Bye bye sexies nasties
#1 Law Student Father
How glory life. #1 daughter law queen future Senate go Texas foghorn Nicole text Umi and Father fews days backs. My sweet Poosche tells me she is end with postings here on nasties site full of pervert men no respect women's even though Father favorite customer means who drop dry clean off on Mondays because pants stain from sexies nasties strippers. These mens always pays in cash and tip extra if wife come to Father dry clean store. Father glad his sweet Poosche no more debating with how you say American Hornydogs who makes sexies nasties stain in pants or who talks poo pants all days. Is glory for Father!! Dry clean specials all week 3 piece sale for price of 4!
And time will tell if she's really left here. I suspect she's currently just in the depression cycle of her being bipolar.
And then when she cycles back to a manic attack she'll be back posting.
Of course I didn't really know them. Just read several of their disagreements.