls you meet still interested in you after you open your mouth? Have you ever had any counseling for these paranoid fantasies? What truly strange human being..
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
I'll take your continuing ad hominem attacks as an admission of defeat that you have no rebuttal against my statements above.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I'll take a crack at it later this afternoon.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
I'll also observe that libtards love conspiracy theories.

Trump's mental instability - A conspiracy theory with ZERO evidence

Trump's abuse of women - Another conspiracy theory with ZERO evidence

Russian Collusion - Yet another conspiracy theory with ZERO evidence. After more than a year of investigation, the only certain facts that have emerged are that Hilary Clinton and the DNC (one and the same) paid for the creation of the phony Russian dossier, which was then used to illegally obtain a FISA warrant and illegally surveille the Trump campaign.

You do know that Linda Lingle was a Republican governor, right? What possible reason would she have for covering up a fake birth certificate?

I've always thought the Birther claims were absurd, but I gave you my reasons for why a conservative guy from Kansas or Oklahoma would believe them. Unlike a voter from, say, New York or California, the guy from Kansas had probably never encountered a politician like Obama before - both his ideas and his ethnicity must have seemed alien. I would think that a conservative from Kansas is a bit more patriotic than a liberal from coastal California; and I think if someone truly loves America to the point where you believe America can do no wrong, you may have a hard time believing that a politician who does seemingly "anti-American" things is even American himself. (Is it silly? Yes, of course - after all, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Bernie Sanders are all to the left of Obama on most issues, but no one ever says that they're not American.)

Plus in 2008, Obama acted like a religious cult figure, which no doubt rubbed some people the wrong way. He said some very Orwellian things, thus stoking the conspiracy theories. Not to mention the fact that his father was from another country and Obama himself did live overseas for a while. So I understand where you guys are coming from. I just totally don't agree with you at all. I'm 100% convinced that he is an American and I always have been.

Think about it for a second: why would the Democratic party lie for him? (After all, he was challenging their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, at the time.) And how long has this conspiracy been going on? Were his parents lying when they announced his birth in a newspaper? And if so, why did they lie? Was it so that he could run for president some day? I mean, even if he had been born in Kenya, he would still have a pretty good claim on American citizenship, given that his mother was an American citizen who intended to return to the States (similar to Ted Cruz's mother). But even if the authorities initially rejected his birthright citizenship, becoming a citizen later on would be a snap for someone who speaks English and whose mother is already a natural-born US citizen. So again, why would everyone lie unless they were already planning to have baby Barack run for president? And if that was their plan, then why not just stay in Hawaii long enough to give birth and then take him to Kenya the next day? That way they wouldn't have to lie for decades. Wouldn't that have been easier?
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
his "certificate of live birth" is a forgery. i don't have to prove he wasn't born in the united states. you have to prove he was.
Can anyone really prove they were born here? How do you prove the the Birth Certificate is really yours?

No it doesn't work that way. The person who makes the extraordinary claim is the person who has to produce the extraordinary evidence, otherwise we would all believe in ghosts and Bigfoot. And whether you like him or not, the claim that a former president of the United States isn't a real American is an extraordinary claim. No one's asking to prove a negative. Show me the proof of where you think he was born. After all, they have birth certificates in Kenya, too. And you didn't respond to any of my points.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
first, you didn't respond to any of my points.

second, asking someone for proof of their citizenship isn't an extraordinary claim, it's a requirement for holding office in the united states. to this day, obama has failed to provide any such proof. furthermore, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to seal all of his academic records, so what is he hiding? proof that he was enrolled as a foreign student?

third, his own grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have all stated he was born in Kenya.


if there is nothing to hide, why has he never produced his original birth certificate?

I would respond to your points by saying that those don't seem like very credible news sources. There are plenty of conservative outlets that are very credible: Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, The Blaze, The Drudge Report, National Review, The Washington Examiner, The Washington Free Beacon, The Weekly Standard, The Federalist, etc. None of them have ever reported that Obama wasn't a US citizen as far as I know. I could be wrong. Anyway, I wasn't really providing any evidence to the contrary, I was just asking you to engage your critical thinking skills. And you still haven't responded to my points.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
you really should walk away now.

i don't really give a flying fuck what you consider a credible news source. however, if you want me to engage my critical thinking skills, i suggest you lead the way by reviewing the videos analyzing Obama's faked "certificate of live birth" or are you simply going to admit that you are incapable of thinking critically for yourself and instead are simply going to accept the authority of whatever it is you do consider a credible news source?

it's pretty fucking lazy, not to mention intellectually dishonest, to simply disregard the arguments that someone else has previously presented and demand that they address your arguments instead. not that you actually made any arguments. all you did was engage in speculation

in addition, since you've already admitted that you haven't provided any evidence to back up your speculative "points", no, i'm not going to waste my time on your speculations until you respond to the points i've already raised, points which are supported by facts, not mere speculation

I did take a look at your YouTube video. I just don't consider Joe Arpaio and his detectives to be very credible. I've seen YouTube videos that claim to show evidence of alien abductions, too - that doesn't mean I believe them. I'm sure irregularities could be found on many birth certificates. My mother's birth certificate actually has words that have been crossed out. When my grandfather died the City coroner listed the wrong cause and place of death - that doesn't mean the death certificate is fake, it just means the guy who wrote it was an idiot or distracted at the time. Remember, a birth certificate is essentially a government document and governments are very bad at almost everything they do. Regardless, that is my response.

But just assume for the moment that you are totally correct and that everyone agrees with you. The questions that I raised are still applicable and they are still unanswered.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
you're just earned an ignore. the video showed how the certificate was artificially constructed. if you can't understand that, then you're either too unintelligent for me to communicate with, or you're deliberately trolling. either way life is too short for me to waste any further time on you
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
burly ho should change his name to broken record. here's his idea of an intelligent conversation
1) i don't accept your sources so I'm not going to address your comments
2) i want you to address my baseless speculations instead
3) repeat ad nauseum

You're kind of a delicate flower, aren't you? Seriously, a guy who doesn't agree with you is all it takes to put someone on Ignore? Ok, have it your way. I'm actually trying to help you by making you understand that you can still criticize Obama without going off the rails; if you talk about this birth certificate stuff in public, people are going to think that you're a mouth-breathing retard. And then any good ideas you might otherwise express will simply be ignored.

Anyway, on the off-chance that you haven't ignored me yet, I would say that I do understand the video, I just don't believe them. If Obama and the State of Hawaii can fake a birth certificate, as you claim, then surely Joe Arpaio can fake an analysis of a birth certificate. Like I said, these aren't credible sources to me. I don't like Obama, the government of the State of Hawaii, or Joe Arpaio, but on this issue Obama and Hawaii simply have much more credibility.

You're saying I'm not responding to the claims. Well, what am I supposed to do, make my own YouTube video with fake forensic analysis to rebut Joe Arpaio LOL? Beyond that, I don't know which comments you would like me to address. You've listed a bunch of events which, even if true, amount to circumstantial evidence. And you're basically citing a bunch of independent blogs masquerading as news sources. Believe me, Fox invests millions and millions of dollars on its news research department, and they have a conservative editorial tilt; if this story were even a tiny little bit true, they'd be all over it like your family on a stack of Golden Corral coupons.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised at your behavior. I've tried to discuss things with a number of people here, often veering into politics. Frankly, most of the people here are thoroughly irrational about politics and public policy. There's an awful lot of hostility, vulgarity, name calling, and outright insanity on this board. I can count on one hand the number of people on TUSCL who sound rational when discussing politics, public figures, and policy. You definitely aren't one of them.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
For anyone who doubts that the government of Hawaii is just as corrupt and just as filled with insane libtards as the government of California, witness the fake missile alert that Hawaii recently issued and then immediately used to attack Trump. Do not think for one second these traitorous scum wouldn't issue a fake "live certificate of birth" for the Muslim-loving, cock-loving traitorous faggot Obama. Every single person responsible for this fake missile alert should be arrested and executed.
Wow that’s a stretch from the government of Hawaii being filled with insane libtards and corrupt to intentionally issueing a fake missile alert how did that work I am genuinely curious.
^^^Not arguing genuine curiosity;)
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
There are multiple systems involved and redundant levels of protocols to ensure that accidents like this don't happen. It's impossible for one person to have pressed one button and done this. Also even though they immediately knew it was an error they deliberately waited 20 some minutes to alert the terrorized public. And despite the fact the state government is rotten with retarded Democrats somehow it's Trump's fault they issued a fake alert. Obvious fake psyop.
So this is like the game where you connect every actor to Kevin Bacon. LOL
^^^Unfortunately it’s not just him ;)
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Aanonlvone: I would genuinely be interested in what your educational background is and where you went to school (if at all)? Is that too personal?

"So this is like the game where you connect every actor to Kevin Bacon. LOL"

Haha, that's funny. anonlvone is kind of like a cross between SJG and Clubber. His mind is made up and logic can't penetrate (like SJG) and he becomes easily enraged and walks away at the slightest provocation (like Clubber). The difference is that both Clubber and SJG (remarkably) actually have some interesting things to say and it's still worth talking to them.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
My bad the fucktards in Hawaii actually waited 45 min to alert people of their mistake. This is where a bullet to the head is too merciful.
Blah blah blah

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