Ok.I have seen this dancer 6 to 7 times . It has been 3 weeks I didn't see her. Last time she texted me she wants to see me at club but I said I could not becos I was busy. Today at 1.15 a.m. i went to the club and looked for her.She appeared after few minutes with her bag and jacket.She was about to leave.She was talking to the other regular.I looked at her couple of times so that she will recognize and come to me to say hi.I went to the bar and when I saw back she was seen no where. I wanted to say hi to her.I went out to parking lot and saw her in car. I drove my car to her car..She was mad and saying 'No..No..' I was confused why is she so mad. She signalled to call or text. Afterwards I texted her asking if she was leaving. She told very sorry and will be there next week. Is that the right behavior.Why didn't she say Hi to me at the club? She looked at me couple times and continued talking to other guy.
Don’t follow dancers to their cars! That’s an easy way to scare the shit out of a girl!
Your question is close to impossible to answer. There could be a multitude of reasons for her to be upset and involved with another customer. Just leave the girl alone. If she’s not scared off - she might text you in a few days.
The op doesn’t consider others - and he has minimal social skills. His posted question is one most guys wouldn’t ask because we know there’s no way to answer it.
Yeah never follow a stripper out to her car uninvited. You may want to text and apologize to her, replying her apology to you, and tell her sorry for being a stalking creep and that you just wanted to say hi and check in with her. And that anytime you are in the club she should assume that you want to her to stop by and check in with you.
When a stripper is with another customer often she is just in the moment and focused on just him in order to give him her full attention. My ATF DS is like this all the time no other PL exists when she is with one already. But that said she will always give me a nod and a wave if we make eye contact. But we also have a previously discussed understanding that anytime I'm at the club, I'm automatically waiting to see her ASAP because I'm only there for that purpose. Now, without fail, as soon as she is done with her last customer, she stops by and gives me a hello hug. If she is available, we immediately have our fun together and I become her focus. If she has other customers already waiting, she lets me know and we work out when she will be available so I can either wait or do something else.
The key is for you to make it clear that as soon as she sees you she should assume you are there for her and that she should check in with you.
After that I went back to the club. Had a drink alone and was inside till 1:42pm. When I was leaving I saw her car still there with lights on. Usually customers drive back through dancers parking area to leave the club. I saw the other customer other side of parking lot talking to another girl. Too much to think about the connection here. You may be right.She had made plans to meet the other customer OTC.
"She usually says hi or smiles if she is with other customer. This time was different.Anyway i want to forget about it now." don't forget about it.... learn from it and don't be that creepy guy that the bounce will be keeping a close eye on for the safety of everyone around you. If you really followed her outside that is stalker creepy and you should change your moniker to darkbluecreeper.
Like cashman said, you have minimal social skill (or as I think you are trolling the board, and if so are better at it than most). No one can be as naive as you make your self come off as being
Dancers are there to make money as quickly, safely, and easily as possible. They are not there to make friends with customers. They are not there looking for relationships. Customers who don’t understand this are called stalkers.
If you’re not trolling, put yourself in her shoes. Not only would you consider it creepy to be approached in your car but you wouldn’t want a RIL either. You might put up with an RIL to make a buck but that’s the extent of it.
I know many here would disagree with me but I think it’s best to view strippers generically. There are a lot of hot, naked women willing to try to please us to varying degrees. Don’t get too hung up on one. It’s not good for you and it’s not good for her.
I hate to say this - but hopefully the op is a troll.
If he is being honest - then he doesn’t belong in a strip club. His perception of his relationship with a dancer is most likely a fantasy. I’d recommend finding another club.
You guys are talking as if I never talked to her but just took dances. We talked many hours before just like friends. I know she pretended to be friend. If in real life I made friends and met them 5 to 6 times and he or she follows me to the ca after he or she saw me minutes before I won't be worried.May be stripper world is different. I don't belong this stripper /customer world. I can't get hangover of her. I quit strip clubbing.Not my cup of tea.
There are two worlds - and you must understand there is the world inside of the club - and the world outside of the club. Don’t think that things that occur inside of a strip club will be the same outside of the club. Outside of the club includes the club parking lot.
Inside the club she might be giving you the full GFE. Don’t ever think she’s your GF outside of the club.
This is clubbing 101... I think you need to take a refresher course.
" I can't get hangover of her. I quit strip clubbing.Not my cup of tea." probably for the best.
In over thirty years of doing this and well over a thousand dancers I've "(We) talked many hours before just like friends." there is only one that I'm a casual friend with outside the SC world. That is only because I know her husband and her family from the real world, I would get up and go to the smoking area when she was on stage just to keep the relationship with her and hers on a real world level. Her Father, husband and herself appreciated the gesture, even if the pervert in me wishes just once I'd seen her naked -- oh she was almost perfect in her youth.
The SC world is different... it is a fantasy world, an escape from the daily pressures not a place to build a "relationship" in.
She left the club when she saw you coz she was leaving anyways and didn't want to deal with you. And you DID follow her, you followed her outside the club and followed her to her car. Then you text her if she's leaving??? WTF is wrong with you????
Txtittyfag is right! You are very unaware - and have no social awareness.
The fact that you posted this as a discussion proves you don’t understand basic social interactions. I’m sure you did things that were much creepier that night.
I'd have pistol whipped his ass and taken his wallet as an OTC fee But in all seriousness, its not a lack of awareness, its a complete disregard for human interaction
last commentThis is very creepy
Your question is close to impossible to answer. There could be a multitude of reasons for her to be upset and involved with another customer. Just leave the girl alone. If she’s not scared off - she might text you in a few days.
yes, especially at 1:15 in the morning. How can darkblue999 not understand how creepy that is?
When a stripper is with another customer often she is just in the moment and focused on just him in order to give him her full attention. My ATF DS is like this all the time no other PL exists when she is with one already. But that said she will always give me a nod and a wave if we make eye contact. But we also have a previously discussed understanding that anytime I'm at the club, I'm automatically waiting to see her ASAP because I'm only there for that purpose. Now, without fail, as soon as she is done with her last customer, she stops by and gives me a hello hug. If she is available, we immediately have our fun together and I become her focus. If she has other customers already waiting, she lets me know and we work out when she will be available so I can either wait or do something else.
The key is for you to make it clear that as soon as she sees you she should assume you are there for her and that she should check in with you.
Yeah, she might have assumed I was about to follow her.
Ouch, I made a blunder...
She usually says hi or smiles if she is with other customer. This time was different.Anyway i want to forget about it now.
Some clubs will have a bouncer escort a dancer to her car after her shift for just this reason. Lesson learned.
You might also consider if you've made for of your "relationship" with this dancer than there really is.
After that I went back to the club. Had a drink alone and was inside till 1:42pm. When I was leaving I saw her car still there with lights on. Usually customers drive back through dancers parking area to leave the club.
I saw the other customer other side of parking lot talking to another girl. Too much to think about the connection here.
You may be right.She had made plans to meet the other customer OTC.
Like cashman said, you have minimal social skill (or as I think you are trolling the board, and if so are better at it than most). No one can be as naive as you make your self come off as being
I know many here would disagree with me but I think it’s best to view strippers generically. There are a lot of hot, naked women willing to try to please us to varying degrees. Don’t get too hung up on one. It’s not good for you and it’s not good for her.
If he is being honest - then he doesn’t belong in a strip club. His perception of his relationship with a dancer is most likely a fantasy. I’d recommend finding another club.
Inside the club she might be giving you the full GFE. Don’t ever think she’s your GF outside of the club.
This is clubbing 101... I think you need to take a refresher course.
In over thirty years of doing this and well over a thousand dancers I've "(We) talked many hours before just like friends." there is only one that I'm a casual friend with outside the SC world. That is only because I know her husband and her family from the real world, I would get up and go to the smoking area when she was on stage just to keep the relationship with her and hers on a real world level. Her Father, husband and herself appreciated the gesture, even if the pervert in me wishes just once I'd seen her naked -- oh she was almost perfect in her youth.
The SC world is different... it is a fantasy world, an escape from the daily pressures not a place to build a "relationship" in.
My girl has been followed before, its scary.
The fact that you posted this as a discussion proves you don’t understand basic social interactions. I’m sure you did things that were much creepier that night.
That's not something to be proud of.