
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 188)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    @PaulDrake Portland is a good city for customers in terms of variety of clubs, dancer quality, and options. Pricing for dances is just on the high side at some of them, but it is no different than the major cities up and down the West Coast. The $25 dance is still available here too...if you know where to look... @Muddy in part I still blame Johnny Diablo with his RIP OFF CLUBS, Casa Diablo and the Black Cauldron, for raising the dance rates and then other clubs following suit over time. It's why I won't support or ever go to his clubs and why I discourage others from going to them. There are still better options out here. Not all clubs are at that rate (but yes there's a trend). And I don't think the trend started here. The Bay Area has had dance prices that high for many years prior to Portland. And I'm pretty sure I've paid that much in a few other cities. In general I've found the South and Southwest (Phoenix and Albuquerque) as the best for dance prices.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    @Liwet I don't know. My backup CF said other strippers will report her to club management but ultimately I doubt there's a way to truly know.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    @gSteph I share PMs with a few locals and we collectively agree the dance prices here are getting ridiculous. And so do some of the strippers I talk to. Luckily there are still strippers and clubs that won't go to the $40 "standard". I'm biased but I don't think it helps overall business. From my observation a lot of clubs don't have a high rate of private dances and it has to do with the high cost.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dallas strip club gives away free Popeyes
    Juice would put Popeyes out of business and the club would have a new sticky mess to clean up.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Workin Hard
    san_jose_creep is gonna have a lot lizard lounge. And he'll still not get laid cause even the lot lizards will be too creeped out by him
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    My backup CF has also come down on VIP cost for me. At her club it's $250 for 30 min and she was good with $175. @Dolfan given that I have so many options out here in Portland I will NEVER pay above club rates. I've been in the dance room several times with a new hottie only to leave without getting dances because they've stated they charge $50 ea. I tell them "Thanks, but no thanks. That's out of my budget." Then I immediately go get dances with someone else at a lower rate intentionally so they see it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    @DeclineToState I am lucky but I also invested time in finding my faves and I have the "massage advantage" which my faves ♥️LOVE ♥️ from me. Also to clarify the other day I gave my backup CF $65 for two and explicitly asked her if we were all good and she said was fine with a straight $30 ea. Where she had issue was with the earlier visit where I gave her $80 for three...me thinking I was giving her a $5 tip for $25 ea...and her thinking I was shorting her $10 for $30 ea. In the end I end up paying her the same for two but an extra $10 for three. Again, still well worth it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Dance Price Changes
    @GoVikings sticking with the club rate is supposedly a rule at most Portland clubs but I have learned that being a regular allows me some negotiation privilege. Also it seems some dancers like to charge even higher than the club rate too. At my ATF DS club she said the club expects all dances to be a minimum of $30 but they can charge higher if they want. At my backup CF club the club rate is $40 and that is supposedly non-negotiable. I have also negotiated lower rates than the club's at other places as well. My backup CF had a conversation about rates as I was leaving the other day and we agreed that the increased local "standard" at $40 per dance was driving the demand down which, in turn, drives strippers to negotiate under the table to get more business and with regulars that expect the same low rates.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    After dropping nearly half a paycheck
    $30 LDK = PL winning 👍.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    After dropping nearly half a paycheck
    @TFP rickdugan is simply clueless about LDKing and makes false assumptions. The time you take LDKing is mutually exclusive from premature ejaculation. They aren't even the same thing but he assumes so out of ignorance. @Muddy two minutes with a hottie is still better that two hours with a homely.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Who is the most helpful poster on Tuscl
    This is a tough call. I'll just say that all the TUSCLers that write real reviews and have real and actual stripper interactions are the most helpful. The ones that are here just to troll, don't write reviews, make shit up, and clearly don't go to actual strip clubs are useless. At best they provide mild entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    "I think I’ve reached a new level of pathetic and it feels good." ^ LMAO!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Naming Names
    I've shared my faves names in PMs with only a few fellow local PLs that I trust. And that trust is earned by them sharing similar information about their own faves with me and also by agreeing that we won't talk about any of it with those strippers. Also I won't ever share any information that would be a detriment to a fave. I'll even tell them that they may get a new customer because of my referral. It's never been an issue.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    California Girl
    Done with my stripping hiatus.
    I wanna see NinaBambina eating a Waffle topped with Naughtyhoney and sprinkles of nicespice. 🤪
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    #1 Law Student Father
    Bye bye sexies nasties
    I hate to burst your bubble, kind sir, but she's not gonna be on any Senate floor and I highly doubt she'll ever have an actual law degree. She may never actually graduate too. I think she's telling you this so you keep paying for her school because she's dragging it out as long as possible because she really just wants to live off your money for as long as possible. And time will tell if she's really left here. I suspect she's currently just in the depression cycle of her being bipolar. And then when she cycles back to a manic attack she'll be back posting.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Would you welcome the Cuban invasion to your city?
    TDs North in Albuquerque had a Cuban 'coalition' at the time I was there around a year ago. The two that came up to me went straight to the "stripper handshake" and grabbed my crotch as they introduced themselves. They were definitely more aggressive than the other strippers who were white, Mexican, Asian, and Native American.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    ^ LOL my ATF DS has that shot down cold. Bank shot, of course.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    I bring my pocket pool set to the club all the time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    Rose City Strip and Dream On Saloon out here in Portland both have pool tables. They get infrequent but still some use from my anecdotal observation. Out here in Portland most clubs are no different than bars with stages and strippers so there aren't high prices for parking and entry. A pool table ITC is no different than a video poker machine out here. They generate *some* business so they exist in some clubs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Looks like TUSCL's Discussion Forum Has Declined Along With The Decline In Strip
    I agree with Ishmael. The Portland club scene may have declined a little bit from 10 years ago but it's still going strong from what I can tell. And in my 5 years of reading the TUSCL boards it's about the same and at the moment there's even a relative lull in the amount of trolling.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Would you welcome the Cuban invasion to your city?
    I'd much prefer the Swedish invasion.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    @Papi in my case I'm just looking for a mutually beneficial long term business relationship. And I have OCD tendencies. I'll go to the same restaurant and order the same exact thing for years.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    I'd say for the first few months of finding a new fave that I become a rabid dog in lust. I am nitpicky as fuck with strippers, so when I finally find one that I'm attracted to I tend to fixate on her and am admittedly the most vulnerable to her hustles. I don't consider it love. To me it's pure lust.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
    "It is no one's business where people get their money or how money works in their families. SJG" @san_jose_creep by the exact same logic, it's not YOUR business how someone else spends THEIR money on strippers. Like a dumbass I bet your own hypocrisy on this is lost on you...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers