avatar for SirLapdancealot
Knight of the Round Table Dance

Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 187)

discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for TimJo
Go big on biz trip or keep $ local?
I recently went in a business trip and passed on going to a strip club there. Instead before getting on the plane I hit a local dive club near the airport and got lucky with a high mileage "7". Spent $60 total and LDKed. I will be back. Then when I returned the next day my ATF DS was working so I went to see her after leaving PDX. As per our usual routine I got an hour of boner teasing before LDKing. Spent $70 total. So for $130 staying local l got two great LDKs from two hotties. I would have easily spent that at a new club in a new city with no guarantees. 'twas absolutely worth it to keep it local.
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5 years ago
avatar for Estafador
The elusive Asian stripper
I had a fave (ATF before ATF DS) that was half Persian half Italian. Jasmine. Drop dead gorgeous face. Silky and wavy long hair. 5'7". Perfectly perky all natural 36 Ds. 24" waist. 38" phat and perfect apple ass. A 10 if I ever saw one. She had that dark exotic look from Persia. She suffered from GPS but was worth it. I would say strippers from India and the Middle East are more rare than Asian.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
Knight of the Round Table Dance
True Dive Club
@minnow for money details I spent all of $10, $5 for my drink and $5 on stage tips. I don't know of any other costs or details since both visits were short and I didn't care for the strippers.
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
I remember the nice pic of Nicokeyes and nicespice meeting up at the mall. The one thing that I noticed was that nicespice had a genuine smile and looked truly happy whereas Nicokeyes had a serious look as if she didn't care about the whole thing.
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5 years ago
avatar for Estafador
The elusive Asian stripper
I've had just two Asian faves in my time as a PL. One at Deja Vu San Francisco and the other at Christie's Cabaret Phoenix. Neither was modest in a dance otherwise they would never have made it to fave status. Being Asian myself and coming from a family with good looking women I set an unrealistically high standard with Asian women in general. And I have seen many of my white and black friends get the yellow fever fetish. I understand it, though, because I have the same fetish for blonde white girls.
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5 years ago
avatar for aquavelvaman
Papi and our other so fla friends ready for the “big one” ?
Pitch that tent for them @Papi.
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5 years ago
avatar for Estafador
The elusive Asian stripper
+1 on San Francisco for Asian strippers. Portland also has its share. Not at every club but at least half of them.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
@DenimChicken that story reminds me of a Gloria Steinem quote: "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
Nicokeyes creates this thread about nicespice being a dumbass, and, ironically, as she keeps posting to it during her manic episodes she ends up being the real dumbass, all the while unbeknownst to it. She's so wrapped up in it maniacally that she's contradicting her own earlier posts and beginning to misquote what others have said and is now creating her own narrative of it all. It's fascinating in a trainwreck way.
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
@san_jose_creep you hypocritical dumbass, you posted this attack just yesterday in the Tesla thread: "TFP and twentyfive, it is the two of you imbeciles who are posting worthless spam. SJG" LMAO you are in such denial about your own issues and doing the exact things that you preach against
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
"In general, there should not have to be any reason for making personal attacks against other members." @san_jose_creep you have threatened me personally with violence on many occasions and you regularly call many PLs 'chumps' for not clubbing the way that you fantasize. All of this is well documented in your own post history. So get off your high horse and fucking practice what you preach, creep.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
@CC99 whether you meant or intended it or not, I'm just telling you how it was received by me. My only major issue was you thinking and justifying that things would never change for you. Glad you are past that mindset!
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What's up TUSCL?
@CC99 I only called you Beta CCuck because you acted like one and trolled me in the process. If all that stops, you won't be getting any name calling from me. Good to hear you got laid the civilian way. That's not beta cuck material in my book. Let's hope it's just the start of a more positive and confident approach to getting laid and female attention.
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
Nicokeyes posted, July 17, 2019 -> "i suppose that i am done speaking ahout myself(lmao) to someone who was flawed not only in the matters that they wish to speak about, but also in their supporting statements about me to begin with lolzzzz." ^ LMFAO I suppose this was just another untrue statement based on manic and incoherent thoughts. LOL are you done now? Done-done? Done-done and fucking done? Done and dusted done?
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That moment when asian dancers make false claims about you.....lol...dumbasses..
"This thread is not about crushing pussy." ^ Agreed. It's about Nicokeyes trying to troll nicespice but unbeknownst to her, and, ironically, she's trolling herself hard on nicespice's behalf.
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5 years ago
avatar for Nidan111
Somewhere in MO.
Tennessee SUCKS !
I clubbed in Nashville back in the late 90s. Went to Deja Vu and Club Platinum quite a bit. I loved it for the hot chicks but dance mileage was low. I also tried out a private show lingerie place and definitely got better mileage there. It cost more, though. I don't put it at sucks level but it's pretty tame relatively speaking compared to places like Phoenix and Portland. But damn those southern belles were HAWT!
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5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I’m desperate, lonely, have absolutely no friends whatsoever, ugly, repulsive, d
@Muddy Money and good hygiene makes you John fucking Stamos ITC. Own it!
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5 years ago
avatar for CialisMD
Strip club attire
Depends FTW
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Hustlers Trailer
Note to self: Don't smoke or ingest anything nicespice offers.
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5 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Women of color
Yep and by the same science technically black is not a color. It's the absence of it.
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5 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
Knight of the Round Table Dance
Dance Price Changes
@nicespice it's poor form to use other stripper's rates on others. (It's poor form to share anything about another stripper.) If I get quoted something outside of my pay range I just tell them sorry that's over the house rate and I don't ever pay over the house rate. I make them my offer and if they don't take it I expect both of us to just move on. A stripper's dance "worth" is highly subjective and varies by customer. I know with my faves I get rates lower than others but that is an exception and with newly met strippers I don't ever expect them to match their rates. Same thing goes with the amount of mileage allowed. It varies.
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5 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
Knight of the Round Table Dance
Dance Price Changes
^ and yes I'm completely loyal at the same club. I don't get dances with other strippers at the same club if I'm getting a "regular's rate".
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
Knight of the Round Table Dance
Dance Price Changes
"In your particular case as a regular, all I can think of is trying to see if she bounces around at other clubs in town. Or work something out with her personally so that she is always being given money discreetly and other girls can’t see it and snitch. And that you will NOT tattle on her. Nor get dances from any other girl in that club." ^ @nicespice it's still all good with us. She's still giving me a deal at $30 ea and I'm fine with it. I was paying her that rate anyway for two dances and she flat out told me she doesn't expect any more. In the end I just pay a little more than I used to if I want three or more dances. And I don't ever do my faves dirty. As long as we have an agreement on rates and what I expect for my business, I don't mess with it. I'm an easy customer and a reliable one. If a stripper works with me she's going to have a consistent source of business from me for a long time. I won't mess with a good thing.
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5 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
Knight of the Round Table Dance
Dance Price Changes
@nicespice I'm confident she's honest with me and never doubted that. I'm just saying that, even if other strippers are reporting her and management is coming down on her, there's still no way of truly knowing how much she's charging for dances. It can't be proven. When I'm paying her I'm handing it over in a dark room and the bills are folded. Only she and I know how much money is there. But yes, to your point, there are favored classes in this business. My backup CF is known to be reliable and punctual as a stripper and she's hot so she does well and attracts customers. Management loves her for this. She's only a lone wolf in that she knows that by raising rates on her regulars, she runs the risk of losing them. Which is absolutely true with me. I have options here. She knows this. And she knows there are other strippers at the same club that will cut deals for my business. To me the raising of dance rates is banking on not losing the existing customer base. There's an assumption that a club and dancers can make even more money by it. I think it is a flawed model. Especially in this town where competition is high. I have several clubs in mind that I've never been to, but from other PLs I know have low dance rates and high mileage strippers, and I'm just waiting for a reason, like high rates at my current clubs, to go to them. They will get the business where the more expensive clubs will lose business. Or so I hope...